Assassination Academy

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"Put it on ice and change the bandage twice a day. It'll heal in a week."



full name.

Isabella Thomas


Bella, Bells by people close to her, and Izzy, though she hates it.









face claim.

Billie Piper

back up fc.

Naomi Scott


Bella is a sweetheart, and a child at heart. She's empathetic and always tries to understand where people are coming from. She smiles through grim situations and always tries to brighten up other's days. She wasn't made for the bloody lifestyle she finds herself in, but she makes the best of it anyways.

fighting style.

Wasn't trained to fight, only to defend herself



"In my defense, he had a sad backstory."


Adaptable - able to use things in her surrounding to defend herself, and able to accept most things that happen to her

Empathetic - she can always understand where people come from and how they react to things

Prepared - always has medical supplies with her

Stamina - girl's got a remarkable surplus since she runs before she fights

Confident - she's confident in who she is and what she stands for


Strength - she's a doctor, not a fighter. She knows enough to get her by, but she's not strong

Sensitive - she's always been more open and vulnerable to people, and she never really learned how to hold herself up emotionally

Empathetic - she understands where some of the 'bad guys' come from, and it can lead to internal conflict

Reaction time - through training, her reaction time in medical situations is fantastic. In other scenarios, not so much. She's more likely to be hit in the face with a baseball than let a patient bleed out.

Stuffed animals - she's always found a comfort in them and always squirrels away small plushies. She can't keep herself from buying little keepsake plushies

Loyalty - her loyalties don't fall to any side, and she takes jobs wherever she can get them


Sewing - it keeps her stitching skills sharp in her spare time. She finds it calming and relaxing, and often makes pillows or stuffed animals.

Running - she did track and field in school and does cardio workouts in her spare time.

Writing - when time and motivation allows, Bella enjoys making short stories, often focused around horror and gore

"I'm a grown woman! I can fill my bed with stuffed animals if I want to!"


Bella got sent to the academy for two reasons. For one, both of her parents went to the academy. Her mother was a spy and her father was a bodyguard. For two, she always wanted to go into the medical field. Her parents thought that sending her to the academy to be a doctor would be a great way to nurture her interests and have her follow in their footsteps. Bella was a nobody in school, and kept to herself and a small group of friends. She studied hard to get into a medical school, and kept a more childish and playful mindset, which she still carries today. She didn't expect to be anybody in the academy either, she just wanted to get her work done, get trained, and get paid.

extra information.

She carries a bag with medical supplies everywhere she goes.


I will post it on your story

"I studied my ass off to get where I am today. Besides, do you really want to mess with the woman trying to pull a bullet out of your side?"

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