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Species:Black arms hybrid(Cyborg)

Alignment:Evil(Formerly) Neutral

Nicknames:Perfection, Son(Starline) Neo(Cream) Big bro(Surge, Kit, Metal sonic, Orbot, Cubot)

Likes:Missions, annihilating foes, Flowers, Clay, his Siblings, Starline, The sound of Flickies chirping

Dislikes:His father and home being destroved those who are a threat to starline, traitors, Flowers being crushed

Affiliations:Dr.Starline, Team Sonic (As a spy)

Appearance:Kanzen is normally cloaked by a long dark black cloak, at the bottom of it is purple dark mist.when he removes it, he is shown to be a black arms standing around 213.36cm tall, making him 7'0 feet tall. Due to sharing dna with skilled, powerful, and dangerous people, he has a few traits to them,He has Similar spines as Mecha Sonic, however he can turn each spine into a tentacle such as Mimic's, each one can extend to far extent,The red skin on his arms and legs are actually fur which he can change a different color, his most iconic is black and white, which he can change into a different color, his most iconic is black and white. He wears a visor similar to that of Mecha Sonic's, this visor helps him battle and comes up with strategies, it also hides his singular eye. He is known to share the dna of Mimic, Dark Gaia, Mecha sonic,Eclipse, Dr.Starline, Chaos, Mephiles, Infinite, Shadow, Surge, Kitsunami, and the Deadly 6. His hands are similar to a combination of Dark Gaia Titan and Mephiles crystalline form. on his arms and legs are ringed stripes that have a dim white glow,along to this, his arms are covered with veins and wires, they're connected to warp topaz's on the back of his hands. He has a long tail like Zavok but it's covered in fur like Kitsunami's and Dr.Starline's, he wears Black shoes that are metallic and are a steel grey.He doesn't show them much, but he has a Black arm raptor wings on his back when he is furious or in a bad mood, he can emit a dark black aura around his body,if his body dealt a large amount of damage, his body will show a biomachine like skeleton that can regenerate similar to that of the metal virus, since That's the material it's made of. it is also noted the veins and wires still remain on his body since they're connected to the Warp topaz, even in his Skeletal Zombot form. another black arm feauture he has is a Purple satin accented arrowhead-like tip on his tail.

Personality:Kanzen sees himself as a one man army, able to take a mission following all orders easily with no resistance or refusing them. As if given a direct order from Starline, he will carry it out without backing down, until Starline gives him a new order to carry out,Though starline does give him time to relax and treats him better then Surge and Kitsunami. He has a peaceful side as well. He rarely shows this side much, due to him wanting to keep quiet about it. He does enjoy peace and quiet when he gets the chance thoughHowever, he can show some sides of some of the people he share dna with, apart from the ones who are crazed or just power hungry,for example, he loves flowers and takes care of them similar to Mecha sonic.Still, he can have a side where, like Zavok, can be rageful, though he doesn't really display this, as it can be told of his Visor as it changes colors. he'll even enter a termination mode when Starline is injured even with his protection, this however will cause him to block out all commands from him. similar to shadow he views himself as a perfect a life form, though he isn't going to let that to put him in danger like shadow with the zombots. Though,sometimes once on a lunar eclipse, he does get a memory of some sorts of a young black arms and another one,and he doesnt know why. So he plans once every 2 or so years on a lunar eclipse to try see the black arms better,since the memories are usally blury.and ask around about the black arms he sees in his memories,though theres one person he has yet to ask (and probally will never),kage the hedgehog.  

History(Past):After Starline was nearly killed by the rubble, he returned to his lab, where he met a girl, who proclaimed to be his sister, (A.K.A. Stella).She then would explain how to defeat both eggman and sonic, dispose of Surge and Kitsunami, and rebuild the Starline empire,They would need a new creation, a creation made of the strongest, smartest, and most talented beings there are, including Starline.One day while they were planning, what seemed to be a meteor, crashed into a field. When they found, it was not a meteor, but the corpse of a young Black arms. They decided to use the corpse for there experiment. Thanks to new warp topaz's they found, and a device that Stella created that could open a wormhole To different parts of history, they collected dna of Mimic, Eclipse,Dark Gaia, Mecha sonic, Dr.Starline, Chaos, Mephiles, Infinite, Shadow, Surge, Kitsunami,The deadly 6 and metal sonic as well,along with some left over metal virus compound, they placed the corpse within a testing tube and injected the dna into its body, and within a couple of weeksThe body began to show sign of life, and after a few hours, within the night...Kanzen was then born

favirote song:  in the dark of the night

lyrics:In the dark of the night I was tossing and turning

And the nightmare I had was as bad as can be
It scared me out of my wits
A corpse falling to bits!
Then I opened my eyes
And the nightmare was, meI was once the most mystical man in all Russia
When the royals betrayed me they mad a mistake
My curse made each of them pay
But one little girl got away
Little Anya, beware
Rasputin's awakeIn the dark of the night evil will find her
In the dark of the night just before dawn!Revenge will be sweet
When the curse is complete
In the dark of the nightShe'll be gone
I can feel that my powers are slowly returning
Tie my sash and a dash of cologne for that smell
As the Pieces fall into place
I'll see her crawl into place
Do Svidaniya, Anya, Your Grace
FarewellIn the dark of the night terror will strike her!
Terror's the least I can do!
In the dark of the night evil will brew.Soon she will feel that her nightmares are real.
In the dark of the night
She'll be through!In the dark of the night
Evil will find her
Find her!
In the dark of the night terror comes true.
Doom her!My dear, here's a sign
It's the end of the lineIn the dark of the night
In the dark of the night
In the dark of the nightCome my minions
Rise for your master
Let your evil shine
Find her now
Yes, fly ever fasterIn the dark of the night
In the dark of the night
In the dark of the night
She'll be mine!

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