metal mimic

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"This time,i wont fail,unlike YOU (metal charm),i will accomplish what you couldn't"

name: metal mimic

gender: none (reffered to as female)

species: zombot (though her form is like mimic)

apperance:metal Mimic is covered blueish violet Compound. She has a large, sagging head with six small protrusions at the top and four long tentacles with dark blueish violet metalic tips that extend from her head down to nearly her ankles. Suction cups can be seen on both her hands and feet. Metal Mimic has  dark red eyes with small, bright red pupils, and possesses a light blueish violet metalic-looking muzzle with wrinkles at her beak and a black marking just above it. Like all  Zombots,she had developed minor additional features, such as sharp claws, spikes, fangs, and more angular body markings

her zeti dna allows her to have black stripes around her waist, while the lower half of her body is black like zeena's and  a row of small black spikes running down her back, from the base of her neck to the middle of her spine and two shoulder spikes like zazz and zavok

personality: like who she was based off of.Metal Mimic—in keeping with her shapeshifting abilities—is an ominous, sinister, manipulative, remorseless, cunning and violent sociopath zombot with scant regard for anyone other than herself; an example of her sociopathic tendencies is seen when she shape-shifts into Tangle and the original Diamond Cutters as a means of emotionally torturing Whisper while Tangle was captured.

She does not believe in higher ideals, claiming that heroes become martyrs while professionals stay alive. She also is highly untruthful and treacherous, delighting in deceiving others and betraying whoever she is currently aligned with if it suits her purposes.

however,by her zeti side,she is inherently malicious, sadistic, and violent. She has an extreme appetite for violence and destruction, even by the Zombot's standards due to her unpredictable and unruly personality, and she relishes in the prospect of carnage and destruction, wildly eager and joyous about killing others by dismembering them. She also has a macabre sense of humor, laughing every time she managed to land a hit on someone and infected them,

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