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"Fang,.bean..bark..I need you all to make one promise with me..promise you'll never forget me.."-her final words before ejecting them from the ark from an escape pod.

Name: rose

Age: unkown


Status: deceased

Personality: While frail in appearance, Rose was strong in spirit.[1] Eternally cheerful, optimistic and positive despite her condition, Rose could see the good in almost anyone or anything. She was likewise a very kind, loving[6] and generous[6] soul who always put others before herself, supported her friends, and held an unconditional love for the people of the world, even showing compassion towards her enemies when they were distressed. Because she never got down to earth, Rose was very interested in the planet and wished to see it.[1] She was as well very encouraging as she could make others accept themselves and calm others down when in stressful situations, including Fang.

Always gentle and thinking about others before herself, Rose was one who found it easier than most to forgive and forget, not to mention trust. Even after GUN violently raided the ARK and shot her down, Rose did not hold any ill will against the people on earth and only wished for them to live happy lives. She was also utterly selfless as she sacrificed her life for Fang's sake, having faith he would carry on her dreams for her. Like her cousin,Maria,she saw fang the sniper as a brother of some sorts,explaining why she sacrificed herself for him to live and carry her dreams of one day becoming a bounty hunter.

Trivia: she was like the Maria to fang, he was hired  to help make a cure for her illness along side beam and bark.

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