› splashclan

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the loyal and perceptive


A bright, beautiful deciduous forest with streams and waterfalls of clean, running aqua water. Tall, flaming red rocks populate the camp and northern part of the territory.


SplashClan cats have triangular heads, large eyes, webbed paws, and very sleek fur.


Salmon, trout, frogs, voles, water shrew, and ducks.

traditions and history

The elders say that SplashClan cats were the first to appear in the territory; that they were the first cats to ever live. They evolved from fish, growing larger and more cat-like over a great distance of time until finally, they were given the gift of paws and they walked ashore. And that, is why today, every SplashClan cat carries a peculiar webbing between each one of their toes. These tales were passed orally from one generation to the next, forming a story-telling culture specific and unique to SplashClan. They are proud, loyal, and wise cats with strong hearts. More than that, SplashClan cats are swimmers, and they honor the water. The water, which to them, is their source of life. The thing pounding in their hearts, pulsing through their veins, and keeping their Clan strong.

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