Rp with @Princess_Six

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Her pms are being annoying so here we go

Her oc: 

Name// Jorja Aspen Gale

Nicknames// Jay, Aspen, Miss Gale

Age// 24

Sexuality// Straight as a line

Gender// Female

Faceclaim// Katya Miro

Personality// Stubborn and restless. She cant not be moving about! She is a determined young woman who refuses to give into the likes of a stubborn CEO or constantly nagging Evol Agent. She does what she feels is necessary and will not hesitate to put a plan into action to save her company. She has extreme anger issues and is kinda rude and blunt at times. She is rather helpless in many scenarios though, constantly being forced to wear heels to look professional isnt helpful if she had to sprint away from a situation as she will have to on many different occasions. She has a charming flare about her despite her awkward and mixed up personality.

Occupation// Producer of Firewind Company

Evol// Visions using her dreams (or fire manipulation)Crush(es)// Victor, Gavin or Kiro-Lucien is offputting to her and can at times make her feel even slightly uncomfortable

My oc: 

Name: Kimora Lee Roads

Nickname: Kim

Age: 25

Sexuality: pansexual, but might aswell be gay because of all the d available

Gender: trans ftm

Looks: i decided to change them to this


Personality: Kimora is a goofy and accident prone individual that tries their hardest when they decide to do something. They can be seemingly paranoid, like the fact that they won't look in a mirror, and can quickly get violent if provoked. They're also self conscious about themselves and pretty much HATE telling things about their past because they don't remember it all clearly.


Unfanfic: Computer programmer

Fanfic: producer of the Fireflies company(because why not)

Eovle(power, Some people have in the fandom):

Unfanfic: Teleportation

Fanfic: the dreams thing


Fandom: Victor

The rp~~

Kimora was starting to pace back and forth in his apartment, waiting for Lucian(Who he knew would probably actually arrive with junk food) to get there. He winces when a familiar feminine voice drifted to his ears before looking at the Mirror Victor had made him get. He pales when he saw the hallucinations had already started...since he was on his period, it made his fuse a lot shorter so in no time he SCREAMED and punched the mirror as hard as he can, causing it to shatter and glass to get stuck in his hand.(I'm thinking that Kimora could have accidentally but dialed Victor so he could hear what's going on, and would probably start running at hearing Kimora's mental breakdown)

Kiro was happily eating lunch with Jorja , frowning in worry when she started to get mad after the Waiter started to hit on her. "Jorjia, just ignore him." He says, trying to keep her calm.He then Looks around for a manager or someone to get ahold of this dumbass waiter, worried that Jorja would do something she'd regret.

Gavin was seated nearby on his lunchbreak, scrolling through his phone until he notices what's going on. He then looks over, trying to judge if he needs to step in and arrest this dude, and if Jorja would actually appearance him doing that or yell at him for handling the situation.

Lucien walked to the door when he heard the scream. He frowned and dropped the bag he was holding grabbing the door handle and shaking it trying to open the door. "Kimora?! Open the door." He says in a calm yell. "KIMORA!" He pounds on the door "Are you alright?!"

 Victor had been in a meeting and picked up just as the scream occured. His eyes widened and he jumped to his feet "What the hell?!"he snaps quickly walking from the meeting, some people staring stunned. He moved swoftly down the hallway and shoved past Goldman who yelled after him-"Sir!" He calls"Shut up." Victor snaps putting on his sunglasses and shoving out of the front of the building remaining on the phone.

Jorja's hand had been grabbed gently by the waiter and when she stood to shove him back he pulled her to his chest making it look like she had tripped "Let go of me!""Listen doll you need to calm down." The waiter chuckles ignoring Kirl's very presence"Call me doll again, and Ill slug you in your damn eye." She snaps, her mind racing. She hadnt noticed Gavin but she had taken short of the wind picking up outside. She shoved the waiter only to be pulled along with him "Let. Go." She snaps quietly, not wanting to cause to big of a scene.

When Kimora heard Lucian he blinks a few times and snaps out of the hallucinations before looking at his hand. "Oh f*ck...oh f*ck... I broke the mirror and...god that's a lot of blood." He says, shocked and not noticing he had called Victor yet. He goes and walks over to the the door, muttering. "I hate hallucinations." Loud enough where Victor could hear, but not Lucian. Kimora then answers the door, cradling his bleeding, glass filled hand to his chest, stringing his light cream colored shirt crimson easily. "I...had an accident." He says, embarrassed.

Gavin then quickly gets up and pulls Jorja away from the waiter before looking at Jorja. "Do you want to arrest him for sexual harassment and assault?" He asks, itching to handcuff this perv, but wanting to make sure Jorja was going to press charges before he arrested the waiter, not wanting to be bloody sued.

Kiro smiles at Gavin before getting up and looking at Jorja, making sure she's alright, before going and informing the Manager of what's going on, figuring that they'd want to know why they're down a waiter.

Lucien walks in quickly and collects Kimora in his arms, picking him up and quickly whisking him to the couch, he sets him down and takes his coat off. "Okay give me your hand." He says gently "Im gonna get the shards out and then I will wrap it with my coat so I can run to my apartment and get my clotting bandages okay?" He says im a gentle voice.

Victor had heard enough, he hung up and got into a car giving Kimora's address "And step on it." He snaps through tightly gritted teeth. He leaned back tapping his foot violently on the floor and was silently panicking

Jorja nods "Hell yes!" She snaps shooting the waiter a look and gently gripping Kiro's hand to let him know she was semi okay before letting him go to find a manager. She sits down again and presses her palms to her head and closes her eyes "Ugh..." she sighs quietly rubbing her forehead "Im so tired." She whispers quietly. She looks up at Gavin and gives him a sympathetic, thank you, look

Kimora nods and holds out his hand, smiling at him sheepishly. "I'm soo sorry for causing you trouble." He says, frowning at Lucian softly. "I... I didn't realize what I was doing until I heard you pounding on the door and scream my name." He admits, relaxing his hand so Lucian would have an easier time to take the glass out. When he finally notices the beeping of his phone in his pocket he pulls it out and pales when he sees he had butt dialed Victor. "....I'm going to have a worried and angry CEO burst in in like 5 minutes....I am so dead."Gavin nods and puts the waiter under arrest before calling in one of his cop buddies to stop by and take this now exwaiter to Jail. Once that happens he drags a chair over and sits down next to Jorja, rubbing her back softly.Kiro comes back with snacks for the 3 of them. "Our meal is comped and the manager gave us some snacks to make up for it." He says before handing Jorja 'insert favorite snack or desert item here'

Lucien shakes his head "Youre alright." He insists. He frowns upon hearing him talk about Victor and sighs. "That is rather unfortunate." He says sternly "Ill have to ensure he doesnt stress you out top much." Lucien gently picks out the glass pieces from his hand setting it on the table. He takes his coat and wraps a sleeve around his bleeding hand and holds his hand over it for a moment to try and slow the bleeding. "What happened?" Lucien asks sternly with narrowed eyes. Meanwhile Victor calls Kimora again "Pick up you idiot." He snapsJorja nods and offers it to Gavin "I'm...not hungry." She whispers burrying her face in her hands and sighing heavily "You guys can have it..." she insists quietly. "I...have a shoot I need to work on. If youll excuse me-" she grabs her purse and stands to her feet, quickly walking to the door, playing with Gavin's bracelet on her wrist. She oulls on her coat as she pushes open the door, her head aching.

Kimora looks at Lucian and gets panicy when Lucian asks, answering Victor and putting it on speaker. "Hello Victor!" He chirps out, trying to sound like he didn't have a hallucination and hurt himself because dam that's just extremely embarrassing and not the thing you want to admit.Kiro stays behind to have them put the food and take away containers, knowing that Jorja wouldn't normally leave her favorite snack. "You go after her, I'll finish up here!"Gavinnods before getting up,and following after Jorja. "Are you feeling okay? You look like you've seen a ghost or something." He says, putting his arm around her waist just Incase.

"What the hell?!" Victor shouts through the phone "In the middlw of a meeting I get a call from you only to hear you shriek bloody murder and glass shatter! What happened?!" He asks angrily but frnatically. It was obvious he was concerned. Lucien narrowed his eyes at the phone but remained silent as he held his hands tightly over Kimoras to keep the bleedinh from stoppingJorja stumbles, her heels certainly not helping. The pain in her head worsened and she felt as though she were falling out of the sky and fell against Gavin "My head..." she groans, gripping his upper arms trying to hold herself up. "Gavin my head!" She yelps closing her eyes tightly as static seemed to fuzz up her ears. She shakes her head as if she was trying to wake up from a bad dream

Kimora winces when Victor had yelled before biting his lip. "That was an accidental but dial on my part....and I don't want to say why I punched my Mirror." He says truthfully, tucking his knees into his chest. "It's something that I thought I'd be over by now but I'm wrong....and it's not the first time I've broke a mirror, though previously I've grabbed a chair or threw something at one..." Gavin frowns before holding her close, supporting her and starting to slowly go to his car which he drove for once just Incase. Kiro walks out and frowns worriedly st what's going on. "Is she okay?" He asks after rushing over. "No clue, the only thing I know for sure is that she has a Migraine." Gavin answers truthfully

"I'm on my way. Do not do anything, sit on the couch or in a chair and dont you DARE move. Ill be there in five minutes." And with that, he hung up. Lucien lifts a brow "Well he is quite demanding is he not?" Lucien grumbles rolling his eyes. "I'll be right back." He says with a soft comforting smile, before he rushed to his apartment and searched around for the bandages, he found them and came back to Kimora's apartment. "Alright." He kneels down again "Hand." He takes his hand and unwraps his coat sleeve gentlyJorja was on the verge of unconciousness "Ugh..." she whispers, her body going pretty much limp. Whote whisps clouded her vision and all she could see was a silohette of a girl falling, through clouds towards the ground. There was no one there to save her, she was just...falling. jorja forced her eyes open again and looked between Gavin and Kiro, unable to hear what they were saying.

Kimora obeys Lucian completely, admittedly thankful that the dude is a doctor and thus understands how to patch someone up because he can get stupidly hurt often. He then turns his attention to the door, watching for Victor And the scolding he knew was coming. He jumps softly when he gets a notification on his phone, blushing softly when he realizes that it was the alarm he set to remind himself to switch out his tampon. "So...I need to go to the bathroom to take care of my...other bleeding spot." He says, referring to his privates."We should probably take her home." Kiro says, helping Gavin out her in the back before crouching in the floorboards to help make sure Jorja doesn't go anywhere, buckling her in.Gavin hops into the driver's seat and starts the car, starting to drive Jorja to her apartment complex.

Lucien nods upon finishing bandaging his hands "Alright." He stands "Im going to get the bag I left outside." He tells him, picking up his slightly bloody coat and walking to the doorway, picking up the bag and bringing it in. He set it on Kimora's counter and begins unloading it onto the table top. Jorja rubs her head and takes a couple deep breaths "Whats...whats going on?" She frowns slowly snapping out of her daze "My head hurts hella bad..." she mumbles, pressing her palms to her eyes

Kimora then walks into his bathroom, carefully avoiding the glass, and does his Buisness, putting his hurt arm and hurt hand in an old sling he found in his bathroom cabinet before he goes out of the car and over to Lucian, smiling when he smells the food.

"We're taking you home, you basically blacked out after exiting the restraint." Kiro answers truthfully, a worried frown on his face. "You can't change our minds, you don't need to be working with a migraine, now please hand Kiro your phone so he could call in for you." Gavin says, glancing back st her.

"Gavin Im...fine." she tells the man in the front seat. She stubbormly holds her phone away from Kiro, and stares at the blonde boy pitifully. "Tomorrow is extremely important, and I dont need Victor breathing down my back about this crap." She insists with a huff

Speaking of Victor, he quickly walks into the apartment and looks at Kimora "What happened?" He snaps looking at Lucien and simpky nodding. He looks at Kimora and then at the mirror "Explain." He orders sternly walking over and tossing his sunglasses onto a table lifting one of his hands to examine it. Such a worry wart.

Kimora sighs something. "Nothing. I just accidentally punched my mirror because of a Hallu....I'm not going to finish that sentence because it's going to make me seem mental." He says, quickly shutting up and biting his lip, letting Victor examine the hand Lucian already took care of.

"Your team can handle this one, I'll personally work on it myself if you want me to." Kiro says, reaching out and cupping Jorja's face softly."We'll stay with you if you want to have us there as you get over your headache." 

Gavin says, quickly glancing back before looking at the road.

"And you dont already?!" He scowls with narrowed eyes "What happened Kimora." He asks sternly. Victor's eyes searched the young mans face. He lets out a 'tch' noise and lets him go looking at Lucien with slightly narrowed eyes.

Jorja blushed brightly when Kiro touched her face. She turns her head away and sighs "No...no...you dont have to do that Kiro..." she quietly "Ill call Anna and let her know Im not coming in tomorrow."

Hallucinations..." Kimora finally admits slowly, hugging himself. "Ever since I was young I've had hallucinations where I see a weird version of myself in the mirror...as I grew up and started changing my appearance I realized that it's some twisted insane version of what I would have looked like had I not became trans." He says, looking down. "It always torments me if I'm alone for too long without anything to distract me, and Mirrors seem to amplify what it...what she could do...for some reason she likes to be called Queen or the Black Swan, but I just call her Mirror." He says, tensing up, admittedly fully expecting Them to think he's completely insane.

Kiro nods with a soft smile. "Do you want us to stay with you?" He asks with a head tilt, admittedly thankful that Jorja was going to take the day off tomorrow.

Gavin soon pulls into a parking space and looks back at them with a soft smile. "We're here." He says before getting out, going t help them out of the car.

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