Oldest Sentry (Cavalryians Stories/LS)

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Character Summary:
The banished and forgotten royal who came back for revenge.

Full Name:
Ormius Nuidis Sentry

Goes By:

Ormmy, My Baby Boy (Theodora/Twilight- Sci-Briana14)
My Boy, Orms (Fabin/Flash - Sci-Briana14)
Criminal Scum (Deminsonal Prison Guards)
Devil Prince, Traitor, Dictator, Overlord Bastard (The People)

Prince Ormius of the Crystal Empire
Kingdom Master
Lord Ormius
My Lord
Your Highness

In his twenties.





Open (He isn't really looking for love at the moment but, shoot your shot with this part).

Cavalryian-Jotunheim Hybrid

Half American, Half Japanese

In the begining, Ormius is described as kind, caring, mischievous, and good-hearted. Very diplomatic, pampered and a bit spoiled because of his title as prince (along with Future King).

Very noble, valiant, pragmatic and sometimes pompous along with arrogance.

That changed when he was sent away to the dimensional prison in the "No- zone" area for getting too powerful. Where he changed to raging, impatient, volatile, and supremely ambitious. Which makes him prone to killing or maiming anyone who stood in his way.
Full of revenge, bitterness, resentment, and ruthless after being betrayed by his own parents. He sworn to get revenge on his no-good parents and take what is his.

In a way, he does have a tunnel vision but he is callous, calculating and a few steps ahead of the people who try to overthrow him.

As the king, he rules with a iron fist but, keeps stuff fair for the most part. Just don't make him angry or it will be off with your head!

• His Family - He is still vulnerable to his family in a sense since they know him better than anyone. Which is whyhe thrown Twilight and Flash into a prison cell of no ways of rescuing.
• Inferiority Complex - After being banished by his parents, he felt inferior because well, he was groomed up to be the perfect king by them only to get banished when the powers of his became to powerful.
• Acceptance - All he wanted was acceptance but, all he got was forced to be the next perfect ruler.

•Perfectionist - Blame the parents for that.
• Egoistical
• Pompous
• Arrogant

• Photographic Memory
• Magical Abilities - is a master sorcerer with a wide range of magical powers, including astral projection, shape-shifting, hypnosis, teleportation, and energy blasts. He can also create illusions that can fool entire cities
• Physical strength - Has superhuman strength and durability, allowing him to lift between 30 to 50 tons.
• Tactical thinking - A highly-tactical thinker who is able to manipulate events and opportunities to his advantage.
• Combat skills - An expert combatant who typically uses throwing knives and other small blades.
• Knowledge - Is highly intelligent and has immense knowledge and skill in wielding mystical artifacts, arcane lore, and human and alien technology

• Leadership
• Weaponry
• Tactical Thinking (Or as he calls it; Thinking Ahead)
• Combat
• Swordsmanship

Soon-To-Be King Of Crystal Empire (Birthright)
Lord Ormius (After taking over the Crystal Empire)

To get revenge on his family and rule the Crystal Empire (Currently planning)

Theodora Schofield/Twilight Sparkles (Sci-Briana14) - Mother
Fabian Schultz/Flash Sentry (Sci-Briana14) - Father
Briana Sparkles-Sentry (Sci-Briana14) - Little sister
Diana Sparkles-Sentry (Sci-Briana14) - Littlest sister

• Pranks & Magic
• Making his loved ones proud - This one is bittersweet because, after he takes over the Crystal Empire. He just smirks down at his parents.
• Sticking and completing his goals

• His parents and their new family
• Being seen as inferior

•Practicing Magic
•Training with Swords
• Playing pranks like the God of Mischief

Type of Villain:
Banished Prince

Tom Hiddleston

Zo-Zone, Dimensional Prison (currently)
Crystal Empire (Soon)

• Illusions to play tricks on people
• Astral Projection
• shape-shifting
• Hypnosis
•Molecular rearrangement
•Energy blasts
• Levitating
• Cryokinesis.
• Superhuman Strength
• Super Speed
• Telekinesis
• Sonic Scream
• Teleportation

His eyes turn colors to match the main four powers he uses.

Super speed & Telekinesis.

Sonic Scream & Teleportation.

He dosen't really trust anyone because of what happened between his parents and him. So, trust issues.

Anyone who apposes him really.

Being abandoned
Not being good enough

He has none that I know of but, to assume. I say seasonal allergies. Happens to me also.

Golden Child Syndrome - This child is often expected to be exceptional in every way, and to meet high expectations set by their parents.

[Other Facts]
• Since Theodora and Fabian (both owned by Sci-Briana14) banished him for something that they CAUSED to happen. He has every right getting his revenge and honestly?

This is what happens when you groom a kid into the perfect someone. They lash out and start to fight back.

Being a prince, that wasn't allowed and at the time, his parents didn't tolerate that behavior.

• He is based on Loki and Hela (mostly Loki) in character wise. The only thing that he got from Hela was coming back for revenge, having great ideas but, went about it the wrong way and how he taken over the kingdom after defeating everyone.

So yes, he is rightfully OP.

• When seeing Briana and Diana (both also owned by Sci-Briana14), he was hesitant to attack when seeing that they had no idea what was going on. His big brother instincts kicked in and he rushed them to safety.

• Being the Golden Child included...

High expectations: The child is expected to be perfect, avoid mistakes, and excel at everything.

Favoritism: The child is given more attention and resources than their siblings.

Toxic environment: The child may feel unsafe expressing their opinions or breaking rules.

Fear of losing status: The child may be afraid of losing their special position if they fail.

Emotional and psychological consequences: The child may experience stress, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and a distorted sense of self-worth.

You see that? Theodora and Fabian caused their oldest child to gain that because of the amount of PRESSURE ON HIM.

Theme Song: Alice's Tango By Chi-Chi



"You proud of me, Mom and Dad? Finally became the child you desired." (A quote pointing towards Theodora and Fabian for their treatment of him.)

"Oh, so I have little sisters now? Honestly pleased, now I am a big brother."

"So, they made everyone forget about me. Hmm? Well, that is their biggest mistake and no apologies will fix this!"

"I ain't a villain. Just a tragic prince who lost his way and none of you goodie two shoes could probably understand that. Right?"

"Pathetic. You expected better of me, Mom and Dad. Why don't you do that also? Get better."

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