God/Goddess Names

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Ares- Greek god of war
Adonis- Greek god of attraction
Alastor- Greek god of family feuds
Apollo- Greek god of light, healing, music
Asclepius- Greek god of medicine
Astraeus- father of the Greek wind gods
Atlas- Greek Titan
Attis- Greek god of vegetation
Aeolus- divine keeper of the winds
Aether- Greek god of light
Aion- Greek god of eternity
Alator- Celtic god associated with Mars
Albiorix- Celtic god
A'ah- Egyptian moon god
Aker- Egyptian deity of the horizon
Am-Heh - Egyptian god in the underworld
Amun (Amun-Ra)- Egyptian god of the sun and air
Amunhotep- Egyptian god of healing and wisdom
Andjety- Egyptian god of fertility
Anhur- Egyptian god of war
Anti- hawk god of upper Egypt
Anubis- Egyptian god of the dead'
Ash- Egyptian god of the Libyan desert
Atum- Egyptian sun god

Boreas- green god of the north wind
Belenus- Celtic god of healing
Borvo- Gallic god of healing springs
Bres- Celtic fertility god
Brahma- Hindu goddess of creation
Ba'al- Egyptian storm god
Babi- Egyptian virility god
Banebdjedet- Egyptian fertility god
Ba-Pef - Egyptian god of terror
Bennu- Egyptian bird deity
Bes- Egyptian god of childbirth

Caerus- Greek god of luck
Castor- Greek patron of sailors
Chaos- Greek god of the abyss
Coeus- Greek titan of intelligence
Crius- Greek god of constellations
Cronos- Greek god of time
Cronus- Greek king of the Titans
Cerunnos- Celtic god associated with fertility and nature

Deimos- Greek god of terror
Dinlas- Greek god of hatred
Dionysus- Greek god of wine
Dedun- Egyptian protector of resources
Denwen- Egyptian serpent deity

Endymion- Greek demigod put into eternal sleep
Epimetheus- Greek god of excuses
Erebus- Greek god of darkness
Eros- Greek god of fertility and love
Eryx- son of Poseidon and Aphrodite
Eurus- Greek god of the east wind
Esus- Gallic god linked with human sacrifice
Ennead- Egyptian god

Fetket- Egyptian butler of Ra

Glaucus- Greek minor sea god
Geb- Egyptian god of the earth

Hephaestus- greek god of fire and forges
Heracles- Greek hero
Hercules- (see above)
Hades- Greek god of the dead
Helios- Greek titan of the sun
Hermes- Greek god of trade, thieves, wealth
Hymenaios- Greek god of marriage ceremonies
Hyperion- Greek titan of light
Hypnos- Greek god of sleep
Hanuman- Hindu monkey deity
Ha- Egyptian protector god
Hapi- Egyptian fertility god
Haurun- Egyptian protector god
Heh- Egyptian god of infinity
Heka- Egyptian god of magic and medicine
Horus- Egyptian avian god associated with the sun
Hu- Egyptian god of spoken word

Iapetus- Greek titan of mortal life
Iah- Egyptian god of the moon
Ihy- Egyptian god of music
Imsety- Egyptian protector god

Kratos- Greek god of power and strength
Krishna- Hindu god
Kek- Egyptian god of obscurity
Kauket- Egyptian god of the night
Khentekhati- Egyptian crocodile god
Khenmu- Egyptian god
Kherty- Egyptian god of the underworld

Latobius- Celtic god of mountains
Lenus- Celtic healing god
Lugh- Celtic god of craftsmanship

Mars- Roman god of war
Momus- Greek god of mockery
Morpheus- Greek god of dreams and sleep
Maponus- Celtic god of music and poetry
Murugan- Hindu god
Maahes- Egyptian solar god
Mandulis- Egyptian solar deity
Mau- Egyptian divine cat
Mehen- Egyptian serpent god
Min- Egyptian fertility god
Montu- Egyptian falcon god

Nereus- Greek titan of the sea
Notus- Greek god of the south wind
Nuada- Celtic god of healing
Nefertum- Egyptian god of perfume
Nekheny- Egyptian protector god
Neper- Egyptian god of grains
Nu- Egyptian god of chaos

Oceanus- Greek titan god of the ocean
Onuris- Egyptian god of war
Osiris- Egyptian judge of the dead

Paean- Greek physician of the gods
Pallas- Greek Titian of Warcraft
Pan- Greek god of the wild and goat herds
Parthenios- Greek River god
Phobos- green god of fear and panic
Phosphorous- Greek god of the morning star
Plutus- Greek god of abundance
Pontus- Greek god of the sea
Poseidon- Greek god of the sea
Priapus- Greek god of animal and vegetable fertility
Panebtawy- Egyptian child god
Ptah- Egyptian god of truth and creator of the world

Ra- Egyptian sun god
Reshep- Syrian/Egyptian war god
Ruty- twin Egyptian lion gods

Shiva- Hindu god representing apocalypse
Sah- Egyptian astral god
Sebiumeker- Egyptian guardian god
Sed- Egyptian jackal deity
Sepa- Egyptian protector god
Serapis- Egyptian hybrid god
Set- Egyptian god of war, chaos, storms

Shed- Egyptian protector, guarded from harm caused by wild animals
Shezmu- Egyptian god of wine
Shu- Egyptian god of the air
Sobek- Egyptian god of water and medicine
Sokar- Egyptian falcon god and protector

Tartarus- Greek god of the underworld
Thanatos- Greek god of non violent death
Typhon- Greek god of the storms
Tatenen- Egyptian earth god
Thoth- Egyptian god of writing and wisdom

Uranus- Greek god of the heavens

Vulcan- Roman god of fire and forges
Vishnu- Hindu preserver

Weneg- Egyptian protector god who held up the sky
Wenenu- Egyptian protector god

Yah- (see Iah)
Yam- Phoenician god of the sea

Zelus- Greek god of rivalry
Zephyrus- Greek god of the west wind
Zeus- Greek god of the sky

Aine- Celtic goddess of love, growth, cattle, and light
Aditi- Hindu mother goddess of space and infinity
Agneya- Hindu goddess of guardian of the southeast
Anut- Egyptian warrior goddess
Amphitrite- Greek goddess of the sea
Aphrodite- Greek goddess of love and fertility
Arianrhod- Celtic goddess of fertility and rebirth
Artemis- Greek goddess of the hunt, nature, and birth
Ama-Arhus- Sumerian fertility goddess
Asteria- Greek goddess of the stars
Atalanta- Greek warrior goddess
Athena- Greek goddess of wisdom, war, and weaving
Achelois- a minor Greek moon goddess
Alcyone- Greek daughter of atlas
Alectrona- a Greek goddess of the morning
Ammavarua- a Hindu goddess that existed before time began
Antheia- Greek goddess of gardens, flowers, and swamps and marshes
Apate- Greek goddess of swamps and marshes
Aphaea- a Greek goddess
Astraea- Greek goddess known as the 'Star Maiden'
Aranyani- Hindu goddess of the forest and it's creatures
Até- Greek goddess of delusion and ruin
Atropos- a Greek goddess of fate and destiny
Amaunet- Egyptian goddess of the north wind
Ashnan- Sumerian goddess of grain

Badb- Celtic shapeshifting warrior goddess
Bia- a Greek goddess of force and raw energy
Brizo- Greek prophecy goddess and protector of sailors
Bast- Egyptian cat goddess
Banka Mundi- Hindu goddess of the hunt and fertility
Brigid- Celtic fire goddess
Baubo- a Greek goddess
Bata- Egyptian cow goddess
Besset- Egyptian goddess associated with childbirth
Blodeewedd- a Celtic goddess
Branwen- Celtic/Welsh goddess of love

Cailleach Bheur- Celtic destroyer goddess
Ceres- Roman goddess of agriculture and grain
Clio- the Greek muse of history
Cerridwen- Celtic goddess of the moon, nature, poetry, music, etc.
Chhaya- Hindu goddess of the shadows
Cybele- Greek goddess of caverns, mountains, and nature
Clemencia- Roman goddess of forgiveness and mercy
Clotho- one of the three Greek fates
Coventina- Celtic goddess of sacred waters
Calliope- Greek muse of epic poetry
Ceto- Greek sea monster goddess
Circe- a Greek goddess of magic
Calypso- Greek daughter of Atlas

Danu- the Celtic mother goddess
Demeter- Greek goddess of agriculture
Diana- Roman goddess of the hunt and animals
Damkina- Sumerian earth mother goddess
Dike- Greek goddess of judgement and justice
Durga- Hindu demon fighting goddess
Discordia- Roman goddess of discord and strife
Doris- mother of the Greek nereids

Eirene- a Greek goddess. Name meaning 'peace'
Elen- a Celtic goddess who builds pathways for soldiers
Eos- Greek goddess whose name means 'dawn'
Elle- a Norse goddess who defeated Thor at wrestling
Epona- Celtic goddess of horses, donkeys, and mules
Ereshkigal- Sumerian goddess of Attalu, land of the dead
Eris- Greek goddess of strife and discord
Eileithiya- a Greek goddess of childbirth
Electra- one of the Greek Pleiades
Enyo- Minos Greek goddess of war and destruction
Eir- Norse goddess of healing and mercy
Erato- Greek muse of lyric poetry
Euterpe- Greek muse of music and lyric poetry

Flidais- Celtic goddess of the woodlands, wild animals, and cattle
Flora- Roman goddess of flowers
Freya- Norse goddess of love, fertility, beauty, war, wealth, and magic
Frigg- Norse goddess of marriage, childbirth, motherhood, and wisdom
Frau Holle- Norse goddess that rewarded people with gifts and knowledge
Fulla- a Norse agricultural goddess

Gaia- Greek goddess of the earth
Gefjon/Gefyon- Norse goddess that protects unmarried women
Gula- Sumerian goddess of healing

Hathor- Egyptian goddess of music, dancing, joy, and fertility
Hebe- Greek goddess that served ambrosia to the gods
Hekate/Hecate- Greek goddess of magic, wild places, and childbirth
Harmonia- Greek goddess of harmony
Hella/Hela- Norse goddess of the realm of the dead
Hatmehit- am Egyptian fish or dolphin goddess
Hedetet- Egyptian scorpion goddess
Hemera- Greek goddess of the daylight
Henwen- Celtic goddess of fertility
Hera- Greek queen of the gods and goddess of marriage and birth
Hestia- Greek goddess of the hearth and home
Hygieia/Hygea- Greek goddess of health and cleanliness
Heket- Egyptian goddess depicted as a frog

Inanna- Sumerian goddess of love, war, and fertility
Indunn- Norse goddess of youth and springtime
Iuasaas- Egyptian goddess and counterpart of Atum
Iris- Greek goddess of the rainbow and messenger to the gods
Isis- Egyptian goddess of life and magic

Juno- Roman goddess of marriage, pregnancy, and childbirth
Juventas- Roman goddess of rejuvenation and protector of young men
Jyestha- Hindu goddess of misfortune

Kali- Hindu goddess of death and rebirth
Ki- a Sumerian earth goddess
Kotys- a Dionysian Greek goddess
Kauket- Egyptian goddess of darkness and chaos
Kamadhenu- bovine Hindu goddess and mother of the sacred cow

Lakshmi- Hindu goddess of abundance of material and spiritual wealth
Luna- Roman goddess of the moon
Lachesis- one of the three Greek fates

Ma'at/Maat- Egyptian goddess of truth, justice, and balance
Mabb- a Celtic goddess, queen, and midwife
Mafdet- an Egyptian goddess
Macha- Celtic goddess who battled injustice against women and children
Maia- Greek goddess of spring and daughter of Atlas
Maya- Hindu goddess of illusion through which the material world manifests
Morgan le Fay- a Celtic sea goddess
Mania- Greek goddess of insanity
Melpomene- Greek muse of singing and tragedy
Menhit- Egyptian goddess of war
Meretseger- Egyptian cobra goddess
Meskhent- Egyptian goddess of childbirth and midwifery
Metis- Greek goddess of wisdom and prudence
Minerva- Roman goddess of wisdom, medicine, and crafts
Mut- an ancient Egyptian mother goddess
Mnemosyne- Greek goddess of memory and mother of the Muses
Morrigan- Celtic goddess of crows, phantoms, demons, death, witches, etc.

Nephthys- Egyptian goddess of death, decay, and the unseen
Nut- Egyptian goddess of the sky and heavenly bodies
Ningal- Sumerian goddess of reeds and wife of the moon god
Nanna- Norse goddess of joy and peace
Nike- Greek goddess of victory
Ninsaki- Sumerian goddess of alcohol
Nemesis- Greek goddess of vengeance
Nyx- green goddess of the night
Neit/Neith- Egyptian goddess of the hunt and war
Nirriti- Hindu goddess of death and corruption
Ninhursag- Sumerian great mother goddess and goddess of childbirth
Nekhbet- goddess of upper Egypt, childbirth, and protector of the pharaoh
Nammu- Sumerian goddess of the sea
Nanshe- Sumerian goddess of fishing, justice, prophecy, and fertility
Nott- Norse goddess of the night
Nillina/Ninlil- Sumerian goddess of the air
Narashimhika- Hindu goddess and eternal creative energy
Nidaba- Sumerian goddess of astrology and learning writing

Olwen- Celtic sun goddess
Ostara- Germanic spring goddess

Parvarti- Hindu goddess of love and devotion
Pakhet- an Egyptian panther or lioness goddess
Peitho- Greek goddess of persuasion and seduction
Pax- Roman goddess whose name means 'peace'
Persephone- Greek goddess and queen of the underworld
Periyachi- Hindu midwife goddess and protector of infants
Phoebe- a Greek god whose name means 'shining'
Pomona- Roman goddess of fruiting trees and gardens
Pheme- Greek goddess of fame and gossip
Perchata- Norse goddess and leader of the hunt
Polyhymnia- Greek muse of scared poetry, hymns, and dance

Rhea- Ancient Greek goddess/Titan
Rhiannon- Celtic goddess of fertility and is linked with the night and moon
Renenet- Egyptian goddess of the future and prosperity
Renpet- Egyptian goddess of eternity
Ran- Norse sea goddess
Radharani- a Hindu goddess and consort to Krishna
Ratri- Hindu goddess of the nighttime

Saraswati- Hindu goddess of knowledge, language, and the arts
Saranya- Hindu goddess of the clouds
Sopdet- Egyptian goddess of the Dog Star (Sirius)
Sarpanit- Sumerian mother goddess and consort to Marduk
Skuld- Norse goddess responsible for the future
Sirtir- Sumerian goddess of sheep
Sjojin/Sjofin- Norse goddess and handmaiden to Frigg
Skadi- Norse goddess of winter
Seshat- Egyptian goddess of architecture, astronomy, math, and historical records
Selene- Greek goddess of the moon and mother of vampires
Satet- Egyptian goddess of bountiful floods
Sheela na Gig- Celtic goddess
Styx- Greek goddess of the River Styx
Sekhmet- Egyptian goddess of destruction and war
Selkis- an Egyptian goddess
Shasti- Hindu goddess of marriage and children
Sita- Hindu goddess and consort of Rama

Theia- Ancient Greek goddess of sigh and the bright sky
Taweret- Egyptian goddess that protects pregnant women
Tefnut- Egyptian goddess of water and fertility
Themis- Greek goddess of divine justice, order, and customs
Terpsichore- one of the Greek muses of dance and chorus
Thalia- the Greek muse of comedy and idyllic poetry
Thetis- Greek goddess of water
Tyche- Greek goddess of prosperity and fortune
Tayet- Egyptian goddess of weaving and wrappings for mummification

Urania- Greek muse of astronomy and astrology
Unut- Egyptian hare or snake goddess
Ushas- Hindu goddess of the dawn

Venus- Roman goddess of love and beauty
Voulspa- a Norse seer to the gods
Vesta- Roman guardian and goddess of the sacred flame
Vishwambhari- Hindu goddess of karma

Wadjet- Egyptian goddess of snakes and lower Egypt
Wosyet- Egyptian goddess of protector of the young

Yamuna- Hindu goddess of the Ganges River

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