Native American Names (Navajo)

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Aditsan- 'listener'
Ahiga- 'he fights'
Ashkii- 'boy'
Ashkii Dighin- 'sacred child'
Ata'Halne'- 'he interrupts'
Atsidi- 'blacksmith' or 'hammer'
Atsa- 'eagle'
Adriel- 'beaver'

Beshiltheeni- 'metalworker'
Bidziil- 'he is strong'
Bilagaana- 'white person'
Bisalahani- 'speaker'

Chayton- 'falcon'
Cochise- 'renowned warrior chief'

Dasan- 'chief'

Elu- 'full of grace'

Gaagii- 'raven'
Gad- 'juniper tree'

Hastiin- 'man'
Hashkeh Naabah- 'angry warrior'
Hania- 'spirit warrior'
Ho'kee- 'high backed wolf'
Hosteen- 'grown man' or 'elder'

Jáan- Navajo form of John
Jacy- 'moon'

Kilchii- 'red boy'
Klah- 'left handed'
Kai- 'hazel'
Kosumi- 'fishes for salmon with a spear'
Keekuk- 'one who is alert and watchful'
Kii- 'boy'

Mato- 'bear'

Naalyehe yasidahi- 'trader'
Nastas- 'curve like foxtail grass' or 'fox tail'
Niichaad- 'swollen'
Niyol- 'wind'
Naalnish- 'he works'
Nahele- 'forest'
Nayati- 'he who wrestles'
Nitis- 'friend'

Paco- 'eagle'

Sani- 'the old one'
Shiye- 'son'
Shizhe'e- 'father'
Shilah- 'brother'
Sicheii- 'grandfather'
Sik'is- 'friend'
Sike- 'he sits at home'
Sahale- 'high place'

T'iis- 'Cottonwood'
Tse- 'rock'
Tsiishch'ili- 'curly haired'
Tahoma- 'water's edge'
Toh Yah- 'walking by a river'
Tyee- 'leader' or 'chief'

Wapi- 'lucky'

Yanisin- 'ashamed'
Yas- 'snow'
Yiska- 'the night has passed'
Yeitso- man eating giant in Navajo mythology

Ajei- 'my heart'
Awee- 'baby'
Asdza- 'woman'
Aiyana- 'forever flowering'
Altsoba- 'all war'
At'Eed- 'girl'
Atsa- 'eagle'

Bly- 'tall'

Chooli- 'mountain'
Chenoa- 'white dove'

Dezba- 'war'
Dibe- 'lamb'
Doba- 'there was no war'
Doli- 'bluebird'
Dilyéhé- 'planting stars'

Enola- 'magnolia'

Galilhai- 'gentle' or 'attractive'

Haseya- 'she rises'
Haloke- 'salmon'
Hozshona- 'it is beautiful'
Hak'az Asdzaa- 'cold woman'
Hastséoltoi- Navajo goddess of the hunt
Halona- 'fortune'

Iina- 'life'
Istas- 'snow'

Johona- 'sunny'

Kai- 'willow tree'


Mai- 'bright flower'
Manaba- 'return to war'
Mosi- 'cat'
Malia- 'calm'
Mitena- 'a new moon'

Nascha- 'owl'
Náhookos Ba'áádí- 'whirling woman'
Nokomis- 'grandmother' or 'daughter of the moon'

Ooljee- 'moon'

Sahkyo- 'mink'
Sialea-lea- 'little bluebird'
Shimasani- 'grandmother'
Shina- 'mother'
Sitsi- 'daughter'

Tibah- 'gray'
Tsintah- 'among the forest'
Tséghádi'nídíinii At'ééd- 'rock crystal girl'

Yanaha- 'brave'
Yazhi- 'little'
Yoolgai Asdzaa- 'white shell woman'

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