Viking/Norse Names

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Agatha- 'good-hearted'
Alfhild- 'battle of elves'
Alva- 'female elf'
Alvilda- 'battles of elves'
Ase- 'God like'
Aslaug- 'woman engaged to God'
Aslog- 'woman engaged to God'
Asta- 'divine beauty'
Astrid- 'divine beauty'
Audhild- 'fighting for wealth'

Bergljot- 'light will save'
Bodil- 'battle will curve'
Borghild- 'defense in battle'
Brenda- 'sword'
Brenna- 'sword'

Dagmar- 'maid of the day'
Dagny- 'new day started'
Dahlia- 'dahlia flower'

Eerika- 'ruling forever'
Eira- 'merciful'
Embla- 'elm tree'
Erica- 'ruling forever'
Erika- ruling forever
Eydis- 'goddess of good luck'
Ella- 'sympathy'
Eda- 'poetry'

Freja- 'like a lady'
Freya- 'a noble woman'
Frida- 'woman of peace'

Gerd- 'enclosed'
Gull- 'goddess'
Gunborg- 'helping in war'
Gunhild- 'battle in war'
Gunilla- 'battle in war'
Gunvor- 'alert in war'
Gyda- 'god is gorgeous'

Hege- 'divine woman'
Helga- 'divine woman'
Helka- 'divine woman'
Hella- 'divine woman'
Helle- 'divine woman'
Hertha- 'powerful woman'
Hillevi- 'powerful in war'

Inge- 'of Ing'
Ingeborg- 'God's protection'
Inger- 'beautiful goddess'
Ingrid- 'beautiful goddess'
Inkeri- 'beautiful goddess'
Iona- 'born on an island'

Jorunn- 'loving horses'

Kari- 'pure'
Kelsey- 'from the island of ships'

Liv- 'of life'

Magnhild- 'powerful in battle'
Matilda- 'powerful and mighty in battle'

Nanna- 'courageous'

Oili- 'divine woman'
Olga- 'divine woman'
Oydis- 'goddess of good luck'

Ragna- 'giving advice'
Ragnhild- 'advising in battle'
Runa- 'secret tradition'
Randi- 'lovely goddess'

Saga- 'tale'
Sassa- 'divine beauty'
Selby- 'from the farm of willows'
Shelby- 'from the farm of willows
Sigfrid- 'marvelous victory'
Signe- 'latest victory'
Signy- 'latest victory'
Sigrid- 'marvelous victory'
Sigrun- 'secret winner'
Siri- 'marvelous victory'
Siv- 'bride'
Solveig- 'from the house of strength'
Solvej- 'from the house of strength'
Solvi- 'from the house of strength'
Sylvi- 'from the house of strength'

Thora- 'like a thunder'
Thrya- 'like a thunder'
Tone- 'new Thor'
Torborg- 'Thor's help'
Tordis- 'goddess of Thor'
Torchild- 'fight of Thor'
Toril- 'fight of Thor'
Torny- new Thor'
Tove- 'gorgeous'
Turid- 'good looking'
Tyra- 'like a thunder'

Unn- 'the beloved one'

Ylva- 'female wolf'
Yrsa- 'wild she bear'

Ake- 'forebear'
Aren- 'eagle'
Ari- 'lion'
Arvid- 'tree of the eagle'
Asger- 'spear of God'
Asmund- 'divine protection'
Audun- 'affluent friend'
Axel- 'man of peace'

Balder- 'bearer of light'
Bard- 'battle against peace'
Birgir- 'one who helps'
Bjarke- 'bear'
Bjarnj- 'bear'
Bjarte- 'bright man'
Bjorn- 'bear'
Brandt- 'sword'
Brynjar- 'warrior in armor'
Bo- 'the resident'
Billi- 'will to protect'

Calder- 'harsh and cold waters'
Canute- 'knot'
Carr- 'from the wetlands or marsh'
Colborn- 'burning log'
Colby- 'town of darkness'
Colden- 'coal town'
Corey- 'chosen'
Crosby- 'Living bear a cross farm'
Cuyler- 'am archer or bowman'

Dag- 'Day'
Dagfinn- 'man from Finland'
Destin- 'determined'
Dustin- 'Thor's stone'
Dane- 'dweller in the valley'

Eerikki- 'king forever'
Egil- 'respect'
Einar- 'one who fights alone'
Eindride- 'one who's riding alone'
Eirik- 'king forever'
Elof- 'forever inheritor'
Eluf- eternal heir'
Endre- 'one who's riding alone'
Eric- 'king forever'
Erico- 'King forever'
Erland- 'outsider'
Erlend- 'outsider'
Erling- 'nobleman's offspring'
Even- 'happy'

Fell- 'living in the mountains'
Felman- 'living in the mountains'
Fiske- 'fish'
Folke- 'from the people'
Frey- 'lord'
Fritjof- 'one who steals peace'
Frode- 'enlightened'
Finn- 'light'

Garth- 'an enclosed space'
Geir- 'man with a spear'
Gosta- 'staff of the gods'
Gudbrand- 'sword of the divine'
Gudmund- 'God is protecting'
Gulbrand- 'sword of the divine'
Gunnar- 'army'
Gunne- 'army'
Gustav- 'staff of the gods'
Gustavo- 'staff of the gods'
Gram- 'gray hill'

Hackett- 'person with a hooked nose'
Hagen- 'the highest son'
Hakon- 'the highest son'
Haldor- 'the rock of Thor'
Hall- 'from a hall'
Halstein- 'stony rock'
Halvar- 'defender of the rock'
Halvard- 'defending the rock'
Halvadan- 'half danish person'
Halvor- 'defending the rock'
Hammond- 'high protection'
Haskell- 'the cauldron of God'
Havardr- 'the highest guardian'
Hemming- 'changing shapes'
Herleif- 'warrior descendent'
Herleifr- 'warrior descendent'
Hjalmar- 'fighter with a helmet'
Holger- 'island of Spears'
Holmes- 'from an island'
Harald- 'powerful man in the army'

Igor- 'Ing's army'
Ingemar- 'famous god'
Ingfred- 'peace of Ing'
Inghard- 'strength of Ing'
Ingolf- 'Ing's wolf'
Ingvar- 'Ing's army'
Ivar- 'fighter with a bow'
Iver- 'fighter with a bow'

Jari- 'helmeted soldier'
Jarl- 'chieftain'
Jarle- 'nobleman'
Jary- 'warrior with a helmet'
Jerk- 'king forever'
Jerker- 'king forever'
Jerrick- 'king forever'

Kare- 'curvy'
Keld- 'large pot'
Kensley- 'from a clearing with a spring'
Kettil- 'large pot'
Kirby- 'farm near a church'
Kirk- 'church'
Kirkland- 'land belonging to the church'
Kirkwood- 'church in a wood'
Kjeld- 'large pot'
Kjell- 'large pot'
Knud- 'knot'
Knute- 'knot'
Kory- 'unclear'
Kustaa- 'staff of the gods'
Kol- 'dark'

Lamont- 'lawyer'
Lamonte- 'lawyer'
Langley- 'long life'
Latham- 'from Latham'
Leif- 'successor'
Loki- 'trickster'

Manning- 'powerful and valiant'

Odin- 'fury'
Olaf- 'descendent of'
Olavi- 'descendent of'
Olavo- 'descendent of'
Olin- 'hallowed'
Olle- 'descendent'
Olseon- 'Ole's son'
Oluf- 'descendent of'
Osmond- 'divine protection'
Ove- 'full of terror'
Oliver- 'elf warrior'
Oscar- 'friend of the deer'

Ralph- 'as wise as a wolf'
Randolph- 'wolf shield'
Rangvald- 'ruler's advice'
Rangvaldr- 'ruler's advice'
Raoul- 'as wise as a wolf'
Raul- 'as wise of a wolf'
Ronald- 'wise ruler'
Ronaldo- 'wise ruler'
Roscoe- 'from bear a buck forest'

Sigurd- 'guiding the victory'
Soini- 'boy'
Steen- 'stone'
Stein- 'stone'
Steiner- 'stone'
Sten- 'stone'
Stian- 'one who wanders'
Stig- 'route'
Stigr- 'route'
Sture- 'in the opposite side'
Sutherland- 'from a southern land'
Sveinn- 'boy'
Sven- 'boy'
Svend- 'boy'

Tait- 'cheerful'
Tarben- 'bear of Thor'
Thor- 'god of thunder'
Thorpe- 'danish settlement'
Thorsen- 'god of thunder'
Thorsten- 'stone of Thor'
Thorvaldr- 'rule of Thor'
Thurman- 'protection of Thor'
Thormond- 'perfection of Thor'
Thurston- 'stone of Thor'
Torben- 'Thor's bear'
Torbjorn- 'bear of Thor'
Tore- 'fighter of Thor'
Torsten- 'stone of Thor'
Torvald- 'rule of Thor'
Troels- 'arrow of Thor'
Trygve- 'worth of trust'
Tue- 'peaceful man'
Tyr- 'celestial being'

Uffe- 'wolf man'
Ulf- 'wolf man'

Vali- 'powerful'
Vern- 'of the alder tree'
Vernon- 'of the alder tree'
Vidar- 'fighter in the woods'
Viggo- 'battle'

Welch- 'stranger'

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