Erwin Smith

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"Once we lure the Titans to the Walls, we can fire the cannons right in their faces!" Connie cheered.

The whole room went silent, shocked by their outburst. All was calm until Erwin finally answered.

"That may work in theory, but this is the real deal. We've already tried that tactic, and look where it got us. Why not just charge right into a forest full of Titans while we're at it?" Erwin protested.

"You don't mean that Commander. Besides, the survey corps can't suffer that many casualties. Humanity's life is on the line, so we can't just jump the gun and risk it all!" Connie cried.

"Are you sure about that? The monarchy was more than willing to sacrifice half of the population. I wouldn't be surprised to see another sacrifice being made." Erwin suggested.

"They were foolish rulers driven my endless greed. They are not fit to govern all of Eldia, let alone themselves. They do not deserve to be called "leaders" and we will not follow in their footsteps!" Connie demanded.

"Meeting adjourned! I'll try to find another way to end the ruthless slaughter. Until then, good day." Erwin declared.

"Well then so be it. Good luck figuring that out, Commander!" Connie mocked as he stormed out of the room.

Erwin gathered his books and documents, then quickly walked down West Hall.

"Hey, wait for me Erwin!" Y/n cried.

Erwin stopped for a moment, then turned around to greet them.

"Greetings y/n, it is nice to see you. But I am not in the mood for talking after that meeting." Erwin grumbled.

"What are you getting so worked up about? Everybody knows that you're simply trying your best for the survey corps!" Y/n reasoned.

Erwin's frown began to soften at their words, but his eyes still held some sadness to them.

"I'm glad you think so highly of me, but others don't seem to think that way. After all, Connie was right about one thing. I have to figure out a battle strategy on my own. So, if you'll excuse me..." Erwin murmured with downcast eyes.

Erwin started to walk away, surrounded by gloom. But Y/n caught up to him, then hugged him from behind.

"Who said you had to do this alone? I get it, you're the Commander. It's your job to make tough decisions, and have others question your judgment. But no Commander should have to worry alone!" Y/n pleaded, trying to convince him.

He blushed at their actions, taken in by y/n's words. Erwin removed their arms from his torso, then turned around to give y/n a hug of his own. Holding them like they're the most precious thing in the world.

"Thank you y/n. You have no idea how much I needed to hear that. I tried to take all of the responsibility for myself, but I didn't realize that I have people who truly want to help me. Like the person right in front of me." Erwin proclaimed in appreciation.

"Y-You mean me? Well of course you mean me. Nobody else is here, I just find that hard to—" Y/n rambled.

Erwin kissed y/n softly, holding them tightly. Y/n kissed him back full force, melting in his arms. Until they realized what was happening, then pushed him away.

"Wait, wait, wait. What are you doing?" Y/n yelped.

"I believe I was kissing you. Didn't you not like it?" Erwin asked, looking hurt.

"Not necessarily, besides, you don't even like me!" Y/n yelled in a panicked tone.

"Now who said that? I'm actually quite fond of you y/n. I was just too scared to ever say it." Erwin confessed with worry in his eyes.

"No way. Are you seriously interested in me?" Y/n gasped in disbelief.

"I am. Your beauty is as radiant as bombs in the air." Erwin teased with a smile.

"Hey don't say that, that's not sweet at all." Y/n groaned.

"But you are. I'm saying all this because I love you y/n. More than any soldier in the survey corps, or anyone in the entire world. But the question is, do you love me?" Erwin declared, waiting for an answer.

"Of course I do Erwin. I loved you since our first week as cadets. But I wasn't sure if you loved me, since all you did was study and train everyday." Y/n confessed with red cheeks.

"I had no other interests at the time. But that was because I was desperate to get humanity back on its feet. But what I didn't know, was that I needed you with me to get back on mine. So will you marry me?" Erwin asked, looking deep into their eyes.

"Marry? Whoa, that's a big commitment! Erwin I love you and you know that, but that's way too much for me. How about a date night looking at the stars?" Y/n suggested with stars in their eyes.

"Sounds great, but I don't think the Titans would let us enjoy that. I rather save you from a food coma, than from one of those snarling things." Erwin jested.

"The dining hall it is. Let's go Erwin. We can't save humanity on an empty stomach!" Y/n decided, breaking away from his arms.

But Erwin grabbed their hand, and put it around his neck. He lifted their chin and kissed y/n once more. A kiss filled with passion and love for the other.

"As long as you're with me, I would go anywhere." Erwin declared with a deep gaze.

Y/n was a lost for words for a moment. They smiled brightly at him, then grabbed his hand and ran off to the dining hall. Ready to conquer their hunger and the rest of the world.

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