Animals 1

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Name: August Woalff
Gender: Male
Animal: Dire Wolf
Powers: 37mph, hunting, enhanced senses, night vision
Personality: Loyal, sometimes a bit hesitant to trust, helpful and kind
Likes: Spending time with his siblings, brief moments of alone time
Dislikes: When his siblings are having problems/are upset

Name: Theodore "Theo" Woalff
Gender: Male
Animal: Timber/Gray Wolf
Powers: 34mph, scent tracking (and just tracking), enhanced senses, night vision
Personality: Kind and caring, helpful, loyal, not always the most social but he does his best and does enjoy nice conversations with others
Likes: Meeting new people, helping others
Dislikes: Being ignored/avoided

Name: Lucia Woalff
Gender: Female
Animal: Arctic Wolf
Powers: 35mph, staying warm in colder environments, enhanced senses, night vision
Personality: Hesitant to trust others, but tries to be as kind as she can be, while not trying to get too close to others though
Likes: Alone time, her family and spending time with them
Dislikes: New people, crowds

Name: Baira Galant
Gender: Male
Animal: Black Panther
Powers: Retractable claws, hunting (stealthy), 33mph, leap 17ft, night vision, swimming, climbing
Personality: Fun, adventurous, and sometimes a bit carefree
Likes: Going new places, taking long hikes, meeting new people
Dislikes: Being stuck in one place

Name: Roman Bir
Gender: Male
Animal: Irish Wolfhound
Powers: 36mph, hunting, enhanced strength and smell
Personality: Quiet, usually calm, loyal and protective
Likes: Prefers one-on-one situations
Dislikes: Dealing with groups of people

Name: Lana Keyah
Gender: Female
Animal: Polar Bear
Powers: Warmth, swimming, 26mph
Personality: Kind, gentle, sweet and loving/caring
Likes: Helping people or just talking
Dislikes: Being alone

Name: Kellina Nalda
Gender: Female
Animal: Grizzly Bear
Powers: Enhanced/super strength, 30mph, climbing
Personality: Outgoing, adventurous, a bit carefree
Likes: Hiking, new places and people
Dislikes: Having to be still

Name: Millicent "Milly" Shylah
Gender: Female
Animal: Fennec Fox
Powers: Enhanced hearing, stay cool in hot temperatures, 20mph, jump 2 feet, leap 4 feet, night vision
Personality: Sweet, gentle, kind and caring, a little naive at times and skittish with confrontation
Likes: Small groups
Dislikes: Large crowds

Name: Mason Tivon
Gender: Male
Animal: Barn Owl
Powers: He has folded wings that match that of a barn owl and can fly at up to 42mph, night vision
Personality: Quiet and observant, calm
Likes: He prefers quiet/calm settings
Dislikes: Too much noise

Name: Ethan Lyf
Gender: Male
Animal: Norwegian Forest Cat
Powers: Climbing, warmth, slightly enhanced strength, enhanced smell, vision, and sight, retractable claws, and he can purr
Personality: He can be pretty lazy most of the time, though he does enjoy an occasional walk through a park or short climb
Likes: Sleeping, climbing, taking walks (usually alone)
Dislikes: Crowds, people getting too close

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