Freya's Family

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I'm hoping to have them in later on, probably much later, but I don't like choosing names without having faces first, and I want to be ready with names when they come up in conversation later. I also don't want to just hold on to the photos, so posting them.

Her mother is dead (has been for five years), so I didn't choose a picture for her, but she had red hair, dark eyes, and her name was Amara.
Freya is the second oldest child.

Her father: Roland Ethelinda

Except with calmer hair.

Her older brother: Aurelius (27)
He's currently fighting beside king Richard.
Freya is very close with him.

Younger brother: Eros (22)

1st Sister: Estreya (21)

2nd Sister: Vanya (18)

3rd Sister: Isleen (16)

I wanted to make them look more similar, but it's hard to find six people that look like an already chosen seventh, so I just did what I could. The hair wasn't too much a deal once I decided her father had dark hair and her mother red.

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