Some Pirates

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I got Kaeden, he's 40:

Isaiah, who has an eyepatch over his left eye cause the injury is really bad and he's permanently lost sight in that eye. I think I want him to be 25 or 26 but it depends on how old Charlie is cause I want Isaiah to be just a year younger than him:

I found Arlo a little bit on accident, he's 31 and also not much of a fighter like the others are. He can defend himself okay, he's definitely not the best, but he doesn't join the fights unless he has to, he prefers to stick to helping with injuries:

Took me forever to find Connor cause I was being annoyingly picky, and you already know he's 20:

I also have Seumas, he's 25 (Brynstan is 26 by the way):

Rory, 41:

And I'm working on the rest, I just wanted to get what I had out.

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