The Dectetive for the Cops

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Name - Fletcher Donshin

Nickname - Fletch, Smiles (As a joke)

Age - 25

Gender - Male

Sexuality - Straight

Face Claim - Daniel Do Tomasso

Personality - Perhaps due to too many film noir classics, Fletcher has decided to remain closed off and act as the aloof character. He doesn't go out very often and puts in long hours. He goes through massive amounts of frustration and stress to keep up with the best of his profession. However, he truly cares about people and tends to have to remove himself when some subjects hit too close to home.

Likes - His job, classic films, old cars, large dogs, mysterious people, observing people around the station, making connections

Dislikes - Subjects about his past, knowing several gangs run the city, losing any battle of any kind, people being hurt

Crush - To Be Decided

Role - Detective for the Cops

Passwords - Already Done

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