Lance (Michael Lance)

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(Overwatch hero)
Callsign - Lance
Full name - Michael J. Lance
Sex - Male
Sexuality - Bisexual
Age - unknown
Skin - white
Eyes - blue
Hair - short cut, black
Facial hair - Beatnik
Height - 6 foot 4
Weight - 15 Stone

Known allies - Tekhartha Zenyatta, Genji Shimada
Known enemies - Reaper, Widowmaker, Junkrat, Roadhog, Lucio, Sombra, McCree, Soldier 76, Symmetra
Known acquaintances - Tracer, Winston, Mercy, Ana, Reinhardt, Torbjorn, Pharah, Hanzo, Zarya, Mei

Current Occupation - British Knight
Original Occupation - British Squire

Run ins with Overwatch - Omnic Crisis
-Talon attack on Britain (not canon)

Run ins with Talon - Talon attack on Britain (not canon)
-Wanders with Genji and Zenyatta

Meeting Genji and Zenyatta
-Lance is a wandering Knight, meaning his base of occupation is in a British palace , however he often leaves to travel the world, in search of people who need his help, on his way, he found Genji, though at first, he thought the ninja was an omnic, and attempted to destroy him, when Genji spoke, he understood he was simply a cyborg, Genji explained how he was in search of guidance to become at peace with his metallic body, Lance knew of a village of Monks nearby, he took Genji there, but was shocked to find the place was run by Omnics, however a Omnic Monk by the name of Tekhartha Zenyatta stepped forward and explained how they were peaceful omnics, with no desire to harm humans. Lance put his weapon away and explained Genji's situation to the omnic, Lance stayed in the village for several months until leaving his friends to return home, though they often cross paths, and are pleased to see eachother.

Armour -Modern Knight armour, with added mobility and flexibility
Weapon(s) - Long sword, Shield
Fire Spirit

Ingame abilities/controls
Primary fire - Quick weak sword strikes (1swipe per 0.6 second, 70 damage, range - 3metres)
Secondary fire - heavy sword strikes
(1swipe per second, 140 damage--unaffected by armour--, range - 5metres)

First ability - Unarm
Range - 2metres
Cooldown - 18 seconds
Animation before effect - 1.5 seconds
Duration of effect - 4 seconds
Effect(s) - unarms the target for four seconds, leaving them without their primary/secondary fire, only their abilities and ultimate
Note - not interrupted by taking damage

Second ability - Shield Charge
Cooldown - 12 seconds
Range - 20 metres
Animation before effect - 0.5 seconds
Duration of effect - max 3 seconds
Effect(s) - Lance charges, Reinhardt style with his shield up, blocking any frontward damage from hitting him.
Note - Used to close distance between targets
-Not interrupted by taking damage
- if you hit an enemy mid charge, it will stop right in front of them

Ultimate - Spirit Burn
Animation before affect - 0.5 seconds
Battle cry - "For my country!"
Duration - 8 seconds
Effect - Lance's fire spirits awaken, igniting his long sword aflame, extending its range to 6 metres, doubles damage,
Added 100 armour
Shield charges do 80 damage to targets, have a 2 second cooldown but shield is lowered, Allowing damage to hit Lance
Note - Unarm is unusable while in this mode
- Lance glows bright red, similar to an Ulting McCree, during his ult
- all strikes are heavy
- the 8 second cool down does not begin until the 0.5 second animation before effect is completed

Ingame features
Health - 200
Armour - 200
Total 'Health' - 400

Class - Offense/Tank

Character model size - Slightly bigger than Soldier 76

Sound while moving - Slightly louder than Soldier 76

Movement speed - Normal

Voice lines
- Protecting the people of my country.. that's my purpose, not this.. malarkey..
- Forgive me, my King
-Why, oh Why, must you try?
- Chivalry flows through me..
- Hah! I was expecting at least a bit of a challenge!
- Any one else..?
- Who dares oppose the King?
- Really?? (condescending)
- My fire spirit.. is ALIVE!
- Don't you DARE mention my mother!
- I challenge you.. to a DUEL
- I will protect the women and children..
- Stand up, if you have a quarrel.. you will be struck down!

Character interaction voicelines
Zenyatta - Good to see you old friend (and you as well Michael..)
- I'm sorry about Mondatta.. if only I had known I could have stopped it (Do not worry Lance, he is in a better place)

Genji - Genji! Lovely to finally see you again! (You to, Lance.. It truly has been too long)
- Say, how about after this, we have another sparring match? (Only if you feel like losing..)
- *sigh* it's a shame to be wasting our time here.. (Fret not Michael.. this will be over soon, then we may catch up)

Reaper - (Look at you.. you think you're really better than everyone else, don't you..) I'm afraid you are wrong.. I merely think I am superior to the likes of you..
- Ever though about changing your wardrobe? (I could say the same to you.. I've only see you wear that tin can around you body..)
- You are disgusting.. (Bite me, Lance..)

Widowmaker - Gerárd would be brought to tears, seeing you degraded to such a low level of existence.. (You know nothing of him, Knight..)
- You do know you could spend your capabilities making the world safer for civilians.. (That is not nearly as thrilling))
- (Of course I have to work with someone like you..) Why don't you stand aside? And let the people who want this world to improve step in..

Soldier 76 - I've heard of you, Morrison.. your methods disgust me..
(Hang on, let me take my mask off, and show you just how much I care by the look on my face..)

Lucio - Freedom fighter? I prefer.. vigilante.. (I'm sorry.. I couldn't hear you over the sound of some annoying voice that won't shut up..)

Junkrat - (hehehehehe... g'day.. sire.. hahah..) *sigh* Silence..
-(Ah, mate we should have a scrap some time! Haha, I heard ya pretty tough) I wouldn't waste my time with pathetic scum like you..

Born into the British royal family, a human father, and a fire demon mother, Michael Lance had a pretty easy life growing up. He started training to become a knight at the age of 12.
He had started his training along with a small group of other students, though he was a vastly superior fighter than his peers.
By the age of 18 his father granted him Knighthood.
He spent most of his time guarding his castle, though come his age of 23,
Omnics had become corrupt.
The omnic crisis had begun in America, the other nations of the world, seeing how powerful the omnics were, sent reinforcements to America in attempt to suppress the omnics.
Lance was chosen to lead the British army into battle, he and his troops met with the members of Overwatch at their base for a plan of attack.
Lance was sent with Soldier 76 and Tracer, along with Overwatch troops and his own troops to shut down an Omnic base.
Lance didn't exactly like many people from Overwatch, he sensed the corruption of Gabriel Reyes before anyone else, but chose to remain silent. As he was only here to protect civilians and stop the hated omnics.
When they attacked the Omnic base, He and Soldier 76 were sent down the main corridor, with some troops, while Tracer and the rest of them flanked around.
Lance, being an incredibly skilled fighter, destroyed many omnics.
And they succeeded in shutting the base down, however they had not won yet.
Lance stayed with Overwatch until the war was over, then, sensing that Overwatch was being destroyed on the inside by the Blackwatch, Lance didn't want any part of the fight, so he and his remaining troops left and returned to Britain as heroes, those who died had become martyrs.
However, a while after his return, his father became deathly sick, no doctor or wizard could help him, he passed away after one year, and Lance's older brother, Theodore was appointed King.
Theodore and Lance were close with one another, and Theodore appointed Lance his second in command, and chief commander in the military, whilst allowing him to roam the lands.

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