Tiger 3.0

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So here the third tiger I have
KatTsukii here you go btw!

Name: tiger
Bread: bat fox hybrid (by expremints she was forsed into)
Age: 18

Mother- unknown
Father- Shadow- desesed- was a bat pony
Sister- Sage- alive- fox pony- wearabouts unknown

Mane: a dark blue
Tail: a fluffly, light maroon
Coat: a light blue with dark purple strips across her body like a tigers
Cutie mark: dosn't have one but looks like she does due to the tiger-like markings
Ears and mussle: her ears are fluffy with tufts at the tips, her mussle is short but brod
Wings: ombre of dark blue and maroon with dark purple strips
Skills: very agile and know how to use diffrent type of weapons and some magic types of dark magic some how  :3

Element: creativity

Fack: she is blind and wears bandages around her eyes her eyes color is a pale yellow

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