Unify! Tiger

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So the unify species is created by my friend KatTsukii and is an open species
So uh use my character if you want mate XD

Name: sage phoenix
Nicknames: tiger, kitty (by people that don't like her)
Gender: female
Sexuality: gay
Hybrid: fennec fox (search it up) 
Domanit trait: animal
Elments: neon and phyce
Personality: sometimes coky, know as being rude, very shy sometimes, can be a bit upset a times/stressed, when haveing an attack she can randomly yell out random words trying to get help
Fears- drowning and fire
Likes: darkness/shadows, reading, hanging out with friends, forested areas, tundra, desert
Dislikes: snow, light, fall, being lonely, getting hurt by a friend or loved one, bugs just bugs
Hair: a redish brown with pastel purple tips and hilights
Eyes: left- greish black, right greish blue. Has gashes and burns around them/across her eyes. She is blind and wears bandages around them.
Fur: redish brown and in some places like around her ears and tail black
Other: she wears a pastel purple tank top with a black jacket over it, wears a bluejeans shorts that are down to her knees
Tail and ears: fluffy, redish brown the tips of both black
She is blind and with out the bandages around her eyes she gets a extreme mingrain

She is about 5 foot (yes she is very and I mean VERY short due to her domain animal trait and fennec foxes being small)

In her animal form is very agile and fast (and is not blind)

She lives in the forest near by the school if you must know

Is the only one left alive in her family after someone burned down there house

Is terrified and I mean TERRIFED of water and fire (the fire from almost getting killed and water from almost drowning)

That's unify!  Tiger for you guys!

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