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Here we are, Insanity Episode 3!

Nothing more here on this introduction, let's get into this.

The opening pyrotechnics go off inside the Red Bull Arena in Harrison, New Jersey, then the camera pans around the arena as Vic Joseph speaks.

Vic: Welcome everyone to Harrison, New Jersey! We are in the Red Bull Arena, and we have a load of action in store for you! I'm Vic Joseph, alongside my colleagues, Nigel McGuinness, and Percy Watson.

Nigel: What a show this is gonna be, whe have oVe, taking on Team RWBY in separate Tag Matches, of course The Crists take on Yang and Ruby, and Dean Ambrose and Sami Callihan will take on Weiss and Blake.

Percy: And the C.E.W Gold Rush tournament continues with Rick C, taking on Jake De Leon, and get ready for this one, folks! This is gonna be a spectacle! ECCW Star, El Phantasmo will face Pro Wrestling NOAH's Naomichi Marufuji for a spot in round 2, in a match where I think will be one to remember!

(OPENING MATCH: Ruby and Yang vs. Dave and Jake Crist)

Out came Dave Crist, and Jake Crist. Dave in the Devil Mask, and Jake in the Clown Mask.

*Bell rings!*

Justin Roberts: This Tag Team Contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, representing oVe, DAVE AND JAKE CRIST!!!

Vic: This feud all started when Team RWBY had their live contract signing, and then Sami Callihan, along with Dean Ambrose and The Crists, would interrupt it.

**A replay of Insanity Episode 2 plays**

Sami Callihan: As long as oVe is here, you girls best be out of our sight. 'Cause we are NOTHING like those grimms, and villains you've faced, we are your worst nightmare come true, we are the most dangerous faction in Professional Wrestling today, and most importantly, we are for Ohio, BY Ohio, and we're taking over *goes up to Ruby's face* EVERYTHING! *goes up to Weiss's face* EVERYTHING! *goes up to Blake's face* EVERYTHING! *goes up to Yang's face* EVERY-


Nigel: Then Yang would deliver the mother of all jabs, right into Sami's kisser, and thus the quarrel begins.

**Replay ends**

Dave and Jake Crist enter the ring, and they took off their masks.

Ruby Rose comes out, and when Ruby removed her hood, small pyro goes off.

Once she had her entrance done...

Out came Yang Xiao Long, and then the two gave each other a High-Ten, then made their way to the ring.

Justin Roberts: And their opponents, representing Team RWBY, Ruby Rose, and YANG XIAO LONG!!!!

Vic: Ladies and gentlemen, get ready! If this is the first time seeing Yang and Ruby, you're in for a treat!

Nigel: You have the agility in Ruby, and the Strength and Striking prowess of Yang, mix those together, and you get a well oiled machine of a team!

Percy: oVe may have bit off more than they can chew, because Yang and Ruby are gonna give them a run for their money!

Yang and Ruby enter the ring, and right away, they begin to stare daggers at The Crists.

Yang and Dave Crist start it off, and the bell rings.

Yang goes for a lock up, but Dave kicks her in the gut, and begins to hammer away on her back.

Vic: And Dave Crist now, gaining the early advantage...

But Yang got back up, and landed a direct hook punch!

Vic: ...Oop! Not for long!

Nigel: If there's one thing Yang is good at other than throwing hits, it's definitely taking them!

Yang now has Dave Crist in a corner, and she begins to rain down on Dave up until the ref pulled her off of him.

Yang then goes to continue the attack, but Dave saves himself by kicking her in the gut again, then throws her onto the steel post!

Vic: And shoulder first onto the steel post Yang goes!

Nigel: That could be the turning point of the match right there!

Dave then tags in Jake, and Jake Crist began attacking Yang like a crazy hyena.

Percy: And here's Jake Crist, and he's going downtown on her!

Jake Crist then threw her out of the corner, and stomped away on Yang.

He then delivers a Standing Elbow Drop, goes for the cover, but only got a 2 count.

Jake Crist then applies on a Sleeper Hold to keep Yang on the ground.

Vic: So far, The Crists are doing great!

Nigel: Jake Crist is doing a good job keeping Yang away from Ruby, preventing that tag.

Jake, whilst still having the Sleeper Hold applied, drags Yang to his corner, where Dave then tags himself in.

Percy: And The Crists are doing a good job of isolating them.

Dave Crist now chokes out Yang with his foot, but Yang grabbed his foot, slowly rose to her feet, and looked at Dave with Red eyes.

Vic: Oh no...

Nigel: This is the very thing The Crists didn't want happening!

Yang then threw his foot down so hard, Dave went face first onto the mat!

Yang then lifts Dave up onto her shoulders, and spun him out into a Cutter!

Vic: There's a Fireman's Carry Cutter from Yang!

Yang goes for the cover, but only gets a 2 count.

Yang picks Dave up, Dave went for a surprise Cutter, but Yang reverses it into a Wheelbarrow Suplex!

Nigel: WOW!!!!

Vic: Dave went for a Cutter from out of nowhere, but Yang was one step ahead of him!

Yang then makes the tag to Ruby, Dave gets up, only to be knocked down by a Springboard Front Dropkick by Ruby!

Percy: Here comes Ruby Rose!

Ruby then knocks him down again with a Calf Kick, Dave gets up and goes for a Clothesline, but Ruby ducked, got him in a Schoolgirl pin, but rolled through, into a Listo Kick!

Both Ruby and Dave get up, and Ruby hits a Monkey Flip, sending Dave to the other side of the ring.

Vic: And Dave goes up and over courtesy of that Monkey Flip!

Dave Crist gets into a corner, Ruby goes for a Corner Forearm Smash, but Dave puts his boot up, stopping Ruby dead on her tracks.

He then goes to the second turnbuckle, leaps off for a diving attack, only to get clocked with a Leaping Enzuigiri by Ruby!

Vic: And Ruby! Clocking Dave Crist on the temple with that kick!

She then pulls Dave to the center of the ring, sets him up for a Cross-legged Emerald Flowsion, and she connects!

Ruby goes for the cover.



Jake Crist breaks the count!

Vic: Jake Crist saves the match!

Percy: If Jake had not been there, that surely would have been all over!

Yang then tries to get rid of Jake with a Superman Punch, but Jake had her scouted, and nails a Superkick on her, then followed up with a Spinning Hook Kick!

Nigel: Oh! Jake with those kicks to Yang, and she could be seeing stars now!

Jake turns around, only to get a Superkick from Ruby!

Vic: Maybe Jake also!

Suddenly, Dave spins her around, and delivers a Cutter!

Vic: But Dave with a Cutter to Ruby!

Then Dave went to the corner behind Ruby, and Jake went to the corner in front of her.

Nigel: I think I have a clue on what's gonna happen here...

Percy: This could be all she wrote right here!

The Crists go for their High/Low Kick Combo, but Ruby with a Shining Wizard to Jake, manages to prevent it from connecting!

Vic: And Ruby again! Saving herself from disaster!

Nigel: I don't know how she does it, but it sure helped her lots!

Percy: I can now see why she's the Captain of Team RWBY!

Ruby then turns around, manages to block an incoming kick from Dave, who then went for a clothesline, but then Ruby scouted that too, and counters it into a Blue Thunder Bomb!

Vic: Blue Thunder Bomb!

Nigel: Ruby could have it here!

The ref goes for the count, but Dave gets the shoulder up at 2 and a half!

Vic: Oh man, Ruby was so close!

Nigel: 2 and a half, and I don't think that it can get any closer!

Percy: Not without the bell ringing!

Ruby now sizes Dave up for another Shining Wizard, but Jake grabbed her ankle to prevent it from happening.

Vic: And now Jake Crist making sure Ruby doesn't get the chance to hit that move!

Yang then goes up to Jake, in which he then backs away.

Nigel: And Yang going over there, Jake obviously saw her coming, and doing the wisest thing and backs off.

However Jake had inadvertently positioned himself into target, and Ruby wiped him out with a Suicide Dive!

Vic: WHOA! Ruby Rose just launched herself through the ropes, and takes out Jake Crist with a Suicide Dive!

Nigel: Well that's one way of taking out a Crist!

Ruby then enters the ring, where Dave had been lying in wait, and catches her in a Small Package Pin!

Percy: Oh no! Dave could steal it here!

The ref goes for the count, but Ruby manages to kick out at 2!

Vic: Ooohh! He almost did!

Dave charges, but Ruby answers with a Michinoku Driver!

Nigel: And a Michinoku Driver from Ruby!

Ruby now tags in Yang, Yang gets Dave in a Full Nelson lock, then Ruby hits a Superkick on Dave, then Yang hits a Dragon Suplex!

Yang then scoops up Dave, and spins him out into a Reverse STO!

Vic: And what a move by Yang!

Nigel: A scoop lift, spun out into a Reverse STO, plants Dave Crist onto the mat!

Yang then goes for the cover with the leg hooked, and gets the 1-2-3!

Justin Roberts: The winners of this match, Ruby Rose and YANG XIAO LONG!!!

Vic: What a way to kick things off!

Nigel: This is surely an advantage for Team RWBY, getting the first win in what I'm sure is gonna be a quarrel for the ages.

Percy: Dean and Sami are not gonna like this result I'm sure...


In P.G.V's office, I was talking to P.G.V.

Me: ... well after what has happened, between you, and the rest of the C.L.O.N, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to cut your run as GM short.

P.G.V: Wait what!?

Me: Sorry, pal. Also according to what I've seen, you're not really doing a decent job. Anyway, here's your replacement.

In came Liam Malone, and the crowd cheered.

Liam: Well one, back to the Bingo Halls with you, PGV! Two, welcome to Insanity, where you NOW have a GM Who actually does his FUCKING JOB!

I showed P.G.V the door.

Me: You're gonna do better than he did for sure.

Liam: Well, obviously.


Out comes Jake De Leon.

*Bell rings!*

Justin Roberts: The following contest is a first round match in the CEW Gold Rush Tournament! Introducing first, from Hacienda De Leon, Bacolod, Philippines, weighing in at 190 pounds, he is Mr. Philippine Wrestling, JAKE DE LEON!!!

Vic: And here's a man who is a big name in the Southeast Asian Wrestling Scene!

Nigel: Indeed, he is! Jake De Leon, wrestled in Singapore, Malaysia, and recently in Thailand, representing his home country, The Philippines!

Percy: But he has a big challenge in front of him in the form of Rick C, and I heard this man is more than meets the eye!

Jake De Leon enters the ring, and he removes his jacket.

The lights go out, and then a spotlight shines on the stage, and there stood Rick C in all his shiny glory.

Justin Roberts: His opponent, from Indianapolis, Indiana, he is the Glow-rious, RICK C!!!!

Vic: The founder of RCCW, Mr. RCCW himself, the Self Proclaimed Glow-rious One, Rick C, making his presence felt here in The Garden State!

Nigel: And Percy, I'm with ya! This young man is more than what you see at first glance, he is so much more!

Percy: Jake De Leon better not take him too lightly. He'll be surprised!

Rick then enters the ring, and he removes his robe.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Jake De Leon and Rick lock up in the middle of the ring, De Leon the gets Rick in a Side Headlock, Rick goes for a Back Suplex, but Jake De Leon lands on his feet.

Jake De Leon now goes for a Discus Lariat, Rick blocks it, goes for a Lariat of his own, but De Leon blocked it!

They then both went for a Dropkick, and things began to speed up.

They began trading Arm Drags, Hip Tosses, and Bicycle Kicks.

Jake De Leon then sets him up for the Samoan Drop he calls the Alipin Drop, but Rick reversed into his signature Hammerlock Lariat, the Twisted Sense Of Humor, but De Leon ducked, went for his signature Crossface Chickenwing, the Inasal Lock, but Rick got him in a pin, and only got a 2 count.

They immediately get up, and the crowd applauded.

Vic: Wow! This match just got hot!

Nigel: I think this will go down to who makes the first critical error!

Percy: And this also shows how much the CEW Championship means to these two men!

Rick then tells Jake how close he was to getting pinned for the 3 count, then they lock up once again.

Rick now has Jake in an Arm Wringer, Jake does a Cartwheel, slaps of his hand, goes for a Dropkick, but Rick took a step back, dodging the incoming kick.

Vic: Perfect Dropkick, but Rick took a step back, avoiding it!

Rick takes advantage of the now downed Jake De Leon, and gets him in a Front Facelock.

Nigel: And Rick C now in full control.

Percy: He's got to keep this up, and when he does, he'll surely advance!

Jake De Leon begins to rise, and he elbows his way out.

He then goes for his signature Superkick called the Senyorito Kick, but Rick caught it, goes for a Spinning Hook Kick he called the One Rick Kick, but Jake ducked, and then clocks Rick with an Elbow Smash!

Vic: Oh man! What an elbow!

Rick staggers onto a corner, and Jake connects with a chop.

Then he does a Cartwheel, and hits a Running Downward Chop, then sweeps his leg.

With Rick now sitting on the mat in the corner, he then goes for his signature Cannonball Senton, but Rick moved out of the way!

Vic: Oh no! Jake De Leon went for a Cannonball, ended up getting nothing!

Nigel: Rick C now has a chance to get back on track!

Rick gets to his feet, all fired up, and he goes wild on Mr. Philippine Wrestling!

Clothesline after clothesline, he knocks him down. Each clothesline more brutal than the last.

He then finishes his offense with a Spinning Punch, and sets him up for a Cobra Clutch Slam he calls the C-Ing Red.

Nigel: Rick has him hooked!

Percy: Jake De Leon is going for a ride!

Rick goes for the move, but Jake landed on his feet, and he hits the Senyorito Kick right on the side of Rick's face!


Percy: Got him clean!

Jake De Leon now has Rick on his shoulders, and he succeeds in connecting the Alipin Drop!

Vic: Alipin Drop connects!

Jake goes for the cover, but Rick gets the shoulder up at 2!

Nigel: No! Not yet!

Percy: Rick C is not going down, not ever!

De Leon couldn't believe it, but he had to.

Jake De Leon now gets up, goes for another Senyorito Kick, but Rick ducked, and he hits his One Rick Kick!


Nigel: He got all of it!

Rick goes for the cover, and he gets the 1-2-3!

*Bell rings!*

Justin Roberts: The winner of this match, RICK C!!!!

Vic: And Rick C moves on, and will face either his good friend, Mistah Woose, or his bitter enemy, Sami Callihan.

The updated bracket then appears on the titantron.

Nigel: Indeed it will be either be the leader of oVe, or The Woose Man himself, Mistah Woose. Whoever it may be, Rick C is gonna have a hell of a battle!

Percy: He sure will!


Female Automated Voice: Warning, the following message may cause severe headbanging, and may alter your fashion taste.

A video is then played, and it looks like it is outside the arena, in the streets of Harrison, New Jersey.

The person recording the video, was Luna Loud, and beside her, was her sister Leni.

Leni: OM-Gosh, Luna! New Jersey looks totes amazing!

Luna: I know, dude! But do you know what is also amazing?

Leni: What?

Luna: The fact we are coming soon to C.E.W Insanity!

Leni: Oh that is like, totes amazing! Like this dress I'm wearing! *flaunts dress around*

Luna: C.E.W, take a look at this, right here, Leni and I are Rock Fashion Inc!

Leni: Wait, who's Leni?

Luna: *Facepalms* Leni, Rock Fashion Inc is our team name!

Leni: Oh yeah... who else is gonna be in our team?

Luna: Oh it'll be just us two, and when we arrive, WE WILL ROCK OUT LIKE THERE'S NO TOMORROW!

Leni: And look totes amazing doing it!

The video ends with the caption: ROCK FASHION INC, COMING SOON TO INSANITY.

(Start at 0:43)

🎶You and me, we're not the same! You wanna take me, you'll never break me! You're nothing more than yesterday! You don't define me, so get behind me! Oh, wo-oh oh oh oh oh oh...🎶

Vic: We would like to thank the band, Cenacle for their song, "A Shadow Behind". The official theme song for C.E.W's first event, Victory Road! You can get this song, and the album, "The New Today" which is available on iTunes.

Nigel: Speaking of Victory Road, what a match we got to end the Gold Rush Tournament! The Final Four of the tourney will all go at it, in a Ladder Match as voted by the fans!

Percy: I can't wait to see how this plays out!

Meanwhile, the ring was set with 2 tables. One was small, with something covered by a velvet sheet, and another was a regular table, with a bingo number generator on it.

Nigel: And look at the ring! Whatever is going on, it's probably gonna be good.

Percy: I'm guessing our founder has something to do with this setup.

Vic: Speaking of the devil, here comes the boss!

And out I came.

Nigel: I wonder what news he has now! We already saw earlier tonight that we have a NEW General Manager, wonder what this is all about.

Percy: And I think we're about to find that out, now.

I enter the ring, mic in hand, and met with CEW chants.

Me: Wow. Looks like you guys are enjoying the night so far. Well, let's make it more exciting shall we? As you can see, we have something underneath this beautiful velvet sheet.This is another new title, and like the CEW Title, we will also determine an inaugural champion for this title at our first event, Victory Road!

The crowd cheers.

Me: Now before we lose focus, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you... the CEW...

I then remove the sheet.

Me: ... No Limits Championship!

Me: The first holder will be determined in a Triple Threat Match, with of course, 3, deserving, warriors.

I then walk to the Bingo Number Generator.

Me: This is where this gizmo comes in. This generator has bingo balls, with not numbers, but names from the Insanity Roster! This will determine the 3 qualifying matches for the Triple Threat Match.

I then activate the generator.

Me: And our first qualifier match will be...

It spins and spins, until a ball rolls out.

I pick up the ball, and read the name out.

Me: ... Undisputed Era member, Kyle O'Reilly!

The crowd gave mixed reactions.

Me: And his opponent will be...

The generator spins once again, and then another ball rolls out.

I pick up the ball.

Me: Oohh this will be good. YANG XIAO LONG!

The crowd cheers.

Me: So there's our first qualifier! Yang Xiao Long vs. Kyle O'Reilly! Now for our second qualifier...

The generator spins once again, and I picked up the next ball that rolled out.

Me: ... Mark Andrews!

The crowd cheers, and I spin the generator.

The next ball rolls out.

Me: And his opponent will be... the Lakampati native, Dax Xaviera!

The crowd began to chant his name.

Me: And our final qualification match for that spot, will be...

Once again, the generator spins, and I pick up the next ball that rolls out.

Me: Making his Insanity debut, NJPW's own, KUSHIDA!!!

The crowd cheers, and chant his name.

I gave the generator one final spin, and a ball rolls out.

Me: And his opponent will be... Artemis Spencer!

The crowd cheers.

Me: And there you have it! Yang vs. O'Reilly, Andrews vs. Xaviera, and Spencer vs. KUSHIDA! Who's going to Victory Road? Well stay tuned to find out, enjoy the rest if the night!

I then exit the ring as my theme plays.

Vic: Ladies and gentlemen, Insanity, just got more insane!

Nigel: Our founder is just getting better!

Percy: Victory Road is gonna be one hell of an event! I can't wait!


Lincoln and Danny Phantom were chatting about Victory Road, when suddenly Eddie Kingston walked up to them.

Eddie Kingston: Eyyy, if it ain't The Hex himself!

Lincoln: *Turns to him* Eyyy, if it isn't the guy who thinks he has a chance of taking Nick Club down.

Eddie Kingston: *Chuckles* wow. Didn't think you'd have a sense of humor. But jokes aside, partner, if I were you, I'd watch my back, because The Revolutionaries, and myself, will be waiting to strike, and when we do, it'll be us who will reign supreme.

Lincoln: *Turns to Danny.* Does he even know who he's talking to?

Danny: *Shrugs* Guess not.

Lincoln: *Turns back to Eddie.* You realize who your talking to? I am the guy who is ALWAYS 12 Steps Ahead of EVERYONE! That includes YOU and your gang of misfits.

Eddie Kingston was clearly beginning to lose his cool, but he kept his composure, and broke out a sly smile.

Eddie Kingston: Yeah keep calling yourself that, boy. Sooner or later, it's gonna be me, who's gonna one up ya.

And with that, Eddie Kingston backs away, still smiling.

Lincoln: *Scoffs* That's what he thinks.

Danny: Don't sweat it, Linc. With the two of us in that title match, the CEW Title has the best chance of coming to the NC.

Lincoln: And with it, the advantage in this little feud with those chumps.

Danny: Now THAT is...

Danny pulls up a "Toon Sweet" and Lincoln does the same.

Lincoln and Danny: ...Toon Sweet.
(Back at commentary...)

Vic: Well whatever Kingston has in mind in destroying the Nick Club, Lincoln Loud is not all that scared.

Nigel: Well what did you expect? He's always 12 steps ahead, he can outsmart him.

Percy: But you can't be so sure. The Revolutionaries, like he said, are waiting to strike! They could strike at any moment!

(MATCH 3: El Phantasmo vs. Naomichi Marufuji (CEW GOLD RUSH TOURNAMENT FIRST ROUND MATCH))

Out comes Naomichi Marufuji, in an Eye Catching outfit.

*Bell rings!*

Justin Roberts: The first round of the CEW Gold Rush tournament continues! Introducing first, from Saitama, Japan, weighing in at 190 pounds, NAOMICHI MARUFUJI!!!!

Vic: Ladies and gentlemen, get ready for the clash of a lifetime! Folks, if you're not familiar with this man, Naomichi Marufuji, or his opponent, El Phantasmo, get ready!

Nigel: Marufuji, a 20 year veteran, innovator of the Shiranui, the move better known as the Sliced Bread #2!

Percy: And El Phantasmo, 13 years in the business, so that gives Marufuji the experience advantage.

Vic: But don't let that difference take away his skill! He has changed the game in the states, and recently in the United Kingdom!

Marufuji enters the ring, and he takes off the coat and helmet.

Out comes El Phantasmo, and he rocks out to his theme as he makes his way to the ring.

Justin Roberts: And his opponent, from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, weighing in at 196 pounds, EL PHANTASMO!!!!

Vic: Now this man, is just beginning to break down doors in the business!

Nigel: He's got the skill, he's got the charisma, for those of you who are new to this man, you're in for a treat!

Percy: But El Phantasmo has a HUGE obstacle in front of him! Folks, we could see him pull a big upset!

El Phantasmo does his signature pose on the turnbuckle, then he does a Backflip into the ring, and poses on one knee.

He then takes off his hoodie and light up shades, and shook hands with Marufuji.

The bell rings and the match is underway.

Marufuji and Phantasmo lock up in the middle of the ring, El Phantasmo gets Marufuji in an Arm Wringer, Marufuji easily reverses into an Arm Wringer of his own, and then Marufuji got him in position for a Wrist-clutch Inside Cradle, but El Phantasmo quickly reverses, and he gets a Side Headlock applied.

Vic: And there's a good show of Chain Wrestling on display...

Marufuji shoves Phantasmo off, but El Phantasmo springboards off the second rope, and nails Marufuji with a Missile Dropkick!

Vic: And there's the agility of El Phantasmo!

El Phantasmo then hits a Standing Moonsault, but Marufuji got his knees up, and gets Phantasmo in a Small Package pin for just a 2 count!

Nigel: And Marufuji almost stole one!

Percy: That would've been over quick!

Both Marufuji and Phantasmo get up, and Marufuji told Phantasmo how close he was.

After a few seconds of a standoff, the two lock up again, this time, El Phantasmo gets him in a Wrist Lock, he then springboards off the top rope, and takes Marufuji down with a Corkscrew Arm Drag!

Marufuji gets up, and parries an incoming Dropkick, then hits Phantasmo with a Dropkick of his own!

Marufuji and Phantasmo now get up, Phantasmo evades a Bicycle High Knee, Marufuji ducks a head kick from Phantasmo, and Marufuji connects the Bicycle High Knee at his second go!

Vic: Oooh! What a knee!

Marufuji then positions him, and goes to the top rope.

Nigel: Marufuji now... looking to go airborne!

Percy: Phantasmo is in a place he shouldn't be in!

Phantasmo got up, and hits a Rope-assisted Enzuigiri on Marufuji!

Vic: El Phantasmo with a wicked shot to Marufuji!

El Phantasmo then goes to the top turnbuckle to meet him there, and he slams Marufuji down with a Super Frankensteiner!

Nigel: And there's a 'rana off the top!

Marufuji landed in perfect position in the middle of the ring, and El Phantasmo took the opportunity to walk on the top rope like a Tightrope Walker all the way to the center of the rope, and then springs off, and connects with a Moonsault!

Percy: Look at that!

Vic: That was some circus stunt done by El Phantasmo!

Nigel: I agree, Vic! That WAS something out of a circus!

El Phantasmo goes for the pin with the leg hooked, but Marufuji kicked out at 2!

Vic: Marufuji gets his shoulder up! El Phantasmo was one second away!

El Phantasmo gets up, and picks up Marufuji.

He sets him up for a Brainbuster, goes for it, but Marufuji blocked the move, goes for a Vertical Suplex, but El Phantasmo countered with a Cutter!

Vic: What a BEAUTIFUL counter!

El Phantasmo now sizes up Marufuji, Marufuji, gets to one knee, and El Phantasmo hits a Superkick!

Phantasmo goes for the cover, but gets a 2 count!

Nigel: Not yet!

El Phantasmo has brief moment of shock, but he regained composure, positioned him, and goes to the top turnbuckle.

Percy: Now Phantasmo going to the skies again!

Nigel: Now Marufuji is the one in the drop zone!

El Phantasmo goes for a Frog Splash, but Marufuji got his knees up!

Vic: No! Marufuji with the knees up!

Nigel: What a counter!

Marufuji now picks up Phantasmo, and hits the move the innovated. The Sliced Bread #2!

Vic: And Marufuji connects!

Nigel: Picture perfect Shiranui, more popularly known as the Sliced Bread #2!

Marufuji goes for the cover, got the three count, but El Phantasmo got his foot on the bottom rope!

Percy: Wait a minute!

Nigel: El Phantasmo's foot was on the rope!

While Marufuji celebrates, thinking he had won, the referee had just noticed Phantasmo's foot on the rope, and waved out the three count.

Justin Roberts: Ladies and gentlemen, El Phantasmo's foot was on the bottom rope, therefore, the match continues!

Marufuji then realized what was going on, and was clearly disappointed.

Percy: Oh man, that must hurt!

Nigel: That surely will, Percy! The fact you got the 3 count, but it had to be reversed because of that, has to be utterly painful!

Marufuji, knowing better, picks up Phantasmo for another Shiranui.

Vic: And Marufuji now... going for the Shiranui again!

He goes for it, this time, Phantasmo, held on, Marufuji lands on his feet, and Phantasmo hits a Pump Kick!

Nigel: OOOOHH!

Vic: Phantasmo with a big kick to Naomichi Marufuji!

Phantasmo then hits a Springboard Corkscrew Crossbody, but Marufuji kicked him out the air with a Superkick of his own!

Percy: OH MY GOD!

Vic: And Marufuji connects with a kick of his own!

Marufuji then slams Phantasmo with a Fisherman Driver, into a cover, but Phantasmo kicks out at 2!

Vic: NO WAY!

Percy: Where is El Phantasmo getting this energy from!?

Both Phantasmo and Marufuji get up, Marufuji goes for another Superkick, but Phantasmo caught the kick, and then hits a Step-up Enzuigiri on Marufuji!

Vic: Vicious shot to the head!

Marufwas now stunned, and El Phantasmo gets him in position for a Double Underhook Piledriver, and he connects!

Percy: Drops him on his head!

Phantasmo now positions Marufuji, goes to the top turnbuckle, and he successfully hits the Frog Splash!

Nigel: Frog Splash! This time he got him!

El Phantasmo goes for the cover, and he gets the 1-2-3!

Vic: El Phantasmo moves on!

*Bell rings!*

Justin Roberts: The winner of this match, EL PHANTASMO!!!!

Nigel: What a win for El P! Knocking off one of the all time greats in this business!

Vic: But guess who's waiting for him! Danny Phantom!

Percy: And as if Marufuji wasn't a tough challenge, Danny Phantom is gonna give him a run for his money!

The updated bracket then appears on the titantron.

Vic: That's another spot down, 2 more spots remain! Mistah Woose vs. Sami Callihan, and Noah C vs. The Aerial Assassin, Will Ospreay!

Nigel: And we will find out who advances next episode, but up next, it's Dean Ambrose and Sami Callihan vs. Blake Belladonna and Weiss Schnee.

Vic: Dave and Jake Crist were unsuccessful in their match, let's see if Ambrose and Callahan will change that.

Lodestar Luminous, Rook, and Cake were backstage, and they have a message for Matt Taven and The Kingdom.

Lodestar holds up an hourglass, the sand split halfway.

Lodestar: The sand in the hourglass moves slowly. It draws out the inevitable.

Rook hold up an old fashioned clock, ticking away.

Rook: Like the Midnight Hour of everyday, the fall of Matt Taven and his Kingdom draws every closer.

Cake puts his wrist up to the screen, counting down from 5.

Cake: Matt Taven...


Cake: Lola Loud...


Cake: Undisputed Era...


Cake: At Victory Road...


All: Time's up!

The wrist watch begins it's shrill beeping.

Lodestar: The Royal Blood Rebel and her Knights of the 'Burgh are going to raid your kingdom and BURN... IT... DOWN!

Rook: Because you see "Your Majesties"...

Cake: ...You may THINK you have us outnumbered...

Lodestar: ...But we have something you don't...

Lodestar shows off her engagement ring to the camera.

Lodestar: The moment you meet her...

Lodestar makes a throat slit motion.

Lodestar:'s OFF with your heads!

Rook: The Kingdom...

Cake: ...Will...

All: ...Fall.

Lodestar then places the hourglass on the floor, and stares deeply into the camera.

Lodestar: Tick... tock.

(MAIN EVENT: Weiss Schnee and Blake Belladonna of Team RWBY vs. Dean Ambrose and Sami Callihan of oVe)

Out comes Blake Belladonna.

*Bell rings!*

Justin Roberts: This Tag Team match is set for one fall, introducing first, from The Island of Menagerie, BLAKE BELLADONNA!!!!

Blake then stood on the stage, and when she did...

A 10 second countdown appeared on the titantron.

Once it hit 1, it rapidly counted back up to 10, then spotlights rapidly flash on the entrance way as Weiss Schnee walks out, and joins Blake in the middle of the stage.

Justin Roberts: And her Tag Team Partner, from The Kingdom Of Atlas, WEISS SCHNEE!!!!

Vic: Blake and Weiss, looking to leave a mark like their teammates, Ruby Rose and Yang Xiao Long earlier tonight!

Percy: And what a mark that will be if they are able to pull it off!

Vic: But also, they have to keep an eye out for The Crists. You'll never know when these guys will come by and assist Ambrose and Callihan.

Percy: With Ruby and Yang, I'm sure the odds will even out.

Weiss and Blake enter the ring, and they await their opponents, oVe's Dean Ambrose and Sami Callihan.

Sami Callihan slowly walks out the entrance way, baseball bat in hand, and Dean Ambrose followed closely behind him.

Justin Roberts: And their opponents, representing oVe, Dean Ambrose, and SAMI CALLIHAN!!!!

Vic: Ohio Versus Everything, made their motives clear as day in Episode 2, saying that they will not let anyone like Team RWBY walk around the place as long as they're around!

Percy: A very emphatic statement by oVe, but Team RWBY began to prove why they are deserving to be here, of course I'm referring to Yang and Ruby who knocked off The Crists.

Nigel: Right now, let's see if Weiss and Blake can do the same.

Dean and Sami enter the ring, and they have a standoff with Weiss and Blake.

The referee creates distance between the two teams.

After a while Sami Callihan and Blake Belladonna start it off, and the bell rings.

Sami and Blake lock up in the center of the ring, Sami pushes Blake into a corner, and then kicks her in the gut.

Sami then shoves her to the floor, making her sit in the corner, then he proceeds to stomp away on her before choking her with his foot across her throat.

Vic: And there's that violent and viciousness of Callihan on display!

The ref counted to 5, and Callihan releases Blake at 4.

Nigel: And Callihan using the 5 count to do more damage.

Vic: oVe are on a roll here in this match so far!

Callihan then picks Blake up, and Blake surprises Callihan with a slap to the face!

Callihan staggers backwards, then she delivered a Reverse Sling Blade, rolls him over, covers him, but gets a 2 count.

Blake then drags Callihan to her corner, and tags in Weiss.

Vic: Tag to Weiss Schnee, here we go!

Weiss waits for Callihan to stand up in the corner.

Once he did, Weiss caught him with a High Knee.

Then she throws him out of the corner, proceeds to go for a Disaster Kick, but then Callihan shoves her over the top rope, and Weiss landed brutally hard on the apron before flopping onto the floor!

Percy: OH MAN!

Nigel: That did not look pretty at all!

Vic: Weiss was looking for a Disaster Kick, but Callihan had it scouted!

Nigel: That was a wicked fall, she could be badly hurt!

Callihan then tags Dean, Dean hops onto the floor, and throws Weiss onto the steel steps!

Vic: Oooh, and you thought Callihan was vicious, take a look at Dean Ambrose!

Dean then grabs Weiss by her head, and slides her face across the apron.

Nigel: And now Ambrose, simply doing anything and everything to make this absolutely painful for Weiss.

At this point the ref had counted to 6, and Dean throws her back in.

He comes back in as well, goes for the cover, but Weiss gets her shoulder up at 2.

Vic: Kick out at 2, but the punishment from Dean will surely take a toll later on.

Nigel: You're absolutely right, Vic. I know that from experience. Anytime you take a brutal beating, that damage will have a major effect as the match progresses.

Dean then tags in Callihan, and the two whipped her onto the ropes, then they hit a Double Hip Toss.

Weiss sits up, and Callihan hits a running boot to her face.

He goes for the cover, but gets a 2 count.

Callihan then gets on top of Weiss, and punches away on her.

The ref then pries him off to give Weiss some space, but Callihan wasn't done.

He goes to continue his offense, but Weiss caught him in a small package!

Vic: Wait a minute!

Percy: Callihan got caught!

Callihan kicked out at 2!

Vic: Weiss almost stole one!

Both Weiss and Sami get up, but Callihan clocked her with a brutal forearm, then took her down with a Northern Lariat!

Vic: Oooh! Callihan with a Clothesline to the back of Weiss's neck!

Sami Callihan then picks her up, goes for a Headlock Driver, but Weiss shoved him off, he turns around, only to take a Roundhouse Kick to the temple!


Nigel: Right on the ear it looked like!

Weiss then sets him up for a Falling Inverted DDT, and connects!

Vic: And WEISS! Slamming Callihan to the mat with authority!

Weiss goes for the cover, but Callihan kicks out at 2!

Vic: But it's not enough to put him away!

Nigel: Weiss Schnee may not have gotten the win there, but she sure did create a separation!

Weiss gets up, goes for a Penalty Kick on Sami, but Sami Callihan countered with a Drop Toe Hold, then locked on the Stretch Muffler!

Vic: WHOA!

Nigel: OH MY GOD!

Vic: Callihan out of NOWHERE, got Weiss in the Stretch Muffler!

Percy: This could be it! Callihan might make her tap here!

Weiss was now in a lot of pain. Every time she would crawl to the bottom rope, Callihan would increase the pressure, making it more painful.

But through the pain, Weiss manages to get very close to the ropes.

She then begins to reach out, but she was just a mere fingertip away.

Vic: Weiss is right there...

Percy: Just a little more...

But then Callihan dragged her to the centre of the ring, and doubled the pressure!

Vic: And Callihan drags Weiss away!

Nigel: Now Weiss has NO choice but to tap!

Fortunately for Weiss, Blake came in, and struck Callihan in the face with a Single Leg Dropkick, breaking the hold!

Vic: And Blake saves Weiss!

Nigel: But the damage has already been done! Who knows what percent Weiss could be in now!

Percy: Well definitely not a hundred!

Blake goes back to her corner, Callihan picks Wiess up, goes for a clothesline, but she ducked, and she gets the Disaster Kick to connect on Callihan!


Nigel: Weiss needs to make that tag now!

Both Callihan and Weiss crawled to their corners, and they both make the hot tag!

Blake comes flying in with a Springboard Forearm Smash on Dean, then she hits him with a Calf Kick, then to top it all off, she ducked an incoming clothesline, and catches Dean with a Swinging Neckbreaker!

Vic: Look at Blake! All fired up!

Blake then knocks Callihan off the apron, then hits a Running Meteora on the seated Dean Ambrose!

Nigel: Blake with a Meteora!

Vic: Blake could have him here!

Blake goes for the cover, but Dean kicked out at 2!

Vic: Dean gets his shoulder up in time!

Nigel: So many times both teams came so close!

Dean Ambrose rolls onto the floor outside the ring, the referee begins to count, and Blake began to size up Dean.

Vic: Uh oh...

Percy: Blake looking to fly!

Nigel: Fasten your seatbelts, everyone! Air Belladonna is gonna take off!

Blake hits the ropes, and does a Tope Con Hilo over the referee, and lands a direct hit on Ambrose!

Vic: And Blake! Over the referee, lands on target!

Percy: Those cat genetics in Blake sure helped!

Blake throws Dean back into the ring, the ref checks on him, then The Crists come out and assault Blake!

Vic: And now The Crists get involved!

Nigel: It was only a matter of time, that these jackals will show up!

Dave then goes behind Blake, while Jake stood in front of her.

Dave went low with a kick to the back of her knee, and Jake went high with a big boot.

However Blake sidestepped them, but The Crists managed to catch themselves.

Vic: And Blake NARROWLY dodges a bullet there!

But when they turned around, Weiss was waiting for them on the top turnbuckle, and with a Diving Crossbody, Weiss wiped out The Crists!

Vic: And now Weiss takes it to the skies!

Percy: Weiss Schnee, throwing caution to the wind, took out The Crists, while risking her own well being in the process!

Blake slides into the ring, but the second she got to her feet, Dean got her for the Dirty Deeds, and Dean connects!


Nigel: Dean had been lying in wait this whole time!

Dean goes for the cover, and gets the 1-2-3!

Vic: And Ambrose and Callihan knock off Weiss and Blake!

*Bell rings!*

Justin Roberts: The winners of this match, Sami Callihan, and Dean Ambrose, OVE!!!!!

Vic: If it weren't for The Crists, Weiss and Blake would have had a chance!

Nigel: You're absolutely right! The Crists may not have done a lot of damage to weaken Blake, but they did however, give Ambrose enough time to recover, and hit the Dirty Deeds for the win!

Vic: But don't take anything away from Weiss and Blake. They put up a good fight against Ambrose and Callihan!

Percy: They sure did! They may not walk out with the win like Yang and Ruby, but they will walk out with the fans' respect!

But Dean and Sami weren't done. Sami Callihan began to assault the already beaten Blake, and Dean, along with The Crists, began beating Weiss to a pulp.

Vic: Oh now this is uncalled for!

Percy: You already won the match, come on!

Nigel: I don't think oVe cares! This is all about wiping Team RWBY off of existence at this point!

Yang and Ruby then come out to the aid of their teammates, and the odds were now even.

Vic: And here comes the cavalry!

Nigel: That oughta even the odds!

Yang throws Dave Crist onto the steel steps, Ruby takes out Jake with a Superkick, but just as Team RWBY were on a roll, Callihan whacked Ruby square in the gut with his baseball bat!

Vic: And Callihan with an equalizer!

Nigel: An equalizer in the form of his trusty baseball bat!

"Let's end this!" Sami yelled, and Dean Ambrose and Dave Crist then pull out a table and slide it into the ring.

Percy: Oh no...

Vic: This doesn't look good...

Weiss gets up to fight back, but Jake Crist easily took her out with a Superkick, followed by a Spinning Hook Kick.

Nigel: And there's Jake with a series of kicks to take out Ms. Schnee.

In the ring, Dean Ambrose sets the table up, and Dave Crist gets Ruby up on his shoulders in Electric Chair position.

Jake Crist slides in, and Sami does the same thing with Jake.

Vic: This does not look good for Ruby Rose!

Percy: No! Don't do this! This isn't necessary!

Sami then launches Jake off his shoulders, and oVe successfully hit their signature cutter finisher, The All Seeing Eye, on Ruby through the table!

Vic: NO!!!!


Percy: What the hell were they trying to prove here!?

Nigel: Whatever it is they're trying to prove, they were successful in proving it tonight!

Sami Callihan, The Crists, and Dean Ambrose then held hands, and raised them up in victory as they stand over the broken bodies of Team RWBY.

Vic: And oVe, clearly have won this round.

Nigel: Team RWBY really brought it all here tonight, but in the end, oVe made it all about themselves.

Percy: How will Team RWBY bounce back from this?


And that was INSANITY everyone!

Boy, Team RWBY's first official night as part if the roster didn't really go as they had hoped.

Also, the first round of the Gold Rush Tournament is almost coming to a close!

Rick C and El Phantasmo punched their tickets to join Lincoln Loud, and Danny Phantom, let's see joins them in Episode 4.

Until then, stay tuned!

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