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It's Insanity time once again!

Let's see what we have in store...


The opening pyro goes off in Forest Hills Stadium in New York City, then the camera pans around as Vic Joseph speaks.

Vic: We are here, in beautiful New York City, Victory Road is just around the corner, and boy is Insanity gonna be intense here tonight! I'm Vic Joseph, joined by Percy Watson, and Nigel McGuinness.

Nigel: Tonight, is all about punching tickets to Victory Road, Sami Callihan takes on Mistah Woose, and to close off the first round, Noah C will be facing The Aerial Assassin himself, Will Ospreay.

Vic: And that's not the only thing that's gonna happen, Yang Xiao Long is gonna face Kyle O'Reilly for a spot at Victory Road for the No Limits Championship, along with either Kushida, or Artemis Spencer.

Percy: And our Main Event, The King of The Kingdom, Matt Taven, will be facing Cake.


Vic: Wait a minute! Looks like we're gonna hear from our GM first!

Out came Insanity GM, Liam Malone.

Nigel: What a way to open the show, with our General Manager to say a few words!

Liam enters the ring, mic in hand, and he listens to the cheers of the crowd before he spoke.

Liam: So... recently, a certain someone made a challenge on Google+. *looks into the camera* Jonah I'm talking about you. Now Jonah I have found someone willing to face you. But don't worry. You'll find out soon enough.

And with that short message, he leaves the ring.

Vic: Wow! What a statement to Jonah Shwarts by Liam Malone!

Nigel: Jonah Shwarts better pay attention, because Malone has someone who wants to fight the LWE Commissioner!

Percy: If I were Jonah Shwarts, I'd think twice in invading!

Then as soon as Malone had left...


Out walked Kyle O'Reilly, and he played a wicked guitar solo on his way to the ring.

*Bell rings!*

Justin Roberts: This contest is set for one fall, introducing first, he is one half of the NXT Tag Team Champions, KYLE O'REILLY!!!!

Vic: And Kyle O'Reilly, looking to bring the No Limits Championship to The Kingdom. But in order to do that, he has to get through Yang Xiao Long first.

Nigel: And if he does get through her, he has 2 other guys to through!

Percy: Indeed! But getting through is hard in itself!

Vic: It sure is. Yang is a strong, and heavy striker in her own right.

Kyle enters the ring, and he takes off his Undisputed Era shirt.

Out comes Yang, and she punches the air, then makes her way to the ring.

Justin Roberts: And his opponent, representing Team RWBY, YANG XIAO LONG!!!!

Vic: And Yang, the only female to contend for the No Limits Championship, looks to prove herself here tonight.

Percy: And going from what you said earlier Vic, Yang is a heavy striker, and is the powerhouse of Team RWBY, so Kyle O'Reilly's opponent is almost similar to him skillwise.

Nigel: And if I were O'Reilly, I would avoid a punching contest with Yang.

Yang hops into the ring, and throws a couple more air punches.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Instead of going for a lock up, Kyle O'Reilly went straight to work with open handed strikes to Yang's body, then he delivered kicks to the legs, and then back to the body!

Vic: And O'Reilly! Starting out fast with those strikes to Yang!

After a few seconds of offense from O'Reilly, Yang catches an incoming kick, then hits O'Reilly with a Back Elbow!

Nigel: And Yang with a Back Elbow, stopping Kyle O'Reilly in his tracks!

Kyle staggers into a corner, and it's now Yang who goes to work on O'Reilly as she rains down with body strikes of her own, and the referee now pulls her off of Kyle.

Percy: And Yang has to be careful not to get disqualified.

Yang backs away, Kyle O'Reilly catches a breather, then the two meet in the middle of the ring.

This time, Yang fires the first shot with a straight left jab, but Kyle O'Reilly, being well skilled in Jiu Jitsu, catches the jab and immediately took her down, and locked on a Fujiwara Armbar!

Vic: And look at O'Reilly! Catching that jab, and now Yang is in trouble!

Nigel: Great strategy from Kyle O'Reilly, damaging Yang's main arsenal.

Yang, using her strength, powers out of the hold, goes to bull rush Kyle, but he side stepped, and Yang crashes into the steel post on the left shoulder!

Percy: Oh no!

Vic: Oh man! Yang charged at O'Reilly but he stepped out of the way, and she got nothing but the steel post!

Nigel: And she hit it hard, and onto the arm O'Reilly was working on!

Yang starts to favor her shoulder, and Kyle, seeing the big target on Yang, goes right back on the arm, delivering hard kicks to the left arm.

Vic: And now Kyle O'Reilly, like a bloodthirsty shark, going right back on her left arm.

Yang tries to avoid some of the kicks, but O'Reilly being really quick, made it hard for her.

Kyle goes for another kick, Yang catches it again, takes him down into a Jackknife Cover, but Kyle kicked out at 2, and Yang immediately began clutching at her left arm.

Percy: And there you can see the damage is now taking its toll right there!

Vic: And it'll only get worse when the match progresses.

Kyle then goes up to her for another arm submission, but Yang caught him with a Drop Toe Hold, got up, and deadlifts him into a German Suplex!

Vic: Wow! Look at the strength of Yang!

Yang gets up again, shaking her left arm.

Nigel: And now Yang trying to get some blood flowing into that arm...

Yang then clotheslines Kyle over and over, gaining momentum each time.

She then tries a left jab again, but Kyle kicked the arm as she was winding up.

Yang bent over in pain, and Kyle hits Ax and Smash, his signature Axe Kick/Forearm Smash combo!

Percy: And there's Ax and Smash!

Yang rebounded off the ropes in a daze, then hits Kyle with a big uppercut, and now both Yang and Kyle are down!

Nigel: Holy cow!

Vic: Yang Xiao Long with a vicious Uppercut, and now they're both down!

The referee now begins his count.






Yang and Kyle both come to, and are now on one knee.

Once they both got back to their feet, Kyle fires a load of Forearms on Yang, and Yang just ate them all.

Then with a big battle cry, Yang hits a straight jab, this time with the right arm!

Vic: Oh man! What a right!

But then Kyle answered back when he staggered into the ropes, then delivered a Pendulum Lariat!

Nigel: OH MY WORD!

Vic: What a Lariat by Kyle O'Reilly!

He then gets up, sets Yang up for a Butterfly Suplex, but Yang reverses, getting Kyle in a Pumphandle Position, then goes for her signature Pumphandle Death Valley Driver, the Yang Time, but Kyle countered with a Headscissors Takedown into a Juji-gatame locked onto her left arm!

Percy: Holy cow!

Vic: Kyle O'Reilly with an Armbar locked in on Yang!

Nigel: Known as a Juji-gatame in Judo, and Kyle O'Reilly has it locked on tight on that injured arm!

Yang was flailing her legs and free arm, but she was in the middle of the ring, not going anywhere.

After what seemed like forever in the Armbar, Yang then rolled up Kyle, but then she lifted him up.

Percy: And Yang showing off that strength yet again!

Then with a running start, Yang slams Kyle O'Reilly into a corner with a Buckle Bomb!

Vic: And Yang with a Buckle Bomb!

Kyle O'Reilly now crawled to the center, favoring his back.

Then he got up, and Yang knocked him down with a Superman Punch!

Nigel: Big Superman Punch from Xiao Long!

She then gets O'Reilly in Pumphandle Position once more, and she successfully hits the Yang Time!

Vic: And there's the Yang Time!

Yang goes for the cover, and gets the 1-2-3!

Vic: And Yang Xiao Long, is heading to Victory Road!

*Bell rings!*

Justin Roberts: The winner of this match, YANG XIAO LONG!!!!

Nigel: Yang Xiao Long is the first person to secure a spot in the Triple Threat Match!

Percy: Just one more win, and that No Limits Championship is hers!

But just as the referee raised her hand...

Vic: Oh no...

Nigel: Yang is hurt! I don't think she'll be able to defend herself!

Out walked Sami Callihan, and Dean Ambrose.

Percy: Well there's Ambrose, there's Callihan...

Yang was telling them to get in the ring, but then Dave and Jake Crist jumped her from behind!

Vic: And there's the Crists!

Nigel: Yang Xiao Long just had her arm damaged in a match, and now oVe are picking the bones like a pack of hyenas!

The Crists continue to stomp away on Yang, then Ambrose and Callihan joined in.

Vic: And now it's just a 4 on 1 mugging, courtesy of oVe!


Percy: Hold on a minute! Here comes backup!

Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, and Blake Belladonna all rushed to the ring, and began to fend off Callihan, Ambrose, and the Crists!

Vic: And the rest of Team RWBY coming to the aid of Yang!

All seemed well for Team RWBY, up until outside the ring, where Ruby was fighting Sami Callihan, Callihan grabbed his bat from under the ring, and struck her on the side of her right knee!

Nigel: Oh my word!

Vic: And Callihan with his trusty baseball bat, takes out the right leg of Ruby!

As Ruby got down, clutching at her knee, Callihan slides back in the ring, and struck Weiss, Blake, and the downed Yang with his bat.

Nigel: This is disgusting!

Percy: I couldn't agree more! Sami Callihan just brought his little family out here, right after Yang had a hard fought battle with Kyle O'Reilly, only just to pick the bones!

"Bring out a table!" Callihan shouts at the Crists, and as told, they brought out a table from under the ring.

Vic: Oh no...

Nigel: We saw them do this to Ruby...

Dean Ambrose takes the table and sets it up, and Dave Crist gets Yang in Electric Chair position up on his shoulders.

Percy: Oh no!

Nigel: And it looks like Yang is next!

Vic: oVe! Looking for the All Seeing Eye!

But just before Callihan got Jake Crist on his shoulders...


oVe looked up the ramp, and saw Dax Xaviera come rushing to the ring, steel chair in hand!

Nigel: It's Dax Xaviera!

Percy: Oh thank God he came out here!

Dax slid into the ring, went for a swing at Callihan, but Callihan jumped out of the ring, and so did Dean Ambrose and the Crists.

Vic: And Xaviera went for Callihan, but Callihan high tails it!

Nigel: And the rest of oVe are retreating as well!

Dax then placed the chair down, and helped Yang up.

Weiss and Blake did the same to Ruby, and now they stand tall in the middle of the ring as Dax's theme plays.

Vic: If Dax had not come out there, Yang would've been toast!

Nigel: I'm thankful that he did! Otherwise Yang's journey to Victory Road would have been cut short!

Percy: And that would be really disappointing.

Vic: Sure would've been. Switching gears now, 1 spot filled, 2 empty spots remain. Later tonight, we will see another spot filled, when Artemis Spencer faces Kushida later tonight!

Nigel: And still to come, our main event, the king of The Kingdom, Matt Taven, faces Grandview Gang member, Cake, hoping to settle the score here in New York.


Charly Caruso was standing by in the interviewing area with Cake, along with Rook and Lodestar Luminous.

Charly: Cake, later tonight, you will be facing the king of The Kingdom Matt Taven. Anything you wanna say to Taven?

Cake: The King of the Kingdom? Well if HE'S the King and Lola is the Queen we better call CPS, ASAP!

Rook then twirls his finger around and Lodestar makes siren noises.

Cake: The King of the Kingdom is about to meet the Prince of the Pineapple Surprise, and he's gonna get to know what he's all about in due time! *looks into the camera* Taven, You wanna try and pick on this trio from The 'Burgh? Well bring Adam Cole, bring Kyle O'Ronchy, bring Bobby Fishsticks, bring Roddy Strongman, bring whatever you got because the Grandview Gang is gonna whoop your hides right outta the thrones, and into the mod of enraged peasants that want your heads on the guillotine! That fact is undeniable, my Pineapple Surprise is unavoidable, and the fall of the Kingdom... is UNDISPUTABLE!

Lodestar & Rook: OOOOOOOO!

Cake: *Giggles* See what I did there?

Rook puts his arm around Cake.

Rook: Yeah, yeah. We did, bud.

The trio laugh until the song "Teenage Dream" by Katy Perry is heard coming from Lodestar's pocket. She pulls out her ringing phone and looks at a confused and amused Cake and Rook.

Lodestar: What? I'm still a girl, ya know?

She answers the phone.

Lodestar: Yello?... Oh hey!... Really?... Oooohoohoohoo! That makes me moist!

Cake: Ew...

Lodestar: Perfect! See you in fifteen. Kisses!

Lodestar hangs up, grinning from ear-to-ear.

Rook: Was that who I think it was?

Lodestar: Mmmmhmmmm. The Ace in the Hole has arrived.

Cake: But... Isn't Ace on Non-stop, and why is he in a hole?

Rook: No Cake it's-

Lodestar: We'll explain later. For now *Points at Cake* you need to gear up for the match with Taven.

Rook: And you?

Lodestar: I have a plan of my own... They got Undisputed... we're getting something even better.

Cake: The Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant!?

Lodestar: Close... but not quite.

Cake: Awwww!

Lodestar: Oh hush up you big baby. You gotta a King's head to split open!

Cake: I won't letcha down!

Lodestar: Atta boy! I'll check up with you losers later. Momma has some shit to do!

She walks off, leaving the two cousins to themselves.

Cake: So... no War Elephant?

Rook: Not literally... but we can pretend it is. It IS close enough to it, after all... But don't tell her I said that.

Cake: Course!


Out comes Noah C.

*Bell rings*

Justin Roberts: This contest is a first round match in the C.E.W Championship Gold Rush Tournament! Introducing first, from Indianapolis, Indiana, NOAH C!!!!

Vic: Noah C, brother of The Glow-rious One, Rick C, has a big challenge in front of him.

Nigel: Indeed he does, Vic. His opponent, Will Ospreay, a decorated star, well known around the world, and Noah will experience that firsthand.

Noah enters the ring, and takes off his hoodie.

Out comes Will Ospreay, and he gets down to one knee, removes his hood, throws his arm into the air, and continues his way to the ring.

Justin Roberts: And his opponent, from Rainham, Essex, England, weighing in at 169 pounds, The Aerial Assassin, WILL OSPREAY!!!!!

Nigel: This young man, at only 25 years of age, has accomplished a lot! 2 time IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion, winner the 2016 Best Of The Super Juniors Tournament, former Progress Wrestling Champion, and former Ring Of Honor World Television Champion!

Will Ospreay hops into the ring, and takes off his jacket.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Noah and Ospreay lock up in the middle of the ring, then Noah uses his strength to shove Ospreay to the ground.

Percy: And Noah C, showing off that strength of his!

Ospreay gets back up, locks up with Noah again, this time he gets Noah in a Hammerlock.

Noah reverses, and gets Ospreay in a Side Headlock.

Noah, while maintaining his hold, takes him down, but then Ospreay escapes, by using a Headscissors, both men get up, and Ospreay hits Noah with a Dropkick!

Vic: And here comes Ospreay!

Ospreay then goes for his finisher, the OsCutter, but Noah shoved him to the outside, and Ospreay landed hard!

Percy: Ooooh man! That did not look pretty!

Nigel: Ospreay went for the OsCutter too early, and Noah made him pay!

Noah goes to the outside, throws Ospreay back in, goes for the cover, but gets a 2 count.

Noah now drops some elbows onto Ospreay, then he sits him up, and gets him in a Sleeper Hold.

Vic: And now Noah C, keeping Will Ospreay grounded, preventing him from flying.

Percy: This is a smart strategy Noah is playing out.

Will Ospreay tries to counter, but to no avail.

He then scoots to the ropes, and he manages to get his foot on the bottom rope to force a break.

Vic: Ospreay now, looking to get some separation...

He gets up in a corner, Noah comes charging with a Clothesline, but Ospreay evaded by sliding through the ropes, and onto the apron!

Noah ended up getting nothing but the top turnbuckle, Ospreay then hits a Rope-assisted Enzuigiri, sizes up the staggering Noah, goes for a Springboard Forearm Smash, but Noah caught him in mid-air with his signature Superkick, the Serenity Prayer!

Nigel: WHOA!!!

Vic: Noah C with the Serenity Prayer!

But he wasn't done. He gets Ospreay in Pumphandle position, and hits his signature Pumphandle Powerbomb, the Silence Driver!

Vic: And a Silence Driver to top it off!

Percy: He could have Ospreay here!

Noah goes for the cover, but Ospreay kicked out at 2!

Vic: Ospreay gets his shoulder up!

Noah, now starting to show signs of frustration, begins to stomp away on Ospreay.

He then gets him up for a Vertical Suplex, Ospreay counters into a Stunner, but Noah counters that counter, back into the Silence Driver, but then Ospreay counters the Silence Driver into a Frankensteiner!

Vic: WOW!!!

Nigel: What back and forth action!

Percy: This just shows how much the C.E.W Championship means to these two men!

Noah then rolls onto his stomach, slowly gets up, but then Ospreay knocks him back down, with his signature 720° Kick right across his back!

Vic: And Noah gets knocked down by Ospreay!

Ospreay now sizes up Noah, Noah slowly gets to his feet, and Ospreay hits the OsCutter!

Nigel: OSCUTTER!!!

Ospreay goes for the cover, and Ospreay gets the 1-2-3!

Vic: Ospreay moves on!

*Bell rings!*

Justin Roberts: The winner of this match, WILL OSPREAY!!!

Vic: And Ospreay knocks off Noah C, to advance in the tournament!

Nigel: Noah C came in with his A-game, but Ospreay has proven why he's The Aerial Assassin here tonight!

Then the updated bracket shows up on the titantron.

Percy: And there you see Ospreay moving up the bracket, and he will face Jordan Oliver in what could be a stellar match!

Vic: Indeed what a match that will be, but up next, the last first round match will take place! Mistah Woose, and Sami Callihan! They face each other next! Don't go anywhere!


We now catch up with Yang, along the rest of Team RWBY and Dax Xaviera in the first aid room, and that's where Charly Caruso walked in.

Charly: Yang, after what transpired out there earlier tonight, will you be able to walk into Victory Road?

Yang: What kind of a question is that, Charly? Of course I'm going to Victory Road, even if I have one good arm left, I'm gonna punch my way through 2 other guys, and there's nothing and noone who will stop me!

That's when Dax stepped in.

Dax: I may have saved you tonight, but I'm also fighting for a spot in the Triple Threat Match. Tonight I was your ally, but at Victory Road, things are gonna change.

He then walks away.
Then the scene changes. This time, it was another Rock Fashion Inc. Vignette. This time, Leni and Luna were in the streets of New York.

Luna: Ah... New York City! The most beautiful place in America!

Leni: I thought we were in New York City...

Luna: Leni... New York City is in America.

Leni: Oh, right.

Luna: Anyway, Leni and I heard that Victory Road was coming up.

Leni: Well guess what...

Luna: We're gonna be there! C.E.W, The Rock Fashion Inc, is coming to Victory Road, and WE WILL ROCK OUT LIKE THERE'S NO TOMORROW!!!

Leni: And like, totes look amazing doing it!

The vignette ends with the caption: ROCK FASHION INC: DEBUTS AT VICTORY ROAD
(Start at 0:43)

🎶You and me, we're not the same! You wanna take me, you'll never break me! You're nothing more than yesterday! You don't define me, so get behind me! Oh! wo-oh oh oh oh oh oh...🎶

Vic: Speaking of Victory Road, we would like to thank the band, Cenacle for their song, "A Shadow Behind". The official theme song for C.E.W's first event, Victory Road! You can get this song, and the album, "The New Today" which is available on iTunes. Guys, how excited are you for Victory Road?

Percy: I can't wait for Rock Fashion Inc to arrive! I personally like this new Tag Team!

Nigel: Well not me, I'm excited for the Triple Threat Match! Yang, probably not gonna be 100 percent walking in, but she will indeed be there, and will face 2 other men, one of them, would probably be Dax Xaviera.

Vic: But he has to get through Mark Andrews first. Speaking of Mark Andrews, he's also in the C.E.W Gold Rush Tournament! Can you imagine if he won the C.E.W Championship, AND the No Limits Championship in the same night!?

Nigel: What a moment that will be for Mark Andrews for sure! But, he has to get past Lincoln Loud, and 3 other men in a Ladder Match to do so!


Out comes Mistah Woose, and the crowd cheers as he makes his way to the ring.

*Bell rings!*

Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, from Springfield, Illinois, MISTAH WOOSE!!!

Vic: Mistah Woose, fellow member of the CAW League Of Nations along with Rick and Noah C, Insanity GM Liam Malone, our C.E.W Founder and Non-stop GM Chard, and many others, looks to bring the title to the group!

Nigel: But he has to get through oVe leader Sami Callihan first.

Percy: And even if he does, he has to face Rick C!

Vic: And that will surely be interesting!

Mistah Woose enters the ring, and he warms up in a corner, waiting for Sami Callihan.

Out came Sami Callihan, and no surprise, Dean Ambrose and the Crists were right behind him.

Justin Roberts: And his opponent, from Bellefontaine, Ohio, accompanied by oVe, SAMI CALLIHAN!!!!

Vic: Callihan, just moments earlier, came out here with Ambrose and the Crists, and eviscerated what was left of Yang Xiao Long after her match with Kyle O'Reilly.

Nigel: And now Callihan looks to do the same to Mistah Woose, and everyone else in this tournament.

Callihan enters the ring, but the referee then banned Ambrose and the Crists from ringside!

Percy: Oh look at this!

Vic: The referee, ejecting Dean Ambrose and the Crists from ringside!

Nigel: Now we know for sure that this will be a fair fight!

The Crists and Ambrose all walked back to the backstage area, and Callihan takes off his cap, and places his bat down on the floor in the corner he was standing in.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Callihan and Mistah Woose lock up in the middle of the ring, Callihan knees Woose in the gut, then he hits a Snap Suplex, goes for a quick cover, not even a 1 count.

Then both men get up Woose blocked an incoming Big Boot from Callihan, and drops him with an Double-handed Axe Handle strike!

Vic: And Woose blasting Callihan with an Axe Handle!

Woose then hits the ropes, and flattens Callihan with a big Elbow Drop, goes for the cover, but Callihan kicks out at 2.

Vic: But Callihan gets the shoulder up at 2.

Percy: So far Woose is looking great!

Woose now applies a simple Sleeper Hold on Callihan.

Nigel: And Callihan, Callihan in quite a predicament right now...

Callihan slowly gets to his feet, and elbows Woose in the gut, freeing himself.

Vic: And now Callihan escapes...

Callihan hits the ropes, but then Woose flattens Callihan with a Crossbody!

Percy: Whoa!

Vic: What a Crossbody!

Then Woose crushes him with a Standing Senton, goes for the cover, but Callihan kicked out at 2!

Woose gets up, sizes up Callihan, then as soon as Callihan got to his feet, Mistah Woose goes for a Discus Lariat, but gets a Bicycle Kick to the face by Callihan!

Nigel: And Callihan with a boot!

Callihan then gets Woose up on his shoulders for a Death Valley Driver, but Woose elbows his way out if it, then slams Callihan down with a Saito Suplex!

Vic: Saito Suplex by Mistah Woose!

He then sets Callihan up for a Jumping Piledriver, and connects!

Nigel: Big Piledriver!!!

Woose goes for the cover, but Callihan kicked out at 2!

Vic: And Callihan gets out at 2!

Percy: Woose is throwing everything he has at Callihan!

Woose once more sizes up Callihan, then he sets him up for his signature Pedigree move, the Mistahgree, but then Callihan countered into a Back Body Drop!

Vic: Oh! Up and over goes Mistah Woose!

Callihan goes to a corner to catch his breath, then he sets Woose up for a Headlock Driver, but Woose countered into an Atomic Drop!

Percy: Woose had him scouted!

Woose now free once again, hits the ropes, then clocks Callihan from behind with a Northern Lariat!

Vic: Big Northern Lariat from Mistah Woose!

He then sets Callihan up for the Mistahgree again, this time he connects!

Nigel: And there's the Mistahgree!!!

Woose rolls him over, goes for the cover, and gets the 1-2-3!

Vic: And Woose advances!

*Bell rings!*

Justin Roberts: The winner of this match, MISTAH WOOSE!!!!

Vic: Now this is gonna be interesting! Woose just knocked off Callihan, but guess who he's gonna be facing in round 2!

Nigel: Woose is gonna be facing Rick C! What a battle that match will be!

The updated bracket then appears on the titantron.

Percy: And there you have it! The first round is complete, and yes this is gonna be an interesting Round 2!

Vic: In the second round, El Phantasmo faces Danny Phantom, Mark Andrews faces Lincoln Loud, Will Ospreay faces Jordan Oliver, and in a battle that'll surely go down a classic in the CEW History Books, Mistah Woose faces Rick C.

Nigel: What a round 2 that will be, but up next, the second spot for the Triple Threat Match at Victory Road for the No Limits Championship will be filled. But who will fill the spot? Kushida? Or Artemis Spencer? We'll find out next!


Matt Taven, along with Lola Loud and the Undisputed Era were in the backstage area, and Taven had a message for Cake.

Matt: Cake, you little, immature, fool. You really think you can just, knock me off MY throne? Ha. Easier said than done, pal, and you're gonna find that out the hard way tonight.

Lola then steps forward.

Lola: And I hope you watch this REAL close, Lodestar! Because we're gonna make an example out of your friend when Matt Taven is done taking HIS head off, and sending him to the land of peasants!

Matt: That's right. I hope you're ready to bow down to the King, of The Kingdom.


Out comes Kushida, in his Marty Mcfly outfit, and he makes his way to the ring, high fiving the fans in the front row.

*Bell rings!*

Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, from Tokyo, Japan, weighing in at 192 pounds, he is The Time Splitter, KUSHIDA!!!!!

Vic: And just like Will Ospreay, Kushida himself has a pretty impressive resume!

Nigel: He sure does! 6 Time and Current IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion, won last year's and 2015's Best Of The Super Juniors, and the 2017 World Cup, this man is one of Japan's biggest stars for a good reason!

Percy: Let's see if he can add the C.E.W Championship in that resume of his.

Kushida enters the ring, and does his signature pose on the top turnbuckle.

Then he hops down, and takes off his denim jacket.

15 seconds into the song, Artemis Spencer comes out, and he makes his way to the ring as the crowd chants his name.

Justin Roberts: And his opponent, from Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada, weighing in at 170 pounds, ARTEMIS SPENCER!!!!

Vic: This man here, has a resume, not as impressive as Kushida's, but it's a pretty good one at best!

Nigel: It sure is, winner of the 2010 Pacific Cup, 5 Time NWA Canadian Heavyweight Champion, former ECCW Champion, and 3 Time NWA Canadian Junior Heavyweight Champion!

Percy: And also, this is gonna be a pretty interesting match in itself, because Kushida and Artemis, are almost, if not, exactly the same in speed, and skill!

Nigel: I guess this just goes down to who's the better man here tonight!

Artemis Spencer then enters the ring, and he warms up, and stretches out in an empty corner.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Kushida and Artemis meet each other in the middle of the ring, then the two shook hands.

Vic: And there you see a show of sportsmanship by these two...

After the handshake, the two now lock up.

Kushida gets the upper hand with an Arm Wringer, Artemis reverses, and takes down Kushida with an Arm Drag.

Nigel: And we're now seeing some quick Chain Wrestling there...

The two lock up again, and this time, Artemis gets Kushida in a Side Headlock, Kushida counters with a Back Suplex, but Artemis lands on his feet, and Artemis hits Kushida with a Standing Dropkick!

Vic: And Artemis with a Dropkick!

Artemis then picks Kushida up, goes for a Powerbomb Lungblower, but Kushida counters with a Frankensteiner into a cover, but Artemis Spencer kicks out at 2!

Nigel: And Kushida almost had it!

Kushida and Artemis get up, then Kushida takes down Artemis, goes for a Jackknife Cover, but gets a 2 count.

Kushida then gets Artemis in a Front Facelock, and then Artemis Spencer gets to his feet, and reverses it into a Northern Lights Suplex, with a bridge, but Kushida kicks out at 2!

Vic: And again Kushida gets the shoulder up!

Artemis and Kushida get up, and then Artemis hits Kushida with a Spinning Wheel Kick!

Percy: Whoa!

Vic: Artemis Spencer with a spinning kick!

Kushida rolls to the outside, then Artemis hits a Suicide Dive!

Nigel: And Artemis flies!!!

Artemis then throws Kushida back into the ring, and goes to the top turnbuckle.

Vic: Artemis... looking to go high risk now...

Artemis slowly rises, but then Kushida meets him up there, and sends Artemis flying with a Super Hurricanrana!

Percy: And look at this!!!

Vic: Kushida with a Rana off the top, and Artemis Spencer crashes and burns!

Kushida now makes a comeback, clothesline after clothesline, getting fired up.

Artemis tries to stop his momentum with a Clothesline, Kushida ducks, then hits Artemis with a Péle Kick!

Nigel: And a Péle Kick from Kushida!

Kushida goes for the cover, but Artemis kicks out at 2!

Vic: Oh man, Kushida was so close yet again!

Kushida picks him up, but Artemis answered with a Downward Chop, then he knocks him down with a Step-up Enzuigiri!

He then goes to the top turnbuckle once more.

Vic: And now Artemis looking to go flying again...

Artemis Spencer then goes for a Phoenix Splash, but on impact, Kushida got him into a Triangle Choke!

Percy: WHOA!!!

Nigel: OH MY WORD!!!!

Vic: Kushida out of nowhere! With a Triangle Choke on Artemis Spencer!

Percy: Kushida might have him here!

But since Artemis was close to the ropes, he gets his foot on the bottom rope and Kushida breaks the hold.

Vic: And thankfully for Artemis, he was close enough to the ropes to force a break!

Artemis catches a breather in the corner, Kushida then goes for a Running Clothesline, Artemis stops him in his tracks with a boot.

Nigel: And Artemis Spencer stopping Kushida with a boot.

And then Artemis Spencer sets Kushida up for his Powerbomb Lungblower, and he connects!

Vic: And there it is! The Powerbomb Lungblower!

Spencer now goes to the top, and now he successfully hits his Phoenix Splash!


Percy: Artemis got all of that one!

Artemis goes for the cover, and gets the 1-2-3!

Vic: And Artemis Spencer is heading to Victory Road!

*Bell rings!*

Justin Roberts: The winner of this match, ARTEMIS SPENCER!!!!

Vic: And Artemis Spencer will meet Yang Xiao Long in Victory Road!

Nigel: That's another spot down, and one spot remains, and Mark Andrews will have a chance to make history, when he faces Dax Xaviera in Episode 6, but next Episode, he will face Lincoln Loud for a spot in the final four in the Gold Rush Tournament.

Percy: Wow, Mark Andrews is gonna have 2 Episodes to make a defining moment in C.E.W History!

Vic: He sure does, but up next is our Insanity Main Event! Cake, and Matt Taven, one on one, next!


Charly Caruso is in the backstage area, where Rick C was packing his stuff.

Charly: Rick, in the second round of the CEW Championship Gold Rush Tournament, you will be facing your friend, Mistah Woose. Can you tell us how you're feeling?

Rick C: I'm feeling pretty good, surprisingly. Me and Woose, we're good buddies, but we both want to advance in this tournament. You see, sometimes you gotta put friendship aside in this business, and the time to do that is now. I wish the very best to Woose, but I'm not gonna be holding an inch back, and I know for a fact he won't either. The match he and I are gonna put, can only be described in one word, and that word is... *looks up and outstretches his arms a bit* Glorious!

He ends his promo with a gleaming smile.
(MAIN EVENT: Cake vs. Matt Taven)


Then once that intro played...

(Start at 0:05)

Out comes Matt Taven, and the rest of The Kingdom follow suit.

*Bell rings*

Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, from Los Angeles, California, representing The Kingdom, The King, MATT TAVEN!!!!

Vic: Main event time, and Matt Taven looks to send a Message to the Grandview Gang by making an example out of Cake here tonight!

Nigel: However, Cake is no pushover, that young man is a ball of energy, and a scary strong individual!

Percy: He sure is!

Taven enters the ring, and holds his cane up high in the center of the ring as The Kingdom applauds in the outside.

Out comes Cake, and Rook follows suit behind him.

Justin Roberts: And his opponent, accompanied by Rook, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, CAKE!!!

Vic: And there's the energetic, lovable, and all fun, Cake, looking to "Take off the head" of The King, Matt Taven!

Nigel: And even though Rook is outnumbered, it's a lot harder to take him down, even in numbers, Rook is indestructible.

Cake hops into the ring, and then Taven and Cake stare daggers at each other.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

The two circle around the ring, eyeing each other's movements, then what seemed like Taven was going for a lock up, he just exited the ring, recieving a load of boos from the crowd.

Vic: And the fans here in New York, showing their displeasure to Matt Taven.

Taven smiled a cocky smile, but then Rook got in front of him, and Taven's cocky demeanor changed into one of fear.

Nigel: Not so tough now, huh Taven?

Taven slides back into the ring, where Cake nails a perfect Enzuigiri on Taven!

Percy: Boom!

Vic: Cake with a kick to the temple!

Taven flops to the floor, Cake goes for the cover, but only gets a 2 count.

Taven sits up, then gets to his feet in a daze, and Cake quickly gets his offense going with some kicks to Taven's sternum.

Percy: Look at Cake go!

Vic: Don't ever take his bubbly personality for weakness, he can bring a fight when he wants to!

Cake then slams Taven with a Snap Suplex, then he floats over into a cover. but gets a 2 count.

Taven crawls to a corner but then Cake clocks him with a Running Forearm Smash, then a Corner Enzuigiri, and finishes off with a Cartwheel Corner Splash!

Vic: And now Cake FLATTENING Matt Taven!

Matt Taven was not looking great thus far, and it was gonna get worse because now Cake lifted him up high with a Gorilla Press!

Percy: Look at Cake!

Nigel: Oh my word! What power! What strength!

Cake then drops Taven, and then follows up with a Standing Moonsault!

Vic: What agility!

Percy: I'm telling, ya! Cake is something else!

Cake rolls him over, goes for the cover, but then Adam Cole gets on the apron, and the referee now deals with him.

Vic: And now Adam Cole, getting the referee's attention.

Rook then yanks Cole off the apron, then clocks him with a loud jab!

Nigel: OH MY!!!

Vic: That is Lights Out for Adam Cole!

Back in the ring Taven got his Cane, and with the ref with his back still turned, he used his cane to crack Cake's skull!

Percy: Oh no!

Vic: Taven knew he was done for, and took the only easy way out of that predicament!

Taven tosses away the evidence, then gets Cake set up for his Arm Trap Headlock Driver, the Climax, and he hits it!

Nigel: And there's the Climax from Taven!

Taven goes for the cover, but Cake kicked out at 2, and Matt Taven couldn't believe it!

Vic: And Cake kicked out!

Nigel: Cake is not going down like that!

Taven now punches away on Cake from frustration, and then gets off to regain his composure.

Then he begins to size up Cake, goes for his Springboard Enzuigiri, the Kick Of The King, but Cake caught him with a Kinshasa in which he calls the Pineapple Surprise!

Percy: WHOA!!!!


Cake goes for the cover, but Taven kicks out at 2!

Percy: No way!

Vic: Matt Taven survived the Pineapple Surprise!

Cake gets into a corner, and now looks to do it a second time.

Percy: And Cake now... looks like he's going for a second one!

Taven stood up, Cake goes for it, but Taven pulled the referee in, and the ref ends up getting the Pineapple Surprise!

Nigel: OH NO!!!

Vic: Matt Taven, saving himself at the expense of the referee!

Once the referee was down, Lola handed Matt his cane, goes for another swing, but Rook came in, and grabbed it!

Vic: And Rook now preventing it from happening again!

Rook then pulls the cane out of Matt's hands, and breaks it into two pieces!

Nigel: Well there goes the cane!

Rook breaks it into more pieces, then throws the bits away.

But before Taven could run, Cake grabbed him by the shoulders from behind!

Percy: Oh boy, this doesn't look good for Matt Taven!

Vic: Yeah, Taven caught between a rock and a hard place!

Nigel: You mean, a ROOK and a hard place?

But then Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly slid in, and blasted Cake from behind!

Percy: Oh man!

Nigel: Fish and O'Reilly from behind...

The ref, still down, but before Fish and O'Reilly could beat down Cake, Rook grabbed them by their heads, and bashed their heads together!

Vic: And Rook, taking out Fish and O'Reilly!

Rook then catches an incoming kick from Roderick Strong, and slams him down with a Spinebuster!

Nigel: And Rook shatters Strong with that back breaking Spinebuster!

Rook looked he was on a roll, but then Lola, with her umbrella, whacked Rook across his back.

Unfortunately for her, it did nothing.

Nigel: Oh my...

Vic: Not enough force behind that!

Rook slowly turned around, Lola dropped her umbrella, and puts out her quivering hands.

Lola then tries to scurry away, but Rook grabs her, and Lola lets out a scream of terror!

Percy: Oh boy!

Nigel: Rook is gonna make Lola pay!

But before Rook could do anything, Fish and O'Reilly came back, and took him down with kicks to his knees!

Vic: Oh! But Fish and O'Reilly, coming to Lola's aid!

Cake fights off the duo, but once he successfully did, Roderick Strong took him out with a Single Leg Front Dropkick he calls the Sick Kick!

Percy: Oooh!

Nigel: But Roderick Strong with that Sick Kick!

At this point, Adam Cole has come to, and he comes in, and Strong and Taven hold Cake up.

Once they did, Cole hits him with a Superkick, then Fish and O'Reilly hit their Roundhouse Kick/Brainbuster Combo on Rook!

Vic: And The Kingdom, making an example out of not just Cake, but Rook as well!

Adam Cole then sizes Rook up for the Last Shot, when suddenly...

Vic: Hold on a second!

Out comes Lodestar Luminous, and she was armed with a Kendo Stick.

Nigel: It's the Royal Blood Rebel!

But she then beckoned someone to come out, and on cue...


Nigel: Lodestar didn't come alone, here comes her wife!

Out comes Amazonia, and the shocked look on The Kingdom's faces says it all!

Vic: That's Amazonia! The "Ace In The Hole" Lodestar was talking about earlier tonight!

Lodestar and Amazonia then enter the ring, Lodestar takes out Cole, Strong, Fish, O'Reilly, Lola, and Taven all try to take out Amazonia, but she just powers out of them!

Nigel: Oh my!

Percy: Amazonia just blasts out of that!

Bobby Fish tries to take her down, but she side stepped him, and Fish goes flying to the outside.

O'Reilly went for the same thing, same result.

Vic: There goes Fish and O'Reilly!

Adam Cole tries to Superkick her, but Amazonia caught the kick, lifts him up, and dumps him onto Fish and O'Reilly!

Nigel: And there goes Cole!

Amazonia also disposes of Roderick Strong and Lola Loud, leaving only Matt Taven.

Percy: Uh oh...

Nigel: Taven has no one left...

Taven, looking into the eyes of Lodestar, Amazonia, and the now recovered Rook, begins to run the other direction, but Cske caught him with a Pineapple Surprise!


Rook, Lodestar, and Amazonia exit the ring, the referee begins to come to, and Cake goes for the cover!



3! *Bell rings!*

Vic: And Cake knocks off the King!

Justin Roberts: The winner of this match, CAKE!!!!!

Nigel: Oh my word, this match was just all over the place!

Percy: You said it, Nigel!

Vic: Earlier tonight, Lodestar mentioned an Ace In The Hole in the Grandview Gang, and that Ace was Lodestar's wife, Amazonia!

The Grandview Gang and Amazonia then enter the ring, and Lodestar and Rook raised Cake's hands as Cake bounces in joy.

Meanwhile, The Kingdom look on in defeat as Cake celebrates in the ring.
And that's Insanity everyone!

Boy, that was a wild night wasn't it?

Anyway, the journey to Victory Road continues, and that journey gets more interesting.

Other than that, see you all in the next episode!

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