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*Checks watch* Well look what time it is!

It's time for some INSANITY!!!

The pyro goes off in the Xfinity Center in College Park, Maryland, then the camera pans around as Vic Joseph speaks.

Vic: We are here, in the Xfinity Center in College Park, Maryland, where Insanity is taking over! Hello everyone, I'm Vic Joseph alongside Percy Watson, and Nigel McGuinness.

Nigel: Last episode, we saw the closure of the first round in the CEW Gold Rush Tournament, now we start Round 2 with Lincoln Loud taking on the high fiving and stage diving, Mark Andrews.

Percy: And get this, if Mark gets past Lincoln, he could have a chance in making history by become the first CEW Champion, AND No Limits Champion in the same night!

Vic: But in order to do that, he has to not only get past Lincoln, but to get past Dax Xaviera to punch his ticket to Victory Road.

Nigel: Also later tonight, Matt Taven looks to get a bit of retribution for Episode 4 as he and Lola Loud take on Grandview Gang's Cake, and The Royal Blood Rebel, Lodestar Luminous.

Vic: And that's not the only Tag Team match we're gonna see! Our Main Event, Spongebob and Patrick of the Nick Club, will be face The Revolutionaries own, Homicide, and Hernandez!

Percy: Now that's a match that will surely blow the roof off!

Vic: Oh boy looks like, we're gonna hear from Liam Malone to start this off!

Out comes Liam Malone, and myself.

Nigel: And our Head of CEW, the Non-stop GM, Chard is here too!

Percy: I wasn't there to see it, but I heard in Non-stop, he said he and Liam had a surprise for Jonah. I wonder what is!

Liam and I enter the ring, mics in hand, and then we were met with cheers from the CEW crowd.

Liam: So recently, Jonah has tried to get a match here in CEW, so we decided he'll get one!

Me: Yep, and the opponent we chose, is someone my friend Liam here knows very well. So why don't you-

I was cut off by that theme suddenly playing.

Vic: What the!?

Nigel: What the hell is going on here!?

Out comes Jonah Shwarts, and he too had a mic in hand.

Vic: That's Jonah Shwarts! The founder of LWE!

Nigel: Well I'll be! Jonah figured it was only fair that he stepped foot into CEW after Chard fired the first shot by forming The New Alliance!

Percy: Bold move by Mr. Shwarts, but I'm not so sure if it's a smart move...

Jonah tests the mic before he spoke.

Jonah: Well, well, well. Did I hear that right? I have an opponent?

Liam: Did I stutter dipshit? Yea you do, and it's a very good friend of mine.

Me: Yeah! How about you come into this ring, so that you can get a good view?

Jonah then makes his way down to the ring.

Vic: Well here it comes!

Nigel: I can't wait to see what Liam and Chard have for him!

Jonah now enters the ring, then gets in between the both of us.

Jonah: So, who's my opponent, and when am I gonna face him?

Liam: Well 1, it's gonna be a non-sanctioned match! 2, it's gonna be at victory road! And 3, here is your opponent!

We all looked up at the entrance way, and then...

The confused look in Jonah's face told the entire story. He has no idea what pain he was gonna go through.

For the man that came out, was Chuck Danvers!

Vic: Oh... my... god!

Nigel: It's Chuck Danvers!!!

Percy: Oh man, if you haven't seen this man in action, you're in for something really surreal!

Vic: A 5 time SPW Hardcore Champion, 2 time SPW Tag Team Champion, and a former SPW World Champion, this man will do anything and everything to end his opponents!

Danvers enters the ring, and he gets right up at Jonah's face.

Me: There's your opponent, Jonah! Chuck F'n Danvers!

Jonah: Um... may the... best man win?

Jonah slowly holds out his hand, expecting a handshake, but all Danvers did was lean into Jonah's mic.

Chuck: I'm gonna fucking kill you, kid.

And that was the last thing he said before he clocked him with a right hand!

Vic: OOH!!!

Nigel: Looks like we're gonna have a preview of Victory Road!

Me and Liam smiled at each other, as Danvers proceeds to beat the ever loving life out of him.

Danvers then throws Jonah out of the ring, and then pulls out a pail of dry ice from under the ring!

Vic: Is that what I think it is?

Nigel: That's dry ice!

Jonah Shwarts tries to get up to get away, but Danvers grabbed him by the back of his pants, and then he proceeded to dump the dry ice right inside his pants!

Vic: Oh no!

Nigel: I would not like to be in Jonah's shoes right now!

Percy: That's dry ice, that's gonna hurt twice as much!

The assault continues with Danvers hitting Shwarts with the first things he gets his hands on, before Danvers throws him back in the ring.

Jonah was now clinging onto my pants, and all I did was kneel down to his level.

Jonah: Ch-Chard... please... okay... I-

Me: Did you not get the message I sent in Non-stop Episode 3? I said the minute you step into CEW, it's my house, my rules. Have fun in Victory Road.

I put down my mic, Liam did the same with his, and we picked him up, turned him around, and pushed him into Danvers' signature move, a Shotgun Double Knee Strike he calls the Blow Away Knee!

Vic: And Danvers with the Blow Away Knee!!!

Nigel: Victory Road may be the last time we will see Jonah Shwarts!

Danvers' theme plays once more as he, along with Liam and myself stand tall over him.

I then pick up my mic.

Me: Welcome to CEW, Shwarts! *Throws mic away*

Vic: What a way to open Insanity!

Nigel: Someone get a grave ready for Mr. Jonah Shwarts! He's not leaving Victory Road alive!

Percy: No, he will not.


Ruby Rose was prepping up, and was getting ready to make her way to the ring, when the rest of Team RWBY came in.

Yang: Hey, sis.

Ruby: Oh, hey guys.

Yang: Just letting you know, we're all gonna be at ringside. Those oVe guys, who knows what they'll do when we're not there.

Weiss: Yes, and it's only fair, too.

Ruby: Thanks guys.

Then they all leave the locker room, and make their way to the ring.
(OPENING MATCH: Ruby Rose vs. Dave Crist)

Out comes oVe, and they make their way to the ring, shoving cameras away, and walking with purpose.

*Bell rings!*

Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, accompanied by oVe, from Dayton, Ohio, DAVE CRIST!!!!

Vic: After what went down in Episode 3, Ohio Versus Everything have been on a path of chaos, looking to end Team RWBY at all costs.

Nigel: In what looked like an ordinary rivalry at the surface, this feud was more than just that, it was a war!

Percy: Well tonight, that war continues as Dave Crist here, takes on the captain of Team RWBY.

Sami Callihan, Jake Crist, and Dean Ambrose stayed at ringside, as Dave enters the ring.

Percy: And here comes the captain!

Out comes Ruby Rose, and the rest of Team RWBY followed behind.

Justin Roberts: And his opponent, from the Kingdom Of Vale, accompanied by Team RWBY, RUBY ROSE!!!!

Nigel: I don't know if I've said this already, but Ruby Rose is a talented young lady! All that heart, that passion, those are just some of the admirable traits!

Vic: Hence why Ruby is the captain of her team.

Ruby enters the ring, and she takes off her hood, then removes her cape.

When Ruby hopped down and turned around, Dave Crist instantly went for Ruby, and the bell rings!

Vic: And Dave Crist blasting Ruby, this match is now officially underway!

Dave Crist was just clubbing away on her In the corner, then he presses his foot on her throat, the ref counts to 5, and Dave breaks at 4.

Vic: Dave Crist now, just punishing Ruby from the get go...

Dave Crist now goes back on the attack, but Ruby threw a big boot, knocking him back, then she took him down with a Clothesline off the second turnbuckle!

Nigel: And now Ruby answers back!

Ruby goes for a quick cover, but Dave kicks out at 2.

Both Ruby and Dave get up, Dave gets the upper hand with a kick to the gut, then he clubs Ruby on the back.

Nigel: And now Dave Crist, just chopping down Ruby Rose...

Then he picks her up, delivers a Vertical Suplex, then throws Ruby out if the ring.

That's when Team RWBY came by, and stood near Ruby as oVe took a couple steps back.

Vic: And oVe, thinking twice about getting involved.

Percy: Good thing Weiss, Blake, and Yang were out here! Otherwise it could've been bad for little Ruby Rose!

As Ruby got up, Dave Crist knocked her down like a bowling pin with a Moonsault over the top rope!

Percy: WHOA!

Vic: And Dave Crist takes to the skies!

Dave Crist now throws Ruby back in, and gets her in a Sleeper Hold.

Nigel: Dave Crist now, keeping Ruby on the floor, preventing Ruby to gain any momentum.

Ruby begins to scoot towards the nearest bottom rope, but Dave dragged her back to the center, and held tighter.

It was here when Ruby fell backwards, causing her to pin Dave's shoulders, but got a 2 count!

Vic: Ruby almost stole one!

Ruby held the ropes, trying to regain some air, Dave goes to her, but gets a Superkick!

Nigel: And now Ruby caught him in the jaw!

Vic: A skull cracking Superkick from Ruby Rose, this could be the turning point of this match!

Dave Crist now staggering, Ruby goes for a Shining Wizard, but Dave with a Tornado Kick to the chest, stops Ruby dead in her tracks!


Nigel: Just when Ruby thought the momentum was swinging her way, Dave Crist with opportunities like that, was able to cut it short!

Dave goes for the cover, but Ruby kicks out at 2!

Vic: But Ruby STILL got some fight left!

Percy: How she does this, I will never know!

Dave Crist gets up, sets Ruby up for a Snap Suplex, but Ruby pushes him off!

Then out if nowhere, she hits Dave with her signature Shining Wizard!

Nigel: There it is!!!

Vic: Ruby Rose could have him here!

Ruby goes for the cover, but then Jake Crist and Dean Ambrose pulled the ref out at 2!

Percy: Oh come on!

Vic: Ruby had Dave Crist beat!

The ref scolded Jake and Dean for pulling him out.

That's when Blake got on the apron, and took them both out with a clothesline!

Vic: Look at Blake!

Nigel: The flying cat faunus strikes again!

Blake gets up, but Sami Callihan clocked her on the head with a Steel Chair!

Vic: And Callihan with the chair!

Callihan then went for Yang, but Weiss jumped in front of her, and Dropkicked the chair into his face!

Percy: And there's the Ice Queen saving her Teammate!

Back in the match, Ruby goes for another Shining Wizard, but Dave sidestepped her, grabbed her by the wrist, hopped onto the top rope, and dropped her with a Cutter!

Vic: WHOA!!!

Nigel: What a move by Dave Crist!

The referee slides back in, Dave goes for the cover, and gets the 1-2-3!

Vic: And amidst the chaos, Dave Crist stands victorious!

*Bell rings!*

Justin Roberts: The winner of this match, DAVE CRIST!!!

Vic: That match was all over the place near the end, but once the smoke cleared, Dave Crist is the one left standing!

Percy: Team RWBY may have evened the odds, but it wasn't enough.

Dave Crist, and the rest if oVe now make ther way to the back as Team RWBY help Ruby up.


Eddie Kingston and The Revolutionaries were sitting in their clubhouse, and they have yet another message for the Nick Club.

Eddie: Nick Club, when are you gonna realize that you're time, ruling the Wrestling World is up, and that it's about time y'all ride off into the sunset, huh? Actually don't answer that, because after my boys, Homicide and Hernandez, take out your boys, Spongebob and Patrick, we're coming after you, Lincoln, and we will personally give you a proper sendoff.

Homicide and Hernandez then hold up a Nick Club Shirt, and Kingston uses a lighter, and burns the shirt.

The message ends with Kingston evily smiling.


Out comes Lincoln Loud.

*Bell rings!*

Justin Roberts: The following contest, is a Second Round Match in the C.E.W Championship Gold Rush Tournament! Introducing first, from Royal Woods, Michigan, he is the leader of the Nick Club, "The Hex" LINCOLN LOUD!!!!

Vic: If there's one thing Lincoln is known for, that would be his signature knee, the Krakatoa Eruption.

Nigel: No one has ever kicked out of it, and at this point, I don't think anyone will!

Lincoln then enters the ring, but then he reaches for a mic.

Percy: It seems to me he has a message for Eddie!

Vic: Let's listen in...

Lincoln paces around the ring, then he speaks.

Lincoln: *Swings his sunglasses on his finger* Ya know Eddie, you sure talk a big game for some punk bitch who can only sneak up from behind. Me, I do my business face-to-face, and that's what makes me the guy running the show wherever the NC is! You wanna come for me? Don't sing it, bring it. Because while you just wanna give me and my boys a quick death... *turns to the camera, staring it down* I wanna watch you bunch of uncoordinated goons... burn.

He then drops the mic, and takes off his shirt.

To a rally of cheers, out comes Mark Andrews, waving his arm in the air as he makes his way to the ring.

Justin Roberts: And his opponent, from Cardiff, Wales, weighing in at 159 pounds, MARK ANDREWS!!!!

Vic: For everyone in this tournament, it's all about making history. For Mark Andrews, that means a lot more!

Nigel: Indeed it does, Andrews has the opportunity to become BOTH the Inaugural C.E.W, AND No Limits Champion in the same night, but in order to do that, he has to pass through The Hex to just be one more step closer.

Percy: Same goes for his match against Dax Xaviera next episode, if he can get through both, he's gonna have the chance of a lifetime!

Mark Andrews then enters the ring, and he takes off his cap and hoodie.

But before the bell can ring...

Vic: And look who decided to show up.

Eddie Kingston comes out, steel chair in hand, and he makes his way to the ring.

Nigel: The leader of The Revolutionaries, Eddie Kingston, is now out here with a chair, and I think he-

But instead of entering the ring, and whacking Lincoln with it, he opened up the chair, and sat at ringside.

Nigel: Oh! I guess not!

Vic: Kingston, giving himself a front row seat for this match...

Percy: If I were Lincoln, I now have to worry about BOTH Andrews and Kingston!

Lincoln now turns his attention to Andrews, and the bell rings.

Lincoln and Andrews lock up in the middle of the ring, Lincoln gets Andrews in an Arm Wringer, Andrews rolled on the floor, and reverses it into a Hammerlock.

Lincoln then uses his left foot to break free, then applies a Side Headlock. Andrews however pushed him off, Lincoln hits the ropes, and knocks Andrews down with a Shoulder Block!

Vic: And now Lincoln taking Mark Andrews off his feet!

Andrews kips up though, Lincoln hits the ropes again, Andrews sidestepped him, Lincoln hits the ropes again, this time Andrews hits a Dropkick!

Percy: And now Lincoln is knocked off his feet!

Nigel: Picture perfect Dropkick from the High Fiving, and Stage Diving!

Andrews goes for the cover, but Lincoln easily kicks out at 2.

Vic: Shoulder up, but Lincoln is reeling...

Mark Andrews now slips on a Sleeper Hold, and keeps Lincoln on the ground.

Vic: And now Andrews, doing something he doesn't usually do...

Nigel: It's a unique choice, getting out of his comfort zone, and by the looks of it, it looks like it's doing great so far.

Lincoln then slowly gets to his feet, elbows his way out, and then he hits the ropes for added momentum, Andrews sidestepped him again, but then Lincoln stops himself, yet Andrews takes Lincoln to the outside with a Clothesline!

Vic: And now Andrews firing up again!

Andrews then hits the ropes, and lands on Lincoln with a Tope Con Hilo!

Nigel: And Andrews with a beautiful Flip Dive!

Percy: Man, he doesn't fail to impress!

Andrews then throws Lincoln back in, but Lincoln swung back around, and drops Andrews with a Frankensteiner!

Vic: WHOA!!!

Nigel: What a maneuver!!!

Just then Kingston, who was watching at ringside the whole time got up, and then Lincoln and Kingston stared each other down.

Percy: Oooooh, Nelly!

Vic: And now The Hex, staring down the king of The Revolutionaries!

But that distraction gave Andrews the opportunity to grab Lincoln from behind, and throws him back in the ring.

Then he slides in, but Lincoln kneed him in the face!

Nigel: OH MY GOD!!!

Vic: Lincoln Loud with a big knee!

Lincoln then goes for his signature Gourdbuster GTS, the Sound Of Silence, but then Andrews countered into a stunner!


Percy: Mark Andrews is now in a place he wants to be!

He then goes to the top turnbuckle, goes for his signature Shooting Star Press dubbed the "Fall To Pieces", but then Lincoln brought his knees up!

Vic: OH MAN!

Percy: Lincoln got the knees up!

Lincoln then gets up, goes to the Second Turnbuckle, sizes up Andrews, but he also made eye contact with Kingston.

"Watch this. This is your fate!" Lincoln said to him, before hitting the Krakatoa Eruption on Andrews!

Vic: And a message, sent loud and clear, courtesy of The Hex!

Lincoln goes for the cover, and gets the 1-2-3!

*Bell rings!*

Justin Roberts: The winner of this match, The Hex, LINCOLN LOUD!!!!

Before Lincoln could celebrate, Kingston rushed in, and assaulted him!

Vic: And now Kingston strikes!

That's when Homicide and Hernandez came in, and joined in on the beat down.

Percy: Oh come on, now!

Vic: And now The OGz getting involved!


Out came Spongebob and Patrick, Kendo Sticks in hand, and Homicide, Hernandez, and Kingston make a run for it.

Nigel: Here comes backup, but The OGz want no part of it!

Vic: And this won't be the last time Nick Club, and The Revolutionaries encounter each other, Homicide and Hernandez are gonna be back out here tonight facing those two right there in the ring, Spongebob and Patrick.

The updated bracket then appears on the titantron.

Vic: And there you see Lincoln Loud advance to the fatal 4 way. He is the first one to punch his ticket to Victory Road.

Nigel: Yeah he sure is! And up next, Cake and Lodestar, and Lola and Taven of The Kingdom, these two teams face off, don't go anywhere!


A Rock Fashion Inc. vignette plays, and Luna and Leni Loud were just outside Xfinity Center.

Luna: Hey Leni, you wanna know what's awesome?

Leni: A new dress?

Luna: No, better!

Leni: Better?

Luna: Victory Road is just around the corner, and that's when our Rock Fashion Experience begins!

Leni: OM-Gosh! You're right! That is totes crazy!

Luna: And here's what's crazier, when we walk into C.E.W, we are gonna turn this company upside down!

Leni: Totally!

Luna: Because we're Rock Fashion Inc, and we're gonna rock out like there's no tomorrow!

Leni: And look totes amazing doing it!

The vignette ends with the caption: ROCK FASHION INC: DEBUTS IN VICTORY ROAD

(Start at 0:43)

🎶You and me, we're not the same! You wanna take me, you'll never break me! You're nothing more than yesterday! You don't define me, so get behind me! Oh!Wo-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh...🎶

Vic: We would like to thank the band, Cenacle, for their song, "A Shadow Behind". The official theme song for C.E.W's first event, Victory Road. You can get this song, and their album, "The New Today", which is available on ITunes.

Out comes Lodestar Luminous, and once she came out...

Out comes Cake, all full of energy, and the two make their way to the ring.

*Bell rings!*

Justin Roberts: This Tag Team contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, representing the Grandview Gang, the team of Cake, and LODESTAR LUMINOUS!!!!

Vic: Last episode, it was Cake who got one over Matt Taven. Tonight, Cake looks to repeat history after accepting Taven's rematch.

Nigel: Can lightning strike twice, however? You gotta be real lucky to beat the same guy twice.

Cake and Lodestar enter the ring, and they now wait for their opponents.

Out comes The Kingdom. Taven holds a new cane up high, and smoke shoots up and out from the stage.

Justin Roberts: And their opponents, representing The Kingdom, Lola Loud, and MATT TAVEN!!!!

Percy: And The Kingdom, despite a hard loss, looks to be in a focused state tonight!

Vic: Yeah, after that huge upset, Taven would love nothing more, than to redeem his loss.

The Undisputed Era stayed at ringside as Lola and Taven entered the ring, and take off their crowns.

Taven then removes his jacket, and Lola goes onto the apron.

Taven and Lodestar start it off, and the bell rings.

Taven and Lodestar met in the middle of the ring, Taven then tries again to convince Lodestar to join him.

Vic: Match is underway, and it looks like Taven is still trying to recruit Lodestar.

Nigel: Taven refuses to take "no" for an answer, and he's gonna stop at nothing until he gets the answer he wants!

Then, Lodestar, having just about enough of his offer, headbutted him!

Percy: OH MAN!

Nigel: That oughta knock some sense into him!

Now it's Lodestar trash talking to Taven, and then Taven tags in Lola.

Vic: And Matt Taven, tagging in the Princess of The Kingdom, taken aback from that headbutt!

Nigel: Hey, I'd be taken aback as well!

Lola tries to go for a Takedown, but Lodestar easily counters her, gets her in a Fujiwara Armbar, and starts to pull her fingers apart!

Vic: And Lodestar! Trying to break off Lola's digits!

Percy: Fingers aren't supposed to bend that way!

Lodestar then transitions into a Crossface, but Lola quickly countered into a Crucifix Pin, but gets a 2 count.

Lola and Lodestar get up, Lola ducks a clothesline, and Lola hits a Backstabber!

Percy: WHOA!

Vic: Lola Loud, despite being known for her attitude, can put you down in an instant, as seen here!

Nigel: A quick and deadly Lungblower out of nowhere...

Lola goes for another cover, but Lodestar kicks out at 2.

Lola now tags in Taven, and he picks up where Lola left off, by working on her back with a Bow-and-arrow Hold.

Vic: And now Matt Taven, working on the spine of The Royal Blood Rebel...

Lodestar then slowly begins to escape, and then counters into a Northern Lights Suplex, bridges into a cover, but got a 2 count!

Nigel: Oh man, Taven got the shoulder up at the last possible moment!

Taven and Lodestar get up, and Lodestar hits Taven with a Calf Kick, then makes the tag to Cake!

Percy: There's the tag! Here he comes!

Taven got up, only to get blasted by Cake via a Shoulder Block, then a Clothesline, Taven gets up once more to hit a Clothesline of his own, but Cake ducked, and hits a Péle Kick!

Vic: Cake all fired up!

Nigel: Taven is in trouble now!

Taven begins to stir, and Cake now sizes Taven up.

Cake then lifts Taven up in a Gorilla Press, drops him, then follows up with a Standing Moonsault!

Vic: Moonsault connects!

Cake goes for the cover, but Taven kicked out at 2!

Vic: But Taven AGAIN kicks out at 2!

Percy: Cake has to dig down deep if he wants to stick it to Taven the second time!

Cake now picks him up, sets him up for a Rolling Cutter he calls, the Cookie Cutter, Cake goes for it, but then Taven counters mid-move, right into position for The Climax, however Cake countered out of that, into an Inverted Stomp Facebreaker he calls, the Sweet De-feet, goes for the cover, but Lola breaks the count at 2!

Nigel: And The Princess saves it for The Kingdom!

Lodestar hops in to take out Lola, but Lola counters her attack, floated over for a DDT, but before she could hit it, Lodestar shoved her off, and kicked her in the chest with a Roundhouse Kick!

Taven then struck her down with his Springboard Enzuigiri, the Kick Of The King, in which Cake came in, and dropped him with a Sable Bomb, he called the Broadway Bomb!

Vic: And Cake with a Broadway Bomb to Taven!

Nigel: Paying homage to his good friend, The Artist!

Cake goes for the cover, but Taven was close enough to put his foot on the bottom rope, breaking the count at 2!

Vic: Taven again! This time, able to put his foot on the bottom rope!

Nigel: Great ring awareness by The King!

Lodestar was now back at her corner, and Cake tags her in.

Percy: Tag made, and Lodestar's back in the match!

Lodestar advances towards him, only to eat a Spin Kick from Taven!

Vic: OOOH!

Nigel: What a brutal kick!

Taven then knocks Cake off the apron, turns his attention back to Lodestar, where he the proceeded to connect with a Superkick.

Then he tags in Lola, gets Lodestar up in position for a Powerbomb, then with a running start, Lola hits a Leaping Russian Legsweep, and Taven simultaneously connects with a Powerbomb!

Vic: And now The Kingdom! Powerbombing Lodestar with authority!

Taven goes to the apron, Lola goes for the cover, and gets the 1-2-3!

Vic: And Taven and Lola get their revenge!

*Bell rings!*

Justin Roberts: The winners of this match, Matt Taven, and LOLA LOUD!!!

Vic: It looks like lightning doesn't strike twice. Taven and Lola just stuck it to Cake and Lodestar.

Nigel: And thus The Kingdom finally get one over The Grandview Gang, and man does it feel good for Taven.

The Kingdom walk up the ramp, laughing away as Lodestar is helped up by Cake.


Dasha Fuentes was with Team RWBY in the interviewing area.

Dasha: I am here with Team RWBY. Now Ruby, you may have been unsuccessful tonight in your match against Dave Crist, but it seems like you're not letting this-

She didn't get to finish her question because oVe had just ambushed Team RWBY!

Vic: It's oVe!

Nigel: What the hell!?

Sami Callihan throws Ruby onto some rubble, Dean Ambrose hits Yang with a the Dirty Deeds, and The Crists Double Superkick Weiss and Blake.

Sami Callihan: Victory Road, it's down with Team RWBY! Hope I see you there!

That's when they walk off, leaving Team RWBY to waste.

30 seconds into the song, El Phantasmo comes out, rocking out to his theme as he makes his way to the ring.

*Bell rings!*

Justin Roberts: This contest, is a Round 2 Match of the C.E.W Championship Gold Rush Tournament! Introducing first, hailing from Northern Mexico, weighing in at 196 pounds, EL PHANTASMO!!!!

Vic: After that incredible encounter with Naomichi Marufuji, El Phantasmo has been turning heads amongst the C.E.W fans!

Nigel: Indeed it was an encounter for the ages, but El P has another obstacle ahead of him, in the form of Danny Phantom.

Percy: And Danny Phantom himself has been a rising star in CEW in his own right, so this will be an interesting match to watch!

El Phantasmo poses on the top turnbuckle, then he backflips into the ring, and fakes off his hooded vest and shades.

Out comes Danny Phantom.

Justin Roberts: And his opponent, from Amity Park, representing the Nick Club, DANNY PHANTOM!!!!

Vic: Danny Phantom may have gotten through Logan Ollores easy, but getting through El Phantasmo may be easier said than done.

Nigel: For sure, El Phantasmo, a breakout star from ECCW, now making waves in Defiant, and CEW, Danny has a big challenge in front of him.

Danny enters the ring, and he gets warms up in a corner.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Danny and El Phantasmo lock up in the middle of the ring, El Phantasmo gets Danny in an Arm Wringer, Danny reverses it into a Hammerlock, then transitions into a Side Headlock, then drills his head into the middle turnbuckle with a Bulldog.

Percy: And now Danny quickening the pace!

Vic: Danny Phantom with a wicked Bulldog into the corner, and he now has El P where he wants him!

Danny then takes him down with a clothesline, goes for the cover, but El Phantasmo kicks out.

Danny Phantom picks him up, and hits a Snap Suplex.

Then he picks him up again, and whips him into a corner, and hits a Corner Forearm Smash.

Then he throws Phantasmo out of the corner, and follows up with a Rolling Neck Snap.

Nigel: And Phantom doing great here...

Phantom goes for the cover, but Phantasmo kicks out at 2.

Vic: And Phantasmo kicks out.

Danny Phantom now gets Phantasmo in a single arm Camel Clutch, but then El Phantasmo snakes his way out, goes for a Dropkick, but Phantom caught it, and locked on an Single Leg Boston Crab!

Percy: Look at Phantom!

Vic: Danny Phantom countered that Dropkick!

Danny Phantom has it locked on tight, but Phantasmo reverses I to a Sunset Flip pin, but Phantom kicks out at 2!

Nigel: Oh man, Phantasmo almost had it!

Phantom and Phantasmo get up, Phantasmo successfully connects a Dropkick, and Phantom is now in the corner, sitting on the floor.

Phantasmo now goes to the corner diagonally across, and goes to the top turnbuckle.

Vic: Wait a minute, Phantom is in one corner, El P is in another!

Percy: There's no way!

Nigel: Phantasmo looking to go Coast To Coast here!

Phantasmo then leaps off the top, and hits a Coast To Coast Dropkick!


Percy: I didn't think that would be possible!!!

Phantasmo then rolls Phantom into position, then goes go the top turnbuckle once more.

Nigel: And he's not done yet!

Vic: El Phantasmo looking to go sky high one more time!

However Phantom got up, and stopped him from doing so.

Vic: Oh, but Danny Phantom prevents him from taking off!

Nigel: Danny Phantom not letting him fly again!

El Phantasmo then shoves Phantom off, but Danny landed on his feet, clocked Phantasmo with a quick right hand, and gets him for a Superplex!

Percy: Uh oh!

Nigel: I sense a Superplex coming!

Vic: This could end horribly for El P!

But El Phantasmo fights out of it, and then hits a Sunset Flip Piledriver off the top!

Nigel: OH MY GOD!!!!

Percy: That was INCREDIBLE!!!

Vic: How the hell did El Phantasmo pull that off!?

El Phantasmo goes for the cover, but Danny Phantom kicks out at 2 and a half!

Nigel: No way!!! You've gotta be kidding me!!!

Vic: Danny Phantom, kicking out at the last second!

El Phantasmo then sizes up Danny Phantom, then he goes for a Superkick, but Danny caught it, and takes him down with a Dragon Screw!

Vic: And AGAIN Danny counters!

He then gets him onto his shoulders, and hits a Spinout Cutter he calls the Phantom Splicer!


Percy: Danny Phantom got all of it!

Danny Phantom then pins him, and gets the 1-2-3!

Vic: And Danny Phantom is heading to Victory Road!

Justin Roberts: The winner of this match, DANNY PHANTOM!!!

Vic: What a performance shown by Danny Phantom!

Nigel: Danny just showed everyone, that he is not just a member of the Nick Club, he is a member of the Nick Club, and then some!

Suddenly, Eddie Kingston showed up on the titantron, chuckling.

Eddie Kingston: Congratulations, Danny boy. You beat El Phantasmo, and I'm not gonna lie, you impressed me. But it's a shame really. Because you unfortunately won't make it to Victory Road, partner.

Danny Phantom looks on confused, when suddenly Morgan Vaughn and Frankie Thurteen jumped Danny from behind!

Vic: Hang on! It's Vaughn and Thurteen!

Nigel: Where did they come from!?

Frankie Thurteen then picks up Phantom, and Morgan Vaughn connected with a Single Knee Facebreaker called the Ultima Coda!

Vaughn then positions Phantom, and Thurteen heads to the top turnbuckle.

Vic: Frankie Thurteen now going high...

Nigel: Probably looking for that signature double stomp, the Angel Bullet!

But in came the cavalry, as Jimmy Neutron, and Cat Noir came out, and chased off Vaughn and Thurteen.

Vic: Here comes backup!

Nigel: Nick Club coming to save their brother in arms!

Vaughn and Thurteen bailed, then Neutron goes to the ring and help up Danny, and then Cat Noir joins in to aid Danny to the back.

Nigel: Something tells me this is far from over...

Vic: Well, it's only over when one if these factions say it's over.

Percy: And I have a feeling this will end in violence.

Vic: Well I hope our main event doesn't. Up next, Homicide and Hernandez, take on Spongebob and Patrick.

Nigel: Well I'm sure that match will get physical.

A backstage reporter managed to catch The Kingdom backstage before they left.

Reporter (Offscreen, and barely audible): Matt Taven, congratulations on your match against Cake and Lodestar Luminous, how does it feel to get one over the Grandview Gang?

Matt: What kind of a question is that? Of course it feels good! Hopefully, that loss is Lodestar's wake up call, because she just saw how superior we are, and just how pathetic, Rook, and that stupid Cake are. Now, if you excuse us, we best be on our way.

Then The Kingdom leave.
(MAIN EVENT: Spongebob and Patrick vs. Homicide and Hernandez)

Out comes Homicide and Hernandez.

*Bell rings*

Justin Roberts: This Tag Team Contest is set for one fall, introducing first, representing The Revolutionaries, Homicide, AND HERNANDEZ!!!!

Vic: Main event time, expect this match to get physical!

Percy: No love loss for these two teams, it's all pure hate, and any given time on any given day, these two factions will do anything to kill each other.

Nigel: Well that's a good way of describing this conflict.

Homicide and Hernandez then enter the ring, and await for their opponents.

Out came Spongebob Squarepants.

Then he stood there on the stage, and that's when...

Out came Patrick Star, and then the duo made their way to the ring.

Justin Roberts: And their opponents, representing the Nick Club, Spongebob Squarepants, and PATRICK STAR!!!!

Vic: If you wanna talk about a faction that has ruled the Fanfiction Wrestling World, Nick Club is surely the faction that comes to mind!

Nigel: They have ruled the scene since day one, and it looks like they're never gonna slow down!

Suddenly, Spongebob and Patrick rushed to the ring, and went straight to Homicide and Hernandez!

Vic: And now Spongebob and Patrick! Not even waiting for the bell to ring!

The two teams began to trade blows, and the brawl ended up spilling to the outside.

Percy: Look out, guys! The fight's coming this way!

Homicide tried to throw Spongebob into the steel post, but Spongebob blocked, and throws Homicide into the post!

Meanwhile, Patrick was doing great in fighting Hernandez, and he throws Hernandez into the steel steps!

Vic: Oh man!

Percy: Spongebob and Patrick just manhandled them!

Spongebob and Patrick then enter the ring, and stood their ground.

Nigel: And now the duo from Bikini Bottom, standing tall in the ring!

Vic: Spongebob and Patrick have said time to time, that they are the most dominant team in the Pro Wrestling scene, and this proves it!

Homicide then enters the ring, and the referee regains order.

Hernandez goes onto the apron, Homicide and Spongebob start it off, and the bell rings.

Spongebob and Homicide lock up in the middle of the ring, Homicide then knees Spongebob in the gut, and follows up with a blow to the back.

He then spat out some Spanish insults, and slaps him in the face.

Vic: Homicide now, trashing Spongebob...

Nigel: I don't think that's a good idea...

Homicide picked him up, and in a lash if fury, Spongebob fired away with some kicks, and open handed strikes!

Percy: And there's the fire!

Vic: Squarepants is teeing off on Homicide!

He then whips Homicide into his corner, and crushes him with a Forearm Smash, then tags Patrick in.

Nigel: And here comes the brute starfish that is Patrick Star!

Patrick lifted up Homicide's shirt, and hits a downward chop, and Homicide screamed in pain.

Vic: Oh MAN! What a chop!

Percy: That echoed throughout the arena!

Homicide was on his knees, clutching his chest, but then Patrick grabbed him from the back of the neck, lifted him up, and slammed him face first onto the mat!

Vic: That is some scary strength!

Patrick then tries to do it again, but this time, Homicide blocked it, went for a hip toss but because Patrick was bigger, Patrick easily stopped it.

And with a mighty roar, Patrick delivered a clubbing blow to his chest, slamming him down.

Vic: My god!

Nigel: You don't wanna mess with this creature from the deep!

He once again roars, but that gave Homicide to crawl to Hernandez, and tag him in.

Vic: Tag made, and ooooohhh man!

Patrick turns around, and sees that Hernandez is now the legal man, and now the two have a staredown.

Nigel: The muscles of their respective factions, are now in the same ring!

Hernandez takes the first shot with a Shoulder Block, but Patrick didn't go down.

Patrick then hits the ropes, and hits a Shoulder Block of his own, but Hernandez didn't go down!

Finally both men hit the ropes, and Shoulder Block each other, and neither of them went down!

Vic: This is like the unstoppable force, meets the immovable object!

Nigel: Or two immovable objects meet each other!

Hernandez now hits the ropes one more time, but Patrick bulldozed over him!

Patrick goes for the cover, but Hernandez kicks out at 2.

Vic: And Hernandez gets the shoulder up!

Nigel: That was like running into a brick wall!

Patrick now punches away on Hernandez, then he drags him to his corner, and tags Spongebob in.

Vic: And now Spongebob is back in...

Spongebob now stomps away on the big man, then he gets him up on one knee, goes for a kick to the temple, but Hernandez ducked, got up, grabbed Spongebob by the throat, and tossed him with a Standing Thrust Spinebuster!

Nigel: Whoa!

Vic: Hernandez nearly threw Spongebob to the center of the earth!

The beatdown continues as Hernandez picks him up, and flings him with Biel Throw!

Percy: Oh my goodness!

Vic: That's a Biel with a capital "B"!

Spongebob tags Patrick back in and the Patrick knocks Hernandez down again!

But this time, Hernandez kipped up, and dared Patrick to do it again!

Percy: Look at Hernandez!

Nigel: Hernandez is just aking for it!

Patrick goes for it, but Hernandez caught him, and he throws Patrick with an Overhead Belly-to-belly Suplex!

Vic: And Hernandez with a Belly-to-belly!

Percy: Hernandez made it look easy!

Patrick gets up, and Hernandez clotheslines Patrick over the top rope!

Patrick slowly recuperates, but then Hernandez with a Vaulting Plancha over the top rope, knocks him down like a bowling pin!

Vic: And the big Hernandez takes flight!

Nigel: It's very astonishing seeing a man his size fly like that!

Hernandez then throws Patrick back in the ring, but once Hernandez came back into the ring, Patrick grabbed him, then he popped him up into the air, and Hernandez came back down hard!

Vic: And now it's Patrick's turn to show his strength!

He then puts him on his shoulder, and hits a Running Powerslam!

Nigel: And Patrick slamming Hernandez down with force!

Patrick goes for the cover, but Hernandez kicks out at 2!

Vic: And it still is not enough!

Percy: What is it gonna take for one of these behemoths to go down!?

Patrick now tags in Spongebob,  Spongebob knocks Homicide off the apron, and then they set Hernandez up for their double team move, the aided Swinging Neckbreaker called The Toon Killer, and they hit it!


Percy: This could be all she wrote here!

Then Spongebob goes for the cover, and suddenly Kronnin Kash and Mayhem Brannigan rushed in, and broke the count, ending the match in disqualification.

Vic: Hey! It's Kash and Brannigan!

Nigel: The Revolutionaries knew Nick Club had them beat, and they took the easy way out!

Suddenly the rest of the Nick Club comes in, and they fight off Kash and Brannigan.

But that's when Eddie Edwards, Jay White, Thurteen, Vaughn, Razza, Hollywood Hooligan, and Eddie Kingston showed up to even the odds!

Vic: And now it's all chaos!

Percy: The Revolutionaries and Nick Club at war again!


Vic: Oh my!

Nigel: Looks like the GM is gonna restore order here!

Out came Liam Malone, mic in hand.

Liam: Okay! Enough!

The two teams stopped, and looked at Liam.

Liam: This as gone on LONG ENOUGH! Since you guys want to kill each other so bad, heres what's gonna happen! At Victory Road, Jimmy, Sponge, and Pat, you three will face the OGz, Kingston, Homicide, and Hernandez, in a  6 man...... BARBED WIRE HELL IN A CELL MATCH!

Liam's theme plays as he walks to the back, and the the two factions look at each other, as if saying "You're days are numbered" to each other.

Vic: What a match this is gonna be!

Nigel: Correction, what a FIGHT this is gonna be!

Percy: These two stables have been going at each other, and I think we just might witness a brawl for the ages!

Vic: Victory Road, just got a little more extreme right about now, and people, be prepared for some ultra extreme brutality!


And that's Episode 5 of Insanity!

My my, Victory Road just got more interesting didn't it?

Well, I can tell you this, we just have one more Episode, Episode 6, and then it's Victory Road, baby!

But until then, see you there!

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