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I wake up and shower. I'm not at all hungover. I get dressed and get ready to go to the race track.

I bring my papers with me and my laptop. I catch Pierre and Lena in the lobby.

"I'm mad at you" I tell her and greet Pierre and ignore Lena.

"I know" Lena said sheepishly. "What did you do?" Pierre asks lena with a raised eyebrow.

"I might've left. Luisa and I couldn't find you!" Lena says trying to justify the fact that she left me.

"You forced me to drive with Charles. He was a pervert the whole ride!" I exclaim and she smiled sheepishly once again.

"Did he try anything?" Pierre asked warily. I then to him and debate whether or not I should tell him.

"He—" I start but pause. I sigh and smile. "He was just flirty the whole way" I say.

Pierre nods and Lena raises an eyebrow. "Can I ride with you guys to the track? I have a job interview in thirty" I say and look at my watch.

"Of course, let's go" Pierre says and the three of us get in his car. Pierre drives this time.

I was preparing myself in the back of the car and went over my papers and glanced at the time all the time.

When we arrive we split ways. "We need to talk later" Lena tells me and I nod before going to Mercedes hospitality.

I make my way in and see George and Lewis. "Hey guys!" I cheer as I see them. They hug me and as we pull away they ask me what I'm doing there.

"It's not something to mention to everyone but I'm here for a job interview" I say and smile.

"Are you coming for my seat, Lorenzi?" George asks me with a laugh.

"You bet" I say and wink before laughing. "Daniella Lorenzi?" A voice asks out loud and I turn around and see Toto Wolff stand there.

"Yes, Toto hi" I say and hurriedly shake his hand aas he smiles waitingly at me.

"Nice to meet you" I say and smile. "Nice to meet you too, shall we?" Toto asks and I nod and follow him.

"I hear that your brother is racing in Formula 3?" Toto says and I nod. "He is" I confirm with a smile.

"You have a lot of friends in Formula 1 as well, don't you?" Toto asks once again and I nod.

"I do, I have been around for a while" I say and laugh a little. Toto walks into a room and I follow, I see multiple people who I shake hands with.

"It's definitely an advantage that you know how things work here in Formula 1. Why don't you tell me a little about yourself" Toto says and I nod as we sit down.

I begin with the basics, tell him my story, split up parents, college graduate, what I have of experience.

We get onto what the job entails. "I will already now tell you, I do have a job interview later with Redbull. So, I'm open to everything" I finish and they nod.

"I think we have what we need, we will let you know later today" Jeanette tells me and Toto smiles at me and I stand up.

"I'll look forward to hearing from you" I say with my charming smile and shake their hands as I leave.

I walk out with a big smile on my face and go down to the garage. I see practice already started and I watch for a bit before walking through the paddocks to get to AlphaTauri.

"How did it go?" Lena asks me as I catch up to her. "I think it went well, I let them know that I was going to another interview with Redbull later" I tell her and she smiles.

"Now about earlier, Charles and I kissed or more like made out last night. I just didn't want to tell Pierre, because I stopped it before anything happened, but it was all him" I tell Lena and give her the specifics.

"If I didn't know any better I would think he actually had a thing for you" Lena says with a small chuckle to herself.

"True" I say and chuckle at her. "When is your next interview?" Lena asks and I look at my watch. "In an hour" I say and sigh.

"Is F3 here today?" I ask and look around.

"I heard they're on track after this practice, so Victor should be here somewhere" Lena says and I nod and pull my phone out.

I dial his number and put the phone up to my ear.

"Hi Dani" Victor says and I hear the loudness in the backround, cars racing. I knew he was here instantly.

"Where are you?" I ask him with a small laugh.

"I'm by the cafeteria, are you here in Hungary?" Victor asks surprised.

"I am, come to AlphaTauri, Lena and I are here" I say and Victor tell me he's coming and we hang up.

Minutes later I see Victor, but he's not alone. Arthur Leclerc is with him. I roll my eyes playfully as my brother pulls me into a hug. "Hey Vic!" Lena cheers and hugs him as we pull apart.

Arthur pulls me into a hug and I freeze a bit and find it weird, but I roll with it. "Hi Art" I say and smile at him.

"I can't believe you're here. Are you staying for when it's Formula 3 racing?" Victor asks me and I smile.

"Sure, why not. Might as well see how Lorenzi's do in Formula racing" I say and shrug.

"She's here for an interview so she will stay, for a while" Lena says and I kick her leg.

"Ow" Lena mutters and I glare at her.

"An interview? Where did you apply?" Victor asks with hope in his eyes.

"Mercedes, Redbull and Haas. I already had my interview with Mercedes, Redbull is in forty minutes" I say and Victor smiles.

"What a shame, you should've applied at Ferrari, I'm sure my brother would have loved that" Arthur says and I slap his arm.

"Shut it. I'm not going anywhere near him" I say and fake gush in disgust and Lena laughs.

"Arthur" Victor says in a warning tone and Arthur rolls his eyes with a laugh.

"I'm kidding" He insists and I roll my eyes.

"So you're in the SoMe team?" Victor asks. "Well, I'm trying to get in, but that's the job I applied for" I say and Victor nods.

"I hope you get it" Victor says and smiles.

"Oh shit, Pierre crashed!" Lena shouts and we turn around. My smile falls as I do indeed see smoke from a crashed AlphaTauri car.

"Is he out? Is he okay?" Lena asks the engineers, I look at the screen waiting for a response but nothing comes.

"Lena, keep calm" I tell her and pull her into my side. "He's out! He's fine!" An engineer shouts and Lena keeps her eyes glued to Pierre's body as he walks out of the track.

"We're going to head back. It's us soon" Victor says and hug us goodbye.

"I hope he's okay" Victor tells Lena and she nods thankfully.

Pierre comes into the garage and I do my best to keep Lena calm. She races up to hug him and he groans as she throws herself on him. I look at my watch and curse.

"I need to go, guys. Are you okay?" I ask Pierre, he nods at me with a strained smile and Lena is hiding her face in his chest.

"I will see you later" I say and they nod and I go to the Redbull hospitality.

I'm greeted by Christian Horner and he brings me to the Media team, PR, HR you name it.

I repeat the introduction of myself like earlier and I find myself lost in a conversation with Tina.

"I hear you had a meeting with Mercedes this morning as well, how do you feel now that you have been here as well?" She asks me and I smile.

"To be honest, i'm conflicted. The mercedes team were so nice and so are you guys here, so I have a lot of thinking to do" I say and smile politely.

Tina smirks. "How much do they want to pay you?" She asks and leans forward.

"We haven't gone over that yet, so I am not sure" I admit and she smiles.

"We will pay the double for you. You're skilled, you know the drivers. Your brother is a driver as well, right?" She asks and I nod.

"He is" I confirm with a nod.

"Think about it and when Mercedes gives you a number, let me know and we will work out a better pay" Tina says and I chuckle.

"Straight to it, I like it" I admit with a small smirk.

"It was nice to meet you" I tell them and shake their hands and leave the Redbull building. I pass Max and Checo and they wave at me.

This time I cross the pit lane to get to AlphaTauri's garage. Me thinking they were all back in the garages, I walk across and suddenly I hear shouting.

I turn and see Mick race right towards me. I panic and freeze on the spot as the people around me shouts.

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