Twenty Five

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I had stayed with Charles all week, I didn't have the entire week off like the drivers, I had preparations and work to do.

Which meant I had to stay in contact with George and Lewis everyday.

Which meant them teasing me about Charles. We were currently in a teams meeting and I borrowed Charles' game room office.

"So, when you two get back, there's a photo shoot on the track and then I will need you two to—" I pause my sentence as I see Charles walk around in only a towel.

Why was he in this part of his apartment if he had just come out of the shower?

"Did the connection break? She's frozen" George asks confused and leans in to see my face.

"I don't think so, mate. I think someone else got her attention" Lewis says with a laugh and I glare at the two on the screen.

"Can you give me two minutes?" I ask Charles in a low voice. "It's my room" Charles says with a laugh.

I mute the call and the two Mercedes drivers continues to joke around.

"You can't walk around in here half naked! I'm working" I say and Charles shrugs.

"It's what I usually do" he says and sits down on the sim, still in only his towel.

"Put on some clothes, please I need to finish this" I beg him Charles rolls his eyes and gets up.

Me thinking he left to put some clothes on, I unmuted the call.

"Back already?" Lewis teased.

"Shut up, I got you an interview with Vanity Fair. George I got you an interview with—" my blood runs cold as I feel fingers slide up my leg.

Wearing shorts was not a good idea when being around Charles.

I look at him and shake my head discretely. "I think she froze again" George says and scrunches his nose.

I slap Charles' hands as he unbuttons my shorts. But he grabs them instead and hold them still.

"You have an interview with British GQ" I finish wanting to get this over with as soon as possible.

I swallow the lump in my throat as I feel his fingers dip into my panties.

I clear my throat as he feels me up and insert a finger.

"That's crazy! Good job, Dani" Lewis says and George nods.

"They finally responded" I say and grit my teeth at responded.

"Ahh" I moan, as Charles' fingers starts to pump in and out of me, but cover it up with a cough. "I will send you the details and I will see you in two days" I say and fake my smile.

"Sounds good, we'll see you then" George says and I mutter a quick goodbye and end the call and slam my laptop shut.

"Fucking hell Charles" I say and grip the desk. "I think I like you, you using my office" Charles says before moving his hands from me.

He stands back up and pulls my shorts off, he motions for me to stand up and I do, so he lifts me up and places me on his desk.

"And now I'm gonna fuck you on my desk" Charles says and connect his lips with mine.

I moan as he starts rubbing my wet heat and gasp as he rips my panties in two and pull them off.

Charles let's the towel go and lines up at my entrance as he spreads my legs properly and he pushes inside of me.

I moan as he fills me up and I tug on his hair. While fucking me he takes off my Mercedes polo and throws it away.

"Wrong team" Charles scoffs and fucks me harder. I whimper as he forces my orgasm to arrive so sudden.

I tremble beneath him and feel myself clench around his dick inside of me as I cum and he groans at the feeling.

"Fuck" Charles mumbles and pick up his pace.

I'm a moaning mess and I pray that his neighbors wouldn't hear, but due to the long week we had spent together, I found it hard to believe that they hadn't heard us.

I manage to release another orgasm before Charles reaches his high as well.

I chuckle out of breath as Charles leans against my shoulder, that he attacks with kisses.

"Fuck I think I'm falling for you" Charles blurted as he looked into my eyes with happiness.

My eyes widened and the words got caught in my throat. That's when I realized he was still inside of me.

"I-I—" I start, but the sound of Charles' phone going off got our attention.

"Fuck it's Arthur, he could be on his way here" Charles curses and pulls out slowly before wrapping the towel around him and answer the phone.

He places one arm on one side of me and stands between my legs still as he talks.

"What is it?" Charles asks with a slight attitude.

"Now? When?" Charles asks with a sigh.

"Alright, see you" Charles says and I raise an eyebrow as he hangs up.

"Arthur is coming in ten minutes, is that okay?" Charles asks me and reads my face.

"It's your apartment, Charles" I say with a laugh.

Charles grabs my clothes and hands them to me and I hurriedly put them on, before going to the restroom to clean up myself.

I decided to put on Mercedes branded sweatpants instead and as I came back out I see Charles cleaned up after our mess on his desk and I feel myself trying to avoid the conversation about what he said before.

I see Charles starting to tidy up and I go back to the restroom and call Lena.

"Hey baby" Lena says as she answers.

"I need your help" I say try to keep as quiet as possible.

"Charles and I were having sex and—""—Oh you're on speaker by the way" Lena says and I groan.

"And who can hear me?" I ask slightly annoyed.

"Only Pierre" Lena says with a laugh and I mentally facepalm.

"Alright, so when we were finished, Charles blurted out that he's falling for me" I half whisper and sit down on the floor and pull my legs up.

"What?! Really? What did you say?" Lena asks and Pierre groans in the background.

"Well, I froze! But then as I was about to say something Arthur called him and he said that he was on his way over here so now I'm hiding in his bathroom" I say and chuckle dryly at the irony.

"Well, what do you think?" Pierre suddenly asks.

"I don't know. I'm afraid, don't ask me that" I scold him and Lena chuckles.

"Are you falling for him?" Lena asks and I sigh. "I think I might already have" I admit and the line goes quiet.

"How many times did you fuck this week?" Lena asks me excitedly and Pierre groans.

"Welcome to an adult conversation, Lena" Pierre retorts and I chuckle.

"I stopped counting after Tuesday to be honest" I say and Pierre groans in disgust at the information.

"Is he the best you ever had?" Lena asks me and I laugh.

"He might be" I say and roll my eyes.

"So, back to the issue, what are you gonna do?" Pierre asks me.

"I don't know. What would you guys have done?" I ask them.

"Well, for starters, we were friends before, so it wasn't that hard" Lena says and I groan.

"How does that help me?" I ask.

"Tell him how you feel Dani. It'll create a misunderstanding if you don't" Pierre says with a small hiss at Lena's bad attempt to help.

"I'm sure you're right, but me? Blotting my feelings for someone? A guy? I'm sure you know by now how that goes" I retort and Lena chuckles and Pierre groans loudly.

"Just do it"

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