Lost girl

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[Tom and the others cautiously follow Jerry as he leads them through the maze of alleyways. Suddenly, they hear a noise ahead and quickly duck behind a nearby dumpster, ready to confront whatever may be approaching.]

Tom: Shh, did you hear that?

Jerry: Yeah, sounds like someone's coming.

[As they peer out from their hiding spot, they see a young girl running frantically through the alley, her eyes wide with fear. She looks around desperately, seeking refuge.]

[As Robin Starling hides under the bridge, the others cautiously follow her. Suddenly, Tom accidentally causes a small noise, prompting Robin to prepare to defend herself with her bag.]

Robin: *startled* Who's there? Show yourselves!

[Tom and the others quickly duck, narrowly avoiding being hit by Robin's bag. Sensing her fear and confusion, Tom steps forward, raising his hands in a gesture of peace.]

Tom: Hold it, hold it! We mean you no harm. We're just lost travelers, looking for a place to rest.

Robin: *skeptically* Lost travelers? Who are you?

Tom: We're nobody important, just a group of friends trying to find our way. I'm Tom, and these are Charlie, Itchy, Sasha, and Jerry.

[Robin's guard begins to lower as she listens to Tom's explanation. She notices their weary expressions and hungry looks, prompting her to soften her stance.]

[Tom and the others gratefully accept the young girl's offer, their stomachs rumbling in anticipation of the food.

Tom: That would be wonderful, miss. Thank you.

[As child shares her meager provisions with Tom and his friends, a sense of camaraderie and gratitude fills the air, bridging the gap between strangers and uniting them in their shared struggle.]

Jerry head after Tom and they walk towards a bridge. A shadow looms behind them, making them hide on the side of the bridge. After the shadow passes, they look up to see a little girl with yellow hair run across the bridge. Looking around to see if no one's following her, she went towards some steps]

[Tom and Jerry clamber back onto the bridge and walk towards the steps. The girl jump down and hid, dropping a can from her bag. Tom carefully tip-toed down the steps but accidentally hit the can which bounce off the steps and roll to the girl who is hiding under the bridge. As Tom reach the bottom, she swung her bag at him but he bounces back to avoid getting hit]

Tom: Whoa, hold it! Hold it!

Robyn Starling: Who, who are you?

Tom: Nobody.

Jerry: Just us. He's Tom and I'm Jerry.

Tom: this is Charlie, itchy and Sasha

Charlie: pleasure to meet you miss

Itchy: hi ya, how you doing

Sasha: you ok sweetheart

Robyn Starling: Oh. I thought you were somebody else. I thought you were following me.

Tom: Heck No.

Robyn: What are you doing out here?

Tom: We're lost and we're looking for something to eat.

Jerry: Yeah. We're kinda hungry.

Robyn: Oh, well, um, I've got cookies and an apple and.....

[Later, they're sitting under the bridge near a fire]

Jerry: So, your name's Robyn and you ran away from home.

Robyn Starling: How did you know?

Jerry: Your name is on your locket.

Robyn Starling: Oh! Yes. It's Robyn Starling. I'm afraid I don't have a home anymore. I...I'm an orphan. My mother died when I was a baby.

Jerry: What about your father? What happened to him?

Robyn Starling: My father was on an expedition climbing in the mountains when the snow gave way in a, av... ava...

Tom: Avalanche?

Robyn Starling: Uh huh, and he was the most wonderful father in the world. He had his own special place just for the two of us, and...

Jerry: And that's where you were going?

Robyn Starling: Uh huh, and to get away from my
Aunt Figg. She's not really my aunt, just my guardian, she's taken over the house, she moved my room to the attic and gave my room to her dog, Ferdinand.

Tom: Ferdinand?

Robyn Starling: Aunt Figg was always calling me orphan. She even stole my locket and threw it out the window, but I climbed down and found it, and... and...

Sasha: Kept on running.

Robyn Starling: As fast as I could, and I'm never going back.

Charlie: Oh, smart, real smart, kid. You got a roof over your head, three meals a day and a warm bed. Who wanna leave that?

Jerry: I hate to admit it, Robyn, but Tom's right. You never know what you're missing til you don't have it.

Robyn: You don't know Aunt Figg. She seems sweet, but underneath she's mean, real mean!

As Robin Starling shares her story with Tom and his friends, they listen with empathy and understanding, touched by her bravery and resilience in the face of adversity.

Tom: That sounds really tough, Robin. I'm sorry you had to go through all of that.

Robin: Yeah, it hasn't been easy. But I've learned to be strong and never give up hope.

Jerry: Your father sounds like a special person. It's clear he cared about you a lot.

Robin: He was. And that cabin he built for us is my sanctuary. It's the one place where I feel safe and at peace.

Charlie and the others express their concerns to Robin, urging her to reconsider her decision to leave her aunt's care.

Charlie: Robin, are you sure it's wise to run away like this? Your aunt might be worried sick about you.

Sasha: Yeah, running away could put you in even more danger.

Itchy: And what if something happens to you out here on your own?

Robin: I know it might seem reckless, but you don't understand. My aunt may seem nice on the surface, but she's not. Deep down, she's mean, really mean.

Jerry: It's important to trust your instincts, Robin. If you feel safer out here, then maybe it's the right decision for you.

Charlie: Ah, c'mon. I'll bet she's frantic looking for you.

Itchy: Oh, sure! She's cryin' her eyes out for you right this minute.

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