Them or them...

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We sat up slowly and made our way to the door. We slowly crept downstairs in hope no one would hear us. We moved in sync, our hearts pounding as we heard yells and screams from outside. We ran to the kitchen to Charlie's mum. "Hello mrs Sandin. Are you ok?" She looked mortified. I mean who wouldn't let's be honest, it's the purge. We sat down with her and calmed her down. She was scared like the rest of us. I heard banging upstairs and jumped. Who was that?

We walked to the stairs to see Mr sandin yelling at zoey's boyfriend at the top of the stairs. "Well at least I'm not a clueless father that doesn't know their sons dirty secret!!" He yelled. Mine and Charlie's face went pale and blank. They looked at us. "What are you on about. Leave my son out of this!!" He yelled in fury. Zoey's boyfriend took out a pistol and aimed it at James. James done the same as the boy shot failed attempts at him. James landed a shot to his chest. Zoey screamed as she picked the unconscious body up.

Me and Charlie cuddled together on the couch beside mrs and mr sandin. "What did he mean? Dirty secret?" James asked looking at us. "I don't know dad..." he said looking at me and stroking my side. I sighed then we heard a man yelling outside. I ran to the camera to see a bloody man running yelling 'help me!' I ran to the button and opened the door. "COME ON!!! HERE!!!" Me and Charlie yelled as he ran to the door. Mr sandin closed the door. But before it fully locked the man slid under making it in smoothly. I held Charlie's hand as the man got up. After we heard yelling from outside. "Hey open up mother fu." He was cut off by a gunshot. We all gathered to the camera to see a man in a suit with a mask on. He explained that he wanted the homeless man we let in and that he wouldn't harm us if that happened. We all stayed quiet. Mr and Mrs Sandin told us to hide in Charlie's room. Then I heard my father yell. "Sweetie come join us!!" He yelled as he banged the door. Everyone looked at me. "Actually Dad..."

I will update soon see ya. Love ya all xoxo ♥️😁

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