Leos awake and percys not

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"Leo?" Thalia asked softly, looking around at the empty campus her and Percy made.

Bending down to look at the ropes on the ground, she realized the ropes weren't cut, they were burned.

The daughter of Zeus might not have been at camp half blood for a long time, but she knew one thing; piper wouldn't let anyone use powers or show individuality.

So that meant she had some hope. Leo might not be normal, but he obviously was out of the trance enough to not go back.

That just meant she needed to find him.

"Leo?" Thalia asked again.

"Who are you?" She heard a familiar voice behind her.

Turning around, the daughter of Zeus was met with the curly haired elfish boy from earlier, who held a fireball in his hands.

"Your not you. Here, this should help," Thalia fished out the belt and handed it to the demigod in front of her.

Leo looked at the belt, grabbing it from the sky spawn. As he took it, he felt yet another piercing migraine.

"I can't. She won't let me," the demigod let our, moving his hand to his forehead. "The voices, they tell me to do things. She's watching. Their here. I can't,"

"Leo, I need you to remember. Percy is probably under the exact same spell you were, but he knows he's doing things he doesn't want,"

The son of Hephaestus moved his hand away from his head, but his eyes remained on the belt.

Thalia continued, hoping Leo could what her. "Leo, i need you to wake up. Piper has taken everything away from Percy. She took Annabeth, you, the rest of the seven. So Percy moves, and when he came back with his new family, she took them too,"

Leo's eyes met her own, and Thalia knew she just needed a bit more, "She took away his own free will. Piper is destroying everything, if you don't wake up, then Percy let me go alone for nothing. We need you to help him, we need you to help everyone. So please, for gods sake, remember,"

His eyes met hers, coming out of the daze they were in. "Thalia?"

Thalia nodded, smiling through tears, "Leo, it's me. Oh thank the gods, I didn't know what would happen if you didn't wake up,"

"I'm so sorry, for everything. I didn't realize anything, I just did things and then I forgot because it's been so long and I-"

"It's fine," Thalia cut him off.

Leo walked over towards Thalia, sitting down near the wooden logs. Throwing a fireball to light it up, Leo motioned for Thalia to join him.

"What happened while I was....you know,"

"I don't know. But she has the whole camp, and the chaos army, and then when me and Percy got there to get the belt to wake you up, we ran into annabeth. Percy told me to run and I did, and then he's there, and he's prob to my under her spell, and it's all my fault and-"

"Hey, hey, it's okay. Here, tomorrow morning we'll go and get him. He's gonna he fine, percys strong,"

Thalia gave a slight smile, "yeah. Well, your welcome to his tent, we'll go at nine,"

The two drifted to sleep, although it was yet another restless night for the demigods.

Morning seemed to come all too early, and the birds chirping seemed like the most annoying thing in the world. "Stupid birds," the two grumbled.

"What's the game plan?" Leo yawned, coming out of his tent.

Thalia thought for a moment. "Last time me and nico we're here, they said we were too weak and pointless for her to charm. With you gone. She's going to want us two to be tortured and have free will. You took a while to take out of your trance, so I have no clue how we can take Annabeth away. But Percy hasn't been there for long,"

"That makes sense. When do we leave?"


With that, the two demigods were off to find camp half blood and get back the son of Poseidon.

They didn't find what they were expecting.

Even that was an understatement.

At least you could say Percy didn't know what he was doing. He was stripped of his own personalities, his own feelings.

That's what lead us to the three demigods outside of their cabins. Well, the ones that could talk and speak at least.

The rest of the camp circled them, egging them on in the fashion Piper loved.

Piper stood in the center, watching as Percy struggled. She knew the look, she could tell he was fighting as hard as he could, and that Percys eyes had faded from the pink they were and into his normal sea green color.

"Percy, Percy, Percy. So naive. Don't you get it? However hard you struggle, I will make you how you were yesterday. Each day you will spend countless hours kissing Annabeth while she's wearing that stupid lipstick. And soon, you won't need it. You are always going to be mine to control,"

The son of Poseidon glared at her, sea green eyes alive and awake. One problem, he couldn't get through the rest of the camp.

Turning back to look at her, the son of Poseidon knew he just had to hold out until Thalia. "Your a monster,"

Piper let out a laugh, "you don't know anything about what I am," she turned to Annabeth, "put it on,"

Annabeth did as she was told, letting out another mindless giggle. Piper turned back to percy, "now, kiss her and don't stop,"

The raven haired boy struggled against his verbal chains, but ended up walking over to the giggling shell of a girl he loved. 

Annabeths lips met his, both kissing passionately. Slowly, Percys free will was stripped from him yet again. As he trailed his kisses down her neck, he knew he would do anything.

Turning back to piper, percys pink eyes stared at her color changing ones. "What do you want me to do?"

"Thalia is about to arrive with Leo. When they arrive, hurt them. Torture them as though they killed annabeths, but keep them alive,"

Percy nodded and looked towards half blood hill, and upon seeing two figures, he walked over to them.

Nico and Luke were on either sides of him, the rest of the seven (minus Leo and Annabeth) joining them.

"Uh, Thalia, I think they saw us," Leo said, momentarily stunning pipers flying monkeys with stupidity.

"Yeah. Plan B?"

"What's plan B,"

"Don't die,"

With that, the two demigods looked at the raven haired boy in front of them. The lopsided grin it had taken years to bring back was replaced again, a grim and determined frown there instead. His teeth were clenched and he wore a black shirt (although Percy was known for colored clothing so no one was sure if he had to buy new clothes).

What was the most different about the brainwashed hero was his eyes. They were a bright pink in shade, slowly turning a brighter and somehow deeper shade by the moment.

"Thalia, Leo," Percy spat at them.

"Percy, shut up," Thalia responded, too used to him being annoying to even care what was going on.

"We need an element of surprise," Leo whispered.

"Right, so Leo, kiss him,"

"Me, why me? I don't wanna,"

"I don't either,"

"You've done it before,"

"Then you do it,"



Thalia walked over to the hero, and kissed him gently, begging it would be enough.

It wasn't enough.

Percy yanked away, taking out his sword and attacking. Although Leo and Thalia were a good pair, it would be impossible to win this outnumbered.

Leo shot a wall of fire over the other campers, preventing them from going anywhere. Then, the son of Hephaestus shot flame after flame, narrowing it down to the best fighters there was.

Thalia has electrocuted most of the people, Leo burning them all. So all that was left was Percy Jackson and Nico Di Angelo.

Nico attacked Leo, leaving the two demigods alone. Thalia remembered the years of training she's had with him, and although she hated it, she wasn't as good at fighting.

He had knocked her bow out of her hands, leaving her stuck with her dagger.

With a quick move, the dagger was flying across the ground, leaving Percy to walk up to a scrambling Thalia. She moved towards her own tree, and couldn't go further.

"Percy, please don't do this. If you kill someone, you will never forgive yourself. I can't let that happen,"

The raven haired boy stopped, but the anger and hatred in his eyes didn't disappear.

"You can't do this. Please, your not yourself, she's controlling you. She's using you. Please Percy, wake up,"

Percy continued walking, causing a desperate Thalia to cry out. "Please Percy! I can't lose you! You can't lose yourself! We all need you. I need you. I love you,"

The son of Poseidon stopped for a small moment, sea green eyes back to normal. But in the blink of an eye, Piper was back in his head.

Percy let out a growl, snarling at her, "too bad,"

Yay! More sadness!

Also, just wanted to say thanks to BoobTheSnoop fir basically motivating me to get this out. By the way, I hope I made you sad. It's nice knowing I can do that.

Honestly, do whatever you guys want with this. Um, yeah. That's about it.


Also; there you go BoobTheSnoop a new chapter.

Two shutouts in one because there was two things to shout out to. Ha.

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