12 | Hopeless Romantic

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"Did you need help finding the pla-"

Cindy pressed the cool, red button, defiantly turning off her phone.

Hah! Served him right for always hanging up on me!

She paused. Was she a kid?

With a sigh, her line of sight trailed to the full body mirror. She had to ensure everything was perfect; that everything looked perfect. Although PC was just PC, she couldn't help but feel a compulsion to dress up for him.

Why? Well... her pride wouldn't let that be explained.

Her thoughts turned back to the male's previous words.

Come to fifth avenue's park.

Would she finally meet him? Her Prince Charming?

And what would he be like? Bucktooth? Dark hair? Glasses? Braces? Hot? Her imagination could lead her anywhere.

Either way, her heart had grown for the male who had bravely called her princess when they had first met. Well when she had thought they had first met... He seemed to know her well and the fact that he could make her laugh so... willingly, well she just knew he must be the one.

Princess, huh? She could get used to that name...

But really, when had she taken up a liking for fairytales?

She remembered how a long time ago she would gaze over every single fairy tale she kept in the locker under her bed.

It was her precious possessions and she cherished them.

And then one day it all ended.

She couldn't remember what happened - how that happened. She just forgot. She forgot her love for fairy tales and she forgot her love for Cinderella. God if it weren't for PC, she would've never remembered she was such a hopeless romantic.

Hah. Before she started conversing with PC, she couldn't think of any situation that could ever label her as a hopeless romantic.

"Cindy Bennet the hopeless romantic."

The blonde's lips frowned in distaste as she mouthed the label with her lips. Similar thoughts played through her mind and she ruffled through her knapsack, ensuring she had everything before leaving the house. Her thoughts flickered back to Charming's call.

Besides, why had PC wanted to meet her at a playground?


Cindy leant under the shade of the tree's foliage. It was a perfect spot, where the top of her hair rested in the coolness whilst her cheeks baked in the warm sun.

Perfect for Spring.

She looked around, hoping to see any sign of a familiar teenage male that could be Charming. She eyed several of the adolescent males in the playground, most of whom were babysitting their younger siblings. When they noticed her attention, she could only turn away with a faint blush. They probably thought she was some pedophile creep.

Geez, the meeting place just had to be a playground...

But then where was Charming?  She didn't recognise any of the males and she was sure she would recognise the self-proclaimed Charming who had been in her classes since childhood.

Really, when Charming got here she would kill him.

A tap met her shoulders and she turned around, startled.

"Hey princess."

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