15 | Once Upon A Time

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Cindy | Charming

"Oh god I remember," she muttered, a hand clutching her head.

Six years ago, she woke up on the hospital bed, retaining what she thought would be all her memories. No one said she lost memories and so she lived unaware of the empty space in her heart that was Chase Park.

She was told and remembered that she simply fell from a tree whilst playing in the park. It was something she thought 'common' kids did and as a result something she never really questioned.

But now she remembered and she couldn't believe the truth.

How could she forget someone who had become a part of her, someone who had moulded her childhood? How could she forget Chase Park?

She looked up at him to meet his alluring chocolate brown eyes.

And how could he only confront her now?

She glared at him, crestfallen and tear-filled.

"Why did you only come now?!" she accused. "Why did you only appear in front of me right now?!"

Chase was speechless at the sudden confrontation.

"Wait, you remember? You remember everything?"

Cindy's eyes narrowed at the dark-haired male.

It took him 6 freaking years to actually confront her. And she remembered. Just. Like. That.

He should've came earlier.

"Princess, I-"

"Did you not think that if you were to hold a conversation with me, I would remember?"

Chase avoided her gaze as if having an internal battle.

"I tried..." he muttered, "after you woke up, I came to visit you, but your parents refused me from entering your room."

His voice softened.

"They said I was the reason you were in a concussion. They blamed me for the accident. I was in the tree with you after all. I was there with you and I saw you fall. I could not save you."

Cindy's gaze dropped.

She could not bare watch him self-condemn himself.

"They said you lost your memories. They said you forgot me."

"Wha-" she spluttered.

"Of course I didn't believe them! I even appeared in front of you a few times. I even greeted you a few times. But you were empty, you did not react to me and those stares you gave me... You looked at me as if I were a... stranger."

Cindy was going to interject but Chase refused to give her a chance.

"So how was I supposed to feel?! How was I supposed to know that you would remember me?!"

She noticed he was breathing heavily from his outburst and she couldn't help but feel swarmed with guilt.

"You should've tried earlier," was all she could say.

"Princess, I-"

Cindy's thoughts were thrown back to their promise.

Since long ago she had called Chase her Prince Charming and he had called her Princess. They were the best of friends but even more than that. He proposed to her and she even accepted.

God, how could she forget?

How could she forget the man she had come to love.

"- love you!"

She deadpanned on him.


She stared at him, daring him to repeat what he had just said.

He avoided her gaze. His cheeks were reddening by the minute and he couldn't bare watch her reaction.

"I love you?" he repeated, uncertainty clouding his eyes.

The reason Chase Park had decided it was time to meet Cindy Bennet after days of ignoring her calls was precisely because he had heard rumours of her dating a boy at school.

She was his and they had made a promise.

He wouldn't let anyone take her away. No, he couldn't bare the thought of anyone taking her away.

He decided he had to face her.

He had to confess to her.

But did she still love him? Did she remember their promise?

Cindy didn't reply. A deathly silence filled the gap between them. Finally, his eyes met hers, desperately searching for an answer.

Her face was blank.

Blank except for the tears that dove down her cheeks.

And that blank expression morphed into one of outrage, excitement and maybe even... love?

"God Charming, how could we be so stupid?"


"Chase, how could you only tell me this now?!"

Chase flinched at the call of his name. Hearing it from her voice after many lonely years, well it stung.

He looked at her and she stared back at him. It seemed she was waiting for an answer when now more than ever he needed her answer.

Did she love him?

He sighed, giving up. Cindy, although a romance enthusiast, had always been the dense one. It seemed he had to act first.

"Princess, remember our tree?"

She looked at him with curiosity, intrigued on what his point was. She turned her body slightly and she motioned towards the tree that she had fallen off once upon a time; the tree she was currently underneath; the tree in the playground.

"Yes? You mean this one?"

"Mmm... and do you remember how we were practicing our school play where I received the role of Prince Charming whilst you earnestly competed for your role as Cinderella with the other girls in class."

"Hmph! Are you boasting your popularity?"

"Please Princess, I was never popular."

She held her breath, eyeing the perfect features on Chase's face before narrowing her eyes.

"Really? You were pretty popular to me."

He chuckled, his cheeks tinted red in embarrassment, before he continued.

"That day... we were performing together around the tree..."

Cindy understood what he was trying to say and innocently looked up at him.

"Charming? Prince Charming won't you save me?"

For a moment Chase was speechless. His speechlessness then morphed into a smile.

He got down on one knee, preparing himself for the question he had always wanted to ask again.

This time he wanted an answer, and this time she wouldn't forget.

"Princess Cindy, won't you marry me?"

She giggled, feeling a sense of nostalgia. She put her arms around his head and leaned in.

"Of course, Prince Charming."

"I love you."


Official last chapter! Thank you so much for staying with me throughout. Hope you enjoy reading and will put up an epilogue or two in the future. Love you guys!


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