9 | Dating?

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Cindy | Charming

"Dude. Dude. Dude. Dude. Du-"

"Can you stop?!!"


"Ok. I've stopped."

"What is it?"


"Come on! You've been ignoring my calls for the last three days and you finally decide to call me only to leave me hanging!"

"Nawww princess, did you miss me?"

"What who said anyth-!! anyway, why did you call?"

"I just..."

"Spit it out, my boy."

"... Did you just call me 'my boy'?"



"Well, in any case, I'll let you know that I'm a perfectly hot ma-"

"Ok, enough with your self-ego pep talks."


"PC, why did you call me? Stop stalling."

"Ahahahhahahahahhahahha nah."



"You know what PC, I'm just gonna hang up. You can't just propose to me, ignore my calls, leave me hanging and then come walking back in with your shenanigans."

"I can't?"


"Ahh I know, don't brother zone me! I'm sorry. Don't hang up."


"Actually... real reason... called... dating"

"Excuse me? I can't hear you!"

"Oh sorry bad reception! I'll call back later! Bye!"

"Wait what?!"

"Prince Charming?"


"Geez I'm so sick of being hanged up on..."

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