Business Trip

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"Hey," Dick called out waving to the white streaked haired male who was leaning against the wall hands in his jacket pockets.

"Hey-" Jason's mouth stopped rising a brow as he realised something. "-It turns out I don't actually know your name."

"Ricky." Dick hated the name as it rolled off her tongue but smiled nonetheless. "Ready?"

"Lead the way."

They ended up at a small coffee shop with Dick not daring to take her eyes off of the man sitting opposite him.

"You stare a lot, don't you?"

"Sorry, I can't help it." Dick bowed her head watching the coffee swirl in her mug.

"Hey no, I'm flattered." Jason grinned, "did you stare at Bruce this much?"

Dick smirked at him shaking her head before deciding to get what she came here for.

"Speaking of Bruce, how long have you known him for?"

"Too long." Jason rested his chin on his hand. "He took me in when I was younger."

"And he did the same with Tim?"

"Yeah, and there was one before me, Richard."


"Yeah, he's a famous acrobat." Jason rolled his eyes causing Dick to giggle a little.

"Sounds like you have a differing opinion."

"He's average at best." Jason smiled before suddenly frowning and glanced out the window.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, just I haven't seen him since I've been back."

"Back? Where did you go?"

"Business trip."

Dick knew Jason lied, despite knowing the truth the acrobat noticed Jason hunched his shoulders, the slight hint of practice to the words he spoke. His eyes flashed with the remembrance of the past before covering them with his lie.

"And you haven't called him?"

"I actually don't have his number and he hasn't even bothered to visit so, whatever."

"What if he doesn't know your back?" Dick started to get irritated.

"Well, the guys told me that he knows." Jason shrugged. "Guess I should have known. I've always been a sore spot in his life."

"Don't say that." Dick slammed her fist on the table catching Jason a little off guard. "Sorry, I just hate when siblings fight. I fight with mine all the time and sometimes it goes years without speaking to them."

"Okay, how about I promise to get in contact with him?"

"I like the sound of that."

"Good." Jason grasped Dick's hand and gave it a squeeze but to the acrobat's surprise didn't let go. Dick automatically intertwined her fingers with his and smiled softly up at him.

"It doesn't bother you that I was with Bruce?"

"Nah, it's not like you're in a relationship with him."

"And I never will be." Dick grounded out.

"Done you wrong?"

"You have no idea."

Dick spent the rest of the day in Jason's company eventually heading back to the man's apartment. Dick hadn't meant to sleep with either Bruce or Jason but something about them had the acrobat's chest racing. He never felt this way before, thinking perhaps Zatanna's spell did more than just change his gender.


Dick woke in the middle of the night to yet another empty bed and furrowed her brow.


Silence. Dick dragged the sheet from the bed with her as she looked for the white streaked male only to come up empty. A slide of a window opening and a low grunt had Dick quickly rushing into the room to find a man with a red helmet hiding his face. The man removed his armoured head while holding his arm in agony.

"Jason!" Dick could all but gawk at the familiar helmet. Red Hood, Jason was the Red Hood. The man snapped his head up like a deer caught in headlights and gaped at her.

"What are you doing up?!" Jason panicked. "You're supposed to be asleep!"

"Did you get shot?!"

"No!" Jason denied attempting to hide his arm from view.

"Jason Todd so help me god if you're lying to me." Dick stormed towards him yanking the man's arm into view ignoring the pained groan that emitted from the sweaty man. The bullet wound was clear with a small trickle of blood soaking Jason's shirt and jacket. Dick rushed to the bedroom quickly changing into her underwear before dashing back out again tying her hair up as she went. "Where are your supplies?"

Jason blinked several times before pointing to the bathroom and Dick was quick as a flash, pushing Jason down into a chair reading to remove the bullet. Jason removed his jacket and stayed silent as Dick concentrated on the task at hand.

"So the Red Hood, huh?" Dick commented letting the bullet clatter in the pan before threading the needle.

"You've heard of me?"

"Who hasn't?"

"Ouch-" Jason flinched as the needle entered his skin. "-So you're not freaked by this?"


"Well, I wouldn't mind having you sew me up every night." Jason eyed the woman's body up and down earning a hard tug on his wound.

"There you go." Dick cut the thread and quickly patched the wound.

"Thank you."

The two shared a smile before Dick leaned over and pressed her lips to his own. The acrobat felt a surge of happiness at Jason's sigh and felt herself pulled into the man's lap with his good arm and gasped into his mouth as Jason squeezed her buttocks. They broke apart with Jason smirking at Dick's scolding gaze.

"You've been shot. No sex."

Jason pouted at her only to be shut down which caused him to announce he was tired and all but dragged Dick back to bed encircling her in his arms before remembering something.

"You can't tell anyone about me being the Red Hood."

"My lips are sealed," Dick reassured.


A phone buzzing had Jason waking sluggishly, arm flinging out fumbling with the phone before answering it.


"Jason? Why do you have Ricky's phone?"

"Tim?" Jason rubbed his eyes removing the phone from his ear for a moment, noting that in fact, this wasn't his phone. "What do you want?"

"Well, clearly I want to talk to Ricky."

"Alright jeez," Jason grumbled getting out of bed and heading to the smell that was currently making Jason's mouth water. "Ricky?"

"In here."

"Tim's on the phone." Jason wiggled the phone is his hand too tired to notice the woman's face turn sour.

"The eggs are almost done, could you?"

Jason nodded, cracking his jaw as he headed to the stove, glancing over his shoulder, appreciating the woman's legs as she left the room.

"What do you want Tim?"

"Luthor has changed his formula," Tim spoke a little angrily. "Our engineered solution won't have any effect."

"So what do we need?"

"Access to his computer as soon as possible."

"I have an idea." Dick ran a hand through her hair, hoping she wasn't about to make a mistake. "Stay on standby."

"Also Dick. I can't say on behalf of Bruce, but I'm sorry."

Dick hung up the phone at the apology and headed back to the kitchen, wrapping her arms around Jason's chest letting her head rest on the man's back.

"I have to go."

"You sure? I mean I'm no Alfred but these eggs look good." Jason twisted around and noticed the determined face on the acrobat's face. "Hey, what's with the look?"

"I'm sorry Jason. Can I see you tonight?"


They shared a short passionate kiss with Dick scolding Jason for attempting to undress her before the acrobat left. Jason dropped the eggs on his plate his brow furrowing a little in confusion. Why would Ricky have Tim's number? Jason took a bit from his toast in curiosity wondering if he should call Drake.

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