Improv And Positive Thoughts

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When Dick woke he found himself in a familiar poster covered walled room, wrapped in cheap superhero sheets that somehow brought incredible comfort to the banging headache that currently rested on Dick's brow. The acrobat knew that he was once again a female as the hair that had grown a substantial amount overnight was covering her face. Dick spluttered the hair away and rose from the bed, gasping in horror as she grasped at the overlarge t-shirt, pulling it down with a horrified force. The acrobat quickly sifted through the chest of draws yanking out a pair of Flash underpants, shaking her head in humour at her friend's clothing choice. Dick slipped the pants on before opening the door slightly, poking her head out the small crack to check that the coast was clear.


When silence was Dick's answer the girl pushed herself from the room convincing herself that hiding under Wally's dirty sheets was not a sound plan. She winced as the stairs squeaked with pressure from the weight of her feet. As she reached the bottom and turned the corner about to call Wally's name once again she found herself frozen to her spot. Wally's parents stood a little astonished, staring in shock at the undressed girl who swiftly covered her chest with her arms in embarrassment.

"Oh my god," Dick muttered to herself before she sucked it up and pointed down the hall. "You haven't seen Wally by any chance?"

"You mean Wally, my son, who didn't tell me he was having company over?" The woman rose a brow glancing over Dick's shoulder as she crossed her arms. Dick turned around just as Wally appeared, clothes barely fluttering from his instant movement, hand scratching the back of his neck in guilt.

"Ah, sorry mum," Wally smiled awkwardly before he slid his arm around Dick's waist. The acrobat herself rose a brow in disbelief and sighed internally as Wally brought her closer to him. "This is Ricky, she's my, umm, girlfriend?"

"You're so dead," Dick whispered snappishly at the redhead as they approached Wally's parents. Dick shook their hands keeping one arm over her bosom at all times. "It's great to finally meet you, Mr and Mrs West, I'm sorry I'm in such a mess."

"Nonsense darling," Mary waved the apology away and smiled lovingly at her. "I don't know why my Wally was keeping you a secret, you're gorgeous!"

"Mum!" Wally protested glaring at his dad to attempt him to get her to stop. Dick chuckled and thanked the woman before a rapid knock was heard loudly throughout the house.

"That should be your Uncle Barry." Mary grinned heading to the door with her husband in tow. Dick's eyes widened in horror glancing down at the red and yellow pants she was currently wearing.

"I can't let your Uncle see me like this."

"Too late," Wally whispered humorously grinning toward the door. Dick instantly turned rigid before she glanced up and found Barry Allen grinning wildly at the two.

"Hey Wally," Barry waved giving the boy a hug before turning to the embarrassed girl. "Hey! Flash is my favourite hero too."

Dick wanted to snort at the man's comment, the bias in his voice clear as day. Instead, Dick smiled and offered him her hand, not at all oblivious to the thumbs up Wally received from his Uncle.

"I'm Ricky, it's nice to finally meet the famous Uncle Barry, Wally keeps raving about."

"All good I hope." Barry chuckled as Dick returned to Wally's side and prayed for the redhead to excuse them. To her luck, Wally did just that and they headed back to speedsters room where the acrobat almost died in embarrassment.

"Wally, what the hell was that?!"

"Improv." The redhead winced at his terrible idea. "I panicked! You know I'm not good at thinking on the spot. That's why I have you."

"No kidding." Dick snorted at the pout that grew bigger on Wally's lips. "Why did you bring me back here?"

"Well your apartment is being watched, Jason was out and I wasn't about to leave you by yourself in the pain that you were in. And I wasn't brave enough to speak to your butler, let alone face Bruce if he was there."

"That's fair," Dick complemented Wally's words before nodding in acceptance, "What are you doing today?"

"Nothing, what's the plan?"

"I need to go to the Daily Planet," Dick explained, "Clark had the same photos that were on the plaque, he said he got them from his boss."

"Investigation time!" Wally grinned, "Count me in!"

"First things first, I need a change of clothes, take me to Jason's?"


After Dick changed and flung Wally's clothes to the side they headed to Metropolis, finding themselves outside the Daily Planet within minutes. They headed inside grabbing two visitor passes and headed to the newsroom. Clark was sitting at his desk typing away when his ears caught two hushed voices in the elevator that was ascending to this floor.

"What if this is a dead end as well?"

"Wally, why would you say that? Positive thoughts, this has to work or we're out of ideas."

"Alright, Alright, positive thoughts."

Clark chuckled to himself, only acknowledging the duo as they approached him. He turned and smiled instantly recognising the young speedster and the woman beside him. What Clark found odd was that not only did Bruce and Superboy know this woman, but Kid Flash did as well.

"Miss West, I did not expect to see you so soon," Clark rose from his spot and shook her hand before turning to the redhead.

"Wally West," Wally grinned, amused that he had to act like a stranger and swiftly shook the man's hand. "No relation."

"What can I do for you?" Clark wrung his hand out as he asked the two.

"I just wanted to apologise for up and leaving so suddenly the other day," Dick pressed, showing the hero her best apologetic gaze.

"That's quite alright Miss West, I did bombard you with some rather intrusive questions."

"There was still one thing that bothered me," Dick sifted through her bag before bringing out the pile of photos she had taken, "These photos, I know you said that you didn't know where your boss got these from but I had no idea these had been taken and I would like to know who took them so I can ask them to stop."

"I actually did a little digging for you Miss West," Clark smiled softly sitting back down and typed away. Wally and Dick approached glancing over each of the man's shoulders and found themselves staring at a young man camera in hand smiling greedily at them. "His name is William Foreman, a blogger on a dodgy site. But that's all I could retrieve on him on our database."

"That's great, thank you, Clark." Dick beamed all but kissed the man on the cheek in glee, happy that their lead was not a bust. "Do you think you could print that out?"

"Of course," Clark hit the print button and retrieved it from the copier across the room, handing it over to the relieved woman. After Dick enthusiastically thanked the man again Wally took her by the arm and back towards the elevator.

"We'll take this back to Mount Justice and do a little digging, hopefully Tim's back."

Clark rose a brow as he eavesdropped out of curiosity. He definitely needed to speak with Bruce at the nearest convenience, exactly who was this Ricky West?


"William Foreman, event photographer for a shady website that blogs the lives of the rich and famous." Tim read from the large screen that revealed all that he could find on the photographer. "Graduated from Gotham University, he was an intern at The Gotham Gazette for a short period of time until he was fired for releasing sensitive information to other newspapers and magazines."

"What does he do now?" Wally asked as he leant against the desk not wanting to read the vast amount of information on the screen.

"He runs a seedy website, leaking photos and biased content on the rich and famous of Gotham and neighbouring cities. He's even posted about the Justice League and us."

"He has?" Wally snapped his head up nudging Tim away attempting to gain control of the computer, "What's he said about me?"

Tim scowled and pushed the redhead away before bringing up a particular article the blogger wrote, showing its contents to Dick. The acrobat scanned through it, the image at the beginning of the article of herself dancing closely with Bruce on her surprise date was captioned.


Dick snorted and Tim opened a few more articles with Ricky mentioned, all more intrusive than the last, pictures depicting not only Bruce and Slade but Jason, Conner, Clark and the man as his alter ego.

"Do we know where he's going to be?" Dick asked Tim as the boy sifted through the blog.

"Errr...yes," Tim pulled up Will's most recent posts, "A function Wayne Enterprises is organising for the local hospital. It seems he doubts Bruce will bring a date let alone come at all."

"Well let's prove him wrong," Dick smirked rising a challenging brow before she dug into her bag for her phone.

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