Influential In Certain Areas

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"Ah I'm sorry," Zatanna's voice sounded frantic as it bounced off the walls of Jason's apartment. "Here it is."

"Well?" Dick urged the girl on after hearing a frustrated click of the tongue and a sigh from the magician.

"I don't understand why it reversed itself." Zatanna shuffled the papers about. "Maybe I said it wrong, or the spell wasn't supposed to last."

"Wouldn't it say?" Dick replied.

"These spells are really old, they're on eroding scrolls, the small details are a bit you know, gone."

"You tested a spell on me and you didn't know what was going to happen?!" The acrobat exclaimed eyes widened in horror.

"Please," Zatanna spoke, Jason smirking almost hearing the eye roll the woman was currently expressing on the other side of the phone. "You really think I would do that if it wasn't safe?"


"Ouch." Zatanna let out a chuckle. "Look I'll keep searching but in the mean time I suggest you lay low."

The phone call clicked off and Jason crossed his arms tilting his head to see Dick fiddling with the hem of her shirt anxiously.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing." Dick smiled reassuringly at the skeptical raise of Jason's brow. "Really, I'm okay."

Jason motioned the acrobat to him and Dick bit her lip gently before manoeuvring herself to straddle the man in his chair.

"She'll find a way." Jason felt Dick shiver at his touch, one hand gently caressing down her arm while the other cupped her cheek.

"I know she will." Dick sighed leaning into Jason's hand. "I just want you to know the real me, you know?"

Jason smirked a little, bringing the woman into a kiss before leaning their foreheads together.

"I think I got to know him last night if you know what I mean."

Dick couldn't help the smug grin that graced her lips and pinched the man's nose cheekily.

"You really are unbelievable."

Dick's phone rang from the table the vibration distracting the acrobat from the roaming hands of the brunette, waving away the pouting disappointing look on Jason's face when Dick answered the phone.

"We have a problem."

"What's happened?"

"Batman gave us a new mission." Tim's voice sounded a little bitter. "We're going to need Ricky."


"Infect the computer system?" Jason rose a brow as he let Tim explain what Bruce had asked of them.

"But that would require using Luthor's own personal computer." Dick furrowed her brow. "What is he expecting me to do?"

"Lex is having an exclusive party at his estate." Tim clicked the screen and they watched as Lex's home schematics appeared. "From what we gather his computer is in his office which is upstairs."

"How am I going to get in?" Dick rose a brow, "I know for certain I won't be invited."

"Batman has sorted that." Tim pursed his lips in irritation. "He managed to retrieve the guest list and has persuaded one of them to let you accompany him."

"Who is it?" Jason folded his arms suspicion seeping in at the dismayed glare Tim held.

"Drake, you don't have to speak so fondly of me." The deep voice echoed from the darkness and the three watched as Batman and a familiar and dangerous man strode towards them. His black and orange uniform causing them to stand on edge, the large swords sheathed and the guns strapped to his hips holstered but both easily removed with the man's lightning reflexes if he so chose to.

"Deathstroke?" Jason stood a little stunned, Bruce put his son's life in the hands of the mercenary assassin.

"Todd." Slade nodded once. "Welcome back to the land of the living."

"Cheers." Jason snorted, "Now what kind of bargain did Batman propose for you to agree to this?"

"The usual." The man shrugged as Batman stepped past him towards the computer. "Money."

"Deathstroke will be accompanying you, Ricky." Batman turned to the wide eyed woman who was staring holes through the older male. "He'll keep you safe while you carry out the mission."

"What kinda party is this?" Dick noticed the smug look on the mercenary's face despite it being covered.

"Well sweetie, if you're thinking it's a gathering of the most influential men in Metropolis and neighbouring cities, then you're bang on."

"What are you thinking?" Dick rounded onto Bruce who simply sighed turning back to the screen.

"It's the only chance we're going to get." The Dark Knight explained as Tim clicked away, Dick's eyes scanning the various pictures and videos that appeared. "Luthor's house is too guarded any other part of the day."


Dressed in a rather exposing elegant red dress, leg exposed to the roaming stares of the unmasked mercenary, Dick sat plastered to Slade Wilson's large form as they rode out of Gotham in a shiny black limo. The cocky look on Slade's face had Dick folding her arms under her breasts deciding not to cower beneath his stares.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Dick decided to elaborate at the rise of question in Deathstroke's brow. "Helping the good guys?"

"If I get to spend the evening with you Grayson, I don't mind being good once in a while." Slade let out a chuckle as the woman froze her eyes flickering over him. "I must say for a female you are quite an attractive specimen."

"Who told you?" Dick huffed, deciding not to deny the obvious.

"Figured it out myself." Slade shrugged gently taking Dick's hand in his own, letting his lips feather over her fingers in a light kiss. "I'll take good care of you."

"I know you will," Dick smirked confidently snatching her hand away, flicking her hair to the side exposing her elegant neck. "Batman will have your head if you misbehave."

"I better be on my best behaviour then." The older male glanced away from the tempting neck to focus on the mischievous blue orbs. "I'd prefer to keep my head where it is."

"I'd prefer if you did too." Dick smiled a little. The car slowed to a stop with the door opening on Slade's side, the acrobat letting the white haired male take her hand and help her out the low road limo. The flashes of camera lights caught Dick's immediate attention, noting the many video cameras aimed their way. Slade slid his arm around her waist drawing Dick close to him and the acrobat with all the practice over the years of being Bruce's ward smiled gracefully up at him, acting expertly for the cameras.

What Dick didn't expect was for the mercenary to lean down and press a rather passionate kiss to her lips. Stifling her sudden shock the acrobat reluctantly kissed him back, letting her eyes flutter closed. They broke apart, both seemingly unfazed as they continued the short walk to the door of Luthor's brightly lit home.

"I thought you said this was a private party?" Dick pointed out to both Slade and Tim in her ear.

"It's supposed to be," Tim replied hastily.

"Why are there so many cameras?"

"Ah, Lex was always one for the media." Deathstroke hugged Dick's body closer as they entered the CEO's house. "Plus most of these guys can't go anywhere without some form of paparazzi after them."

Dick was glad Slade had brought her closer, the gazes she was receiving from the older men in the room had her almost folding herself willingly into the mercenary.

"If these guys are so influential, why were you invited?" Dick asked the man beside him.

"I'm influential in certain areas."

Dick knew what Slade meant and she knawed the inside of her cheek having just been reminded that she was currently in the hands of a professional killer. They made it to a table and Slade excused himself to retrieve them drinks from the bar. The acrobat now left alone clutched at herself suddenly missing the protective arm of the mercenary. Dick glanced around eyeing the many bodies in the room, raising a brow to see a man who she recognised from a brief meeting she had interrupted at Wayne Industries.

"Hey, how come Bruce wasn't invited?" Dick muttered under her breath, smiling politely to the woman that past her.

"Other than the fact he despises Luthor." Tim casually replied. "Work."

"Miss West?"

Dick froze at the voice. Sickly sweet but cold as ice, the voice that had Dick flashing back her apartment, a broad body towering over her exerting its male dominance. The acrobat took a deep breath, not wanting the bald man to see her fear. A charming smile graced her features as she turned to acknowledge Lex Luthor's approach.

"Mr Luthor, it's good to see you again." Dick greeted letting the male kiss the back of her hand, gasping a little as the man pulled her violently forward and whispered dangerously in her ear.

"You're playing with fire. It was a fools choice to come here."

Dick shuddered wincing a little as the man's grip constricted harshly, knowing it was going to leave a rather obvious bruise.

"What's going on here?"

Dick could have jumped on the mercenary in thanks for the abrupt interruption but decided to stand exceptionally close to him accepting the offering drink with strained thanks.

"Slade Wilson." Luthor eyed the assassin curiously before offering the man his hand.

"Luthor. Good to see you again." Slade accepted the greeting before once again sliding an arm around Dick's waist. "Hands off the goods Lex, she's mine."

"My apologies Slade." Lex let out a forced chuckle to which Dick drank a huge gulp from her glass. "How are things in Gotham?"

"Eh, the usual, people live, people die." Deathstroke smirked feeling Dick stiffen beside him, "Now if you'll excuse us, the bartender said we're being seated now."

"Of course. Miss West, once again it was my pleasure." Luthor bowed before leaving the two alone. Dick let out a much-needed breath and grabbed Slade's drink and gulped it down quickly.

"Don't you ever leave me alone again." Dick snapped at the amused look on Deathstroke's face as they sat together. As dinner was served and Luthor headed to the podium Dick ignored everything happening around her. Lex's voice was but a background mumble as she turned to the mercenary who was chewing away listening to the Lex Corp CEO with interest. "You're back in Gotham?"

"Yeah have been for a while." Slade shrugged before taking another bite. "And I visit Blüdhaven every now and then."

"Trying to find me are you?" Dick joked but the serious look on the assassin's face had her sobering.

"What if I am?"

"But why?" Dick placed her hand on top of the mercenary's, keeping their acting up for the people around their table.

"If I told you there was a hit out on you, would you believe it?"

"As Ricky or Richard?"


A loud array of applause snapped the two from their heated conversation and they quickly joined in, turning their heads to see Luthor heading towards their table. Dick didn't have time to even mull over the words Slade had just parted with as the bald headed CEO stopped in front of her offering her his hand.

"The first dance, if I may?" Lex looked to Slade for approval. The mercenary simply waved a hand as if the offer didn't bother him and Dick gulped, shooting him a subtle angry glare before accepting Luthor's offer.

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