Taxi Fares

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When Dick woke that morning in a bed she didn't recognise naked and hungry, the acrobat thanked the lord that Lex Luthor was a working man and left hours ago. Dick was quick to gather her dress from the floor sighing in waste as she shoved it in her purse only after removing her change of clothes she expertly brought with her. Changing swiftly and nodding awkwardly to the guard outside the door, Dick fled the building. To his worst luck, she bumped into the two men that she really didn't want to see right now. Bruce and Tim were heading to their limo from the hotel they stayed in and the acrobat couldn't help but cry internally.

"Miss West?" Bruce smiled, "Out for a jog?"

"Yes and no," Dick replied, smoothing down her leggings. "I was but then I went past a coffee shop with the most mouth watering doughnut."

Bruce chuckled and even Tim smiled humorously at her.

"Well, I should be off." Dick walked past them glancing over her shoulder. "It was nice to see you both again."

If Dick thought that was the end of their conversation she was mistaken. Bruce called out to her and Dick couldn't do anything but turn back.

"What are you doing this afternoon, Miss West?"

"Why do you want to know Mr Wayne?" Dick placed a hand on her hip, jutting out a little.

"I was wondering if you'd like to have dinner with me tonight?"

"I get off at six." Dick smiled up at the man, inside she was screaming."Pick me up outside Robinson's Park."

"You live in Gotham?"

"Yes, I've lived there most of my life."

"I don't mean to sound so forward but do you need a ride back?"

Dick watched as Bruce motioned to the limo where Tim was currently waiting beside watching the two in interest. Dick was extremely tempted, it would be a hell of a lot quicker and she would be in company far better than just a taxi driver. The acrobat beamed her gorgeous smile and nodded.

"You just saved me a bunch on taxi fares."

Dick followed Bruce to the car as the driver stepped out to open the door for the three. The journey home was a little awkward with Tim and Dick sharing several glances as Bruce continued to show interest in the young woman beside him.

"So what is it you do Miss West?"

"I er..." Dick hadn't thought that far and looked to Tim as the boy answered for her.

"She's a photographer, I've seen some of your photos Miss West. They're quite impressive."

"Oh thank you, Tim." Dick smiled gratefully at his quick thinking before nudging Bruce a little. "He's a charmer."

Tim blushed a little at Dick's remark and Bruce chuckled. The car pulled to a stop outside Wayne Enterprises and the three said their goodbyes.

"I'll see you tonight Miss West."

"Tonight?" Tim's eyes widened at the two.

"I won't keep him out long I promise," Dick reassured the teen. "I hope to see you again sometime soon as well Tim."

"Likewise Miss West." Tim faked a smile which the two both saw through but neither said a word. Dick's cell began to ring and she excused herself waving goodbye as she jogged away pressing the phone to her ear.


"Nightwing?" The voice sounded confused. "You're still a girl."

"Well yeah," Dick rose a brow in concern. "Am I not supposed to be?"

"No. You better come in."


Zatanna seemed at a lost, why was Nightwing still a female? It baffled her. She had read through the spell at least ten times, ensuring it would only last the night.

"So there's nothing you can do? I'm stuck like this?"

"I didn't say that," Zatanna replied. "You'll just be in that form for a little while longer while I figure it out."

"Okay." Dick accepted this information quite easily which surprised both of them.

Dick was very attentive when it came to analysing the information the others had gathered, not noticing Wally and Roy feeling the girl up with their eyes.

"So all we need to do is reverse engineer it?" Dick asked as he peered over Tim's shoulder.

"Yeah, it might take us all night," Tim replied peering up at the acrobat from his chair. "I'll text you when it's done."

"Why where are you going?" Wally nosed into their conversation.

"Ricky here has a date."

"With who?" Roy joined in the questioning.

"Bruce Wayne." Robin relayed back, watching the two shocked faces smugly.

"How did you manage that?" Roy shook the shock, impressed with his friends pull. Dick gave him a knowing smile tapping her nose, motioning it as a secret.

"Well, I better get going." Dick pressed a kiss to Tim's head who suddenly froze. "Too weird?"



Now if Dick knew Bruce at all this date would go as planned. Dinner at an expensive restaurant, a walk in the park before heading back to the Manor for indulgence. Dick stood at the entrance of Robinson Park, waiting patiently for Bruce to make an appearance.

"Miss West."

Dick was quick to turn around to find Bruce walking towards her, a handsome smile on his face. Dick couldn't help but grin as the man placed a kiss on her cheek.

"Please call me Ricky." Dick requested. "We are on a date after all."

"Very well then you must call me Bruce."

"Deal." Dick accepted the arm that Bruce offered. "So where are we heading?"

"I thought where I would want to spend a night with a beautiful woman like yourself and what better than to dine under the stars."

Bruce took Dick to the fountain that sat in the middle of the square and to her disbelief a small table had been made up, a white table cloth with a cream coloured candle shining in the darkness. A dark red rose sat in a black vase and violin music began to play as Dick entered the area. The acrobat placed a hand on her chest not believing what she was seeing. She glanced behind her to see Bruce watching her intently.

"I was expecting some stuffy expensive restaurant." Dick beamed heading to the table, "This is beautiful Bruce. Thank you."

"I'm glad you like it." Bruce sat opposite her after pulling her chair out. "If I'm being honest Tim came up with the idea."

"He did?" Dick gasped before softly sighing with happiness. "He really is a charmer."

"Complimenting another man, this date is going well." Bruce chuckled as he poured the wine.

"I think you know you're a charmer Bruce," Dick fingered the rim of her glass. "With all the women flocking towards you."

"Money is a powerful attraction."

"I don't know." The acrobat tilted her head a little to the side eyeing Bruce with concentration. "You have a handsome face."

"Is that so?"

Dick blushed suddenly scolding herself for being too entranced, quickly sipping from her glass so she didn't have to answer.

"So how is it you know Lex Luthor?"

"I don't." Dick shook her head. "I crashed the party."

The acrobat placed a finger to her lips motioning for Bruce to keep it a secret.

Dinner went surprisingly wonderful, Bruce was in fact great company when he was trying to woo the opposite sex, he was open and sweet. He laughed which was rare and Dick was soaking up every second of it. They shared a small intimate dance after Bruce stated she owed him a dance after being second choice to Lex. Dick couldn't stop the smile spread over her features and after Bruce had leant in and pressed a short but passionate kiss to Dick's lip the acrobat knew that the billionaire had won.

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