It has to be aliens

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        As I looked in the bathroom mirror not understanding how this was happening. "How is this happening, how is this happening?" Lilly screamed.
                "Lilly stop screaming!" I yelled at Lilly.
               "But why is this happening?" Lilly said scarily. Then I heard a knock on the bathroom door.

"Lilly, you in there?" my other bestie Sophie said knocking on the door.
                "No?" Lilly said lying terribly.
              "I know you're lying. Come on let me in, we need to talk about what happened when I was gone." Sophie said.
                "You were sick for a week. How do I know you're better?" Lilly accused.
                 "Ok I'm picking the lock" Sophie said angrily.

   "Oh no. Clara hide!"Lilly said as she pushed me into the closest we have in the bathroom.
            "Clara's in there awesome!" Sophie said as the nob turned slowly. "Got it." Sophie said as the door swung open.

Sophie was smiling happily until she looked at both of us.
         "Li-Lilly and Lilly." Sophie said looking like she was going to scream.
            "Don't do it Sophie!" I said pulling my hand over her mouth.
              "Um Clara, charm." Lilly said motioning to my bracelet. I looked down to see a star charm appear on my bracelet.
                "Lilly close the door. I'm going to take my hand off of Sophie's mouth." I said to Lilly.

Lilly closed the door and I took my hand off of Sophie's mouth.
         "Just don't scream."I told Sophie.
              "AHHHHH!" Sophie screamed.
            "Sophie stop screaming." I said calmly holding her charm. Immanently Sophie stopped screaming. "Ok good now let us explain."I said calmly.
           "Two Lilly's, two Lilly's. Lilly I knew you were working on a cloning experiment, but I didn't know it work." Sophie said to Lilly.

"No it wasn't that, even though I'm close. Sophie this isn't a clone, this is Clara." Lilly explained.
           "Is this some kind of switch bodies thingy?" Sophie asked.
           "NO!" Lilly yelled.
            "Time travel?" Sofia asked hopeful.
              "NO"I yelled.
            "Aliens! It has to be aliens!" Sophie said happily.
                "NO!"both Lilly and I yelled. "
              "Boo, I really wanted it to be aliens this time." Sophie said sadly.

"Wow you watch way to much Sci-fi, and it's none of that it's... Wait this time, when did you think aliens did this to someone" I asked.
            "Never mind" she said.
        "Ok away from that, it all started when I got this charm bracelet. I thought it was a present from my Aunt but"-.

              "You found out the bracelet was magical and now when you touch anyone you gain a charm. And you can control people by touching their charm. And the reason you look and talk like Lilly, is that you wanted so badly to be her that it happened" Sophie said really fast. I was shocked that she knew all that so I let my mouth hung open in shock.

            "How did you know all that?" I asked still shocked.
            "Just a hunch." Sophie said coolly.

                "Ok moving on. The only problem is we have no way to change her back." Lilly said scared.
              "Well we can't do that here. It's almost lunch, and everyone has to show up for lunch or we don't get any. And it's taco day."Sophie whined.          
         "She's right. Plus we can't skip our next next class. Any ideas how we can get out of here."Lilly asked me.
          "I do have one idea." I said grabbing one of my charms. "Get on the intercom and let school out early."I said holding the principal charm.

            Right then the intercom turned on and the principle started to talk.     
            "School is let out early." She said. After the principal was off line Sophie looked amazed.
             "I need to get myself one of these." She said looking at my bracelet.
"No you don't." Lilly and I said at the same time.

After a minute or two all three of us walked out of the restroom. "Now how are we going to get you home so we can fix this. Plus we can't let anyone see both of you together."Sophie said.
             "All ready got that handled." Lilly said.
                "You'll see their out front come on." Lilly said pulling me out of the school as quick as possible.

              When we got out of the school I seen my brothers car waiting for us.
               "NO!" I yelled.
                "Come on." Lilly said walking over to Steven's car and knocking on the window. The car window opened slowly and I hid behind a pillar in front of the school before it could open.
                "Hey Clara where are you?" Steven yelled for me.
                   "I'm not coming out!" I yelled back.
                    "What is it Lilly said it was an emergency? If this has anything to do with a bad hair bad I'm leaving." He yelled angrily.

               "It's not a bad hair day, it's worse." Lilly explained to Steven.
                 "Speak for yourself!" I yelled.
                 "Clara get out here or I'm going to pull you out!" Lilly threatened.
                  "FINE!" I yelled, coming out and walking over to the blue truck. "Better?"

                  Steven stared at us for a second. "What did you do?" He said annoyed looking at me.
                 "Why do you think I did it?". He gave me one of those 'I-just-know' faces . "Fine it was me, but I didn't do it on purpose. Now can we just go home and fix this please?" I asked annoyed as I got in the truck.

              I sat with Lilly and Sophie in the back while we drove back to the house.
               "So what happened?" Steven asked.
                "It wasn't aliens, just know that." Sophie said sadly.
"Ok? So what really happened?" My brother asked.
"Well... Clara what going on with your bracelet!" Lilly screamed at me.

I looked down to see my bracelet was glowing bright red.
"I don't know." I said scared. Then everything went black and the next thing I remember is when it was all over.

To be continued

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