22|| The unexpected of unexpected

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"If you could kiss a girl, who would that be?"


The six of them sat in a circle. The doors closed. Aditya was sitting between Ruhi and Shriya. Shriya sitting beside Suhana who was sitting beside Siddharth. Ritesh was beside Ruhi.

"Truth and Dare?" suggested Ritesh in his usual meek nature.

"Sure." Ruhi smiled at him. Unbeknownst to her, she had made Ritesh's heart skip a beat.

Ruhi spun the bottle and it landed between Siddharth and Aditya.

"Dare," Siddharth said without even stopping to think.

Aditya took a considerable moment of time to think. "Tell the most embarassing thing that happened to you."

"I-uh- once saw one of my cousin watching adult films." Siddharth's face turned bright red from embarrassment.

"That's embarrassing?" Shriya's eyebrow raised.


She whistled in response.

Ruhi again spun the bottle and it landed between Shriya and Ritesh.

"Truth." Ritesh always considered it was safer to go with truth.

"Last time, you peed your pants?" (If you got the reference, I totally love you.)

"Last classwork." Siddharth's face was nothing compared to how red Ritesh's was. "I was scared."

Ruhi burst out into laughter. "You are adorable."

That made Ritesh turn even redder if possible.

Ruhi again spun the bottle and this time it landed between Shriya and Suhana. Siddharth whistled knowing very well that things would get a bit wild.

"Truth." Shriya had a very confident glint in her eyes.

"If you could kiss a girl, who would that be?"

Shirya's eyes nearly bulged out of the socket. "Why on earth would I kiss a girl?! That's gross."

"Just answer it." Suhana waves her hand dismissively.

"Uh- Ruhi? Maybe?" She said looking skeptical. "She is kind of a good person and wouldn't think otherwise."

Ruhi's heart was beating fast. She felt small fireworks in her stomach and her skin tingling in an unknown euphoria. The girl she liked wanted to kiss her even if not seriously. She chose her and not any other girl. She felt a forbidden pleasure coursing through her. She wanted Shriya's lips on hers, so bad. She was practically craving for it. But she knew Shriya would never feel that way towards her. She was too enamoured with her brother to even bother about her. Still... she did bother about her when she said she would kiss her and not any other girl. She felt special. And happy. And hopeful. She liked the feelings.

Ruhi swallowed the feelings and again spun the bottle. It landed between Siddharth and Ritesh.

"Truth." Siddharth didn't look like he would risk taking another dare.

"Uh- when and who was your first kiss?" Ritesh looked so red right now, all his blood had rushed to his face.

"Yavana, class 4," answered Siddharth, nonchalantly. It was not really a big deal to him. He had been going around kissing girls for six years now. It was like a child's play to him.

"Playboy spirit," whistled Suhana. Siddharth smirked at her, feeling proud of his accomplishments of having a long list of ex-girlfriends.

The bottle was spun again and it landed between Siddharth and Suhana.

"Ms. Terror." Siddharth looked skeptically at Suhana. "Dare." He didn't feel like flattering before Suhana.

"Lick the floor," Suhana said triumphantly, leaning back and resting her back against the wall and her arms crossed over her chest.

"Eww." Siddharth looked like he would throw up any moment.

"You wanted dare, honey."

"But why that?!"

"To see how brave you are."

Suhana's mockery ignited something inside him. He bent down and actually licked the floor.

Suhana whistled. Siddharth glared at her and said diabolically, "One word of this goes out of here and I kill everybody."

"Yes, sir." Ruhi gave him a mocking salute.

The bottle landed between Suhana and Aditya this time.

"Truth." Aditya looked scared for his life.

"Who is the better Malhotra sibling?" asked Suhana as she knew he was the shyest of all and didn't want him to embarrass himself.

"Ruhi," he said, truthfully.

"He wanted the truth, Avi," intervened Ruhi. "You are lying rather blatantly."


"You are the better Malhotra sibling, Avi."

"No, you, Piku."

"No you, Avi."

Before it could turn into a war between the siblings, Suhana intervened. "I am dying to get my chance."

The bottle landed between Ritesh and Suhana this time.

"Dare, duh." Suhana rolled her eyes.

"Act like a maniac for one minute straight," Ritesh said unable to find a better dare.

"She is always acting like a maniac,"Siddharth.

"Oh, let me show you." With that, Suhana practically pounced on Siddharth. She started tickling all over. Siddharth was on the floor wheezing and trying to get Suhana off of him. After sometimes, Suhana collapsed exhausted beside him and started laughing along with Siddharth.

"They were both maniacs for ten minutes," muttered Ritesh, dumbfounded.

"Oh, they are always like that." Ruhi shrugged. Ritesh nodded.

"You all are so wild." Shriya chuckled.

"You have no idea." Aditya shook his head with a smile forming on his lips. Shriya looked at him, longingly much to Ruhi's dismay.

Ruhi spun the bottle and it landed between Shriya and Aditya.

"Truth," Aditya said.

"Which girl do you like at present?" Shriya asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"No one," Aditya said with a shrug.

"That's a lie."

"No, it's not. I don't generally have feelings for girls or anyone." Aditya then added: "Romantically."

"When he does, he straight away falls in love." Suhana smiled softly remembering the time when Aditya fell for girls. Ruhi smiled at her brother with adoration. She was quite fortunate to get a brother like that.

Ruhi again spun the bottle and it landed between her and Shriya.

"Dare." Ruhi never took dare generally but she had the sudden desire to take it.

"Kiss a boy in this room." Shriya smirked at her, mischievously. "I mean the full lip on lip thing.

"No!" shrieked Ruhi and Aditya at the same time.

"Sibling goals," whistled Siddharth.

"Come on!" Shriya insisted. "It's only a game."

"But they are my brother and my friends."

"They won't mind, would they?"

Siddharth shook his, vehemently.

"See." Shriya paused for awhile and scrutinised her. "You haven't had your first kiss, have you?"

"Oh, she has," Aditya said. "Back in eight, with a boy named Kishan or Hrishan or something."

"Trishan," corrected Ruhi.

She liked him and he liked her back. That was like any other ordinary school days. She had befriended Trishan and was hanging out with him during the lunch break. When he started flirting with her, she flirted back. Things escalated quite fast and in the heat of the moment, Ruhi blurted out that she liked him. He was stunned for awhile before he turned her, pushed her back so that her back rested against the wall. And then it happened. He leaned down and pressed his lips on hers. She was shocked and it took her quite a few moments to reciprocate his actions. She held his face in her hands and deepened the kiss. She felt a sheer feeling of euphoria running through her veins. Her skin was tingling in a blissful way and her heart was humming. She was happy.

It happened right here, in this room. After that, they were together for awhile until Trishan's grandfather died and they moved back to their hometown, Ambala. Over time, they lost contact and didn't give the effort to reconnect. But the kiss still held a very important place in her heart.

"That's settled then," Shriya announced, "now, go complete your dare."

Ruhi closed her eyes and contemplated. Siddharth and Ritesh were both her friends. Siddharth had a girlfriend, even if she was going to get replaced by someone other soon, it was still wrong to kiss someone's boyfriend. It was only Ritesh. But he was so innocent and quiet and nice. How could she kiss her? Or maybe he was the one she could kiss.

She made up her mind. Opening her eyes, she looked at Ritesh. He swallowed when he felt his mouth suddenly dry. She wasn't going to kiss her, was she? Thinking thoroughly, he was the only acceptable option. But still he felt nervous and jittery all over. Ruhi was going to kiss him. Maybe.

Ruhi leaned in towards him. "Is it okay if I..."

Ritesh swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded. Ruhi lowered herself slowly. He could feel her hot breath on his lips. Slowly, he closed his eyes. And he felt it. What he had wanted to feel for one year now- Ruhi's lips on his. But it broke his heart thinking it was all a dare. But he hoped against hopes that this was true, this was genuine. That maybe she felt something for him or maybe this kiss would make her feel something.

Her lips were soft and were unmoving. They stayed on his for quite awhile before pulling apart. Ritesh opened his eyes and looked at Ruhi, who was already staring at him. Suddenly, she burst into laughter. "That was weird, I have got to admit."

Ritesh forced smiled albeit his eyes filled with tears. Suhana looked quite pale and broken. If they didn't look at her intently, they would have never see that. And no one did so no one noticed. But Suhana noticed the pain hidden in Ritesh's fake smile. The pain in his eyes didn't go unnoticed by her. She felt angry at Shriya for giving such a dare. Yes, she didn't know the effect but still she was to blame for it. And what was Ruhi thinking when she kissed Ritesh? She could have kissed Siddharth.

When she saw Ruhi leaning towards Ritesh, she felt as if someone had backstabbed her, someone she loved the most. She wanted to scream at Ruhi and give her a good shake but she stayed silent. Why couldn't Ritesh look at her the way he looked at her best friend?

Ritesh felt a stab in his heart hearing Ruhi's laughter. No, it was not genuine. It never was. It was a dare all along. And she was never going to feel anything after the kiss. It was foolish of him to think that Ruhi liked him or could like him. The thoughts brought more tears in her eyes. If he blinked now, it would be hard to conceal the tears. Suddenly, he stopped up and said, "I am just going to the washroom." Without waiting for a reply, he walked out.

"Weird," Shriya muttered. "What happened with him?"

Siddharth and Aditya shook their heads.

"I have no idea," Ruhi said, shrugging. Suhana glared at her but no one noticed it.

"I am going to the washroom," Suhana announced and walked out.

"What's wrong with the two of them?" Shriya asked, eyebrows furrowed. Shirya had guessed what was wrong but refrained herself from telling. If they were going to be oblivious, let them be so. She was no way going to spill it for them. If they couldn't see the obvious staring at their faces, she couldn't help it. They were idiots if she had to tell them the obvious. She still couldn't understand how they couldn't still see it. Ritesh was so transparent and obvious. Anyone could see it. And she also knew that Suhana liked Ritesh and she knew he liked her best friend.

'Love triangles are everywhere,' she thought to herself and mentally chuckled.

"God knows what," Ruhi said, getting slightly irritated by Suhana and Ritesh's sudden mood swings.

A/N- I am back!!! I am having my exams now and instead of studying, I writing this story even though I haven't studied computer at all. Tomorrow, I have maths and computer. Wish me luck!

The dares and truths are given based on my daily conversations with my friends. We get way wilder while playing Truth and Dare.

I had been planning to make Ruhi kiss Ritesh for quite awhile. Let's see how things go.

And yes, please no hate on characters that are looking like 'antagonists' because every character is different and I try to make them as much human as possible. They are just a little different and have their own ideologies.

Don't forget to vote and comment!

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