Chapter 3

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"They say death is silent. Some days it's merciful. But no one just goes silently. The last moments are a fight — the real fight to hold on to the hands of Life, how much ever a person may have wished to embrace Death."


"So, are you ready to travel into the Realm of the Dead?" Mrithun asked, fiddling with the tablet in his hand. We had moved to a quieter place away from the bridge, which was too conspicuous. The night was still as a graveyard. Not even a dog howled anywhere. It seemed like nature was holding its breath, waiting to witness a reunion of the realms of life and death.

"I think so," I replied quietly.

Mrithun placed the tablet on the ground and took a few steps backwards, muttering incantations in what appeared to be Sanskrit. Flames erupted from the device and rose higher and higher. Soon, it was a full blazing bonfire in front of my eyes. The fiery tongues crackled, sending sparks in all directions. I stepped back instinctively.

"Do we have to jump into that thing?" I inquired.

"Are you frightened?" He chuckled.

"Not really. Just I'm afraid it'd hurt."

"Crossing over to the other side isn't a child's game. You need to be strong enough," he remarked.

The reflection of the flames danced on his liquid irises. In the fire's light, he appeared younger than ever. The lines on his face were not defined, but there was a certain softness in his features that could be called handsome.

"So, it is a real fire?" I asked.

"It won't harm you, but it'll seem like plunging into a real fire." He took a quick look at me.

I bit my lips, my heart beating fast. Was embracing death akin to jumping into a live flame?

"Death isn't easy to get. The struggle at the end is absolute. No one goes in peace. Trust me," Mrithun said as if reading my thoughts.

"Fine. I'm willing to endure the pain," I stuttered.

"You don't have to do it. There's still a chance to back off. Go back to your life. Life is much more than these momentary slips and falls," he warned.

"I'll take my chances."

"Nice, but before you move, let me warn you again," Mrithun's voice dropped ominously, "that the realm of the dead may not choose to give you up, once you enter. After all, you'll be one of the very few mortals who have ever crossed onto the other side."

"I don't want to return," I asserted.

"Good, so hold tight." He offered me his hand. I took it reluctantly. His long fingers were cold as ice. Somehow that didn't bother me, as I interlaced my fingers through his. He pulled me along, walking straight towards the flames. It wasn't easy, following a stranger into what I presumed would be hell. Nevertheless, I steeled my resolve.

"One...two...three...jump." He leapt into the fire, yanking me with him as the flames engulfed us whole, like a hungry monster.

And it was excruciating. Every limb, every muscle, every fibre of my body screamed for mercy as I felt the flames lick me menacingly. My lungs were bursting and I couldn't breathe. I must have screamed. Horrific was a mild word for what it felt like, and I found myself slipping away. The pain increased with each passing second till I sensed the darkness descending over me. Everything was suddenly numb, and I felt the grip on life loosening. It was an unending pit hole of suffering and I was just falling...faster and faster, still screaming my lungs out.

And suddenly I wasn't falling anymore. Rather, I was suspended mid-air. Blinding light shot out from somewhere in the dark, and seized me, pulling me towards itself like a magnet. The vortex glowed and swirled in a greenish hue as it sucked me in and I landed with a thud. I felt for the ground underneath me and was relieved to find a solid rocky surface.

"Welcome to the other side." A familiar voice chuckled nearby.

"Mrithun?" I asked the darkness.


The curtain of dark parted and he emerged. His eyes glinted as he flashed me the same mysterious smile. He was no longer wearing the stupid hoodie from earlier. His shirt seemed to be woven from the threads of the night. He was covered from head to toe in regal black - not a single embellishment. His stubble made his features appear shady in the low light straying from somewhere.

For a brief second, I just stared at the enticing male in front of me, trying to imagine what it would be like to see him without his shirt on.

Gosh, I mentally kicked myself for my imagination running too far ahead. I was supposed to be mourning for my lover, instead of ogling another man who might as well be an apprentice of Death himself.

"Well, I leave a lot of women speechless." He chortled.

I immediately lowered my eyes, "I didn't mean to."

"Death is tempting. Death is alluring, but doesn't mean you fall into the trap." He snorted disrespectfully.

"Hey, mister. You don't try to teach me what I should or what I shouldn't," I got up on my feet, balling my hands into a fist.

"Really?" He took a step forward. "Because I told you there are rules in this land and we don't tolerate feisty little spoiled brats."

I cowered from the weight of his gaze.

In a flash, he was in front of me. His fingers were grabbing my wrist. It didn't hurt, but his grip was iron. I tried to wriggle out, but there was no way.

"If you want to get things done around here, keep your mouth shut, young lady," he hissed. "You are just a puny mortal and no one in this realm is going to take any crap from you."

"Leave my hand," I said very slowly. "How dare you touch me without my permission?"

I could feel the threat in my voice. The kind of coldness like the sharp edge of a blade. I didn't sound like myself at all, but I was done taking shit from men. No more.

He immediately left my hand, as if I had scalded him and quickly backed away a few steps. He took in a deep breath.

"Sorry," he breathed. There was a genuine apology in his voice. "It's just that I've never had a woman with me before. I may have gone overboard in my anger."

"It's okay," I mumbled.

"I didn't mean to hurt you," he winced.

"You didn't. You startled me," I replied coolly, "Maybe I overreacted."

He went silent for a second before speaking again, "No you didn't overreact. You shouldn't take shit from any man, not me, not even Death."

"Wow, that is..." I was taken aback by his honest response.

"So, you still want to go with me to Death's office?"

"Do I have a choice? Only you know your way around here," I shrugged.

His eyes lit up suddenly as he gave a small smile, "Then follow me."


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