Chapter 45

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"Your actions have a way of coming back at you. Karma will find you at the right time for your deeds, always, even if it is not in the way you expect it to."


"But, that could save us all," Atropos blurted.

"I believe, someone was going around pretending to be the queen and taking the law in her hands." Maya cocked her head to one side, giving a diabetically sweet smile to Atropos. Her eyes were icy cold. Venom dripped in every word Maya uttered. She was paying Atropos back for every single deed of hers.

"I didn't mean it that way. You are obviously above us all." Atropos' voice was soothing honey as if she was no one. She was just a servant obeying orders. "Please." She folded her hands, almost grovelling.

"I had forgiven you time and again. I had overlooked each and everything. A ruler makes mistakes. But you have become a dictator over the aeons, Atropos," Maya bit back.

"I am sorry..."

"I'll let the crowd do what it sees fit. From now, the government and justice are in your hands," Maya's voice overpowered Atropos' mewling.

The throng cheered jubilantly. The creator of Pataal Lok had finally given them the right to dethrone the oppressor.

"Guards," Atropos screeched, not knowing what else to do. Only the guards were her loyal pets.

They forgot all about us and charged at the mob. Weapons were drawn out and the sudden furious clanging of metals made me aware that a war had broken out.

"We need to get out of here," I screamed at Mrithun.

"But how? The patrols have sealed this place against teleportation." He seemed to snap out of his silent brooding, finally.

I realised I had been clinging onto his arm all the time, my fingers numb and frozen now. I wondered if it was me protecting him or me preserving my sanity from slipping away. Mrithun had not spoken a word throughout this entire drama. It was as if he had lost all hope of existence. It pained me to see him in that condition, but we had bigger problems to deal with.

Mani swiftly joined us. "We have to do something. We can't get caught up in this lynching mob."

Screams rent the air. Feral cries and the steady hum of metals clashing. The exquisite purple tiles were now stained in red. The office was steadily becoming a battlefield. Blood flowed freely. I was thankful for the darkness. I didn't want to witness the scene unfolding. With the mob entering the room, we had been pushed to a corner.

"Help me," a voice begged from somewhere.

"Lachesis," Mrithun broke free from my grip, running forwards and jumping into the fray. He dragged her out, bruised but still in one piece.

"Please get us out of here. This is your office," I pleaded to Maya.

"I can't. Even I am stuck..."

"There she is, grab her." Someone from the crowd had spotted Lachesis in our midst. The angry flock would be upon us in an instant. I felt the fear, like a cold bucket of water drowning me. I saw my lie of a life flash before me, my childhood, Nikhit, the dating days, the torture, the bridge, the moments with Mrithun, our kiss, Mani and the hugs. Every possible emotion was rushing into my heart.

I didn't care what happened to me, but I wished I had some superpowers to save my friends. But I had none.

Being human is your superpower

The words rang out loud and clear in my head. And I suddenly knew what to do. I closed my eyes imagined the flames dancing, not flames but feathers. I concentrated every bit of my energy, calling upon the only creature who could help us. I was granted a favour, a favour when I needed it the most, and this was it.

"Please," I whispered out aloud. Nothing happened.

My heart sank. This would never work. I had been a fool to believe that I could call upon Matarisvan. One of the bloodied men lurched at Lachesis. Mrithun packed a solid punch that sent him flying. Two more guys rushed towards us, swords raised. And at that moment, a bright flame burst into life in front of us, followed by a strident screech. The golden blaze erupted like a wall, putting a fiery barrier between us and the mob. I couldn't see what was happening on the other side. The flame constricted on itself, taking the shape of a bird.

"Matarisvan," Mrithun whispered.

"But how..." Mani's eyes widened.

All three except Maya dropped to their knees in front of the ancient firebird. I debated on whether I should bow too when Matarisvan spoke in my mind.

"I'm here to help, sweet human," she sang. Time seemed to have stopped for a while around me, as everyone was gazing at her in wonder and in awe. She glowed in an ethereal light, like an angel from heaven. Little wisps of fire danced around her. The room was suddenly sweltering hot.

I took a step towards her and she craned her neck bringing her face towards me. My shaking hands reached out to touch her face. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw the stunned expression on the face of Mani and Mrithun frowning.

"Please take me and my friends to a safe place," I requested, pointing at the four of us. Lachesis shot me a grateful look. It was the first time I had referred to her as a friend.

"Take me along too," Maya insisted.

"Sure," I breathed. I was in command here, I, a simple human. It felt good to return the kindness everyone had shown me when I needed them. I wouldn't owe them anything anymore when I leave.

"W-Where should we go?" Lachesis stuttered, still shaken from almost being lynched by a crowd.

"Take us to the Lord's Palace. We have some unsettled business with him," Maya said confidently.

I didn't get the reason behind the weird request, but I nodded nevertheless. Anywhere was better than here. Though I didn't want to meet any figure of authority. I would be a criminal anywhere.

"Trust me. You won't regret it," Maya whispered in my ear as if sensing my thoughts.

I looked back beyond the wall of fire, straining my eyes, trying to see. Atropos and Clotho were out there. I knew they were evil in their ways, but at the end of the day, they were playing their role too. It didn't seem right to leave them alone.

"What are you thinking, Tora?" Mani asked.

"About them." I pointed in the distance.

"They put you in prison once and tried to capture you again. They took Mrithun's job. They were planning to fire people, Tora. They got what they deserved," Mani explained.

"If everyone got what they deserved, I should be still in solitary confinement," I sighed.

"Tora," Maya came forward, her eyes deadly serious. "They're invincible. Nothing will happen to them. They just need a good shaking up and they'll maybe stop trying to be so arrogant."

"But..." I protested.

"You're too forgiving for your own good. Sometimes being self-centred isn't selfish at all," Maya insisted. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I put my trust in Maya's words and turned back to the firebird.

"Thank you for coming," I said to Matarisvan. She just rose to her full height, shaking her pristine feathers, and uttered a raucous cry. Then she lowered her body for me to climb.

"You want me to sit on your back?" I asked, unsure. She made a happy sound in her throat. I moved towards her in a hypnotized daze. She was at least ten times larger than me, almost like a blue whale, or maybe bigger. I held on to her fur for leverage as I hoisted onto her back.

"And we?" Maya asked, visibly amused by the scene.

"Tell them they can hold on to my tail," Matarisvan chuckled.

I laughed out loud, relaying the information. Maya chortled. The other three were too dazed to react. They all gripped one feather tightly as Matarisvan spread her majestic wings.

The darkness was gone from above us, replaced by a cloudy cover like the pale pink of dawn. And with another happy sound, Matarisvan launched like a missile from the ground, taking us along.


Author's Note : Where will they escape to? What do you think of the new chapter?

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