Chapter 8

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"Death is not an escape, as you might think. It is an elaborate trap."


"So, what do I have to do to become a Yakshini?" I broke the silence finally. Stalling what was inevitable wasn't exactly going to get me anywhere.

"You don't need to turn into a Yakshini, honey," he laughed. "I'll just disguise you so you look like one, including the aura and everything."

"Don't honey me," I gritted my teeth.

"Sorry. You know anything about the latest fashion?"

"I have a little knowledge, but why though?" I asked.

"Well, I am a very sophisticated person when it comes to men's fashion..."

"I can see that," I mumbled.

"My point is, I have no idea regarding women's clothing."

"That's why Kuber toppled your business."

I knew I was irritating him with my comments, but it was fun. He gave me a dirty look, the meaning of which was clear.

"Sorry, please continue."

"You go there and pretend as if Kuber sent you to survey them for new dress' ideas or anything."

"Like a saleswoman?" I laughed.

"Yes, but there's more. You need to roam around their office, and sweet-talk them into knowing what the password for the system is."

"You mean buttering?"

"Kind of. Honey ambush?" He winked.

"Whoa! Hold your thoughts right there," I raised my hands, palms facing outwards in a pacifying gesture. "I am neither fashionable nor beautiful. I have no features that would even remotely qualify me as a honey trap. I mean look at me."

I gestured to myself. I didn't by any means have a figure like a model or gentle curves and edges. Dressed in a loose T-shirt and boyfriend jeans, I had always been plump, with bigger curves that often looked out of place. Certainly not the darling material.

He was looking at me curiously. His eloquent, deep-set eyes sparkled with an emotion I couldn't fathom. For a brief second, I stared like an idiot, before realising he was studying me. His eyes roamed on every aspect of my body. It didn't feel creepy. There was worship in them.

"You are magnificent. Much beautiful than any other females I've met over the aeons." His voice was husky. Common sense left me right then and retreated to the other room. He took a step forward.

"You possess a mysteriously alluring mind. Your kindness accepted even a monster like me." His irises expanded and filled the entirety of his eyes. It was scary but tempting at the same time.

"You're not a monster. You've just been misunderstood over the ages," I breathed.

And in two long strides, he was in front of me, our bodies almost touching. His eyes were back to normal as he lifted his hand and placed it on my cheek. There was an unspoken question in those obsidian eyes. It was almost as if he was asking for permission. I nodded slightly.

His right hand lingered on the side of my face for a while before he raised his other hand and cupped my face.

"I love these plump cheeks, like the brightest of the peaches." He gave a small smile, leaning forward. Before I could say anything else, his lips were on my cheek. The kiss lasted for the whisper of a second.

"I adore those chocolate eyes. They remind me of the earth above, the muddy lands and the swirling rivers that never stop. There's a storm raging inside them always."

Tipping my chin back, he planted a kiss on both my eyes. His lips were soft like a passing breeze. I barely felt it before it was gone again. It was almost as if he was teasing me.

"I love the button-like nose," he laughed, pressing the tip of my nose softly. I giggled, still unable to tear my eyes off him.

"And those lips, like the innermost petals of a pale rose — " His thumb grazed my lower lip as his index finger traced the outline of the upper ones. I held my breath, hoping against hope that he would touch those inviting lips of his to mine. But he stopped. He stared hard at me. The softness in his eyes hardened into determination. His eyebrows frowned in worry.

"Sorry," he mumbled, letting go suddenly. "I guess it's time for your camouflage to be put on."

Disappointment washed over me. So close — so close to being kissed by Death.

"Would I die if you kiss me on the lips?" I whined like a teenager.

"That was a mistake, Tora," his expression was grave. "That won't happen again."


"That was wrong. An immortal shouldn't take advantage of the vulnerability of the mortals."

His voice was firm, unwavering. He turned his back to me, taking a step away.

"Then why did you say those things?" I demanded, my voice breaking.

He twisted back once. His lips were drawn into a thin line. He studied my face for a moment. A corner of his lips rose slightly. Was it pity? Contempt? Maybe I wasn't good enough for him. Death was rejecting me.

"Because Tora," he said slowly, "whatever happens or doesn't happen between us. You'll always be beautiful for me. That won't change."

All my whirling thoughts came to a standstill at that one second. I felt like a lost five-year-old.

What was I supposed to do?

I didn't know, and maybe for a moment, I didn't want to know.


A/N 8000 words completed. I hope you all like the story so far! I'm so excited for the next 12K words ❤️❤️❤️

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