Chapter 13: Close Your Eyes

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"Alright, Charizard, use Flamethrower!"

"Swampert! Hydro Pump!"

"Go, Vikavolt, Zap Cannon!"

"Primarina, use Sparkling Aria!"

In the hall leading toward the Blue Orb, there was chaos. Brock, Kiawe, Lana, and Sophocles were just running as they were allowed and attacking any grunt and their Pokémon who stood in their way. There were simply too many of them to have to stop every time they got blocked. They made an effort to force their path forward in spite of all the Sigma grunt interference.

After a while, the amount of grunts began to lessen, until they were left out of breath but with little to no disturbances left. However, it felt like they had been moving forward for a long while, with nothing but a hall that seemed to go on forever; at least, that's how it felt to them. The hall being homogeneously colored should have made it easy to find any rooms or other openings, but they hadn't seen anything like that thus far.

"You know, guys..." Kiawe said, panting slightly. "I've seen just about enough blue for one day!"

"Where the heck is this orb?? It's got to be around here somewhere, right?" Sophocles, on the other hand, was very much out of breath.

"Guys, look!" Brock pointed ahead. "There's a fork in the road!"

Up ahead, they could see that Brock was right; the hall split up into two separate paths. Avoiding the knocked out Sigma grunts on the floor, they moved ahead and looked into both halls in an attempt to figure out which way they should go. While the left path seemed to continue straight forward and hug the edge of the base, like the hall they'd been through thus far, the right path seemed to take a strange path through the middle of the base, perhaps connecting the blue hall with the red hall. However, the path leading straight forward seemed to curve off not too far ahead, perhaps signalling that they had reached the opposite end of the structure from where they'd started.

"Well, at least we're not really being chased around anymore..." Lana said, letting out a deep breath.

"That doesn't mean we can afford to stand around, though." Brock spoke up. "I think we just go on straight and take the left path."

"I'm inclined to agree." Sophocles said, still panting.

"But, hold on! Shouldn't at least look and see what's around this other corner?" Kiawe spoke up before they could start running.

"I... guess...?" Brock was puzzled by Kiawe's outburst. "Sure?"

Without hesitation, Kiawe took off down the hall on the right, quickly finding a corner. Just in front of him, the wall on his right opened up into a huge room, but was present again about fifty feet ahead of him. The wall on the opposite side of this giant room was read; the whole room was split in color directly down the middle, with the half he stood on being blue, and the other half colored red. He heard a lot of voices coming from this room, around the corner, so he quietly poked his head out to see what was going on.

It was the mess hall. About a hundred or so Team Sigma grunts were sat down, blatantly ignoring the alarm that had gone just several minutes prior, and enjoying a nice meal. Kiawe raised his eyebrows in shock; the place actually looked really nice. He couldn't help but look around a bit, though trying to remain inconspicuous. He gasped as he noticed a Malasada shop, but quickly put his hand over his mouth, retreating back to whence he came.

Kiawe quickly met up with his comrades, and spoke quickly, his eyes shining in excitement. "So it looks like it connects this hall to the red hall. They also had a huge dining hall with a Malasada shop!"

Sophocles immediately perked up, his mouth watering. "Really??? No kidding??"

"That sounds delicious, boys, but we need to go! What if they get more grunts after us??" Lana quickly derailed their conversation.

Kiawe and Sophocles slumped. "Right..."

The group of four began running down the other hallway, staying close together. Kiawe eyed Sophocles, leaning down slightly to whisper to him. "Raid the Malasadas on the way out?"

"You read my mind." Sophocles nodded, and the two grinned at each other and fist bumped.

As the four continued to run, the eventually saw a ninety degree turn, and a black and blue door at the end of their hallway. Sophocles pointed. "That's gotta be it!"

"Only one way to find out." Brock grit his teeth. He let out a ferocious, powerful yell as he sprinted toward the door, and kicked it right down with sheer force, knocking the door off of its hinges and landing safely with both feet on top of the fallen door.

"Alright, crooks, your treachery ends now!!" Brock yelled again, looking beyond ticked off and forceful.

"Whoa, Brock's not messing around." Lana commented as she entered the room after Brock, followed by Kiawe and Sophocles, who had somehow kept up this whole time.

"We want that blue orb!!" Sophocles exclaimed.



"Braixen, use Hidden Power!"

"Flygon, use Dragon Breath!"

"Altaria, Fire Blast!"

"Mamoswine, Ice Shard!"

In the hall that led to the Red Orb, things were just as chaotic. The girls, for the most part, had the advantage. The launched attacks on their opponents before they had much of a chance to react, giving them an opportunity to pass by without much consequence. That on top of Mamoswine's sheer intimidation factor, they were a tough force to stop.

Mamoswine continued to charge forward, shrugging off smaller moves from approaching grunt's Pokémon. However, its momentum was halted when a group of Crawdaunt grabbed it by the tusks and managed to force it to a stop.

"Now, Swampert, use Muddy Water!"

They all heard a grunt call for a Muddy Water attack. They saw a Swampert just behind the Crawdaunt preparing to launch its move. Dawn turned back to her allies. "Can one of you back me up?"

"Leave it to me!" Serena was quick to respond. She threw one of her Pokéballs forward. "Roselia, come out and use Petal Dance!"

Roselia materialized and wasn't no time to launch Petal Dance at the Crawdaunt and Swampert, forcing the Crawdaunt back and halting Swampert's attempted attack. With the Crawdaunt down, Mamoswine began to charge forward again, pushing the Crawdaunt and Swampert out of the way and clearing a path for the girls. They all continued to run after the massive Pokémon. Quickly, they all saw that the path they were on rounded off and turned a corner at the end of the hall. They also saw the outline of a door at the far end of the hall.

"A door! That's gotta be where the Orb is, right?" Dawn asked, her breath strained.

"I'd say there's a good chance!" Lillie agreed.

"Then let's get in there!" Mallow rallied.

However, before they could do so, they were interrupted by a calm, yet intimidating female voice.

"Torterra, Leaf Storm."

A powerful Leaf Storm appeared from the end of the hall and headed straight for Mamoswine. It made contact, actually lifting Mamoswine off the ground and sending it back down with a powerful thud, as if shaking the entire structure with the force of impact. The girls stopped in their tracks, stunned at what they'd seen. Dawn called out frantically. "Mamoswine!"

"It appears this disturbance is more than just a few less-than-intelligent children barging in where they don't belong. You ladies are quite a headache, aren't you?"

All the girls looked to where the voice was coming from, and they saw a female figure standing in front of the door at the end of the hall, alongside a massive turtle-like Pokémon. The woman was tall and lean, her figure almost resembling a model. She had long, dark yellow hair that fell down her back in a messy manner. Her face was calm, with a hint of being a bit pissed off. The whole time she talked, she hadn't raised her voice. She seemed to be very calm and collected. Her eyes were dark red; fierce and focused. She wore the same Team Sigma uniform, but her path showed a hint of blue and pink. She, like Chi, wore a bandana around her neck, but it was dark red, like her eyes.

"Look, her uniform kinda looks like purple dude's!" Mallow observed, recalling Ash's 'affectionate' nickname for Chi.

"Then she might be a Commander, too." Serena said seriously, her eyes giving off a bit of fear.

"Hm. Observant, at least, for children, I suppose. I am Commander Rho, of Team Sigma. And it's time I put an end to your disturbance."

She snapped her fingers and gave another calm command. "Now, Leaf Storm, once more."

Torterra quickly launched another Leaf Storm, this time engulfing Flygon in its fury. The leaves repeatedly struck Flygon, and the wind sent it flying hard into the wall of the structure. Mallow gasped in shock. "Ah! Flygon!"

"Quick, Braixen, Fire Blast!" Serena called out.

Braixen leapt into the air and used its wand to cast Fire Blast at the Continent Pokémon.

"Counter with Stone Edge."

Torterra lifted its front legs and slammed them down into the ground, causing huge stones to emerge from the ground. One of them blocked Braixen's Fire Blast, and they continued to rise from the ground, until, eventually, one of them slammed into Braixen, sending the Fox Pokémon flying into the ceiling. Braixen called out in agony, before falling ungracefully down to the floor. Serena looked on in horror. "Braixen!!"

Lillie took a step back, her anxiety turning into fear. "How are we going to defeat that Torterra?"

"It's so strong..." Mallow looked on, shocked, her eyes also showing how anxious she was. She returned Flygon to its Pokéball, following Dawn's lead. "What can we do?"

"If only we could pacify them somehow..." Dawn pondered aloud. She returned Mamoswine to its Pokéball, growling. "Even if we defeat Torterra, I doubt she'll just let us through."

At her feet, Serena's Roselia looked at Torterra in horror. It was like a huge monster; someone's worst nightmare come to life. Of course, Roselia wasn't exactly sure how this had all come to be, but it did know that it was face to face with a terrifyingly strong opponent. Serena looked down at her terrified Pokémon, understanding how it felt. And she wasn't sure how to help it; in situations like these, Serena tended to be unsure of herself.

"Togekiss, come out!" Dawn threw another Pokéball. From it emerged Togekiss, who spread its wings out with a somehow graceful battle cry.

Altaria cried out, clearly wanting to help as well. Lillie looked up at it, placing a hand over her heart. "You want to battle, Altaria?"

Altaria nodded, and Lillie closed her eyes for a brief second, steeling herself. She knew she couldn't afford to back down here. She opened her eyes, calling out a command. "Okay then, Altaria, use Fire Blast!"

Rho sighed, exasperated. "Protect."

As Altaria sent the five-pronged fire-type move toward Torterra, it quickly created a barrier that stopped the fire cold, leaving Torterra with no damage.

Serena knelt down to check on her injured partner. "Braixen! Please tell me you're okay!"

Braixen didn't respond. It was struggling; it wasn't fatally injured, just incapacitated from the powerful super-effective attack. It was hard for Serena to see her first Pokémon in such a terrible state. She didn't even look up as more and more Team Sigma grunts and their Pokémon began to surround them. She was too worried about Braixen.

"We're really cornered now..." Dawn grit her teeth.

"We can't give up yet. There's gotta be a way out of this." Mallow spoke up. She put an arm around Lillie protectively.

Serena looked around at all the enemy Pokémon, her eyes glimmering with fear. She instinctively reached into her bag for another Pokéball, but her hand found something else. A small bag, tied at the top, with a stone in it. The one Ash had given her.

'Better safe than sorry, you know?'

She recalled Ash's words when he'd given her the bag. She pulled the small bag out and stared at it for a brief moment. She loosened the string and pulled out whatever was inside.

It was a oval-shaped stone; a faded green color with the center colored bright yellow.


Inside the room whose door Brock had just totalled, there were a small team of scientists and researchers - perhaps five total - scattered about the room. There was all kinds of hi-tech equipment in use in every visible spot of the room. A large screen on the far wall depicted a moving graph of some sort, likely the energy output of the Blue Orb. The Team Sigma people all turned to see the commotion and their faces immediately turned sour upon seeing their intruders.

One of the scientists grunted, seemingly not impressed. "So this whole fiasco is your doing, is it? Seems like a lot of commotion for a ragtag group of children."

Another scanned the group, his reaction contradictory to his co-workers. "They don't look ragtag, they have a uniform going on. Are you some kind of junior mercenary squad?"

"As if we'd let you at the Blue Orb after we-"

The third scientist to speak wss cut off by the sound of shattering glass. Swampert had shattered the case containing the Blue Orb and disconnected it from the devices. The graph on the wall of the room went blank and silent, and the scientists in the room looked on, stunned. Swampert gave the orb to Brock as Kiawe walked up to one of the scientists, his face fuming. With Charizard breathing a small breath of fire as a warning, Kiawe grabbed the scientist's jacket and pulled hard, so that they were face to face. "You are going to tell us how to get this to stop reacting with Groudon, or you will get a firsthand trip through the flames of Wela Volcano."

Sophocles' Vikavolt began preparing a Discharge as a warning to the other enemies in the room who were preparing to use their own Pokémon, who stopped in their tracks. Sophocles grinned. "You guys don't wanna lose you other work, do you?"

The scientist Kiawe had a hold of grinned, in spite of how much sweat he was producing. "Too bad for you, kids. The only one who would be able to halt the reversion now is the protector of the legends; the keeper of Sootopolis Cave."

"That must be Wallace!" Brock realized.

"Heh, but you're too late. Even if you know the guy, there's no way you can stop it now. You'd have to take the orb way past Sootopolis to get it out of range. Shadow's dream will finally come true."

He continued. "We monitored the whole thing. The reaction is occurring; slowly, but it is happening. Whether or not we monitor it now makes no difference. Same for the Red Orb."

His eyes went wide. "Do whatever you want, but the Primal Reversion is happening as we speak, even if you don't want to believe it!!"

Kiawe growled and let go of the scientist. "Well, we're taking it anyway."

"It's out of principle at this point." Sophocles added, nodding.

"We need to get to Wallace as fast as we can. Let's head back to the entrance and see if we can meet up with the girls." Brock added.

Lana, who had been in sort of a daze during the whole ordeal, shook her head. "Wait, what happened?"

Kiawe grabbed her shoulders and forcefully turned Lana around, back toward the way they came. "Let's go, c'mon!"

Before they left, Kiawe turned back to the room of scientists, giving them a glare. He looked to contemplate for a moment, before speaking. "Charizard, Flamethrower."

Charizard let loose the fire type move on the room, leaving all the men char-broiled and soot-ridden. Kiawe squinted. "Y'all got off easy this time."

He and his partner turned around and sprinted off. One of the men blinked a few times before turning to his co-workers. "Well, ya gotta admit, they did look cool."

"Shut up."


"Ah, I'm sorry! We didn't mean to scare you. It's just.... We thought what you were doing was really pretty. We hope you don't mind."

"Hey, Braixen, it doesn't really look like it wants to fight... I think we just frightened it. It probably feels threatened, wouldn't you say?"

"It's okay. You don't have to be in the battle round, okay? You can just be in the appeals round. You'll be wonderful, I know it."

"Don't be scared! I know you can do it. We'll do it together, won't we?"

Serena now stared at her hands. 'Is this...?'

Serena fully unwrapped Ash's gift. She held the stone gently, fixated solely on it as she knelt on the ground. However, Roselia at her side seemed even more entranced by it. The blonde turned to her grass-type partner, her face serious, hopeful. "Roselia, will... will this give you the courage to fight with us?"

Roselia looked back and forth between her trainer and the Shiny Stone. She seemed to be steeling herself as she looked back at Serena and finally nodded. Serena held out the stone to her Pokémon, who touched it gently, and began to glow a brilliant blinding blue.

Everyone around them immediately noticed the light. Serena stared, fixed on her Pokémon as the blue light from the evolution reflected in her blue eyes.

"Serena, is that your Roselia??" Dawn asked, shocked.

Serena smiled, standing up. "No..."

As the evolution completed and the light dissipated, Serena stood all the way up and smiled confidently. The newly-evolved Pokémon posed overdramatically and Serena put her hands on her hips. "It's my Roserade!"

Dawn giggled. "Wow, nice timing."

Mallow and Lillie both looked to relax slightly, still holding on to each other. Serena knelt down to whisper to Roserade. "Alright, I believe in you. Go get that Torterra, and we'll take care of the rest."

Roserade nodded. It leapt into the air as Serena went to check back with Braixen. She yelled to her comrades. "Everyone, we gotta clear the room!"

Surrounding them were a dozen or so Sigma grunts, each with a single Pokémon. They were of little threat individually, but they were vastly outnumbered. Most of the Pokémon seemed to be water-types, which made sense, given that this half of the base seemed to be dedicated to Kyogre.

"Serena's right. Mallow, Lillie, back me up!"

"You got it Dawn!"

"Y-yeah! We'll have your back!"

"Togekiss, Fairy Wind!"

Mallow brought out her own Pokéball. "Lilligant, Energy Ball!"

"Altaria, Dragon Breath!"

The three Pokémon unleashed their moves against the grunts' Pokémon, who were all rendered unable to keep battling in quick fashion. The girls continued to unleash a barrage on the grunts while Serena check on her first partner.

"Braixen, stand up, please. We need you." Serena pleaded. The fox Pokémon opened her eyes, still reeling from the damage she'd taken. Serena let out a huge sigh of relief and a happy smile upon seeing this. "Thank goodness!"

She turned back to her newly-evolved Roserade, who was distracting Rho and her Torterra with quick and agile movements. Rho seemed to be tracking its movements, as if she were analyzing patterns in Roserade's movement. However, Torterra could not follow the movements at all, and when the turtle Pokémon seemed to be mostly disoriented, Roserade leaped above it and began to launch an attack.

"It's above us!"

It was too late. Roserade quickly launched a super-effective Sludge Bomb, nailing Torterra and causing to reel in pain. When the smoke cleared, its face was tinted a dark shade of purple.


"Now's our chance, everyone! Torterra is poisoned!" Serena called out.

Dawn wasted no time. "Togekiss, Air Slash!"

Mallow and Lillie quickly followed suit with Lilligant's Energy Ball and Altaria's Sky Attack. Snowy even chipped in with an extra-effective Powder Snow. By this time, Braixen had stood back up on and regained balance.

"Alright, Braixen, Fire Blast!"

With Torterra still reeling, Braixen nailed the attack and left the monstrous Torterra down for the count; for now.

"Ngh! You children are far more trouble than you're worth! I'll just have to teach you-" Rho was cut off when Roserade appeared behind the Sigma Leader and unleashed Sleep Powder, putting her to sleep for the time being.

Dawn ran up to Serena, grinning wide and offering a high five. "Great job, you really got us back on track there!"

Serena happily accepted to high-five, smiling gratefully. "Thanks, but it was really Roserade that deserves the credit for getting us out of that."

Serena smiled over at her newly-evolved partner, who smiled back. Dawn couldn't help but smile. 'That was such an Ash thing to say.'

"Hello, control? We need reinforcements here in Sector B8 to deal with intruders!"

"Guys, we need to get that Orb before we have to deal with more of them!"

"Mallow's right, let's get it!" Dawn agreed,

"If only Mamoswine was still okay, we could easily break that door down." Lillie commented.

"I can't imagine they'll just let us in." Serena agreed.

"Tsk tsk. I have another idea." Dawn brought another Pokéball. "Quilava, come out and use Flame Wheel! Break down that door!"

Quilava materialized a few meters in front of the door, quickly balling up and letting loose Flame Wheel directly on the door, knocking it in forcefully and sending it flying into the room with a scorch mark on the front as a bonus.

The scientists in the room all looked to the entrance in surprise, all caught off-guard by the sudden crashing sound. Piplup leapt up from the ground onto the case that held the Red Orb before forcefully shattering the glass using its beak. It then grabbed the orb and brought it back to Dawn, who was still standing outside the room. She accepted it, grinning. "Great work, Piplup!"

The girls then immediately took off running back the direction they came. They likely already had reinforcements on their tail so they needed to get out as fast as they could.

The scientists in the Orb that used to hold the Red Orb looked at each other for a long moment before one of them spoke. "Did... did we just get mugged by a penguin?"


"Looks like we made it back before the girls."

"Well we didn't really have much opposition... if the girls ran into something bad, they might still be dealing with it."

"Wish we'd brought something to let us communicate..."

"No worries. If I know our classmates, I'm sure they're just fine."

The group who had taken back the Blue Orb peered into the Red hallway, and found that it was rather quiet. What seemed to be the intruder alarm was blinking red but it wasn't making noise.

Sophocles looked up at his friends. "Should we go in and check for them?"

"I don't think that'd work in our favor. We'd just cause more commotion. We still have people after us from the other direction too who will be here any second." Brock said matter-of-factly. "We'll have to fend them off while keeping an eye for the girls. We won't leave without them."

"Like Kiawe said, I have faith that they're okay." Lana smiled.

"There they are!"

The group prepared for battle as another dozen Sigma grunts confronted them.

"Hurry, hurry!" Dawn called.

With the girls, they were running as fast as they could back to the big main room where they had entered from, but they were constantly almost cut off by grunts and had to fend them off in turn. Eventually they reached the main room, where they saw the rest of their friends fighting off more grunts. The manpower was seemingly endless.

Sophocles looked over to see the girls sprinting toward them. "Brock, they're here!"

"Good! Everyone get ready to dive out! Put in your Oxygen supplies! And don't let go of those Orbs!"

As the girls entered the main room, they stopped for a quick moment to catch their breaths. Kiawe grinned their way. "Nice to see you guys!"

Mallow looked up and winked, still panting. "You guys too!"

"Alright, let's move, everyone! Let's get to Wallace!" Brock called out.

With everyone finally prepped to dive back into the depths and Orbs in hand, Kiawe's Charizard unleashed a powerful Flamethrower attack on a concentrated spot on the metal floor, before Swampert hit the same spot with an equally powerful Iron Tail, breaking open a hole in the ground large enough for each person to fit through. One by one in rapid succession, the group of eight exited the base and began swimming back to Sootopolis.

"Deploy the submarines! Chase after them!" Someone called out.


A commanding male voice interrupted the commotion and almost immediately quieted everyone down, as if having control of the volume of the whole room. The leader who had called the order turned to the man who the voice belonged to. "Commander...?"

The man, Chi, grinned. "Let them have their fun. It is already too late."


"There's Wallace!"

The group of eight had swam back to Sootopolis through the underwater cave, which, luckily, hadn't been too far away. They faced zero opposition from Team Sigma, which surprised them. Still with the ancient orbs in hand, they had raced to the Cave of Origin, where Wallace was standing alone, seemingly greatly troubled. He heard his name called and turned to see the group. He smiled. "Ah, my friends. Miss Dawn, and Brock, yes? What can I do for you?"

"Can you use these?" Dawn held our her Red Orb, and Brock the Blue Orb.

Wallace's eyes widened. "You... you got them back...?"

Everyone's attention was soon drawn to the Orbs as, simultaneously, they began flashing rapidly, each showing a Greek Symbol. The Red Orb showed the Omega Symbol, and the Blue Orb showed the Alpha symbol.

Wallace's eyes went wide again. "These are...? No..."


Everyone then turned their attention to a man with purple hair in a Team Sigma Commander uniform; they man they had met before. Chi.

Chi smirked. "These aren't the Red and Blue Orbs you're familiar with, hm? This is something we never even told our men, even the people who were so kind as to design and build our wonderful underwater base which you so carelessly trashed. Last time Orbs were used like this, the Blue Orb was used to control Groudon, and Red controlled Kyogre. But these... these are different."

"When we began our research on them, we assumed they were to be used how they were by Team Aqua and Team Magma all those years ago. We had believed the orbs had been destroyed in the aftermath of that incident. However, after a short time, we realized that what we had found were something different altogether. These ancient artifacts allow them to undergo the ancient form of regression known as Primal Reversion. This brings Kyogre and Groudon back to just as powerful as they were when they created the land and sea out of nothing." Chi explained further.

The purple-haired man grinned menacingly. "Think of it as Mega Evolution for super-ancient Pokémon. Power that shaped the very planet as we know it."

As he finished explaining, both the red and blue orbs began flashing repeatedly, with the red orb showing an omega symbol, and the blue orb showing an alpha symbol.

"See that flashing? The process has begun. And even though I am confident that our leader has thought everything out down to the last detail..." Chi began, turning away.

He turned back to the group and glared. "We'd still like to play it safe."

Everyone, still on the defensive, looked up as Chi projected a holographic monitor above him. It showed Groudon and Kyogre glowing red and blue respectively for a moment, before releasing the power of their reversions. The ground shook and the thunderstorm worsened in response to this.

"That's..." Serena began.

"... Primal Reversion?" Sophocles finished, half intrigued and half terrified.

"We could feel that all the way over here! That's some beyond incredible power!" Brock warned.

"What will happen if the battle doesn't stop...?" Mallow asked in fear.

"I don't think I wanna know the answer..." Kiawe said what everyone was thinking.

Chi snapped his fingers, and several dozen Team Sigma grunts began to crowd behind him slowly, releasing their Pokémon to further threaten the others.

"Now... hand the Orbs back, or I'm going to have to take them by force."


Surprise! I said I wasn't giving up on this. So since I made y'all wait this long, I figured I'd double down and give you two chapters at once. Sorry to all of you who waited this long, and thanks for sticking with me.

Okay! So that's the end of the two separated stories; from here on, it's back to everyone working together. Thanks for sticking with me everyone; writing hasn't been at the top of my priority list recently. Been doing lots of other things (going back to college soon) but regardless I hope y'all are staying safe out there! Wear ya mask and shit, y'hear?

Song: "Close Your Eyes" by Breaking Benjamin from their 2018 Album Ember.

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