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   Knock, knock, knock. The sound of the door knocking woke up Lucius Malfoy from his peaceful slumber. "Lola go open the door!" He growled grumbling to himself. The Malfoy's house elf, Lola adjusted her robe and opened the door to see a baby girl about one or two years old. She picked up the basket and handed the letter that was attached to Lucius.

He opened the letter ignoring the Gryffindor sticker and read it.

          Dear Mr. Malfoy,

Please take care of our daughter Charlotte Marie as we cannot take care of her at the moment. We hope she'll be in good hands and grow up living as a Malfoy. On her seventeenth birthday please tell her who we are as we probably will be dead by then. Underneath Lottie's blanket is a present that should be given to her on her eleventh birthday. Please see as you do that, but tell her it's an old family heirloom. Thank you and here are 100 Galleons, 14 sickles, and 18 knuts.


An Old Relative

Lucius read the letter twice and looked at little Lottie sleeping peacefully in her basket. His heart softened a tad, as he had always wanted a girl and picked her up ignoring the money for once. Rocking Charlotte in his arms, Lucius went upstairs bidding Lola a goodnight and put her in his and Narcissa's room.

Narcissa was sitting up in bed reading a book, when her husband came into their room holding a baby girl with vibrant blue eyes, peachy skin, and plump pink lips.

"Lucius dear, how on earth did you get her?" She asked setting aside her book. Lucius licked his lips and met his wife's own blue eyes. "I found her lying on our doorstep, well actually Lola did, but this letter says that we should keep her. Her name is Charlotte, but I'm calling her Lottie." He explained.

Narcissa nodded slowly and got off the bed, her green nightgown flowing from her. "It'll be nice to have a twin for Draco..." she trailed off looking at the painting of Lucius, her, and Draco.

Lucius reached out and gently handed Charlotte to Narcissa. "It's totally up to you dear. I would like to keep her" He said. Narcissa held Lottie in her arms beaming with delight. She really wanted a girl and since the doctor told her she couldn't have any more children Narcissa caved in. "Okay, I'll go make her a room!" She told her husband getting out of bed and holding Lottie close to her arms.

Lola trailed behind her mistress curious about all the fuss. Narcissa turned around in surprise looking at her house elf. "Lola, go make Charlotte a bottle please" Narcissa said dismissing her and taking the baby to the room next to Draco's.

The female then took out her wand and transfigured a crib, baby changer, rocking chair, and closet for Lottie. All in the color green or silver.

Lottie then began to stir and Narcissa put her in her crib, covering her with a green blanket. "Sweet dreams little Lottie, sweet dreams!" She said kissing her forehead.

New story! This idea came to me when I was reading a Harry Potter Sister one surprisingly. I hope you like it! Please read, comment, and vote on this story and check out my Paying Forward fan fiction! Tweet tweet, @Nerdybrd22

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