Chapter 111: How You Get The Girl

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May 15, 2028


Maya had never felt so giddy in her life. Her head was up in the clouds. Cloud nine, to be exact. Every time she glanced at Brooklyn in the seat next to her, the same word bounced around in her head.

Girlfriend. Girlfriend. Girlfriend.

It hadn't fully sunk in. That would come tonight when the adrenaline wore off. Then she'd have to press her face into a pillow to smother her squeals.

Right now, the world felt brighter, worries didn't exist, and she felt like she could take on the world. Her very first girlfriend, and an amazing one at that. Shame this one couldn't drive, though. Not with two hands, let alone one. A real shame, because Maya would have loved to hold her hand some more.

Time was up, though, because a little before eight PM, right when the sunlight started to change color, Brooklyn turned the car onto Romanoff-Petrova property. A female figure in gym leggings and a thick hoodie pushed a lawnmower across the front yard, earbuds playing a song that she quietly mouthed the words to.

Maya cursed inwardly when Natasha looked up to acknowledge the car. She may be across the yard and the car's windows may reflect the fading sunlight, but this was a spy they were dealing with. A spy who saw everything. A spy who was already narrowing her eyes attempting to figure out who this strange station wagon belonged to.

A goodnight kiss would not be happening now. The risk was too great. Maybe it was for the best, though. Maya's head felt dangerously light still, and another kiss could send her into a state of unconsciousness for real.

And now that would be embarrassing in front of her mom.

Brooklyn rolled the car to a stop surprisingly smoothly and then turned to Maya. ''I will text you later?'' She smiled softly, letting the engine run. Wordlessly, she had understood the situation.

''Okay.'' Maya smiled back. With an inhale of courage and pink cheeks, she sneakily reached across the middle console and took Brooklyn's hand in her own. At least Natasha couldn't see that. ''Again, I had a lot of fun today. Thank you.''

For one of the first times, it seems she had caught the blonde off guard, because color rose to her cheeks too. It was the most adorable sight. ''You're very welcome. I had fun too. You can plan the next one,'' she grinned teasingly.

Maya furrowed her brows. ''Next one?''

''The next date.'' Brooklyn tilted her head, her eyes glimmering. ''Unless you changed your mind about everything.''

''No! No, of course not.'' Maya turned bright red. Normally, she would have gotten it, but nothing in her head seemed to work anymore. ''I will be happy to plan it.''

"I'm looking forward to it." Brooklyn grinned. A bit of Maya's usual attitude came back when she rolled her eyes, which made the blonde laugh. "Now go. Your mom is starting to look suspicious." Natasha did indeed look ready to come over and press her nose against the window.

"Okay, okay." Maya chuckled, gathering her stuff and reaching for the door handle. She glanced over her shoulder one last time, savoring this moment and this feeling, when everything felt new and exciting. "See you later."

Brooklyn smiled. "Bye, girlfriend."

It was too late for Maya to dive back into the car. Not without it being obvious. Her one foot was already on the ground. She cursed Brooklyn quietly and tried desperately to hide her flusteredness behind her hair as she stood to face her mother, slamming the car door a bit too harshly.

She had a feeling it was painted so clearly on her forehead. Not just for her spy moms, but in general. And oh, shit, she was wearing her fancy clothes... But Brooklyn was driving off, and the only way to go was past guard dog number one and into the house.

Luckily, the noise of the lawnmower was too loud to greet each other, so Maya just waved and Natasha did the same. The woman didn't act too suspicious, but Maya knew there'd be questions later. Questions disguised as interest. For now, she bolted before Natasha could piece together why her face was so red.

''Hi, honey!'' Katya called out from the living room when Maya stumbled into the hallway.

The girl only stuck her head around the corner, keeping her outfit hidden. Her mom stood in the middle of the room, ironing some clothes while keeping an eye on the TV in front of her. It played one of those reality shows again. ''Hi, Mom!''

Katya smiled joyfully when she spotted her enthusiastic daughter. ''You look happy.'' Shit, shit, shit. ''Good day out?''

''Yes, it was fun. Or maybe it's the weather,'' Maya quickly changed the subject, pointing out the cloudless sky after a week of rain.

''Yes, it's beautiful today.'' Katya put the iron down and shifted the shirt on the board around. ''How far is Nat with the grass?''

''Depends on where she started.''

Where was this quick-thinking brain five minutes ago?

Katya chuckled. ''By the road.''

''Then she's almost done.''


The unreadable expression on Katya's face as she studied Maya made the redhead nervous. It was one that said, "you're acting a bit weird, something is different about you".

Restlessly, the girl shifted in her spot, eager to get away from it before Katya could figure it out. Hopefully, it looked more like impatience. ''I'm quickly gonna go. Yelena's probably waiting for me.''

Correction, Yelena would be hella pissed Maya was already five minutes late to the start of their weekly Russian lesson that happened over FaceTime. Patience was simply not one of her qualities, and she liked people to be as punctual as she was.

Maya hit herself that she hadn't canceled in advance. Not only because of the time pressure, but also because she now harbored a secret and she was a terrible liar. If her moms were observant, Yelena was all-seeing. And pressing.

''Okay.'' Katya smiled. That look didn't disappear from her face, but she let her suspicions go for now. ''I'll have tea waiting when you're done.''

''Okay!'' And gone was Maya, running up the stairs.

Without a moment to breathe, change, or process anything that happened, she joined Yelena online five minutes later.

After an earful about "the youth" having no respect for time anymore—in Russian, of course—she got off surprisingly easy. Her aunt was too thrown off by the fact that she was late to notice Maya's mind drifting off more often than usual and the pink coloring of her cheeks right after.

Because every time she allowed herself to think of Brooklyn, she felt her lips again. How soft they were and how they fit so perfectly with hers. Then she'd remember how warm her palms had felt on her cheeks, or the way their fingers hooked together as they walked back to the car, the action so natural. It certainly didn't help that Brooklyn started texting her after twenty minutes.

"Just got home, didn't hit a curb!"

Maya nearly giggled out loud when it popped up on top of the screen, cutting off the top of Yelena's head. Luckily, she caught herself, and Yelena rambled on about vowels, though her voice disappeared into the background.

"Just wanted to say again that I had the best time today and I can't stop thinking about that kiss and about you."

Heat crawled up Maya's neck, her lips starting to tingle. She wanted to scream into a pillow and flail her arms and legs around to deflate the bubble of happiness in her chest that would otherwise explode. But Yelena was still watching.

Then, a few seconds later, another text came.

"I hit send way too fast on that one. A bit embarrassing... But it is the truth. I can totally tone it down, though." With an added laughing emoji and a blushing one.

Maya had now completely forgotten that she was in the middle of a lesson, reaching for her phone to answer. But a sharp voice stopped her before she could.

"Hello? I asked you a question?"

Quickly, Maya retreated her hands and picked up her pen again. "Oh, sorry Lena," she said sheepishly, now feeling even warmer. Surely her favorite aunt would ask what was going on now.

Yelena grumbled angrily. "First you're half an hour late–"

"Ten minutes." Maya mumbled, but the Russian heard it anyway.

"Do not have a big mouth, young lady," she scolded, much to Maya's amusement. Yelena could be so dramatic. "And then you're not even paying attention."

"I'm sorry."

"No apologies. Pay attention or I'll tell your mothers," Yelena threatened, glaring into her phone.

But it was hard to focus. Because every minute Maya failed to answer her girlfriend, Brooklyn could start to worry. Ghosting her right after they kissed and made their relationship official didn't come across very well, and she didn't know Maya was caught up in a lesson.

It felt like years until nine PM rolled around. Maya internally cheered when Yelena's alarm went off, signaling the end of the lesson. Usually, they'd chat some more, but Yelena was still annoyed and hung up nearly instantly.

Maya laughed quietly as she stared at the blank screen, clicking off her desk light and closing her notebook. Finally, she could answer Brooklyn's texts. Which she did with the same amount of vulnerability as the blonde had.

"No! Don't be embarrassed. I keep thinking about you too. Good job not hitting a curb though."

She threw her phone on her bed like it had burned her and mentally prepared to tell her moms about her girlfriend as she changed into pajamas.

Halfway through the lesson, she decided to. Trying to hide it would just bring stress and had a ninety percent chance of failing anyway. But most of all, now that it was official, she wanted to tell them. They were her best friends, and this milestone meant a lot.

She was nervous and not sure how to start, though. They would go from not even knowing about a crush, to hearing Maya had a girlfriend. And while she knew they would be thrilled, and she was excited to tell them, it was still a big deal to announce her first real relationship. They were in it with her after this.

Fiddling with the ends of her sleeves, she trudged down the stairs slowly, emerging in the living room rather timidly. The scene she stumbled upon was the same calm one as always; Natasha reading a book, and Katya scrolling through her phone in silence. A steaming cup of tea was waiting for her on the coffee table.

Somehow, the peacefulness only made it worse. Like the bomb she was about to drop would only feel louder. Her hands were sweaty by the time Natasha put her book down and smiled warmly at her.

''Hey. Feels like I haven't seen you all day." Invitingly, she patted the spot next to her on the couch. As Maya sat down, she hoped her face didn't look as pale as she feared. "How was Yelena? Did she teach you anythi–''

''У меня есть девушка (I have a girlfriend).''

Well, that was certainly to the point.

The woman's smile widened. ''That sounded very good,'' she complimented. But then she finally noticed Maya's nervous features, her hunched figure, her fiddling hands, and that smile faltered when realization dawned on her. Katya slowly put her phone down too. ''Wait.''

Already, Maya felt her cheeks glow red. ''The girl I was with today. Brooklyn," she said softly, strictly staring at the table in front of her while her moms' eyes bore into her. "She's in a couple of my classes.''

''She's your girlfriend?'' Katya's eyes were wide, and grew even wider when Maya nodded. Her heart felt like it would burst out of her chest. Why were their faces so hard to read?

A silent second passed where her mom had to process the positive answer, but then Katya jumped up from the chair, a huge smile on her face.

''Oh my god, honey... That's so exciting!'' She wedged herself between the armrest of the couch and her blushing daughter, effectively sandwiching her between her moms. ''I'm so happy for you.'' Her arms wrapped around Maya's figure and she planted an enthusiastic kiss on her head.

Maya finally smiled a little. Katya had always been the more extravagant one of her two moms. It made her emotional responses way easier to read than Natasha, who Maya eyed a bit warily, waiting for her reaction to this news.

But all the redhead did was smile softly, an emotion behind her shimmering green eyes that the girl couldn't fully place. Motherly. ''If she made you smile like you were when she dropped you off, then I already like her.'' Natasha said, winking when Maya blushed heavily and looked away.

Her moms were happy for her. Overwhelmingly so. Just like Brooklyn predicted. Her lungs took in a deep breath.

"It's very new. Just today. We were actually on a date," Maya admitted shyly. Now that the dam had been broken, everything might as well come flooding out.

''Oh my god!'' Katya gasped dramatically, loudly, the expression on her face comical. You'd think she won the lottery.

Natasha laughed quietly at her. ''Honey.''

''Let me!" Katya waved her gentle scolding away with her hand, not even sparing her a glance. "This is so exciting. I'm buzzing!''

Maya giggled amusedly, the tension nearly gone from her body. ''You're freaking out more than I am.''

''Did she kiss you?'' Katya squealed when Maya nodded, flapping with her hands like an overexcited toddler. ''Oh my god!''

''Kat.'' Natasha laughed, slowly shaking her head.

''Mom,'' Maya complained with a laugh. ''If you're going to be like this, then I'm not telling anything more.''

That shut Katya up. Her spine straightened like someone had electrified it, her eyes widened with fear this time, and she zipped her mouth shut with a motion of her hand. Maya breathed a dramatic sigh of relief.

''So, what did you do today?'' Natasha asked, her head slightly tilted with genuine interest. Immediately, Maya started to blush again.

''Soccer Minigolf. And then we got McDonald's and sat by the river and just talked.'' Apologetically, she glanced up at her moms, fiddling nervously with her fingers. ''I'm sorry I didn't tell you about her sooner.''

Gently, Katya's hand brushed some of her curls away from her face. Maya saw in her eyes nothing like accusation or anger, just a sad kind of fear. ''I hope with my whole heart that it's not because you were afraid to tell us, or because she's a girl.''

Maya quickly shook her head. ''No, no, it was nothing like that.'' Relief flashed across Katya's face, but Maya still explained timidly. ''I didn't tell anyone, not even Camila and Harper, or Jo. I wanted to... explore it on my own. Figure out what it was before telling anyone."

Thank goodness everything happened on the first date. Keeping a crush a secret was one thing, but keeping a date or multiple dates a secret before Maya could tell them about an official girlfriend was another thing completely. It would have stretched over multiple weeks.

''We understand that, sweetheart." Natasha smiled, reaching over to give Maya's hand a warm squeeze. "You don't have to say sorry. Thank you for telling us now.''

Relieved, Maya nodded, possibly feeling the lightest she'd felt in weeks now that the secret was out. This reminded her why she generally never kept them. And why would she, when they responded this lovely?

''So, tell us about her!'' Katya teased lightly. And instantly, Maya transformed back to a young teenage girl ready to talk about her very first girlfriend. She swore the very tips of her ears were bright red.

"What do you want me to say?"

"What she's like, her hobbies, if she does any sports, anything." Katya acted like a teenage girl herself, eagerly getting all the tea.

''Uhm, she is the captain of the volleyball team," Maya started shyly, "likes reading and soccer, and she wants to be a teacher later. She's kind of popular at school, but she's not one of those mean girls. She's actually very sweet." That didn't even begin to cover who Brooklyn was, but it gave them an idea.

''You managed to secure the captain of the volleyball team? Nice,'' Natasha teased, nudging her shoulder playfully. Of course, that's the part she chose to focus on. Maya half-heartedly rolled her eyes. ''And if she's popular, she must be quite pretty?''

The girl nodded. ''She's blonde.''

''Ah, now it makes sense.'' Natasha chuckled. ''It's always the blondes.''

''Always the blondes." Katya nodded too.

Natasha's amused smile faded instantly as she looked at her wife. ''I'm ginger," she said dryly, an eyebrow sitting high on her forehead.

Maya knew exactly what was going to happen as Katya just stared at Natasha blankly for a long moment, the eye contact lingering. It didn't look like she was going to make an excuse, and she didn't. She just blinked and turned back to Maya, who shook with silent laughter.

Imaginary dark clouds gathered above Natasha's head, her eyes narrowed in an angry pout.

"So, she's sweet, pretty, smart, popular, good with kids, and a leader," Katya summed up, unbothered by her wife's mood. "Wow, you did even better than me."

"Okay, when is this going to end? I'm starting to feel bullied," Natasha deadpanned.

Katya threw her a sweet wink over the top of Maya's head. "Love you."

Gradually, Natasha's eyes narrowed further, until suddenly her shoulders slumped in defeat and she looked away. "I hate how well that works," she grumbled under her breath.

A soft chuckle left Katya's lips. "You know you're all of those things, baby. That and way more. Sexy, for example," she mused flirtily, a glint in her eyes.

"God, Mom, I'm right here. That's gross," Maya spluttered. But secretly, she was in awe once again at her moms' natural chemistry and the way they flowed so naturally together. Now that she had her own partner, she looked at it with new eyes.

"One of these days, flirting your way out of bullying me is not going to work anymore." Katya's compliment had caused Natasha to perk up, her eyes sparkling with that same teasing smugness the brunette carried.

"You say that as if my charms will one day simply not affect you anymore. But honey, we both know you find me way too bewitching for that. Even when I'm grey and wrinkly."

The smirk on Natasha's lips widened. "Interested to know how charming you will be when you need a cane to get around the house, shuffling."

A displeased sound rumbled in Maya's throat. This conversation happening above her head wasn't disgusting yet, but it was definitely unsettling. "Can we please get back to the topic? This weird tension is weirding me out."

Natasha's smirk faded into a sheepish smile as she broke eye contact with her wife. "Yes. Sorry, sweetheart. I was going to say don't fall for a witch who tinkers with your heart and head, but the way you talk about her, it seems you already did." Someone was clearly bitter about the effect their partner had on them. "Maybe we gingers were born to be weak for our women, I don't know."

Maya ignored Katya's amused snort. "We can form a support group? I know they're not gingers, but we could get Clint and Tony to join?"

Natasha let out a laugh. "Don't let 'em hear that."

"Tony once blew up, like, sixty suits he had worked on for weeks, just because it made Pepper happy," Katya reminded them. "Believe me, you have the wrong people for your group. Those guys love being soft for their women."

Natasha scrunched up her face. "I see your point." She reached for her mug of tea and took a sip. Maya's mug was still standing there, untouched, no time to drink it. "How the hell did we get from Maya talking about her girlfriend to considering Tony Stark for a support group?"

"That's what I've been wondering too," Maya said. But she quickly came to realize that was the wrong thing to say, because Katya returned to her with that childish sparkle in her eyes.

"So," she started, dragging the word out, "how did you two meet exactly? Did you go up and talk to her?"

A groan sounded, and Maya buried herself deeper into the couch. "That wasn't an invitation to continue your interrogation."

"Too bad, answer the question."

Defeated, Maya sighed, throwing a half-hearted glare at her mother. "You know I'm too shy for that. She came up to me. Then she came to watch one of my games, and I went over to her house a couple times after that."

"And then she asked you out." Katya was definitely freaking out, in a positive way. Maya feared that if hot tea wasn't involved in this setting—the drink, not the gossip—she would be shaking her shoulder like a screaming teenager.

"Last week."

Natasha chuckled, and Maya turned her head the other way to catch her smirk. "Ah, so that's why you suddenly went to watch a volleyball game. She's the "friend" you went to support."

"She was technically still my friend then," Maya argued, fighting the blush on her cheeks at being exposed.

"Until today."

"Why is this so embarrassing?" The girl groaned, burying her face in her hands. Yes, she started this talk herself, but it had been dragging on too long for comfort. They could talk more about her girlfriend when her moms weren't in such a hyper, teasing mood. "Can we stop talking about this?"


"Yes." Natasha threw Katya—who scowled—a pointed look. "Tell us in your own time, honey."

Maya sighed, dropping her hands in her lap. "Great, thanks. I'll just ask Lyn if she wants to come over next week so you can interrogate her. I'm hoping you'll go easy on her."

Katya opened her mouth to answer, but Natasha shut her up with another strict look. She slumped like a kicked puppy.

"Don't worry, we will behave," Natasha assured.

"At least at first."

Natasha glared at her wife. "Do you ever shut up?"

"When I want to."

Maya stood abruptly, cutting off their bickering. Her moms were her best friends, truly, but man, could they cackle like chickens, not shutting up until someone interrupted them. "I'm actually going to text her right now," she stated, planning to bolt to give them time to calm down.

She nearly succeeded too, making it halfway to the stairs before Katya's voice rang out.

"Wait, sweetheart. Come back here for a moment."

Stopping mid-step, Maya sighed, throwing her head back. Slowly, she shuffled back to Katya. Her mom definitely saw her exasperated raised eyebrow, but chose to ignore it entirely. Instead, she hung over the back of the couch to reach for both Maya's hands.

"We're teasing you because that's our love language, but we're seriously really happy for you," she stated in her gentle mom voice. It fell over Maya like a warm blanket, and she felt herself start to soften. "I always knew there'd be someone who would see how amazing you are, who could make you smile like you did when you came back from your date today. And we'll welcome her into this family like she belongs here. If she makes you happy, we're happy."

A lump had started to form in Maya's throat. She'd always known they were welcoming, and accepting, and wanted nothing but the best for her, but that they responded this way was better than she could have ever hoped for.

Because for two ex-spies whose first instinct was to always be suspicious of people, their blind acceptance of Brooklyn wasn't as obvious as it came across.

Maya's whole body felt warm, worry-free, light. That weight-lifting feeling after getting back a sufficient mark from a test you've been worrying over for weeks. Or that fulfilled feeling coming home after having the absolute best day with friends.

"Thanks, Mom," she whispered, also glancing at Natasha, because her soft green eyes betrayed that she stood behind Katya's words. "I love you."

"We love you too, honey," Natasha murmured back, opening her arms for a hug.

Maya gratefully buried herself into that strong embrace, feeling Katya's arms wrap around her too, until they were all huddled together with the back of the couch awkwardly in between them.

Deciding to tell them was the right decision. She didn't know why she doubted it before, or why she was so nervous. The happiness on their faces was supposed to be there. They were meant to share this joyful day with her, and the many coming.

One thing kept swimming around in Maya's brain, though.

"Can I just ask one thing?" She asked, pulling away from the hug.

"Of course."

Hesitantly, Maya glanced at her hands, preparing for the worst. "Did you know? That I am– That I like... girls?"

Katya sucked air in through her teeth, and Maya's heart dropped. "I mean..." she trailed off, awkwardly grimacing and looking at her wife for help. But Natasha didn't manage to hide the answer on her face any better.

"Would it make you feel better if we said no?"

The only way Maya could describe the emotion slapping her in the face was mortification. "Oh my god, really?" She whined, her hands covering her face. Did literally everyone see it? Were the signs so obvious? If only the ground would open up right now...

Natasha chuckled, settling her hand on Maya's elbow. "It's not your fault, baby. You know our gaydars are impeccable."

It did nothing to make her feel better. Everybody had let her live in the belief that her acting was good enough to hide her queerness. What else did they pretend not to notice? "I am going to lock myself in my room until further notice."

Her feet nearly tripped over each other trying to get to the stairs before the tomato color on her cheeks could spread beyond her hands. She should have never asked that question, and she couldn't face her moms for a while. Her moms, who—to their credit—quietly laughed behind her.

"I'll have food delivered to your door!" Katya called after her, amusement laced in her voice. But Maya didn't bother replying, only daring to drop her hands when the door of her bedroom closed behind her. Then she threw herself on the bed and buried her face in her pillows, embarrassment coursing through her body.


As soon as a door swung shut upstairs, Katya held up her hand, giving Natasha a smug, expectant look.

The redhead sighed, got a twenty from her pocket, and slapped it in her wife's palm. When Katya raised her eyebrow at the amount, she rolled her eyes. ''You'll get the rest later.''

Did they bet on when Maya would come out? Yes. Katya said before she turned sixteen, Natasha said after. They'd even set guidelines on what could be considered as ''coming out''.

Sometimes she wondered why they were so childish.

''I love being right.'' She smirked, folding the money and sliding it in her pocket.

Again, she felt Natasha rolling her eyes before she stood up. A sixth sense in her body alerted her of those expressions of sassiness. And she knew Natasha was a sore loser.

''All our money comes from the same bank account–''

''Ah-ah,'' Katya cut her off, smugly tipping her chin up, ''don't ruin my fun.''

Natasha grumbled something under her breath. It sounded like pissed-off Russian, but she'd already disappeared in the kitchen so it couldn't be deciphered. When she came back with her laptop, Katya was staring at her expectantly, wide blue eyes already forgotten about the bet.

''So... what do you think?''

The redhead fell onto the couch, throwing her legs over Katya's lap and settling back against the armrest, the laptop flipped open on her lap. ''I think it's cute." She said, tapping on the keyboard. "And that she's happy.''

Her cool reaction was very hard to understand for a buzzing Katya. "Her very first girlfriend." She sighed dreamily. "I remember mine like it was yesterday."

Natasha snorted. "Yeah, cause it was your first and your last, and she's sitting right next to you."

"It was such a milestone in my life." Katya continued like nothing had interrupted her, and bent over Natasha's lower legs to snatch another cookie from the table. "I applaud Brooklyn for dealing with the hopeless mess that is Maya when she's around girls she likes. I need to help her to up her game.''

Her head whipped to the side when Natasha snickered softly. It was nearly inaudible, but there was no mistaking that amusement in those green eyes and the way she subtly pressed her lips together.



"What?" Katya pressed, narrowing her eyes.

With a defeated exhale, Natasha looked up from the screen. "You're gonna help her? Your "game"," she dared to make air quotes, "is dad jokes and sarcasm."

A gasp flew from Katya's mouth. That's about the most offensive thing anyone has ever said to her. The first being Tony who claimed she couldn't pleasure a woman right. A lot of insults rolled off her back, but being called sexually incapable was the worst kind of betrayal.

She retaliated by paying one of his many one-night-stands—after making sure Pepper was okay with it—and telling her to spread rumors about that "terrible, disappointing night" with him. The rumors turned into articles, which went viral. Tony recognized game, and she was never insulted again over her skills in bed.

Besides, she was a super-spy. She had mad game. The whole point of being a spy and going undercover and getting in and out of situations was having good game. Did she really get Fury top secret nuclear plans from Pakistan by flirting with the right, powerful men if she didn't have game?

"It is not!" She exclaimed.

The corner of Natasha's mouth rose with her eyebrow. "I once told you I loved you and you said, "that's your trauma"."

"And you laughed!" Her face fell into an angry pout when Natasha just kept smiling with that annoying smirk of hers. Defiantly, Katya crossed her arms over her chest, careful not to crush her cookie. "You like my game, otherwise we wouldn't be here."

Natasha chuckled. "Calm down. I'm not saying I don't like your game. I'm just saying that your methods will probably not help Maya, because you also panic quickly when I get flirty with you."

"That is not true."

A strong hand gripped her chin to keep it in place. Natasha slowly leaned forward to bring her face closer until their noses were mere inches apart. Her breath fanned over Katya's skin, smelling like chamomile tea and oatmeal cookies. The proximity had Katya breathless in seconds, her folded arms slipping down.

"Have I told you that you look gorgeous today?" The redhead started in her low, breathy, flirty tone, her eyelids droopy. "Even more so than usual. That smile is just... to die for. I am so damn lucky to have your last name."

Katya didn't realize she was staring at her lips until they curled into a grin. It was then that she caught herself, completely entranced, muscles slack, breathing a tad too fast. The scowl returned immediately, the anger more directed at herself than anyone else. Damn body that betrayed her.

"Wow, it's like you've never seen a woman smile before."

Heat rushed to her cheeks, purely of embarrassment. Sarcasm as a coping mechanism. She had just proven Natasha's point exactly.

"Oh, just shut up," she grumbled when Natasha smirked, jerking her chin free. The woman's laughs did nothing but taunt her further. "What are you even doing? You better not be stalking Brooklyn and her family."

"What? That's ridiculous." Natasha scoffed. But her voice was a tad too high-pitched, and she kept strictly staring at the screen.

Katya narrowed her eyes. "You just logged into government secure files with your thumbprint." When Natasha didn't answer, she snatched the laptop from her lap. One second it was there, the next it was gone, too fast for the redhead to catch.

''Hey!'' Natasha dove for it, but Katya kept it out of reach.

"Harry McLain,'' she read off the screen, next to his passport photo and above the line that read, 'children: one, female. McLain, Brooklyn Avery'. ''You fucking liar."

With a huff, Natasha snatched the laptop back and settled back against the couch. "I need to make sure there's nothing shady going on," she defended herself, glowering angrily.

"Not everyone is shady,'' Katya tried to reason, unable to stop a smile from tugging on her lips. She knew Natasha wasn't as chill as she let on, her maternal instincts too strong not to spy. ''And we are the shady family in this case. Or any case, really."

Natasha decided to play deaf and keep scrolling.


A loud groan flew from her mouth. "Fine, jeez." She closed the laptop with a grumble, pouting like a child. Her legs were still in Katya's lap, and she glared at her toes while wiggling them absentmindedly.

Katya chuckled at first, but the longer it stayed silent, the more curious she became. Curious what that file said. It was in her nature to want to know. How hypocritical that may be after scolding Natasha, and despite knowing better. Her eyes had unconsciously started drifting again, this time to the laptop.

"You want to know what it says, don't you?" Natasha smiled knowingly.

The last thing Katya wanted was to give her satisfaction, but she couldn't fight her own curiosity. "Now that you have the knowledge, at least share it. Otherwise it's just lying."

The smug redhead chuckled and changed her position on the couch until she sat next to Katya instead, the laptop once again open. Harry's file was as short as any normal citizen's one, just two parking tickets on his record and the most mundane life possible. Even his sister and parents checked out clean.

Katya knew what they were doing was wrong. There was no reason to breach the man's privacy like this. If she just met him, she could have concluded the same. This man was as harmless as a single girl dad could be. But man, did it feel good to snoop.


With the speed of a kid caught stealing a cookie, Natasha slammed the laptop shut. If it wasn't breakable, she would have probably yeeted it across the living room. "Yes?"

Her caught-off-guard-but-trying-to-mask-it smile was a tad too fake, but Maya was too distracted with her phone to notice. They had let their guard down too easy, thinking she wasn't coming down anymore tonight.

"She wants to come over Saturday next week to meet you guys, if that is okay?" She looked so excited to show them her girlfriend that Katya's heart nearly burst with fondness.

"Next week works for us. Doesn't it, honey?" Natasha elbowed the brunette in the side, urging her to help cover up their crimes.

"Uh, sure, yeah," Katya stumbled out, smiling. "If she's staying for dinner, let me know allergies and dislikes et cetera."

Maya's face lit up wholly. "Will do! Thank you."

They were about to get away with their snooping and their weirdness—Maya started to turn around to go back upstairs—but Katya had to open her dumb mouth.

"We're very excited to meet her. And after that, her dad, who we know nothing about yet."

She was an idiot. A complete idiot who forgot the meaning of subtly. The kick delivered to her shin was completely deserved.

"Harry is really nice." Maya smiled, her eyes sparkling. "You'll like him. He's funny."

One would think Katya learned to shut up now, but no. "I'm sure he's a good citizen."

The girl's eyebrows furrowed, and she briefly glanced at Natasha for help. "You're saying weird stuff. Are you freaking out again?"

Yes, yes that was totally what was happening. Katya quickly went along with that. "I can't help it. You're my only child. Growing up so fast..." She sobbed, making the performance extra dramatic.

Wide-eyed, Maya looked at her other mom, unsure of what to do with this weird version of her mother. Natasha chuckled and swung her arm over Katya's shoulders. "Save yourself. I got her."

She didn't have to tell Maya that twice. The girl bolted, and Natasha pushed Katya's body away from her own as soon as she was gone.

"You're an idiot. When did you stop being able to perform under pressure?"

"I have anxiety now!" Katya defended herself with a sad pout, though she knew Natasha was right to call her out.

Placing the laptop on the table, Natasha shook her head. "You've had anxiety for years, and you worked missions perfectly fine."

"I have more anxiety now!" It sounded desperate.

With a sigh, Natasha turned to face her adorable, pink-cheeked wife and took a hand in her own. The force of her soft green eyes was intense, and Katya prepared for whatever she was going to say. "Honey, I love you–"

"I love you too," Katya interrupted, wide puppy eyes making Natasha melt.

"But that was a shitshow."

The pout returned on Katya's face, her shoulders falling. "I know."

"A good citizen?"

"I know!" Katya whined, burying her head into Natasha's chest. It was both comforting and a good place to hide. "I panicked!"

The redhead laughed softly, wrapping her arms around her body to hold her close. "It's okay, baby." She patted Katya's head. "I'll protect you from embarrassment next week."

Katya exhaled deeply, whispering, "Thank you."

A low hum vibrated in Natasha's chest. "Always."


It was around bedtime that it finally all settled in. With the distractions gone and the repetitive motion of brushing her teeth not keeping her brain busy, Katya had time to realize what exactly had happened today. And although she had joked at the time saying Maya grew up too fast, it started to sound less like a joke with the moon high in the sky.

Maya was growing up, experiencing firsts, getting to know herself and the world, and growing confident in what she wanted. Not to sound like an emotional mom, but Katya remembered the day they first brought her home, when she looked around the place in disbelief that this was her home now.

Where did that little girl go? And when did she grow up?

"What are you thinking about?"

Looking over from where she sat on the edge of the mattress, Katya saw Natasha lying on her side, watching her with a hand supporting her head. A soft smile lay on her lips, and a fondness that nearly hurt to look at shimmered in her eyes.

This may sound weird, but Natasha in bed was her favorite. It was her most unguarded self, so pure and vulnerable.

"Just happy, I guess." Katya shrugged with a smile, fiddling with the clasp of her necklace.

Natasha's smile widened. "Anything specific?"

"I'm just..." she took her time to find the right word, placing her jewelry on the nightstand, "proud of us."

Surprise flashed across Natasha's face. "Proud?" She asked curiously, reaching over to gently tuck some dark hair behind her ear.

Katya hummed, catching her hand and lacing their fingers together. She played with them as she tried to explain the overlying feeling raging through her body. "That we succeeded in raising Maya to be a normal, happy kid with relationships and friends. I mean, I'm not the prime example of stability, and we're both messed up enough to have possibly screwed this up–"

"I'm going to let that slide," Natasha teased, which earned her a breathy chuckle.

"But, I mean, look at her." Katya slowly shook her head, as in disbelief. The odds were against them, but that had never scared them off. "She's exploding with happiness. She has friends, a girlfriend. She's doing well in school and sports, and she's healthy—mentally."

Natasha squeezed her hand, starting to feel what she felt too. "Yeah, we did a pretty good job, hm?"

Of course, it wasn't all them. More than half of it was Maya herself. But as parents, they could really make or break her upbringing.

"She hasn't made it very hard for us, but still..."

"No, but you're right. We were doomed to fail, probably. But we raised one hell of a girl, and we should be proud of that." Natasha smiled.

Finally, the emotions became too much and Katya started to tear up. There went her plans to not be an emotional mom. But her family was the most important thing in her life, and to see that doing so well hadn't always been a given.

"Oh, honey... why are you crying?" Natasha asked softly, her thumb rubbing over the back of Katya's hand.

"I'm just happy." She sniffed, using the back of her free hand to wipe the tears away. "I'm happy seeing you happy, and Maya happy, and it just feels like we finally made it."

Gently, Natasha pulled her hand free and opened the covers. "Get in here already."

She didn't have to say that twice. Katya peeled off her socks, snipped off the light, and curled into Natasha's body. The redhead tucked her in tightly, and then wrapped her arms around her too, kissing the top of her head. Right there, Katya felt the safest she'd ever felt anywhere.

"We did it together," Natasha murmured into her brown hair. "And it's because we never gave up on believing in this family. I'm as proud of you as you are of me."

Shamelessly, Katya let the soft fabric of Natasha's sleepshirt absorb her tears. "I love you." Her voice was muffled and she was nearly suffocating, but in no way would she complain. Sleep was already tugging at her brain.

"I love you too," Natasha whispered, pressing her lips against her head once more.

"Should we tell her about the rose?''

She couldn't see it, but she knew Natasha was smiling now.

''Nah, she'll realize it's been sitting on the kitchen counter in plain sight eventually.''


A/N: hey guys! Thank you for being patient with me. I took a break last week because it was my only week off from work this whole year and I desperately needed to just do nothing. Which I did. Just sat on the couch and watched all 3,5 seasons of the Harley Quinn animated series in three days, which you will probably see some influence from in this chapter if you watched it too. 

Anyway, here's a new chapter! And in honor of Blondie announcing 1989 TV, of course I had to do a song title :) Let me know your favorite of 1989? I can definitely not choose, but Style has a special place in my heart. 

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