Chapter 36: Movie Nights

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When dinner was gone, Maya didn't give Yelena time to relax. She took her hand and dragged her to the couch in front of the TV, already setting up the movie. Impatiently, she waited for Natasha and Katya to clean up the mess on the dinner table and join them. But they were too busy enjoying Maya's enthusiastic conversations with Yelena, which they could vaguely hear through the door.

Maya took a while to warm up to people, but when she did, she could talk for hours. With Peter, for example, she could talk endlessly. Poor May had to deal with that for a whole evening. 

''Mom! Come on!'' she eventually yelled when her patience had run out. 

''Yes, yes. Impatient much?'' Natasha chuckled when they finally walked into the living room. 

Yelena sat in Katya's usual spot, so she was left without a place to sit. But how could she be mad when her daughter adorably sat between her mother and her aunt, Liho in her lap, and the biggest smile ever on her face. She beamed, really. 

So without protest, Katya sat in the armchair and pulled a pillow to her chest to have something to cuddle with instead. She would have enough time to cuddle with Natasha tonight.

Yelena shifted in her seat, like she got ready for something exciting. ''What are you having me watch tonight, Red?'' Maya pressed play, which caused the title to show up on screen. Confused, the blonde frowned. ''The Hunger Games?''

''She's obsessed. Just accept it. You're not getting out of it,'' Natasha replied to her, over Maya's head. She acted all annoyed and bored, sinking down in her seat, feet on the table, but everyone could see that was just an act. She would sit in front of the TV, watching these same four movies every day, if that was what made Maya happy.

''You like it, too! Don't act like you don't,'' Maya exclaimed.

''Just because I can mouth every single word doesn't mean I like it.'' Natasha tried so hard to keep her face straight. Maya's expression was too funny. Her small angry pout, begging her mother to stop with the complaining.

Katya chuckled. ''You do like it.'' She backed Maya. She had to swallow nicknames like 'babe', because she didn't want to do that to Yelena.

Natasha shrugged, not even mad Katya threw her under the bus. She'd keep insisting to hate these movies for the rest of the night. ''Sure, if I want to watch a classic love triangle in the midst of a civil war, which is solved by a teenager with a bow.''

Maya gasped, giving Natasha's shoulder a push as the redhead chuckled. ''Mom! You just spoiled the whole movie!''

''Natasha, that's not cool,'' Yelena scolded her, genuinely upset she ruined the storyline for her. Her face wasn't unlike Maya's, both forming a front against movie spoilers.

Katya didn't know if she should join them or laugh at Natasha's smug expression. She eventually settled for both, shaking her head as she chuckled.

''What?'' Natasha feigned innocence as she looked at her wife across the room, hating how she didn't have Katya to cuddle with either, her hands uselessly laying in her lap.

''Ты хуй (You're a dick),'' Katya said, not wanting to say that in front of Maya. It just made Natasha chuckle again. ''Just ignore her, Maya. Come on, play it,'' she encouraged, sending her wife one last warning look before the movie started and everyone turned quiet. Even Natasha shut up, getting sucked into the story, whether she liked it or not.

Halfway through, Katya realized this might not have been the best option for a movie. She started watching Yelena closely for any signs of stress, or even a flinch, but she didn't look bothered by the shooting, the storyline or anything. She did keep asking Maya questions instead of just watching and seeing for herself, but the girl whispered all the answers back patiently.

At the end of the night, a whole bowl of chips and some other snacks were gone. The second movie ended way past Maya's bedtime, so Natasha didn't give her time to discuss the ending or talk to Yelena any more before shooing her upstairs very quickly. Maya protested, but when a yawn interrupted her words, she gave in and disappeared upstairs after letting Yelena promise to come say goodnight.

''She likes you,'' Katya said when Natasha went upstairs to check on Maya and tug her in.

Yelena smiled tiredly from her spot on the couch, looking up from her phone. ''She's adorable,'' she agreed, as if that wasn't clear yet. ''How much does she know?''

''About us?'' Katya questioned, getting a nod in return. She shifted in her seat, tugging her feet under her body, pulling an uncertain face. ''Not sure. She's smart, so she undoubtedly figured stuff out herself. She hears things in school, sees things on the internet. But we never hide stuff from her. If she wants to know, all she has to do is ask.''

Yelena hummed before chuckling. ''I don't know how you do it. It's not like we had a good example.''

''That's true,'' Katya laughed. ''But we do know what not to do. And trust me, we're just doing something most of the time, too.''

''Well, then you're doing something right.''

''Not always. She hit a kid in school a couple weeks ago.'' Katya tried to stay serious, but she couldn't help but chuckle. Seriously, she shouldn't be proud of it, and violence was never a good thing - says the ex-assassin - but it was funny in hindsight. Not that she'd ever say that to Maya. 

Yelena laughed a bit harder than needed. ''Yeah, she's feisty, isn't she? Like Nat.''

''Those two... you have no idea,'' Katya smiled, a warm feeling swirling in her chest. Her eyes were probably shaped like hearts now. Maya had come into her life first, but found a connection with Natasha she could only have hoped for. And no, she could never ever be jealous of that, because that was plain stupid. The only thing she could be is ecstatic.

Natasha sauntered into the living room, plopping down on the same spot on the couch. Yelena wasn't the only one exhausted. ''She's in.''

Katya stood from her armchair, stretching her body because it was stiff after four hours in the same position. ''Right. You coming?'' She looked at Yelena, who startled, having forgotten about her earlier promise.

''What do I do?'' she muttered on the stairs, too embarrassed to ask it in Natasha's or Maya's presence.

Katya smiled over her shoulder. ''You just say goodnight to her. No forehead kisses necessary unless you want to.''

Maya lay in bed, covers pulled up to her chin, eyes strictly focused on the door. When she saw Katya walk in, Yelena on her heels, her eyes lit up. Yeah, she was the biggest fan of Yelena already.

Katya knew Maya wanted to talk to her aunt mostly, so she gave her a quick kiss on her head, told her goodnight and left them to it. She didn't want to eavesdrop, but her feet stopped on their own on the stairs, and through the small gap of the door, she saw how Yelena sat down on the edge of the bed, insecure but ready to fulfill her duties as a friend.

''So, what did you think of the movies?'' Maya asked curiously, and a smile shot across Katya's features. Her kid was so adorable.

''Hm, they weren't too bad. I don't understand why she uses a bow, though. A gun is so much easier,'' Yelena genuinely answered, undoubtedly furrowing her eyebrows. Katya could only see her back.

Maya giggled at Yelena's seriousness. ''She's poor. She can't afford a gun or bullets.''

''Still, a bow isn't practical in battle.''

Maya laughed again and shook her head. At least Yelena had paid attention and thought about the movie. ''Uncle Clint uses a bow too. And mom said he's amazing with it.''

''Clint? Is that the guy that was in the Avengers?'' Yelena asked. Maya nodded. ''Is he going to be at the barbecue?'' Her voice had some anxiety laced in it. And Katya understood why this barbecue got on her nerves. Meeting so many new people at once. People who were important to her sister. Who all wanted to get to know the other mysterious woman from Natasha's past. 

''Yes. All the Avengers are. And their families,'' Maya explained carefully. She sensed Yelena's nerves, too. Or maybe it was written all over her face. ''It's going to be fun, I promise.'' Katya's heart warmed. Maya was such a kind soul. 

''I don't like parties,'' Yelena said casually, trying to hide her insecurity. 

''You will love this one,'' the girl reassured her softly, before she perked up. ''Oh, you need to see the pictures from my birthday party! I was the Black Widow!''

Yelena chuckled, her muscles relaxing now that the focus wasn't on her feelings anymore. ''Tomorrow. You need to sleep or I'm going to be in trouble with your moms.''

Maya slouched back in her pillow, slightly pouting. Her voice held uncertainty when she spoke. ''Promise you'll still be here tomorrow?''

''I will be here the whole week,'' Yelena smiled softly. ''Promise.''

''Pinky promise.''

''What's that?'' the blonde frowned, staring at Maya's hand weirdly. She didn't know what to do with the outstretched pinky, because unfortunately, nobody had ever taught her something so innocent in her youth.

Maya smiled and gently took Yelena's hand, barely touching the skin in case she didn't like being touched. She bent all fingers but her pinky into a fist. ''You take your pinky. Like this. Yes. And then we do-'' Their smallest fingers linked together for a moment, Maya beaming but Yelena mostly confused at the whole thing. ''See?''

Yelena stared at their hands. ''What does it mean?''

''It's the most important promise you can make,'' Maya explained seriously, letting their hands fall back to the bed. ''You never break a pinky promise.''

''Sounds serious,'' Yelena chuckled lowly, but also slightly scared. A promise to Maya, she'd never want to break. 

''It is.''

Yelena laughed again, shaking her head. ''Alright. Go to sleep now.'' Katya took this as her cue to slowly walk down the stairs. It would be very embarrassing to get caught by Yelena. If she hadn't sensed her already. 

''Goodnight, Lena,'' she heard Maya say over the rustling of bedsheets. 

Yelena's quiet footsteps approached the door. ''Night, Red,'' she smiled, the light extinguishing. At this point, Katya was at the bottom of the stairs, walking into the living room with a smile on her lips.

Natasha looked up from the TV. ''Why are you smiling?'' Katya gestured upstairs, not able to speak because Yelena was right behind her. But Natasha understood what she meant to say and nodded. It hadn't gone past her either.

With a sigh, Yelena walked in. She looked exhausted. ''I'm gonna crash too. Who knew dealing with a child is so exhausting?'' Natasha and Katya both raised an eyebrow, which Yelena completely ignored. ''Fanny, up.'' 

The dog lifted its head, jumping to its feet when Yelena went to grab the blanket she brought along and it had lain on. Throwing the thing over her shoulder, she turned to the stairs, the dog on her tail. He would sleep with her in the guest room tonight, which made Liho undoubtedly very happy. She had been stressed and anxious beyond relief at their new house guest. 

''Sleep tight!'' Katya called after her before she could disappear.

''Yeah, yeah,'' Yelena mumbled back, not big on formalities like these. 

Katya chuckled and turned back to the mess on the coffee table. Honestly, it was just a minute work to clean all of it, but she really didn't feel like walking back and forth to the kitchen twice. With her hands on her hips, she stared at it with an unenthusiastic face. Only when Natasha laughed did she look away.

''Yeah, we'll clean that up tomorrow morning.'' She stood, took one of Katya's hands and pulled her upstairs. ''Come on, I have been deprived long enough.''

''Of what?'' Katya asked just to tease her. But Natasha just gave her a slight glare, refusing to say 'cuddles'. Because that's what was going on. So she didn't like how Katya took her time brushing her teeth, washing her face, and changing into her pajamas. 

Her expression screamed 'annoyed' when Katya finally crawled into bed with a smug smile, but all of it faded away the second the brunette snuggled up to her, intertwining their legs and pushing her face into Natasha's neck. 

''I haven't heard you speak Russian outside of this room for years,'' Natasha muttered when she wrapped her arms around Katya to pull her more on top of her. ''And Yelena is here and it all comes out again.''

Katya let out a breathy laugh, pushing her nose against the skin of Natasha's neck as they listened to the sounds in the house. The soft tapping of dog feet, the tap running in the guest bathroom. ''Her Russian triggered my Russian. I could say the same about you, though. Except for the occasional swear word.''

''You should do it more often.''

Katya lifted her head slightly, catching Natasha's eyes which were previously on the ceiling, they reflected the faint glow of the nightlight. ''Why? Does it turn you on?'' she smirked.

''Definitely,'' Natasha answered shamelessly. ''But... I don't know. Nostalgia, maybe?''

''я постараюсь. (I will try),'' Katya smiled, dropping her head again and exhaling deeply. Natasha was right, they didn't speak it often. And why not? It was their first language after all. Why didn't they speak Russian with each other? Probably because they had been in an English environment the whole time.

Natasha's chest warmed at the way Katya's voice sounded when speaking in her native language. The tone was so different. ''Спасибо (Thank you).''

''Я люблю вас (I love you),'' Katya whispered, relaxing her body fully to try and fall asleep. That shouldn't be too hard. Here, in her wife's arms, in the quiet house, with a warm blanket on top of her, she could be unconscious within seconds.

''God, even that sounds different,'' Natasha chuckled, her heart skipping a beat. Tightening her arms around Katya, she kissed her head and closed her eyes. ''Я люблю вас.''


Katya woke up to Natasha shifting too actively for a mid-sleep turn. Furrowing her eyebrows, she turned her head towards her side of the bed to find the covers lifting and Natasha slipping out. She wanted to open her mouth and ask in a groggy voice where she was going, until she heard it. 

It surprised her that she hadn't woken up earlier, because Yelena's panicky voice clearly sounded through the walls.

''No. No, please. Don't.''

A nightmare.

Katya pushed herself up onto her underarms, which alarmed Natasha of her alert state. With sad eyes, she turned to look at her, whispering, ''I got this.''

Silently - even though there was no reason to - she slipped out the room, leaving the door slightly ajar. Yelena's whimpers traveled through the small gap to reach Katya's ears even clearer. The brunette definitely lost all interest in sleep and pushed herself up so she sat with her back against the headboard, using her pillow as support. 

The door of the guest bedroom clicked open, and Katya pictured Natasha carefully trailing in, not wanting to startle Yelena into attacking her. She'd kill to see it, but it would be so weird to trail in there with two people. Natasha could calm her sister down.

''Lena. Yelena,'' Natasha whispered, carefully touching her shoulder. It never took much to wake spies. A couple words and a touch and they were alert. Usually, it took way less and Yelena would have shot up in bed as soon as the door opened, but nightmares had a grip on her instincts.

Bewildered, she shot up, cringing away from the touch. On the other side of the bed now, she allowed her wild eyes to focus on the calm but sad face of the person on the edge of the mattress. ''Natasha,'' she breathed. It sounded surprised, like she had forgotten where she was. 

A gentle smile spread on her lips, although her eyes didn't play along. ''Yeah. You're okay. You're in my home, remember?'' Waking someone from a nightmare never got easier. The pure panic in their eyes, the horrors that replayed in their heads which she could see happening in their eyes as well. Shaking hands, sweaty backs, tears. 

It sucked so much, and she was so happy Katya was always there for her to help her through those horrible first minutes after.

Yelena shifted uncomfortably, sitting up against the headboard like Katya did. In the middle of the bed. Not too close but not too far away. Her blanket pulled up to her chest, hands playing with each other as she tried to bring her heartrate down. ''Sorry. I'm sorry I woke you.''

''Don't apologize. We all get nightmares in this house. A lot. Do you want to talk about it?''

''Absolutely not,'' Yelena chuckled humorlessly. Does anyone? ''You know what I could use? A drink.''

''At 2 AM?'' Natasha frowned, leaning back slightly to give her some space.

''Yeah. Vodka or something.''

Natasha refrained from shifting uncomfortably, but Yelena must sense the hesitation. ''I'm afraid the only thing I can offer you is wine.''

''You're Russian and you don't have vodka in the house?'' Yelena frowned, joking lightly. But her smile faded away when Natasha didn't smile along. Concerned, she studied her, waiting for what she would say. 

''Kat... Ehm.'' She averted her eyes to the bedsheets somewhere between them. ''She had a problem a couple years back. And a relapse about a month ago. I threw all of it out.'' 

She didn't know if it was her place to tell this, but she didn't want to lie to her sister, and was pretty sure Katya didn't mind. It wasn't something she liked talking about, but it wasn't a secret either. Katya wasn't ashamed of her struggles. 

''Oh. Shit,'' Yelena muttered, feeling guilty for joking about it. 

Natasha shook her head and forced herself to smile. ''She's doing better. Don't worry about it. So, wine?''

Yelena shook her head, all her appetite for a drink lost. ''I think I'll sit on the porch for a while. Fresh air usually helps.''

''On your own?'' Natasha asked concerned. From experience, she knew being alone after a nightmare was the worst idea. ''I can come with you.''

''I'm not alone.'' She gestured to her dog, that lay on the floor on a blanket. It had tried to wake Yelena as well, but unsuccessfully. 

Natasha eyed the animal, raising an eyebrow. A dog couldn't whisper reassurances if needed. ''Bullshit. I'll come with. Let me put on something warmer.'' Katya heard the footsteps swell on, until her own bedroom door opened again. When Natasha saw her alert state, she started explaining. ''I'm going-''

''I heard all of it,'' Katya cut her off with a soft smile. ''Take your time.'' She pulled her pillow down and laid down on her side, pulling the covers up to her chin. No way that she would be able to sleep without Natasha, but sitting there for two hours was also not ideal. 

Some rustling followed, but Katya had closed her eyes and waited for the familiar click of the doorhandle. It turned silent, so she thought Natasha had left already.

Instead, a soft pair of lips kissed her temple, causing her to stiffen slightly before smiling and relaxing further into her pillow. Without another word, Natasha left. Her footsteps on the stairs, Yelena's following. With lastly, the dog. Katya expected Maya to get out of bed as well, but no sound came from her room. 

For about an hour, she drifted in and out of sleep, more awake than asleep, waiting for the return of her wife and the warmth her body provided. How Natasha did this when Katya was on mission was incomprehensible.

She was conscious enough to sense someone getting back in the room, but was too far gone to turn around and study her wife's face for any clues on Yelena's wellbeing. No, completely still and paralyzed with sleep, she waited for the familiar dip of the mattress.

It followed after a cold stream of air on her back. Natasha lifting the covers and slipping in without making a sound. Carefully, she shuffled closer to Katya, pressing her front against her back and wrapping an arm tightly around her waist.

An exhausted smile tugged on Katya's lips as she enjoyed the feeling of her wife's body wrapped around hers. It didn't take long for Natasha to get comfortable. After a kiss to Katya's neck and a soft, "Night, love", all the muscles in her body relaxed and she fell into a deep sleep.


A/N: I need to dial this book back to one update a week, sorry :( Coming up with my own storyline takes a lot more work than simply following a movie, like the other book. And school is also starting soon. So this'll be updated on Mondays only :) But thank you for the feedback on the last chapter! It gave me the reassurance I needed <3

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