Chapter 61: Helping People Out

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Late February, 2024

Late February. Valentine's Day had come and gone. Natasha took Katya on a date, dropping Maya off at Tony's, cashing in that free jet usage. Aunt May would have made more sense, since she was right in the city and not in Georgia, but Maya wanted to go to Tony, so they made it happen.

Some hard weeks were behind them. Christmas turned out to be way too much for Katya. Physically, it took her three days of sleeping and resting to recover, staying in bed the whole time. Mentally, it took more than a week before she could smile again. 

Therefore, January was incredibly tough and low. Though Katya managed to wish her family Happy New Year when the clock struck midnight, watching the fireworks on the dock and kissing her wife, promising she'd try even harder to get better.

February was a lot better, and slowly, Katya had started her journey to improve the shape her body was in. After all, she worked towards a goal. A goal of teaching self-defense classes, which she was very passionate about.

Every day, sometimes with her wife, she took a run, and worked with the weights in the garage. Maybe it was just to boost her, but Natasha said she could see results quickly. And she should know, because she spent the most time staring at her ass.

Maya was her usual happy self, finishing her last couple months in elementary school. They visited a couple middle schools to find the right one, only to settle on the one closest to her current school. Not too big, not small. Maya didn't need a big school. Crowds made her panicky, they noticed.

Twice a week, she had Russian lessons with Yelena over facetime. The first couple times, Natasha had kept a close eye on them, because her sister wasn't the best at gauging other's emotions and being kind and subtle when trying to teach something. But Maya could handle her bluntness and listened attentively, soaking up the information.

Their hearts melted every time Maya spoke Russian. Natasha cried when the girl came up to her one day and said she loved her in her first language. But her tears only fell after Maya had left the room, letting Katya hug her tightly.

It was getting quite late on today's dark and cold winter's day. Dinner was in the oven, and Katya had the laundry basket with folded clothes on her hip to put away. Curtesy of Natasha, who did so much more in the household now. Cleaning, vacuuming, laundry. Although she already was responsible for the administration. 

Katya found it extremely hot when she'd find her at the desk, papers scattered all around, laptop open, and a concentrated crease between her brows while she figured out if the money they paid for gas and water was too much or not. It had happened more than once that she dragged her away from the swiveling chair and threw her on the bed, delaying her research by an hour or two.

Quietly, Katya passed her daughter's bedroom, hearing her and Yelena's voices through the door, in the middle of their lesson. She planned not to disturb them and leave the laundry basket outside the door, but a question Maya asked Yelena piqued her interest.

''I've been meaning to ask. Do you have a boy- or girlfriend?'' 

Katya knew exactly where she sat. At her desk, pen and paper at hand to write things down, Natasha's phone propped up against a stack of books. So eager to learn. She had needed some help from her moms with the letters at first, showing her how to write them. But thereafter, she had never asked for help again.

''Come on, you know I don't. I would tell you.'' Yelena's voice was playful. Katya sharpened her ears to make out exactly what she said. She was a terrible mom, listening in on this. But she couldn't help it.

''Why not? Don't you want one?'' 

''Nah, not really,'' Yelena replied nonchalantly.

''But have you liked-liked someone before?'' Oof, Maya wasn't letting her off easy, the little matchmaker.


The conversation had captivated Katya so much, that she hadn't noticed Natasha climbing the stairs, looking for her. ''Hey baby, have you seen-'' Katya shushed her quickly, diving to cover her mouth with her hand, throwing her a warning with her eyes to stay quiet. Natasha frowned but nodded anyway, unsure what this was about.

Maya must have heard this commotion, right? They held her breaths and waited. 

But to their relief, the conversation carried on as usual, relaxing Katya's shoulders. It was bad enough they eavesdropped. Let alone if they were caught as well.

''Nobody?'' Maya wasn't being rude, just a bit confused, since her aunt was quite old yet never seemed to have been interested in anyone.

''No. I never felt that way for anyone, attraction like that. And I don't want it, to be honest.'' It sounded like she shrugged, unbothered by the whole thing. ''I don't know why, but romantic relationships don't interest me.''

Katya shared a look with Natasha. They shouldn't listen and just leave, but their feet were glued to the floor as Yelena told her niece a very personal piece of information.

Maya seemed to hesitate or think, continuing a lot softer after a short pause. ''You know, there's a name for that. I'm not saying that's you, but it could be?''

''There is?'' They heard Yelena's surprised voice. Or was it more interest? It wasn't odd if she looked for an explanation for her feelings.

''Yes. Like Mom is a lesbian, and Mama is... I'm not sure.'' Again, some hesitation, like she regretted saying this but couldn't go back. ''But someone who feels no romantic attraction - or almost nothing - can be aromantic. Maybe you can Google and see if that's you.''

Katya smiled to herself. Not only was Maya accepting of absolutely everyone, but she was also educated on the subject and willing to help others understand themselves. She hadn't asked her moms, so her information must have come from another source.

There was a short silence. How would Yelena respond to this? It's not like these things have been very acceptable in her life in the past. Her own sister was the first queer person she came to know about. And now Maya hinted that maybe she was one herself too?

''I didn't know that was a thing.'' She said casually, but Katya could hear her voice waver. 

Maya chuckled softly. ''There's a name for everything.'' Well, she wasn't wrong about that. Although she, like her moms, wasn't big on labels, everyone should know for themselves if they wanted to use them.

The goal wasn't to label Yelena, it was to help her understand her feelings. Because Maya didn't want her to be confused, or unhappy. Because she already had trouble figuring out who she was after all the mind control. And if this could help her the tiniest bit, then Maya was a happy girl.

''How do you know this? You're ten.'' Yelena joked. Her familiar tactic to mask her insecurity.

''Well, I wanted to know more after Mom told me she was a lesbian, so I asked FRIDAY to explain it all to me. Every flag,'' she said matter-of-factly. Though she continued a lot softer, almost whispering. ''Being aromantic is nothing weird, if that's what you're afraid of.''

''You don't think it's weird?'' In a world so focused on love and pressuring people to find a partner, how would they accept someone not interested in romantic love?

''No. And I'm sure my moms wouldn't think so either. Everyone likes someone different, but you just don't like anybody. Romantically,'' she added with a giggle. Because non-romantically, Yelena already liked a very limited amount of people.

''Hm, thanks Red.'' Yelena was clearly done with this talk, dismissing it. Like said before, it left her vulnerable and therefore uneasy. It made her skin crawl, how exposed she felt.

''You're welcome. Let me know if you want to know more.'' It was almost like she was the teacher now. Teaching Yelena about modern, Western society.

''Oh, can you keep this between us for now?''

''Of course.'' There was some creaking from Maya's chair, followed by rustling papers. ''Wait, let me say that in Russian.''

That was Katya's cue to get out of there. Silently, she put the laundry basket down and dragged Natasha downstairs. They were both silent. Not because of the shock, but because they needed time to process the conversation.

The hot air wafted in her face when Katya checked on her lasagna, but it was too pale still. Natasha set the table, chewing the inside of her cheek in thought. Maya was right, they didn't think it was weird at all. She couldn't even say she was shocked, really.

''Can't say I'm surprised,'' she spoke eventually. Her sister with a partner? Somehow, that had never clicked.

Katya's brows furrowed, watching her put the plates in their usual spots. ''Do you think we made her uncomfortable with all the flirting and kissing?''

''It didn't sound like she minded too much.''

''Or maybe we dismissed her reactions too quickly and blamed it on playful sisterly annoyance?'' Katya started to doubt herself, leaning back against the counter. It's not like Yelena would have approached them and started a serious conversation about how their affection bothered her.

''I'm the one who asked her if she was with Kate.'' Natasha sent her a reassuring smile over her shoulder. ''I wouldn't overthink it too much.''

As usual, Natasha was right. So Katya dared to trust her judgement and relaxed her shoulders. The past weeks had been about blindly trusting Natasha a lot. A lot of questions and answers too. ''Well, I hope she figures it out, if she can find herself in Maya's story.''

Natasha hummed, taking the utensils from Katya's hands and dispersing them around the plates. Her calm demeanor had been an anchor to Katya so often lately. One look at her targeted and slow movements and a calmness settled on her own shoulders too.

''So, are you ready for tonight?''

''Oh, trust me, I am nervous,'' Katya chuckled, crossing her arms over her chest. ''I want this to be good. I have a really good feeling about Brianna and her mission. I think I'll be very disappointed if this gym isn't the one.''

Natasha nodded. ''We'll see. But I agree with that positive feeling.'' She hoped so badly that Katya could finally get some prosperity in her life, that things worked out. ''Do you have your list?''

''How do you know I made a list?'' Katya's brows furrowed.

Natasha gave her a pointed look and a half-smirk. ''Because I know you.'' Katya sighed and rolled her eyes, plucking the folded piece of paper from her back pocket. ''Oh, no, no, you keep that. I'll see afterwards what you crossed off.''

Katya smiled with a shake of her head, pocketing the paper. ''Can you tell Maya to round up her lesson? Dinner's ready in five.''

''Yes, ma'am.'' Natasha winked flirtatiously, leaving to do exactly that.

There was nothing to read on Maya's face as she came down and took to her chair. Maybe she didn't even consider her conversation with Yelena a secret, or as something big. Because she didn't move and act like someone who hid something. And they'd know.

Should they fear for her teenage years? Possibly.

''So, how was your lesson?'' Natasha asked casually, scooping lasagna from the baking dish onto her plate. ''Learned anything new?''

That bitch.

Maya nodded, taking a sip of her water. ''She taught me some new sentences. We're still covering the basics, though.'' Sometimes it felt alien, the letters and the sounds. But day by day, she started to understand it more. It was easier to start with languages if someone was very young, so at least she started in time. Katya was the queen of languages and knew how difficult it could be to grasp one.

''Well, we all have to start somewhere.'' Natasha sent her an encouraging smile, not prying any further. She wasn't that much of a bitch. Yelena would come to her herself if she ever had anything to share. Or not, that was also fine.

It appeared that her words reminded Maya of something, because she placed her fork down and stared at her plate. She swallowed before softly asking, ''Can I ask for something?'' She was still so shy asking for things. Anything, really. 

''Sure, what is it?'' Katya smiled kindly, letting her stare at that plate if it gave her the courage to ask what she needed to.

Maya's hands played with each other in her lap. ''Ehm, I've been drawing a bit, but my notebooks have lines, and my pencils are just standard ones. So I hoped that maybe I could get a sketchbook and some better pencils?'' She cringed. ''I can pay for them myself. I have saved a bit.'' 

Oh, that was adorable.

Natasha shared a glance with Katya, both smiling at her politeness. ''Of course you can get that. I'm not gonna be the reason an artist can't do her job,'' she joked lightly to ease Maya's frown. It worked, because she blushed instead, slowly nodding. ''How about this: we see how expensive those things are, and you pay for a part of it, what we think is okay? So, for example, half of it, or a quarter.''

Carefully, Maya looked up. ''Are you sure?''

''Very sure.'' Natasha nodded, smiling teasingly afterwards. ''And I would really like to see those drawings later if you want to share them. You made me curious.'' The blush on Maya's cheeks darkened, but she nodded anyways. 

They had no clue at all that she was drawing. Because they'd never snoop in her room or go through her notebooks. That was a huge breach of her privacy. Privacy they never had as kids, but desperately wanted Maya to have.

''Oh, hey. We're leaving in fifteen,'' Natasha called after Maya when she left the kitchen after dinner. She always helped bring the plates to the kitchen and clean off the table. The girl turned back and furrowed her brows, a bit confused. ''To the gym, remember?''

''Oh!'' She lit up. It had slipped her mind, but she was really invested in Katya's job as well. ''Yes, I'll get changed.''

In the car, Katya repeatedly wiped her sweaty palms on her jeans. She had no idea why she was so nervous. Probably because of the fear that this gym and the owner didn't work out like she hoped it would. Maybe she had set her expectations too high and would be disappointed.

Natasha sensed her nerves and reached over to take a hand in her own, squeezing it reassuringly. If this gym wouldn't work out, they'd find another one that did feel right. But, like she had said, the owner Brianna sounded like the right match.

Hours, they spent researching gyms, deciding on the best one, in the first place not selecting based on location or equipment available. The key was the drive and motto behind the gym. It needed to be a safe space, preferably one which already focused on women.

Eventually, they settled on a relatively small one, right in the city center. A women-only gym, owned by a really kind woman who had some baggage of her own, which was her motivation to start this business. Exactly the type of thing Katya was looking for. Someone who did this from the depth of her heart, not for money. They had a couple phone calls with her, and it sounded promising so far.

Natasha parked along the curb, and they all took a moment to take in the building. It was squished between the other buildings, but it appeared modern and light. Inviting. Yes, inviting was the right word.

''Here goes nothing,'' Katya muttered, taking a deep breath and putting her brave face on. Time to be confident and smart. She led this tonight, so Natasha followed behind her, keeping Maya close. 

The reception behind the single push-door was small, but warm, with some comfortable looking chairs and even a couch. A TV up on the wall played a show, no news. And the bar on the left provided all kinds of healthy drinks and a limited amount of healthy food. It looked the way it felt. Cozy.

Brianna stood behind the bar, her black hair tied into a ponytail. The box braids swung around when she whipped her head in the direction of the door. Immediately, a warm smile grew on her lips, lighting her eyes up.

A weight fell off Katya's shoulders. Natasha's too. They were amazing people readers. Her smile was honest, the look in her eyes pure. This woman had good interests at heart, probably not one bad bone in her body.

''Hi! Hi, come in.'' Hastily, Brianna fixed the last things on her laptop before shutting it. Walking around the bar, she extended her manicured hand. ''So nice to finally meet in person. Brianna.'' She was around thirty, mid-thirties, clearly a sporter, her arms toned.

''Katya.'' The brunette returned her smile just as brightly, shaking her hand. ''And this is my wife, Natasha. And my daughter, Maya.'' With a blush, even Maya shook the woman's hand.

''Welcome to my gym.'' She gestured around, pride of her own business written all over her face. As she should. ''I suggest I show you around first, and we can sit down afterwards?''

''Sounds good.'' Katya nodded, excitement buzzing through her. Natasha secretly smiled at her behavior, glancing at her back pocket to see that the list was still in there. She prayed, prayed that this would work out.

Brianna walked ahead to the double doors directly opposite the entrance. ''Feel free to ask me questions anytime during this super short tour, because it's not as big as you think,'' she chuckled over her shoulder, pushing the doors to the first room open.

This was the equipment room, with all the machines and weights along the mirror. Like Brianna had warned, and like Katya saw on the pictures on the website, it wasn't big at all. Only one of every machine type, except for a couple treadmills and bikes at the far end. A couple women were busy sweating their asses off, and greeted Brianna as she passed by.

''This won't be very relevant for your classes, but every machine is free to use for all our members. Italian made. Everything is cleaned at the end of the day, and I am always around to help people with their form so they train correctly.''

Maya's eyes went wide, wandering around the room in wonder. She had never seen a gym from the inside, let alone so many machines in one room. All these things looked appealing to her, her interest in sports only fueling her amazement. Preferably, she'd try every single one right now, pulling and pushing on the weights.

''Cool,'' she breathed, drawing another chuckle from the group. ''Why are there so many different ones?'' This was typical Maya. As soon as she got excited, her shyness flew out the window.

Brianna smiled at her cuteness, patiently explaining. ''Every machine trains a different muscle group. Arms, legs, back, abs. They all have a different purpose. It depends on what someone wants to train.'' Maya nodded, understanding flooding her eyes. 

She didn't ask any more questions, so after letting them look around for a bit, Brianna led them back to the reception and to a door on the left wall. A sense of familiarity fell over Katya at the sight. She had spent years of her life in a room like this.

''So this is our... Yeah, what do you call this?'' Brianna laughed. It had the floor that consisted of small wooden planks and a wall which worked as one giant mirror. The only thing missing was the bar along that mirror. ''Our dancing room, I guess? We teach things like steps, dance, Zumba, yoga. You probably saw the schedule for group lessons.''

''What kind of dance?'' Maya interrupted again. Katya smiled down at her, loving how she asked the important questions. The important questions to her. Her mind wasn't busy trying to scan for any defaults, like Katya and Natasha's did. No, she wondered what kind of dance they taught.

Brianna lit up at her question. ''I'd say the style we're teaching here is a basic hip hop. It's not very advanced, or fast-paced, but people love to move to the music.'' She bowed down to mutter with a smile. ''Our oldest dancer is over sixty.''

''No,'' Maya breathed in disbelief.

''Oh yes, and she moves better than some of the younger people.'' 

Maya giggled, probably imagining what that looked like. That sound warmed all their hearts and melted away the last of the awkwardness and nerves.

''You look like you sport,'' Brianna continued, letting the other two look around. ''What do you do?''

Maya's eyes widened, curiously looking up at her dark brown ones. ''How did you know that?'' She wasn't wearing her trainings jacket or something like that.

''I know a sporter when I see one.'' Brianna smiled. Katya guessed it was a big bluff on her part, but one that played out in her favor. 

Nevertheless, her comment made Maya happy. Because the girl loved her sport, and could ramble about it for hours on end. ''I play soccer,'' she answered proudly.

''Love soccer. Defense, offense, or midfield?''

''Offense. I'm a fast runner.'' This time, she blushed humbly after she blurted it out. No need to be humble though, both her teammates and the opposite team would agree that she was fast.

Brianna smiled at her confidence. ''I bet you are.'' She noticed the others were done looking around, and straightened up. ''Shall we go to the room you'd be teaching in?''

As soon as she stepped in, Katya understood why it would be this room and not the dancing room. Black mats covered the entire floor, but the walls were painted a light pink color to make it feel less like a dark box. Along one wall at their left hand was that same row of mirrors, and the wall on Katya's right hand held a row of punching bags.

The floor was perfect for falling softly, or for groundwork, which Katya planned on doing as well. Perfect for the plans in her head. Because what if an attacker worked their victim to the ground and kept them there? What if they pushed them to their knees? Better to do such things on a soft mat.

''So we use this room for our kickbox classes, and originally also martial art classes.'' Brianna explained. ''But the person who taught that quit two months ago and I haven't been able to find someone that feels right.''

They hummed, signaling they heard her. The room looked clean, it smelled like it should - like leather - and it was what Katya pictured to be perfect for her teachings. She could picture herself standing here.

''What do you think?'' Brianna died of anticipation, really hoping to satisfy. Of course, she was thrilled to have an Avenger teach in her gym, but they did not have the impression that she only cared about the improvement of her reputation and the number of members which would skyrocket.

She wanted these classes because it would benefit all the women in her gym. All those who had to walk home alone at night and felt scared in this city of millions. All those who wanted to be able to protect themselves if they ever ended up in a horrible situation. Because Brianna truly cared.

''I'm thinking it's time we sat down and discussed the details.'' 

Katya didn't need to see or hear any more. This gym, this woman, they were perfect. She trusted her gut like she had her whole life, and that had always turned out good. The contract, the details, and the full plan, they could figure out, but she wanted to go for this.

Slowly, she turned to find the widest smile on Brianna's face, her eyes twinkling of happiness. ''Oh, great. Yes.'' She looked like she'd burst. Even Maya beamed happily, definitely agreeing with this decision.

Katya side-eyed her wife, seeing a real and pure smile on her lips as well. Not happiness for herself, but for her. ''Is it okay if I have a chat with Natasha and then come find you?'' Though this was her decision, she felt the need to include her family in it. 

''No problem. I'll make some coffee at the bar.'' Brianna nodded. And off she went, speed walking to prepare this coffee as soon as possible. To sign this deal as soon as possible, enthusiastic as she was. As soon as the door closed, Katya turned to her family. 

''I like her.'' Maya bounced on her toes. Children were very good people-judgers. They sensed intentions, souls, aura. If she liked Brianna, then she was a good one. Besides, it would calm her if she knew her mom worked with someone she liked.

Natasha chuckled at her childish enthusiasm but nodded along. ''I agree with the kid. She seems nice and I think has the right intentions. This room is perfect. Everything is clean. Honestly, I can't see anything that doesn't fit your demands.'' She shrugged. ''But it doesn't really matter what I think. What matters is what you think. And it seems you already made your decision.''

''I have.'' Katya smirked. ''I do need my lawyer to make sure the contract is good, though.''

Natasha immediately caught on to what she meant. She smoothed her face over, shrug her hair to her back and lowered her voice. ''Natalie Rushman from Legal at your service, ma'am,'' she smirked flirty, chin in the air. Her amused green eyes peered directly into Katya's, triggering butterflies in her stomach.

''God, that was sexy,'' she breathed, shaking her head to clear it. ''Let's see what demands Brianna has for me.'' Maya took the hand she offered, and Katya's thumb brushed over the delicate bracelet they gave her for Christmas.

Turned out Brianna had nearly no demands, only a small number of requests, things she hoped Katya could cover in her lessons. Small things they figured out easily. 

She kept trying to convince Katya to let her pay even the littlest amount of salary per month, but a stubborn Katya was a Katya unable to be convinced. She had more money than needed, and that wasn't the motivation at all. Getting out of the house, out of isolation, talking with people, working her body, that was the goal.

To start things off, she'd teach six hours a week, spread out over two days. If she could handle it, and if the lessons were popular, they'd add more. But her work would always be during Maya's school hours, and a maximum of three days a week. Her family came first, always. And leaving Natasha alone in that house for longer than that felt wrong.

Her classes would be free for gym members, and only cost four dollars per class for non-members. Katya insisted they were also available for outsiders, to help as many people as possible. Because there were so many more women in New York who could use her help.

With a huge smile on her face, she stepped out of the building, holding the door open for the other two. Their breaths came out in small clouds and Maya practically ran to the car, begging Natasha to open it so she could hide from the cold. But Katya's mood couldn't be ruined anymore tonight.

In the car, her eyes glued to the outside world, she retreated into her own head, that smile never leaving her lips. Excitement ran through her veins, her mind running crazy with all kinds of ideas and plans for her classes. Things she'd introduce, the way she'd greet her 'trainees', the best way she could make it easy and comfortable for everyone. 

She hoped to create a safe space for these women. From her own experience, she knew how easy it was for innocent training to trigger traumatic memories. It had happened more than once, all the way in the beginning of her SHIELD career, that in the middle of sparring with Clint or Natasha, she'd freeze at a certain way they would trap her limbs. 

Everyone had a story. Maybe one they never told anyone. Maybe one they had long processed. But the last thing Katya wanted was to make things worse with her classes. She wanted to make these women feel strong, not panicky. Therefore, she needed to be careful in the way she approached this.

''Mom, I am very excited for you,'' Maya announced from the backseat, pulling Katya out of her own world and back to the current one.

She turned in her seat, her eyes momentarily flickering her gaze to Natasha, only to find her already looking at her. ''You are?''

The girl nodded, the same excitement she claimed to feel, sparkling in her smiling eyes. ''Yes. The woman was very nice, and it was a really nice gym. I think you will have a lot of students.''

''I hope so,'' she chuckled. Although there was a hint of truth to it. ''It will be a while before I actually start working, though. We need to get everything in order paper-wise, and I want to fully focus on our trip to Russia first.'' So now she had two big things she would be hella anxious for. Great. That would take a lot of Nat cuddles and reassurances.

''Does that mean you can drive me to school? If you work early in the mornings?'' Maya asked, hopeful. 

Natasha gasped, placing a hand on her chest in fake hurt. ''Am I not good enough?'' She always did the dropping off, so Katya could wake up slowly or even sleep in if needed. Sometimes, she joined anyway because she didn't or couldn't be alone in the house.

Maya giggled at her theatrics. ''You can pick me up.''

''No, no, I get it,'' Natasha cut her off, a hurt expression on her face which Katya had to chuckle at. ''I am getting demoted. You're picking her over me.''

''Mama, stop!'' Maya laughed, reaching forward and lightly slapping her shoulder. ''I would never. I just would like a change.''

''I know. I'm messing with you,'' Natasha chuckled, dropping her act. This time, she was the one who glanced at Katya, only to find her already looking her way. Natasha as a perfect mom would never not amaze her.

Katya shook herself out of her staring to look at her kid. ''I will be taking my own car.'' A smirk grew on her lips. ''So you can actually look like the spoiled and rich child you are when I drop you off at school.''

''I am not spoiled!'' Maya gasped, clearly offended. At least she didn't disagree with the rich part, because that would be a lie. 

A skeptical eyebrow raised on Katya's face. ''I want you to think back to Christmas and say that again.'' She chuckled.

The girl pouted, crossing her arms over her chest as she leaned back in her seat. Her eyebrows raised in a challenging way. ''If you don't stop messing with me, I won't show you my drawings.''

''Oof.'' Natasha blew out a breath, laughing softly at Katya's startled expression, ''blackmail. Only one person who could have taught her that,'' She smirked, side-eyeing her wife. Maya chuckled along with her now, although her eyes stayed strictly on Katya, awaiting her response.

With a sigh, Katya turned back to the windshield. ''Fine. I just wanted to joke a bit.'' She guilt-tripped her, which worked. Maya hugged her mom from behind, embracing the car seat with it. Her body was too small to wrap her arms fully around her chest or to even kiss her cheek, so this had to do. 

Instantly, Katya melted, reaching for the small hands on her shoulders and giving them a squeeze. Natasha watched them with a smile, staying out of it for now. Because honestly, she melted completely.

Suddenly, Maya perked up, her ears picking up on the soft sound of the radio. ''Can you turn up this song? It's Taylor.'' When Katya made no move to do so, to tease her a bit more, she bounced in her seat impatiently. ''Mom, please, it's Taylor.'' 

Katya smirked and reached for the radio, grabbing the volume button but not turning it. ''Only if you promise to show me your drawings.'' Two could do blackmail.

''Okay, yes, fine.'' Maya whined, left without another option. Not like she couldn't ask FRIDAY to play her these songs if she wanted to. ''Now please, can you turn up the song?''

Katya did as asked and surprised herself when she recognized it. Actually, it shouldn't have surprised her because of the photographic memory - which also worked with sounds - but still, she hadn't heard that many Taylor songs. Especially from this album.

Maya started to sing, loudly, from the bottom of her heart, as her body moved in the seat. This was typical her. Once she got comfortable with someone, she was comfortable

After a couple sentences Katya's voice mixed with hers, causing her to shoot her eyes to the front in pure surprise. They sounded terrible, but who cares? The only one judging them was Natasha, and she beamed too much at them with loving eyes, to care.

Her fingers tapped on the steering wheel, but Katya did her best to drag her fully into it, singing in her direction to tempt her to join. Natasha side-eyed her, shaking her head and pressing her lips together. But eventually, she had to give in, her beautiful voice overruling their off-tune ones. Katya grew more in awe of this woman every day.

Back home, Maya sprinted up the stairs and came down with something behind her back. Promptly, she stood in front of her moms, blocking their view on the TV from the couch. Expectantly, they looked at her, Natasha scrambling for the remote to turn the volume down.

Maya bit her lip, slightly nervous for their reactions or what they'd say to her drawings, but she mastered the courage and held one of them out for Katya to take. ''This one is for you.'' Carefully, she took it and peered down at the pencil lines. ''I know it still has the lined paper, but I can draw you a new one tomorrow? If you'd want that?''

Natasha peeked at the paper as well, her careful smile mirroring Katya's. ''This is beautiful. It's my baby,'' Katya spoke. The proportions were a bit off, but this was one hundred percent her car. The lines, the shapes, they were all correct. Maya probably snuck into the garage or looked up a picture on the internet and copied it.

With her comment, Maya seemed to relax a bit, and grew proud of her work. ''I'll also color it if I have the tools tomorrow,'' she promised enthusiastically.

Katya hummed, smiling brightly. ''Do you take requests?'' She asked, looking up. Maya looked a bit taken aback, but gave her a 'yes'. ''I'd like a drawing of the lake, with the dock, if you do that sort of thing.''

Maya nodded so fast her head could fall off, happy to have a customer who liked her drawings. ''Do you want that first, or the car?''

''Hmm.'' She squinted, glancing down at her drawing and then outside. Or at least tried to, because the curtains were closed and it was pitch black. ''You decide.'' Honestly? She was long happy that Maya found another hobby that was good for her, using her brain in a different way, creatively.

''Okay.'' More confident, she took the second drawing from behind her back and gave it to Natasha. ''Mama, this is for you.''

Her face lit up, and she sat a bit straighter to give it her full attention. The black and white figure could only represent one thing. ''My baby,'' she exclaimed, slightly teasing Katya, who rolled her eyes and felt replaced by a cat. ''Thank you, honey.'' She tugged Maya closer and kissed her cheek, rubbing her hand up and down her back. ''I promise we'll go to the store tomorrow.''

Katya nodded her head in the direction of the stairs. ''Go get ready for bed. We'll be up in a bit.'' They stayed at the gym a lot longer than originally planned, lots to talk about and discuss. Which meant it was past nine already. 

Happily, Maya did as asked, skipping up the stairs while Natasha yelled after her to not run on them. She was thrilled they liked her drawings, and she should be. Because for a ten-year-old, they were some impressive works. Katya admired hers for a bit longer before placing it on the coffee table, next to Natasha's.

How did they manage to raise this girl to be so normal, given they were not normal in the least? How did they already make it to ten months without doing major things wrong, forgetting important stuff, or her going crazy?

Katya pulled her knees to her chest and fell into Natasha's side, loving how natural an arm wrapped around her shoulders to tug her even closer. Cuddles truly were fuel for both of them, making up for all the warmth they missed in their lives.

''What's going through that bright head of yours?'' Natasha muttered into her hairline, trailing her lips over her forehead.

Katya's hand played with the one on her shoulder, staring at the drawings. ''Please, tell me you still feel like you have no idea what you're doing in raising her.''

''Just winging it day by day, making it up as I go,'' Natasha answered directly, confirming that she felt the same. No idea what they were doing, but it worked. They made it work. On character and heart alone.

A breath broke away from Katya's lips, relieved she wasn't alone in feeling that way. ''Good.'' The lips on her hairline kissed it a couple times more before Natasha rested her cheek on top of her hair instead. But she didn't turn up the volume of the TV yet, leaving Katya to believe there was more to talk about.

''I wanted to discuss something.''

''Okay.'' Katya slightly pulled back, enabling her to see her face. Those words worried her for sure, but according to the look on Natasha's face, she shouldn't have to be. ''Shoot.''

''I think Maya should follow a couple of your classes,'' she stated carefully, not sure how Katya would react to that. She was stricter with the whole 'keep her away from violence'-rule. On the other hand, she accepted the bow after a small discussion. Still, Natasha bit her bottom lip, scanning her face for any signs of what she thought while awaiting the answer, which came quite quickly, like it needed no thinking.

''Agreed,'' Katya answered bluntly, cuddling back into her side. 

Surprised, Natasha blinked a couple times. ''That was easy.'' Her hand moved along when Katya's shoulder lifted in a shrug.

''It's actually what I wanted to talk to you about too. She should be able to defend herself.''

Natasha didn't answer, but she smiled happily, kissing her head before leaning her cheek on top of it once more. She loved her slightly odd family, their weird habits and background stories that all came together and somehow functioned.

With Katya's job, Maya going to middle school, and the trip to Russia coming very soon, a new stage in their lives was coming. But they'd make it work. They always did.


A/N: aromantic people of Wattpad, did I do this right? I did a lot of research and I hope I said the right things and didn't offend anyone?

Also, as we dive into the next couple chapters which will all speak about or include the trip to Russia, I want to make it very clear that I absolutely do not support anything the Russian president and government are doing right now. You all know what I am talking about. I hate to get political, but I felt the need to clarify that as I planned the trip before everything in Ukraine happened. I will try to keep everything in this book as neutral as possible and focus on the beautiful parts of that country, culture wise and people wise. But in no way am I approving anything that's going on right now.

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