Female Roles {Pt.1}

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Daughter of the Little Mermaid {Eldest}

~ Loves the beach
~ Naturally curious
~ Doesn't know the actual use of most things
~ Vegetarian. No meat or fish for this girl.
~ Fights with her sister a lot
~ Short hair
~ Twenty

Daughter of the Little Mermaid {Youngest}

~ Books are everything
~ Best friends with the Daughter of Beauty and the Beast
~ Long, beautiful hair
~ Loves flowers
~ Can disappear into the ocean for days at a time
~ Fourteen

Daughter of Pocahontas

~ Nature must be protected
~ Calm
~ But she can kick your ass
~ Braids hair perfectly
~ Brave
~ Best friends with Mulan's daughter
~ Eighteen

Daughter of The Beauty and the Beast

~ Brains are more important than looks
~ Very hospitable
~ Keeps things organized
~ Prefers to read on the beach instead of swim
~ Half expects household items to come to life
~ Fourteen

Daughter of The Princess and The Frog

~ Loves to dance
~ Has enough sass to drown a person
~ Spicy foods are the best
~ She's kind of a workaholic
~ Sixteen

Daughter of Sleeping Beauty {Taken}

~ Naps a lot
~ Doesn't like to fight
~ Cotton Candy colors
~ Scared of heights
~ Eleven

Daughter of Rapunzel

~ Sneaky
~ Has a pixie cut
~ Shoes suck
~ She's kind of punk
~ Super gay
~ Can paint, but can't sing
~ Has a twin brother
~ Seventeen

Daughter of Cinderella

~ Does household chores for fun
~ Not at all smart, but she is kind
~ Smol
~ Wears Velcro shoes
~ She's the family baby
~ Idolizes her big brother
~ Very wholesome child
~ Nine

Daughter of The Good Witch

~ Bubbles
~ Poofy dresses are life
~ Pastels
~ If it's fluffy she wants it
~ A giant child
~ Nineteen

Daughter of Mulan

~ Anything you can do, she can do better
~ Girl power
~ Knows ten ways to kill you with a spoon
~ Dishonor on you and your cow
~ Best friends with the Daughter of Pocahontas
~ Makes a gorgeous girl and an equally as gorgeous boy
~ Superstitious
~ Eighteen

Daughter of Maleficent

~ She's a Q u e e n and don't forget it
~ You had better invite her to the party
~ Crows are beautiful
~ Pink and blue are gross
~ Has a crush on the son of the Wicked Witch
~ Also she can turn into a dragon, but it's kind of tiny
~ Can summon green fire
~ Sixteen

Daughter of the Evil Queen

~ Hell yeah she's a mother fucking princess
~ Looks matter
~ Center of attention
~ Low key insecure
~ Cries a lot when no one is looking
~ Really wants to find true love, but is scared it will never happen
~ Sixteen

Daughter of the Dragon {Eldest} {Taken}

~ Mega gay
~ Look out princesses she's coming for you
~ Confident
~ Seriously she treats all girls like Queens royal or not
~ Will stab you with her horns
~ Can shift between human and dragon forms, but she always has horns
~ Smooth as hell
~ Nineteen

Daughter of the Dragon {Middle}

~ Kind of an idiot
~ She doesn't care if you like her or not
~ Shiny things are everything
~ T-poses to assert dominance
~ She can't hear you over the sound of how pretty she is
~ Can shift between her human and dragon forms, but she always has wings
~ Fifteen

Daughter of the Dragon {Youngest}

~ You're lame and you should feel bad about it
~ Smart
~ The coolest kid on the playground
~ Makes you feel inferior
~ She gets away with everything
~ Too cute
~ She's a biter
~ Twelve

Daughter of Peter Pan

~Growing up is over rated
~Loves to tell stories
~She can fly, but only when she's happy
~Welcome to fight club
~Kind of a jerk

Daughter of the Princess and the pea

~Has a hard time sleeping unless the bed is incredibly soft
~Put a pea under her mattress and she might kill you
~Bright colors are everything
~Tea is also everything

Daughter of the Ice Queen

~Stone cold beauty
~Lives in a moral grey area
~Can create frost and make it snow a bit, but not much else
~Doesn't know if she has a crush on The Son of Jack Frost or hates him
~Loves lemon
~ Sixteen

The Daughter of Gretel {Taken}

~ Very smart
~ Is the only reason her cousin is alive
~ No sense of direction
~Tries to eat healthy
~Avoids all witches and their decendents

The Daughter of Jack

~Planting beans is risky business
~Thinks all geese lay golden eggs
~ If you're taller than five feet she thinks you're a giant
~She can climb anything

The Daughter of The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince

~She believes true love will always find a way
~She can turn into a huge, four eyed, four eared monster wolf.. And she has to turn in direct moonlight
~She's a protector
~If you give her flowers she'll love you forever
~She's not scared of anything because she can kill everything
~ Lying is okay if you're doing it to help
~But god it makes her feel guilty
~She loves to sing
~Adores her younger siblings

Daughter of Veikko and the Princess of Mice

~Incredibly kind
~Great at weaving and baking
~Can speak to mice
~She can't sing well, but she loves to sing anyways
~Has a twin brother

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