Male Roles {Pt.1}

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Son of Cinderella

~ Charming as hell
~ Loses things constantly
~ Athletic, especially when it comes to soccer
~ Has a lot of animal friends
~ Deep in the closet, but pretty obvious about it
~ Eighteen
~ Has a little sister

Son of Red Ridding Hood

~ Definitely not a dog person
~ Great Baker
~ Actually hates the color red
~ Loves children
~ Only child, but he wishes he wasn't
~ Seventeen
~ Avoids the woods at all costs

Son of Tinkerbell {Taken}

~ Can grow and shrink himself
~ Believe in yourself or he'll cut you.
~ Anger issues
~ Can build pretty much anything.
~ Competitive
~ Fifteen

Son of Rapunzel {Taken}

~ Beautiful hair
~ Hates shoes
~ Lives for the nightlife
~ He can't paint, but he can sing
~ Indoor voices don't exist
~ Seventeen
~ Has a twin sister

Son of the Bamboo Princess {Taken}

~ Loves the moon
~ Makes puzzles for fun
~ Sleeps most of the day
~ A tricky little shit
~ Nineteen

Son of Alice

~ Riddles are fun
~ Very charming
~ Rabbits make him kinda nervous
~ So do mirrors, he won't touch them
~ Believes in impossible things
~ Very heroic
~ Seventeen

Son of Snow White

~ Fell down a well once
~ He's a real scardy cat
~ Has no sense of personal space
~ Will not eat an apple that's not in a pie
~ S t r a n g e r D a n g e r
~ Fourteen

Son of the Hunter

~ Always right on time
~ Great with an ax
~ He's a people person
~ Pretty much fearless
~ Except he's scared of storms
~ Has a crush on the daughter of Robin Hood
~ Eighteen

Son of The Wicked Witch

~ Turns green when he gets mad
~ Voice of an angel, but he's very shy about it
~ He has a hard time with spells, but he's great with poitons
~ Don't make jokes about falling houses to him, he'll hurt you
~ Deathly afraid of drowning
~ Nineteen

Son of the Dragon {The eldest}

~ Can switch between being a human and being a dragon
~ Coffee addict
~ Has an urge to kidnap both princes and princesses
~ He loves shiny things
~ Can't hold his alcohol well, but he loves to drink
~ Has five younger siblings
~ Twenty one

Son of the Dragon {The Second Eldest} {Taken}

~ He's a real lady's man
~ He loves fighting
~ Can also switch between being a human and a dragon, but keeps his horns
~ Can't swim
~ Too cool for his own good
~ Nineteen

Son of the Dragon {The Baby}

~ Sweet as sugar
~ Can switch between his dragon and human forms
~ Collects everything
~ Thrill Seeker
~ Loves pranks
~ Has a little crush on the daughter of Rapunzle
~ Ten

Son of Cruella

~ Would never hurt an animal
~ He loves fashion
~ Thinks people suck
~ Can cook like crazy, but for some reason it he tries to bake he burns the kitchen down.
~ Two tone hair
~ Secretly loves playing the piano, but his mother won't let him
~ Seventeen

Son of the Boogyman

~ Dresses as dark as his soul
~ Will cut you if you look at him wrong...Or at all most days
~ If you aren't a cat he doesn't care about you
~ Can turn into a shadow and use shadows to travel
~ He knows how to make you scream
~ Speaks four languages
~ He's pretty smart
~ Nineteen

The Son of Goldilocks

~No concept of personal space
~Never fights, always runs
~Bears are terrifying

The Son of the Boy who cried Wolf

~Likes sheep
~Fluffy hair
~ Scared of everything
~He's never met the son of the big bad wolf, but he's terrified of him.

The Son of Captain Hook

~You have the mother fücking right to remain violent
~What's his is his and what's yours is his too
~Hot, but not very smart
~Has a crush on both The Daughter of Peter Pan, and he'll get one on The Daughter of Robin Hood

Son of the Fox

~Sneaky boi
~Can shift between being a human and a fox
~ Might just bite you
~He will trick you and take your stuff

The Son of Sleeping Beauty

~A real Mama's boy.
~Has a lot of nightmares
~Bakes to relax
~Really likes to waltz, but only when nobody is looking
~A great big brother

The Son of Hansel

~Too curious for his own good
~Loves Sweets
~Would probably die without his cousin looking out for him
~No sense of direction
~Not very smart, but he's nice
~Likes boys and isn't afraid to show it

The Son of Aladdin

~Believes in magic
~Loves adventure
~The heat never bothers him
~But fuck the cold
~He's a little acrobat

The Son of the Witch of the Woods

~Loves Collecting things
~Threatens to take your soul a lot
~Has an obsessive personality
~He's smarter than you and he knows it
~Owls are the best animals and he'll fight you if you say otherwise
~ Wears glasses
~Pink hair
~Makes poitons
~Can turn into a literal monster when he's mad enough
~He's a prince... An evil prince, but still.
~Doesn't even notice The Son of the Sea Witch

The Son of the Sea Witch

~Also loves to collect things
~And also threatens to take your soul
~Looks are everything
~Gets a tail the second he gets wet
~Has a major crush on The Son of the Witch of the Woods

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