Son of Jack Frost

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Son of Jack Frost


Isaac Frost







Appearance {Written or pictures work}


Isaac is an asshole, there's no way around that. He's honest, charming, fun loving, but ultimately, he's an asshole. He does whatever he wants to, whenever he wants to, regardless of what happens to those around him. The only consequences that matter to Isaac are the ones that directly affect him.

That being said, Isaac is a lot like his father in a lot of ways. Both males enjoy playing games and pranks, and both have a sense of wonder that they never lost as they grew older. Isaac is still as exited to explore new places now as when he was a child.

Also, he's kind of a hoe.


~Harassing people with his powers {Especially Derrick}
-- Isaac loves his icy powers, and he takes every opportunity to use them. He especially loves using his powers to harass those who catch his interest. In particular, he loves harassing The Son of The Big Bad Wolf. He thinks Derrick has the funniest reactions to things.

~ Pretty much anything and everything winter related, especially ice skating.
--This one is pretty self explanatory.

~ Cats
--Isaac really adores these little fluff balls.

--Most any kind of mischief honestly.

--Isaac loves anything and everything sweet. They make up a fair portion of his diet, and you have to force him to eat pretty much anything else.

~Napping in high places
--Nobody knows why, but Isaac loves napping anywhere high. Probably because it's colder?

~Scary stories
--Telling them or hearing them

--With pretty much anyone attractive. Because he's a hoe.

--Isaac loves to play games with kids. They're full of the same sense of wonder that he is, so he relates to them a lot.


~Bitter foods
--If you set any of those in front of him, expect to get them thrown in your face.

--As soon as work becomes involved, Isaac goes from a hyper, active young male to a lazy pile of shit.

~The heat
--Pretty self explanatory.

--He hates it, and letting him have any is a terrible idea.

~Being ignored
--Why would you ever ignore him?

~The beach
--It's not all that fun when you freeze everything


Isaac had a pretty basic childhood. It was just him and his father, but he was perfectly happy that way.
He started helping his father bring winter to the world at a very early age, and he really enjoyed it. Mostly because doing so seemed to annoy most adults and brought joy to most children.

When he was seven, he met Derrick for the first time. It was the first time he'd ever seen a child who wasn't exited for the snowfall. He watched as the tiny wolf grumbled and kept himself locked up inside.

Which only made Issac want to harass the male with a barrage of snow. At first, the child had only wanted Darrick to learn to enjoy the winter, and to play with him until he had to move on to the next location with his father.

But, Derrick just refused to enjoy the weather. And he definitely refused to play in it. Isaac was persistent, however.

Ten years of persistence turned into just a general love of harassing Derrick. That's why Issac decided to attend the school, just to continue harassing the poor wolf. 

Crush {They don't need to have one unless their role states it}

Pretty much everyone sixteen and up.

Best Friend {Same as the crush, but the other admin needs to okay this one}



~Jack Frost



Special Talent

Annoying everyone and charming them at the same time

Power {Only what is listed on the role}

~Isaac can control ice and snow
~He can also use the wind to fly

Theme Song {Optional}

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