Son of The Big Bad Wolf

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The Son of The Big Bad Wolf


Derrick Wolf







Appearance {Written or pictures work}


When people hear that he's the son of the big bad wolf, people expect Derrick to be some brooding, scheming, person eating, evil person.

Derrick hates assumptions like that. His father was the villain of so many stories, and he hates that people expect him to be the same way. In reality, Derrick is incredibly kind and gentle. While he still loves his father, he doesn't agree with any of his actions (except trying to kill those three pigs. They deserved it.) He's spent pretty much his entire life trying to prove to others that just because he's the son of the big bad wolf, it doesn't make him bad.

He's usually almost completely silent, only speaking if he has to. Derrick also has a bad habit of following people he wants to get close to around, since he's too nervous to get close.


--It just makes him happy.

~The summer
--Isaac isn't around, it's nice and warm, he can swim, and most importantly... Isaac isn't around.

~Other wolves
--They don't judge him for his father's past at all, so he feels free to be himself around them.

--Most of the time children are scared of him, but he really likes them. He wants to have a big family when he's older.

~Being outdoors
--As long as it's warm out at least.

~Being accepted
--Derrick spends a lot of his time being rejected because of his heritage, so the times when he's accepted are pretty special to him.

~Hanging out with his father
--Even with all of the trouble he's caused Derrick, he's still a good father. Derrick enjoys spending time with his father, and aside from the villain thing, they have a lot in common.

-Derrick thinks they're cute. He won't eat them if he has a choice.


~Being judged for his father's actions
-Because of all the judgement he's received, he was pretty much never able to make friends with anyone that wasn't a wolf.

~The winter
-He's pretty much always exhausted once winter hits. While wolves don't completely hibernate, they only wake up to eat. Aside from that, when he's outside Isaac harasses him like crazy.

-They seem to judge him the most, so he tends to dislike him. And he knows it's hypocritical, no need to point that out.

~Isaac Frost
-He's harassed Derrick since they were children, so it's obvious why the wolf wouldn't like him.

-They attack him constantly

-He just doesn't like them.

~Sleeping out in the open
-He feels like a hunter is going to attack him whenever he does.

~Ghost Stories
-Derrick always ends up paranoid after hearing one. They get to him pretty badly.


When Derrick was younger, his father kept him in their tiny home in the forest, away from humans and any creature that wasn't also a wolf. He didn't understand why he couldn't go to the village to play with other children, but he spent the first six years of his life pretty much only hanging out with his father.

At seven, he was spending winter inside like usual. The weather suddenly got worse than normal, and he began to notice his windows frosting over in patterns. Then snowmen started appearing in the yard, though he never saw anyone building any.

Every winter, the weather got worse around his house. It didn't take him long to notice a white haired male was causing the weather. When he was ten, he got curious and ventured out to talk to him.

He regretted that it decision immediately, and still regrets it.

Though, not as much as he regretted venturing into the town that spring. His father had gotten sick, and Derrick needed to buy him medicine. Normally, they had another wolf go and do it. However, their usual guy was nowhere to be found and they couldn't wait around.

At first, everything went fine. Nobody knew he was the big bad wolf's son, so he was able to buy the medicine and leave the village without an issue.

Since it had gone so well, Derrick thought sneaking back over the next day would be fine. He did so in his wolf form, feeling more comfortable like that. He was just curious, and wasn't sure if he wanted to interact with anyone yet. Derrick had no idea how poorly people would react to seeing a wolf in the village, even though he was only a pup.

People threw things at him, yelled, and one man even kicked him. Derrick, confused and in pain, thought shifting into a human would help. Like that would show the people that he was safe and wouldn't hurt them.

It didn't help in the slightest. If anything, that just made things worse.

Derrick was chased out of the town, and he was almost certain that people continued to chase him until he was inside his cabin.

He did his best not to go anywhere near the village again, though that didn't mean he wouldn't end up face to face with them again.

All Derrick hopes for this school is that he can make a few friends.

The Son of Red Riding Hood

Best Friend {Same as the crush, but the other admin needs to okay this one}



Riley Wolf-Father



Special Talent


Power {Only what is listed on the role}

~Can shift between his human and wolf forms at will, though strong emotions {Particularly negative ones} will force the change.

~His strength and senses are all better than a regular human's

Theme Song {Optional}


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