The Younger Children of the liar princess and the blind prince

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The Daughter of the Liar Princess and the Blind Prince


Amara Aikawa







Appearance {Written or pictures work}


Amara could easily be considered cynical. She never really bought into the perfect fairytale life, and when she was old enough that her parents felt it was okay to share the dark details of their story it only solidified her belief that life was dark.

Unlike her siblings, Amara fully embraces her monster half. Before meeting her father, her mother had always been proud to be a wolf. Amara doesn't see why living as royalty should make her ashamed of that part of herself. 


~The dark forest
-With her ability to transform, the forest isn't dangerous for the princess at all. So, instead of worrying about what might happen to her, Amara is free to enjoy the dark beauty of the place her parents first met.

-Like her father, Amara has a deep love of flowers. Apple blossoms are her favorite, though she also loves the glowing flowers found in the underground cave of the dark flowers.

~The moonlight
-Since she enjoys being in her monster form, the moonlight doesn't bother her in the slightest. She enjoys laying in it, and only tends to feel completely relaxed like that.

-As a princess, exploration isn't exactly easy to pull off. But, like her father, she's incredibly curious about any place she's not supposed to be.

-For obvious reasons, she adores the K-9 species.

-She doesn't have a romanic interest in them, but she respects their fighting spirit. Since she's not exactly going to become queen, she wishes to be a knight. Unfortunately, the chances of her doing that are pretty low.

~Scented candles
-Honestly, who doesn't?

~Running around in her monster form
-She can't do it in the palace, which might be why she isn't seen around there often.

-Monster goats, specially. Their family friends.

~Being alone
-It just feels more freeing to have no one around to judge her.


~Her grandparents
-While her parents aren't super strict, her grandparents are. They locked her father in the dungeon just because he became blind, if that tells you anything about them.

~Being stuck in the palace
-She hates being there, it makes her feel trapped.

~Mornings, and most of the day honestly
-Amara is a complete night owl. She stays up pretty much all night, so obviously the day time is rough for her.

~The scent of syrup
-It's sickeningly sweet.

~Ghost stories
-They don't scare her, obviously. She just thinks they're stupid.

-Not because of the whole dogs fight cats thing, they just don't tend to enjoy exploring so they aren't good companions for her.


Amara was rebellious from a young age. She was always running off from her nanny, though she was usually found in the garden.

When she was seven she shifted into her wolf form for the first time and she instantly fell in love with it. It felt good to be so...Strong, not to mention fast. It was that same night that she first slipped away into the dark wood, something she's done almost every night sense.

Crush {They don't need to have one unless their role states it}


Best Friend {Same as the crush, but the other admin needs to okay this one}



~The liar princess
~The blind prince
~An elder sister
~A younger brother



Special Talent

-She's practically an expert at it.

Power {Only what is listed on the role}

~She can shift between her human and wolf form at will, though direct moonlight will force her to change.

Theme Song {Optional}

I haven't decided



The son of the liar princess and the blind prince


Hunter Aikawa






He's a baby

Appearance {Written or pictures work}


Hunter isn't too much like either of his sisters, though his personality is still developing.

For now, he's just a curious kid. He has a tenancy to ask a lot of questions, and if you happen to catch his interest he'll follow you around until he knows everything about you.

Hunter also becomes scared very easily, a trait neither of his parents possessed. This can likely be attributed to his grandparents constantly telling him about the monsters that lurk in the dark wood and other every day things that could get him hurt or killed.


~His family
-Hunter adores his parents and sisters, obviously. But he even likes his grandparents.

~Picture books
-While he can read, Hunter prefers pictures.

~Learning new things
-Hunter wants to know about anything and everything.

~Meeting new people
-Obviously, new people means learning new things.

-Honestly, who doesn't in this family?

-He hasn't quite figured out how to play any yet, but he loves listening to it.

~Sweet foods
-He eats himself sick every time he's alone with sweets.


~Ghost stories

~The dark

~The dark wood

~Sour foods, and spicy foods
-Like most kids, he has a very like tolerance for either type of food.

~The color red
-He couldn't explain why even if you asked him. He just doesn't like the color red at all.


Hunter hasn't really done much in his six short years of life. He was born the youngest of the three children, and it's pretty likely that he'll be the last.

He spends most of his time at the castle following his sisters around or the staff. His baby has a pretty easy time keeping track of him though, he never really tries to run off or anything.

Crush {They don't need to have one unless their role states it}


Best Friend {Same as the crush, but the other admin needs to okay this one}



Same as Amara



Special Talent

~He hasn't found his yet

Power {Only what is listed on the role}

~He still hasn't transformed, so it's unclear if he ever will.

Theme Song {Optional}


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