Cross: Chp 8

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It happened again. I stared at my phone, frowning as the phone call was cut short. Damn that man for not answering me. He was with my daughter. What if something had happened to her, and she was scared and alone in the hospital.

Slamming my laptop shut, I grabbed my phone and stormed from my office. Max waved a hand to grab my attention.

"Mia just messaged me. She said to make sure you come straight home after work."

"Come home?" I paused, "Is she not at work?"

"No. According to Jake, she's been home for about two hours now."

"Is Aubrey with her?"

He pulled a sticky note out, "Lucien said stop calling me Killian. If things were going wrong, I would call you. You're being ridiculous. P.S. I am picking up Fennillies for dinner."

"Why am I just now hearing about all of this?"

"I'm just the messenger."

"What ever."

Home for two hours and she didn't call me. What the hell is going on? First off, I know Mia enough to know that she wouldn't leave work earlier then she needed to. Second, if she went home for no particular reason, and my father still had Aubrey, she would have called me so we could have some alone time. What the hell was going on in her head?

Panic settled as a single thought began to form in my head. I rushed out of the elevator the moment the doors were opening, and told Matthew to drive as soon as I slammed the door shut behind me.

He drove through each street pushing it as much as he could. Give him a ticket. I'll pay for it and to get it expunged. There was only one reason Mia would choose to go home without anyone, and like hell was I going to let her go through that shit alone.

Before Matthew can even bring the car to a stop at the front of the house, I'm already running inside. I burst through the door, my heart beating rapidly in my chest as started scanning every room for her.

"Mia!" The living room and kitchen were both empty, "Mia!" The back living room was bare. Nothing out of place from the morning. Where the hell was she?

Memories flash and I sprint into the bedroom, "Mia!"

I darted across the room and slammed open the bathroom door.

Mia stood dripping wet, her towel in her hand, the jacuzzi behind her filled with steaming hot water and rose scented bubbles, her favorite.

"What the hell, Mia?"

"I could ask you the same thing," she snapped, "Why are you running through the house and screaming my name?"

"You left work early. You're home alone."

"Okay and?"

I took two large steps across the space until I was in front of her. I almost kept my hands to myself knowing she didn't like being touched when she was having an episode, but at the last second wrapped her hand in mine, "Are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Are you...It's not an episode is it? I can call Roger. You and I both know he'll fly out in a matter of seconds."

She looked like she wanted to slap me, but then her features softened. She smiled softly, bringing a hand up to cup my cheek, "I'm fine, Killian. No episode. You know I would come to you for that."

I covered her hand, squeezing it, "But something is going on..."

"Get undressed," she dropped her towel, "Join me in the tub. We both need it. Lucian will be here in about 45 minutes."

"You're hiding something from me."

"I am not."

"Mia, I know you. You don't leave work early for anything. And I even gave you the rest of the week before putting our deal into effect."

"Just get in the tub, Killian."

"Tell me what's-"

"Oh my god, Killian!" She growled and turned towards me with a nasty look, "Go get fucking naked and join me in the damn tub. If you don't, then you can enjoy sleeping on the couch tonight." She turned her back and slipped back into the tub.

I stared at her for a second before I started stripping from my clothes. God, she was cranky today. She must be a few days off from her time of the month. That was the only time she was this cranky. Maybe letting her work all next week wouldn't be that bad of a thing. Probably make her at least a little less cranky at home.

God I hope Aubrey doesn't get her hormones. I won't survive in this house if she does.

Pulling a towel from the closet, I dropped it next to hers and then slipped into the spot on the other side of the tub. The water burned slightly as I sat down, a light tint of pink forming over my skin. It wasn't as hot as she usually made it, but I wouldn't complain if it was ten or fifteen degrees cooler.

I spread my legs out, putting one on either side of Mia's. When I'm finally comfortable, she's peaking at me from across the pond, a loving smile on her lips.

"Have I ever told you how much I hate your mood swings?"

"I do not have mood swings," she scoffed.

"Two seconds ago you looked like you were ready to rip my head off and now your looking at me like I'm the love of your life and that you couldn't live without me."

"Well that's because you are the love of my life," she dragged the tip of her toes up the side of my leg, "And my life really would suck without you. Getting out of the military and starting a life with you was the best decision I've ever made."

"Is that so?"

"Mhm," she grinned.

Pushing herself up, Mia leaned forward and crawled her way to my side of the tub. I brought my legs together as I felt hers moving towards the out side. Still half submerged, she settled herself on my lap. My body immediately responded.

"How was work today?"

"It was good." I wrapped an arm around her waist and nipped at her collarbone, "Got all the work done that I needed."

"Even with our little rendezvous earlier?"

"It gave me a little bit of motivation," lightly but methodically, I drew the tips of my fingers up and down her spine. She shivered against me, sucking in a deep breathe, "The more work I get done, the more time I have for longer lunch breaks."

"Want to know what's even better then lunch breaks?" She whispered as she lifted herself up.

"What's that?"

"Having no time limit." Mia lowered herself down, taking all of me inside of her. A deep red blush filled her cheeks, the sound falling from her lips nothing more then heavenly bliss.

"The things you do to me," I groaned as I pulled her flesh against me, slamming my mouth onto hers. She tasted so sweet. It was a mouth watering flavor that I could never get over.

Mia had been my first crush. Right at the end of her senior year, I had been confident she had felt the same way, but I'd been to worried about ruining the family friendship, to actually admit it to her. When she left for the military I was sure my chances with her had vanished. I had expected her to either find someone else or not even make it out of the job alive. Her showing up when she did 4 years later, no matter how much she went out of her way to annoy me, was a blessing from god.

At first I had been scared, getting hurt all over again knowing full well my feelings hadn't changed, but slowly over time during her visit I started to see the signs. Her feeling were there too. When she called me drunk, all I had wanted was to be there for her, to hold her in my arms. To make sure she knew that she wasn't alone, even if I had been a total jackass to her in the beginning.

Seeing where we are now, I thank God every night for bringing her back to me. For giving us Aubrey. For letting me have Mia as my wife and mother of my child.

"Killian." Her thumb slid across my cheeks. She was looking down at me lovingly, her skin red from both the heat of the water and us.

"I love you so much, Mia."

"I-I'm pregnant." She whispered suddenly.

I smiled and squeezed her tightly in my embrace before her words suddenly clicked and I shoved her back by her arms.

"Wait. What?"

"That's why I came home early today. Rachel came over and I took a test."

"And it was positive."

"Mhm," she nodded with a soft smile, "Same symptoms as last time. She's running a blood test just to double check."

"We're really have another baby?"

"Aubrey was going to come home in a best big sister shirt, but I couldn't resist."

I pulled her right against me, my heart soaring as it all soaked in. Aubrey was going to be a big sister. We were having another baby. Shit we're having another baby...


"What?" She chuckled.

"You're pregnant."

"I am."

"There's a baby growing inside of you." I let go of her and laid my hand against her stomach. My baby.

"Are you okay, Killian?"

"Well shit," I grumbled as my head started to spin. So many words were circling around in my head and I was terrified to say them. "Shit, shit, shit."

Annoyance written all of her face, Mia pulled herself off of me, stepped out of the tub, and covered herself with a towel.

"Please Killian, go a head and sound more thrilled."

"You're fucking pregnant."

"Yes. That's kind of what happens when two people continue to have unprotected sex and the man never pulls out."

"You're on birth control."

"And you and I both know that's not one hundred percent protective."

"And now you're pregnant."


"And working." The words slipped out before I could stop them. Her face hardened, a fighting brewing in her eyes.

"Not a chance in hell, Killian." She turned and stormed out of the bathroom.


Chapter 8 completed!

I really was going to write this chapter out with Aubrey running in and revealing the pregnancy that way, but then he basically remembers how much he loved her, and she could see it in his eyes, and spilled the beans.

Whose ready for a fight next chapter????

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