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Read the note at the bottom please :):)

Veronica had a pout on her lip the moment I denied her request to stay for the rest of the night. She had her arms crossed and her left foot tapping away like it would sway my answer. It didn't do a single thing.

"The answer is still no."

"Why not? We've only ever had one slumber party and last time I checked, you had told me you wanted another one."

"How was 'me being too drunk to leave your hotel room' a sleep over? And when I said I wanted to do it again I meant the drinking part!" That was an extremely crazy night, but that is another story for another time.

"Oh come on Mia! One night isn't going to hurt!"

"Go back to your place lady."




"Why not?" She begged.

"Because I have stuff to do tomorrow," I looked at the clock across from the elevator, "Well, later today really, but either way it doesn't matter because this is not my place. Inviting you over without his permission was rude enough."

"You didn't ask him?" She seemed shocked but I just shrugged her off.

"He would have said no, so I just decided that not asking would be the best route to go."

"So... just don't ask him about me staying the night then?"

"Veronica, my answer was no the first time you asked, is still no, and will still be no the next time you ask.  Besides tomorrow isn't really going to be the best day for me...you can come stay with me once I finish my move to Washington."

"Why, is everything alright?"

"It's a family thing."

"Alright," She whispered softly, "If you need someone, promise me you'll call..."

"Promise." I lied.

"Good." She smiled and held put her arms. I smiled back softly and walked into her embrace, giving her the hug I knew she needed in order to leave. Once we pulled away, she straightened her dress and walked into the elevator. When the doors closed and the elevator began its descent, I finally let go of the breath I was holding and stripped from my pants before heading straight to the bar where a bottle of whiskey with my name on it, sat ready to be drank.

I found the bottle immediately in the third middle cabinet from the left. Basically, ripping it out, I opened the bottle, grabbed a glass, filled it half way and sent it flying down my throat. The bitter taste hit me hard. I shook my head against the taste and let out a 'woo' sound before going for a second round. With the two drinks, I needed down, I placed the bottle back and grabbed a random bottle of wine.

There was a sad smile on my face as I checked the time. 0120; I raised the wine bottle into the air, Here's to you daddy. Hope you're having fun up there.


The door swung open with a loud bang. I dropped the bottle to the ground and headed into the bathroom, giving myself a good look in the mirror. My hair was a mess from the three-hour long dance party of one, and my eyes looked like they belonged to a racoon from all the tears. My cheeks were flushed and my forehead was red from when I accidently tripped and hit my head on the coffee table. I groaned as the spot began to throb from underneath my touch. That's gunna bruise! Pulling my fingers away slowly, I turned and marched back into the main bedroom.  

The music from the speakers down stairs blared from the floor below, the base from a dubstep song making everything shake. Listening to the beat, I started swaying my hips and nodding my head. The red wine from a few days ago that was given to me by Killian caught from the corner of my vision and instantly drew my complete attention. I wobbled over and snatched it from its place on my dresser.

One look at it and I exploded into an uncontrollable fit of giggles. With a huge grin, I ripped out the cork with my teeth and chugged.
With the bottle half way down, I stumbled my way to the first floor and dug through my pile of clothes for my phone. There was a missed call from Killian. Grinning like the Cheshire cat, I unlocked the iPhone and hit the recall button. I let loose a small gleeful scream the moment he answered.


"Hi Killian!" I screamed above the music.

"Mia...w-where are you?" I could hardly hear him above the music.

"You're place silly. Where else would I be?"

"Mia, do you have pe..." His voice went out the moment the beat dropped. I waited for him to repeat what he'd said but all he responded with was hello.

"Give me a second Killibear!" Placing the phone onto the couch, I grabbed the remote and clicked the pause button. The moment the music stopped, I had the phone in my hand,

"What'd you say?"

"Who is at my place Mia!?" He growled. I grinned and started swaying even though he couldn't see me.

"Just me...Yey party of one!" I giggled. He sighed on the other end bringing me to a halt, "What's wrong? Oh no, is it late?"

"No, but it should be around 3 am for you, why are you up right now?"

"I don't want to sleep!" I snapped like a child.

"Why not? You need to sleep Mia; I know that today of all days-"

"Don't pity me."


"I don't want your pity Killian." I stood firmly in the middle of his front room. Everything around me was dead silent.

"You really think it's pity coming from me? You of all people should know that I would not pity you for this, god damn it Mia, I was there. I was there through all the suffering you went through! It's not pity-"

"So why aren't you here?"


"You're never here for me anymore. Five years of being alone with just myself and people who would never really understand-"

"Mia-" his voice softened, rekindling the anger that was starting to disappear.

"No one understands! That day, when they knocked on my uncle's door. I knew what it meant the moment I saw their uniforms, the look on their faces, the gasp from my aunts' lips, her coffee cup shattering as it hit the floor...do you even know what I felt that day? What I felt the moment those two guys locked eyes with me? My heart shattered Killian...just like this day, five years ago when I realized I was actually alone."

"I'm not doing this over the phone."

"You're not doing anything! You can't do anything because like always your there and I'm here!"

"Why are you so angry right now!?" He growled in frustration.

"I don't know...Why do you have so much alcohol Killian! I mean seriously," I took a drink from the whiskey he had hidden in his room, "There's some very delicious bottles of whiskey in your room-"

"You're drunk."


"You're a very mean drunk!"

"Nope, just a truthful one. You hurt me Killian. You hurt me the moment you decided to leave me. All this world does is hurt me. First my mother, then my father, then you, then Ashley...everyone just has to go on and leave and hurt me..."

"Mia you need to stop drinking. Hang up this phone and go to your bed. I will call Roger and he can come get you. How much have you had to drink?"

"A bottle here and there...and your bed is much comfier." I slurred, remembering what the memory foam underneath dark blue silk covers felt like from when I tried it out earlier.

"Then go to my bed Mia. My room is all yours, just please stop drinking, you're going to hurt yourself-"

"Why does it matter, everyone else does-"

"Jesus Christ Mia...please I beg of you just go to bed, please do not do anything rash. I can fly home immediately-"

"No, your business needs you. You chose it over me anyways."

"Mia you don't-"

"Goodbye Killian." The phone slipped from my hand and I stumbled my way across the place and into his room. The room wasn't bad; it was huge compared to the guest room. All it seemed like was a large open space with a king-sized bed sitting against the back wall covered in dark blue silk. There were two dressers and three other doors. I didn't feel like exploring but I was sure one was for the bathroom, and one for his closet; the third was a mystery.
Part of me wanted to open the third one, to see where the door led, but the large memory foam mattress covered in a pool of pure silk was calling my name. It whispered my name repeatedly, the voice deep and rich, smooth like the silk it was covered in.

With a sigh, I placed his bottle of whiskey clumsily on one of the dressers and walked over to the bed. I ripped my bra out from underneath my black camisole and jumped onto the giant cloud of silk. Instantly my body melted into the mattress, a soft moan escaping my lips as the silk cooled my flushed skin. This is amazing. He sleeps like a God.

That's exactly what this bed was made for, a God, and if you asked me in a way Killian deserved this bed, because if he was any god, he'd be the God of Sex. That wouldn't be bad right now, especially on this bed...I was about to roll off the bed to make a call when something in the night stand next to the bed, began to vibrate against the wood.

Crawling to the opposite side of the bed, I opened the top drawer and saw the object that was making the noise. I went to pick it up but paused when a picture caught my eye. I pushed the phone off the frame and gasped. It was a picture of Killian and me when I graduated from high school. I remembered that day clearly because it was the last day I saw Killian before this week.

He had been wearing Capri shorts with a light blue polo. He was smiling, his dimples peeking through as his eyes radiated with happiness. I had my purple robe on, but underneath I was wearing a thigh length, strapless, pale pink dress, that flowed out around the waist. You couldn't tell, but I had been barefoot in the picture.

I'd been wearing black pumps that day and every time I stepped on the grass, the heels would start to sink. The picture had been taken not even five minutes after I removed my shoes. It showed how short I was compared to Killian, of course everyone was basically shorter then him.

He seemed happy, extremely happy actually. It made me wonder what exactly changed, or better yet-- The phone began to buzz again breaking off my line of thought. I answered it angrily praying that it was one of his whores.

"Killian's secret phone, if you want to fuck him you'll have to try again later, he's not home."

"You really are drunk." It was my uncle's voice on the other line and from his tone, I could easily tell he wasn't handling the morning well either.


"Did you stop?"

"Kind of," I looked over towards the whiskey and held a hand out, "It's too far and I don't want to get up, Killian's bed is like heaven!"

"I'm sending some guys over."


"I can't come over Mia, but I'm not leaving you alone."

"Why can't you? You live here!"

"I'm...I'm a little tied up okay. You've met Christopher before so I can send him--"

"I'm fine uncle, just leave me be!"

"No Mia! I will not leave you be! You are putting yourself in harm's way with how you're acting!"


"So?...So!? Mia Elizabeth Renée, you are acting like a child! Christopher is coming over and he is removing every drop of alcohol! If I have to I will have you locked up for the rest of the day!"

"But I'm your precious niece...you wouldn't dare!"

"If putting you behind bars for a day means you're safe, then yes, yes I will. So, what will it be Mia? Christopher or bars?"

"Screw you." I hung up the phone and chucked it across the room, watching it, as it soared through the air and dropped to the ground after hitting the wall with a loud thud. I stared at it for only a second, thinking it would grow legs and walk back over, but I quickly got over it and pulled Killian's comforter up to my nose.
It smelled like him. Mint and pine. The mixture of the two were perfect together. Like peanut butter and jelly, like ranch and salad, like me and Carden. "Why did you go?" I asked to no one. "Why did you close the door? We could have made it you know, and then this day would have been much easier. Me and you would be in Florida. I'd be handcuffed to the couch while you played video games making sure I didn't drink myself into oblivion. I hate you Carden. You left me like everyone else in this damn world." Everyone always leaves...

Growling at the amount of self-pity in the air, I flung the covers back and pushed onto my feet. I walked out of Killian's room, slipped my clothes back on, and moved to the elevator. Like any normal person when it opened, I walked in and hit the button for the ground level. It was only a minute or two before it stopped and opened with a bing.

The front desk lady looked at me with surprise. I rolled my eyes and walked past her, stopping dead in my tracks when Christopher walked through the front doors wearing dark jeans and a red T-shirt. He stared at me for only a second before lunging for my arms. I spun on my heel ready to run, but he was much faster than I anticipated and caught my bicep at the last second. "Let go!" I growled as I attempted to rip my arm free.

"Ma'am, please head back into the condominium."

"I don't want to be in there!" I pouted and tried to sit on the floor so it would be harder for him to pull me. Like I was a mere feather, he hauled me up and yanked me back into the elevator. I started screaming immediately. "This is kidnapping! You can't do this! Let me go! I refuse to go with you! Let go! Let go! Let's go!" I tried to yank free but his grip was like iron.

"Ms. Renée can you please calm down? With all this struggling you're only going to hurt yourself..."

"Screw you, you worthless piece of filth!"

"So mature..." he said with a roll of his eyes, only adding more fuel to my anger. I twisted, kicked, swung and even tried to spit in his face, but he managed to dodge everything I threw at him. It annoyed me, especially when I realized we were already back in Killian's condo.

"What the hell are you?" I hissed towards his fast reflexes, "A damn ninja?"

"No, just really good at my job."

"Well your job is not required here so take your stupid things and leave!"

"Actually, your uncle ordered me to stay with you all day."

"He made you my freaking personal body guard?" You stupid piece of crap! I didn't need a body guard, what I needed was to get out of this prison.

"He doesn't want you to harm yourself, though from the three empty wine glasses on the floor, I'm sure you've already destroyed your liver..."

"Fuck you. In fact, fuck you, fuck my uncle, fucking fuck Killian. All of you need to just leave me the fuck alone."

"That's not a very nice thing to say to the man who took you in after your father passed away..." He said nonchalantly. I instantly exploded.

"You shut the fuck up about him! You didn't know him; you don't know me! You have no god damn right to say anything about my father!"

"You know...everything you say goes in one ear and out the other. My sister is an angry drunk just like you, so I'm use to handling your kind."

"Filth! I'm going to call the cops and get you locked up! How dare you touch me."

"Looks like it's your bed time." He kicked my door open and literally shoved me in. I scrambled to my feet and rushed for the door but before I could get close, he slammed it shut and then I heard something click. From the other side, I heard him chuckle, "Your uncle told me these doors lock from the outside. I'll let you out once the alcohol is out of your system and you're sober." I pounded on the door until my fists were throbbing. Very quickly, the energy from my anger seeped away and I was left with nothing but warm tears falling down my cheeks as I laid sprawled out on the floor. Please come back...


Alright my precious Millian's let's make a deal. So far "Chasing Mia" is at 28.5K reads...now im not asking for a lot...but I would really, really appreciate it if we could get CM up too 30K! Now if we accomplish this three things will happen:

1) A surprise will be given out (I know the fans will really appreciate it!!)

2) There will be an update the moment I see the reads.

3) The top three commenters will have the updated chapter dedicated to them.

I've also decided that if the chapter last published reaches 300 reads, I will update early!

Now besides that I have some news, about the novel, especially for those who he reread CM. Chapters are going to be added!! There are some things that were suppose to be in book two that will now be in book one. I expect 3-5 chapters to be added, maybe more. This also means the ending will be a little different.

Thank you all for keeping up with me so far!! I love you all!!


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